Ping An Healthcare and Technology Stock Soared 10% - Managed Care Takes Center Stage in Corporate Health Management

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Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company (Stock Code: 1833.HK) saw its share price surge by nearly 10% on September 26, 2024, peaking at HK$12.08. The rally was fueled by the U.S. Federal Reserve's 50 basis point decrease in the federal funds rate target and China's focus on addressing its aging population challenges. Ping An Health has intensified its investments in the senior care sector, developing a comprehensive '3-in-1' senior care concierge system.

The company's 2024 interim report showed revenue of RMB2.09 billion, turning a profit for the first time with earnings exceeding RMB60 million. The B-end strategic business revenue reached RMB710 million, a 58.8% year-on-year increase. By the end of June 2024, the total number of corporate clients served grew 46% year-on-year to 1,748. Ping An Health continues to improve its 'Enterprise EZHealth' corporate health management product portfolio to meet diverse client needs.

La Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company (Codice Azionario: 1833.HK) ha visto il suo prezzo delle azioni aumentare di quasi il 10% il 26 settembre 2024, raggiungendo il massimo di HK$12.08. Il rally è stato alimentato dalla riduzione di 50 punti base del tasso obiettivo dei fondi federali da parte della Federal Reserve degli Stati Uniti e dall'attenzione della Cina nell'affrontare le sfide legate all'invecchiamento della popolazione. Ping An Health ha intensificato i propri investimenti nel settore della cura degli anziani, sviluppando un sistema concierge completo per la cura degli anziani '3-in-1'.

Il rapporto intermedio del 2024 dell'azienda ha mostrato ricavi di RMB2.09 miliardi, generando un profitto per la prima volta con utili superiori a RMB60 milioni. I ricavi strategici del segmento B-end hanno raggiunto RMB710 milioni, con un aumento del 58.8% rispetto all'anno precedente. Entro la fine di giugno 2024, il numero totale di clienti aziendali serviti è cresciuto del 46% anno su anno, raggiungendo 1.748. Ping An Health continua a migliorare il proprio portafoglio di prodotti di gestione della salute aziendale 'Enterprise EZHealth' per soddisfare le diverse esigenze dei clienti.

La empresa Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company (Código de Acciones: 1833.HK) vio cómo su precio de acciones aumentó casi un 10% el 26 de septiembre de 2024, alcanzando un pico de HK$12.08. El aumento fue impulsado por la reducción de 50 puntos básicos en la tasa objetivo de los fondos federales de la Reserva Federal de EE. UU. y el enfoque de China en abordar los desafíos de su población envejecida. Ping An Health ha intensificado sus inversiones en el sector del cuidado de ancianos, desarrollando un sistema de conserjería integral para el cuidado de mayores '3-en-1'.

El informe intermedio de 2024 de la empresa mostró ingresos de RMB2.09 mil millones, obteniendo ganancias por primera vez con beneficios superiores a RMB60 millones. Los ingresos estratégicos del segmento B-end alcanzaron RMB710 millones, un aumento del 58.8% en comparación con el año anterior. A finales de junio de 2024, el número total de clientes corporativos atendidos aumentó un 46% interanual, alcanzando 1,748. Ping An Health continúa mejorando su cartera de productos de gestión de salud corporativa 'Enterprise EZHealth' para satisfacer diversas necesidades de los clientes.

핑안 헬스케어 및 기술 회사 (주식 코드: 1833.HK)는 2024년 9월 26일 주가가 거의 10% 상승하며 최고가인 HK$12.08에 도달했습니다. 이러한 상승은 미국 연방준비제도의 기준금리를 50bp 인하한 것과 중국의 노인 문제 해결에 대한 집중에 의해 촉발되었습니다. 핑안 헬스는 노인 돌봄 부문에 대한 투자를 강화하고 있으며, 종합적인 '3-in-1' 노인 돌봄 컨시어지 시스템을 개발하고 있습니다.

회사의 2024년 중간 보고서에서는 수익이 20억 9천만 위안에 달하며 60백만 위안을 초과하는 수익을 올리는 첫 번째 이익을 기록했습니다. B-end 전략 사업의 수익은 7억 1천만 위안으로, 전년 대비 58.8% 증가했습니다. 2024년 6월 말까지 서비스한 기업 고객의 총 수는 전년 대비 46% 증가하여 1,748명에 달했습니다. 핑안 헬스는 다양한 고객의 요구를 충족하기 위해 'Enterprise EZHealth' 기업 건강 관리 제품 포트폴리오를 지속적으로 개선하고 있습니다.

La société Ping An Healthcare and Technology (Code de l’Action : 1833.HK) a vu son prix d'action augmenter de près de 10 % le 26 septembre 2024, atteignant un sommet à HK$12,08. Ce rallye a été alimenté par la réduction de 50 points de base du taux directeur des fonds fédéraux par la Réserve Fédérale des États-Unis et par la concentration de la Chine sur les défis liés à sa population vieillissante. Ping An Health a intensifié ses investissements dans le secteur des soins aux personnes âgées, développant un système de conciergerie pour les soins aux personnes âgées '3-en-1'.

Le rapport intermédiaire de l'entreprise pour 2024 a montré des revenus de 2,09 milliards de RMB, réalisant un bénéfice pour la première fois avec des gains dépassant 60 millions de RMB. Les revenus du segment stratégique B-end ont atteint 710 millions de RMB, soit une augmentation de 58,8 % par rapport à l'année précédente. À la fin juin 2024, le nombre total de clients d'entreprise servis a augmenté de 46 % par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 1 748. Ping An Health continue d'améliorer son portefeuille de produits de gestion de la santé d'entreprise 'Enterprise EZHealth' pour répondre aux divers besoins des clients.

Die Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company (Aktiencode: 1833.HK) verzeichnete am 26. September 2024 einen Anstieg ihres Aktienkurses um fast 10%, wobei sie einen Höchststand von HK$12.08 erreichte. Der Anstieg wurde durch die senkung des Zielzinses der Federal Reserve um 50 Basispunkte sowie Chinas Fokus auf die Herausforderungen einer alternden Bevölkerung begünstigt. Ping An Health hat seine Investitionen im Bereich Altenpflege intensiviert und ein umfassendes '3-in-1'-Concierge-System für die Altenpflege entwickelt.

Der Zwischenbericht des Unternehmens für 2024 wies Einnahmen von 2,09 Milliarden RMB aus und erzielte damit zum ersten Mal einen Gewinn mit Überschüssen von über 60 Millionen RMB. Die Einnahmen des strategischen B-Endgeschäfts beliefen sich auf 710 Millionen RMB, was einem Anstieg von 58,8 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht. Bis Ende Juni 2024 wuchs die Gesamtzahl der betreuten Unternehmenskunden im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 46 % auf 1.748. Ping An Health verbessert weiterhin sein Produktportfolio im Bereich Gesundheitsmanagement für Unternehmen 'Enterprise EZHealth', um unterschiedlichen Kundenbedürfnissen gerecht zu werden.

  • Share price surged by nearly 10%, peaking at HK$12.08
  • Turned a profit for the first time with earnings exceeding RMB60 million
  • Revenue reached RMB2.09 billion in H1 2024
  • B-end strategic business revenue increased 58.8% year-on-year to RMB710 million
  • Total number of corporate clients grew 46% year-on-year to 1,748
  • None.

SHANGHAI, Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On September 26, 2024, Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company Limited ("Ping An Good Doctor", "Ping An Health", or "the Company", Stock Code: 1833.HK), China's leading healthcare ecosystem platform, saw its share price surge by nearly 10% during the trading session, peaking at HK$12.08.

The U.S. Federal Reserve's recent announcement of a 50 basis point decrease in the federal funds rate target has further boosted liquidity, fueling the rally of internet healthcare stocks in the Hong Kong market. Additionally, on September 23, the State Council Information Office held a press conference focused on "Promoting High-Quality Development." According to publicly available data, as of the end of 2023, China's population aged 60 and above had reached 297 million. During the press conference, the Ministry of Civil Affairs emphasized that effective measures would be taken to address the challenge, including the development and implementation of an effective senior care service system tailored to China's needs.

Since 2024, the term "silver economy" has emerged as one of the most talked-about topics in China, with the senior care industry experiencing rapid growth and presenting immense opportunities. In response to this demographic shift, Ping An Health has intensified its investments in the sector in line with its proactive growth strategy.

Over recent years, the Company has intensified its efforts to develop a comprehensive "3-in-1" senior care concierge system integrating smart concierges, daily life concierges, and doctor concierges. By providing personalized and comprehensive senior care services, the Company aims to meet the diverse needs of the senior population while expanding the company's service boundaries and revenue streams. Currently, the Company's home-based senior care benefits are available in 64 cities across China, up by 10 cities from 31 December 2023.

Ping An Health 2024 interim report showed that in the first half of the year, the Company's revenue reached RMB2.09 billion, turning a profit for the first time with earnings exceeding RMB60 million and an adjusted net profit nearing RMB90 million. Following optimization of its business structure, coupled with steady performance in F-end (insurance and financial service customers) and rapid growth in B-end (corporate clients) operations, the Company achieved profitability for the first time, marking a milestone and further showcasing the growth and the development potential of its Strategy 2.0.

The core business model of Ping An Health's Strategy 2.0 is to act for three main payers, including integrated finance business (F-end), corporate clients (B-end) and individual customers (C-end), and integrate providers. By focusing on the development of family doctors and senior care concierges, the Company aims to provide customers with high-quality, cost-effective health care and senior care services.

Corporate health management is a pivotal element within the Company's Strategy 2.0 Continuum and a key engine of its long-term growth. During the first six months of 2024, the Company's B-end strategic business revenue reached RMB710 million, a year-on-year increase of 58.8%. By the end of June 2024, the total number of corporate clients served by the Company grew 46% year-on-year to 1,748, consolidating its leadership within the sector.

During the reporting period, Ping An Health consistently improves its "Enterprise EZHealth" corporate health management product portfolio, including "Health Management +" and "Health Checkup +". These enhancements aim to establish a more competitive and differentiated product service matrix to meet the diverse needs of corporate clients.

Looking ahead, the strong foundation of China's economy and the sustained momentum of its recovery bode well for Ping An Health. As the flagship and sole online platform for Ping An Group's healthcare and senior care ecosystem, Ping An Health will continue to further develop a Chinese "managed care model", in alignment with the group's strategy of "integrated finance + health and senior care".


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SOURCE Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company Limited


What was Ping An Healthcare and Technology's (PIAHY) stock performance on September 26, 2024?

Ping An Healthcare and Technology's stock price surged by nearly 10% on September 26, 2024, peaking at HK$12.08.

How much revenue did Ping An Health (PIAHY) report in its 2024 interim report?

Ping An Health reported revenue of RMB2.09 billion in its 2024 interim report for the first half of the year.

What was the growth rate of Ping An Health's (PIAHY) B-end strategic business revenue in H1 2024?

Ping An Health's B-end strategic business revenue reached RMB710 million in H1 2024, representing a year-on-year increase of 58.8%.

How many corporate clients did Ping An Health (PIAHY) serve by the end of June 2024?

By the end of June 2024, Ping An Health served a total of 1,748 corporate clients, representing a 46% year-on-year growth.



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