Ping An Health's MSCI ESG Rating Elevates to "AA"

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Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company (Stock Code: 1833.HK) has achieved an MSCI ESG rating upgrade from 'A' to 'AA'. This improvement highlights the company's strong ESG practices in the healthcare sector. Ping An Health has integrated sustainability into its business processes, introducing innovative products like 'Enterprise EZHealth' for corporate clients.

The company has leveraged AI technology to enhance medical service quality, achieving a 99.8% Class A rate for AI-generated electronic medical records and 100% compliance accuracy for medication prescriptions. Ping An Health has also prioritized data security and customer privacy, obtaining ISO 27001, 27701, and 27799 certifications.

Contributing to the 'Healthy China 2030' goal, Ping An Health has implemented various social initiatives, including the 'Village Doctor Program' and chronic disease management services. The company aims to create a sustainable industry ecosystem by integrating ESG concepts into its business practices.

La Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company (Codice Azionario: 1833.HK) ha ottenuto un upgrade della valutazione MSCI ESG da 'A' a 'AA'. Questo miglioramento sottolinea le forti pratiche ESG dell'azienda nel settore della salute. Ping An Health ha integrato la sostenibilità nei suoi processi aziendali, introducendo prodotti innovativi come 'Enterprise EZHealth' per i clienti corporate.

L'azienda ha sfruttato la tecnologia AI per migliorare la qualità del servizio medico, raggiungendo un tasso del 99,8% di Classe A per i record medici elettronici generati da AI e il 100% di accuratezza nella conformità delle prescrizioni medicinali. Ping An Health ha anche dato priorità a sicurezza dei dati e privacy dei clienti, ottenendo le certificazioni ISO 27001, 27701 e 27799.

Contribuendo all'obiettivo di 'Healthy China 2030', Ping An Health ha implementato varie iniziative sociali, tra cui il 'Programma per i Medici di Villaggio' e servizi di gestione delle malattie croniche. L'azienda mira a creare un ecosistema industriale sostenibile integrando i concetti ESG nelle sue pratiche aziendali.

Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company (Código de acciones: 1833.HK) ha logrado una mejora en la calificación ESG de MSCI de 'A' a 'AA'. Esta mejora resalta las sólidas prácticas ESG de la empresa en el sector de la salud. Ping An Health ha integrado la sostenibilidad en sus procesos empresariales, introduciendo productos innovadores como 'Enterprise EZHealth' para clientes corporativos.

La empresa ha aprovechado la tecnología de IA para mejorar la calidad del servicio médico, alcanzando una tasa del 99,8% de Clase A para los registros médicos electrónicos generados por IA y una precisión de cumplimiento del 100% para las recetas de medicamentos. Ping An Health también ha priorizado la seguridad de los datos y la privacidad del cliente, obteniendo certificaciones ISO 27001, 27701 y 27799.

Contribuyendo al objetivo de 'Healthy China 2030', Ping An Health ha implementado diversas iniciativas sociales, incluido el 'Programa de Médicos de Aldea' y servicios de gestión de enfermedades crónicas. La empresa tiene como objetivo crear un ecosistema industrial sostenible integrando conceptos ESG en sus prácticas comerciales.

핑안 헬스케어 및 기술 회사(주식 코드: 1833.HK)가 'A'에서 'AA'로의 MSCI ESG 등급 상승을 달성했습니다. 이 개선은 의료 부문에서 회사의 강력한 ESG 관행을 강조합니다. 핑안 헬스는 지속 가능성을 비즈니스 프로세스에 통합하여 기업 고객을 위한 'Enterprise EZHealth'와 같은 혁신적인 제품을 도입했습니다.

회사는 AI 기술을 활용해 의료 서비스의 질을 향상시켰으며, AI가 생성한 전자 의료 기록에서 99.8% A급 비율을 달성하고, 약물 처방의 100% 준수 정확성을 달성했습니다. 핑안 헬스는 또한 데이터 보안 및 고객 프라이버시를 최우선으로 삼고, ISO 27001, 27701, 27799 인증을 받았습니다.

'Healthy China 2030' 목표에 기여하기 위해 핑안 헬스는 '마을 의사 프로그램' 및 만성 질환 관리 서비스와 같은 다양한 사회적 이니셔티브를 시행했습니다. 이 회사는 ESG 개념을 비즈니스 관행에 통합하여 지속 가능한 산업 생태계를 조성하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

La Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company (Code boursier : 1833.HK) a obtenu une amélioration de la notation ESG MSCI de 'A' à 'AA'. Cette amélioration met en évidence les solides pratiques ESG de l'entreprise dans le secteur de la santé. Ping An Health a intégré la durabilité dans ses processus commerciaux, introduisant des produits innovants tels que 'Enterprise EZHealth' pour les clients d'entreprise.

L'entreprise a tiré parti de la technologie AI pour améliorer la qualité des services médicaux, atteignant un taux de 99,8 % de classe A pour les dossiers médicaux électroniques générés par IA et une précision de conformité de 100 % pour les prescriptions de médicaments. Ping An Health a également donné la priorité à la sécurité des données et à la confidentialité des clients, obtenant les certifications ISO 27001, 27701 et 27799.

Contribuant à l'objectif de 'Healthy China 2030', Ping An Health a mis en œuvre diverses initiatives sociales, y compris le 'Programme de Médecins de Village' et des services de gestion des maladies chroniques. L'entreprise vise à créer un écosystème industriel durable en intégrant les concepts ESG dans ses pratiques commerciales.

Die Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company (Aktiencode: 1833.HK) hat ein Upgrade der MSCI ESG-Bewertung von 'A' auf 'AA' erreicht. Diese Verbesserung hebt die starken ESG-Praktiken des Unternehmens im Gesundheitssektor hervor. Ping An Health hat Nachhaltigkeit in seine Geschäftsprozesse integriert und innovative Produkte wie 'Enterprise EZHealth' für Unternehmenskunden eingeführt.

Das Unternehmen hat KI-Technologie genutzt, um die Qualität der medizinischen Dienstleistungen zu verbessern und erreicht eine Klassifizierungsrate von 99,8 % für KI-generierte elektronische Gesundheitsakten und eine 100 %ige Compliance-Genauigkeit bei Medikamentenverschreibungen. Ping An Health hat auch Datensicherheit und den Schutz der Kundenprivatsphäre priorisiert und die Zertifizierungen ISO 27001, 27701 und 27799 erhalten.

Zur Unterstützung des 'Healthy China 2030'-Ziels hat Ping An Health verschiedene soziale Initiativen implementiert, darunter das 'Dorfarztprogramm' und Dienstleistungen zur Verwaltung chronischer Krankheiten. Das Unternehmen beabsichtigt, ein nachhaltiges Branchenökosystem zu schaffen, indem es ESG-Konzepte in seine Geschäftspraktiken integriert.

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Pioneering Sustainable Development in the Healthcare Sector

HONG KONG and SHANGHAI, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company Limited ("Ping An Good Doctor", "Ping An Health", or "the Company", Stock Code: 1833.HK) is pleased to announce that its annual Environmental, Social, and Governance ("ESG") rating has been elevated from an "A" to an "AA" by MSCI. This notable upgrade sets the Company apart in the health care providers and services industry, as per the classification standards of the Hang Seng Index. Prior to this milestone, Ping An Health's MSCI ESG rating had consistently secured an "A" grade for three successive years. This improvement in the rating is a testament to the ongoing recognition of the Company's robust ESG practices by respected international authorities.

The MSCI ESG rating is a globally recognized ESG evaluation system, esteemed by investment institutions on a global scale. This authoritative and credible rating system extends its coverage to over 16,400 issuers worldwide. The outcomes of this rating are extensively employed by both domestic and international investors in their decision-making processes. It serves as an indispensable reference when devising investment strategies and evaluating a company's capacity for sustainable development.

Sustainability Drives Product Innovation

Corporate governance plays a pivotal role in fulfilling ESG responsibilities. Paramount aspects of this include the capacity to attract and retain elite talent, coupled with nurturing mutual growth between employees and the company. These dimensions serve as critical indicators of a company's level of corporate governance and its core competitiveness.

Since 2022, Ping An Health has seamlessly woven the concept of ESG sustainable development into its business processes, management operations, and product service innovations. In its commitment to safeguarding employee health, the Company has introduced the "Enterprise EZHealth" solution for corporate clients, with the ambition to redefine domestic corporate health management standards. Ping An Health has instituted two major product and service systems: "Health Checkup +" and "Health Management +". These pioneering services provide dedicated health doctors for employees at all stages - before, during, and after checkups, offering proactive butler-style health management services for both employees and their families. By deeply understanding and addressing the health management needs of workplace employees, the Company has realized a closed-loop health management system that spans from "health detection, risk management" to "health intervention, medication, and medical treatment". This comprehensive approach aids in enhancing the overall health status of employees. As of the conclusion of 2023, Ping An Health has aided a total of 1,748 companies in cultivating healthy and joyful workplaces, further cementing its leading position in the market.

AI "Safeguards" Quality Control in Healthcare and User Experience

The relentless advancement of AI technology and tech-enabled solutions has been pivotal in augmenting the quality and efficiency of Ping An Health's medical services. Over the years, Ping An Health App platform has amassed over 1.4 billion consultations. Through cutting-edge AI technology, the Company has accomplished comprehensive online consultation quality control, with over 50,000 severe disease lock-screen identification tags. The AI-generated electronic medical records have undergone meticulous manual inspection, achieving a Class A rate of 99.8%, significantly surpassing national standards. In terms of medication prescription quality control, the Company has achieved an impeccable compliance accuracy rate of 100%.

The benefits of AI-enabled solutions are also beginning to manifest in the enhancement of user service experience. As of the end of June 2024, Ping An Health's "Ping An Medical Master" AI model has enabled AI across all medical process business scenarios, aiding in boosting family doctor service efficiency by approximately 30%. Concurrently, in various consultation and advisory business scenarios, its service has received a five-star rating of over 98%, an electronic medical record Class A rate of 99.8%, and a medication compliance accuracy rate of 100%.

Upholding the Security of Consumer Healthcare Privacy

Ensuring data security and customer privacy is at the heart of Ping An Health's steadfast development. To this end, the Company has persistently championed the construction of its information security and privacy protection management system. In terms of system construction, Ping An Health has instituted an Information Security and Data Security Management Committee, which reports to the Audit and Risk Management Committee, guaranteeing effective execution of information security and privacy management. In 2023, the Company issued the "Statement on Information Security and Data Security Management Policy of Ping An Health", further delineating the relevant regulations for information security and privacy protection management.

In terms of system certification, Ping An Health has secured ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Certification, ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System Certification, and ISO 27799 Certification of Personal Information Security Management in Healthcare. These encompass 100% of its business, illustrating its stringent level of information security management. For full-process information security assurance, Ping An Health erects information security barriers through its own risk monitoring and privacy protection measures, including data leakage prevention and emergency handling of information security incidents. For suppliers and partners, Ping An Health also conducts information security risk assessments, undertaking a full-process review from supplier introduction, contract signing, sample auditing, and safety audits. The review requirements extend to all suppliers, business partners, and other third parties.

Universal Healthcare Aids in Realizing Healthy China 2030

In recent years, Ping An Health has fully harnessed the timely and efficient advantages of internet healthcare to transcend the time and space constraints of medical and health services. Through participation in poverty alleviation projects, epidemic aid, disaster relief, implementation of village doctor programs, and promotion of universal healthcare, Ping An Health have embraced its social responsibilities in multiple dimensions and practiced social welfare, actively contributing to the harmonious development of society.

For instance, to realize the "Healthy China 2030" goal, Ping An Health has actively heeded the national call for poverty alleviation. Since 2018, the Company has launched the "Village Doctor Program" offline, implementing a three-dimensional health poverty alleviation project targeting village clinics, village doctors, and villagers. By the end of 2023, Ping An Health had cumulatively aided in the construction and upgrading of 1,228 rural clinics in remote areas, trained over 11,000 village doctors, and helped establish partnerships between more than 10,000 village doctors and volunteer doctors. Ping An Health has conducted over 700 mobile health checkups and free health consultation, benefiting over 100,000 villagers. Meanwhile, Ping An Health has deeply integrated its internal medical resources to donate supplies to places like Yanbian Prefecture in Jilin Province, as well as Hunan Province, and Guizhou Province, aiding in enhancing the basic medical service level and health literacy of residents in impoverished areas.

Meanwhile, to assist more patients in receiving professional and compassionate chronic disease management, Ping An Health also offers users a worry-free, time-saving, and money-saving one-stop "Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Service". Since its inception in 2021, the Company, in partnership with Ping An Life, has deeply served over 1 million users and provided personalized health management plans to 800,000 users, effectively preventing and controlling chronic diseases.

As Chinese enterprises continue to deepen their ESG practices, the understanding of ESG is evolving from "what it is" to "how to implement it". The healthcare industry inherently possesses a public nature and unique ESG value. Looking ahead, Zang Luoqi, Executive Vice President and CFO of Ping An Health, stated that the Company will persist in strengthening its exploration and communication with all stakeholders in the direction of ESG. By integrating and applying ESG concepts and principles into business practices, they aim to create a sustainable and mutually beneficial industry ecosystem. This approach is expected to generate social value with richer connotations, thereby jointly promoting the advancement of ESG theory and practice in China, and contributing to the high-quality development of China's economy and society.

About Ping An Healthcare And Technology Company Limited

Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company Limited ("Ping An Good Doctor", "Ping An Health", or "the Company"; Stock Code: 1833.HK), established in 2014, is the flagship of Ping An's healthcare and elderly care ecosystem. The Company was listed on the Main Board of HKEX on 4 May 2018.

Ping An Health has leveraged its core competencies to enhance its managed care strategy. These competencies include rich payer resources for healthcare services such as insurance and financial clients, as well as corporate clients. Ping An Health is also empowered by its extensive supplier network, comprehensive service standard system, and strong Ping An ecosystem. Moreover, the Company is committed to building two main strategic pillars: "family doctor" and "senior care concierges". They focus on professional, comprehensive, high-quality, one-stop healthcare and senior care management services.

Going forward, Ping An Health will adhere to the value proposition of "worry-free, time-saving and money-saving", with the vision "to provide every enterprise with a harmonious workplace, every family with a dedicated doctor, and every user with a safe and healthcare life". The Company will improve products with "ingenuity" and establish reputation with quality. Ping An Health will provide sustainable long-term value to users, shareholders and society through bridging doctors and patients with professionalism and safeguard everyone's health.

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SOURCE Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company Limited


What is Ping An Health's new MSCI ESG rating as of October 2024?

Ping An Health's MSCI ESG rating has been elevated from 'A' to 'AA' as of October 2024.

How has Ping An Health (PIAHY) integrated ESG into its business?

Since 2022, Ping An Health has integrated ESG sustainable development into its business processes, management operations, and product service innovations, including the introduction of 'Enterprise EZHealth' for corporate clients.

What AI achievements has Ping An Health (PIAHY) made in healthcare?

Ping An Health has achieved comprehensive online consultation quality control with over 50,000 severe disease lock-screen identification tags, 99.8% Class A rate for AI-generated electronic medical records, and 100% compliance accuracy for medication prescriptions.

How is Ping An Health (PIAHY) contributing to the 'Healthy China 2030' goal?

Ping An Health is contributing through initiatives like the 'Village Doctor Program', which has aided in constructing 1,228 rural clinics, trained over 11,000 village doctors, and benefited over 100,000 villagers through health checkups and consultations.

What certifications has Ping An Health (PIAHY) obtained for information security?

Ping An Health has secured ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Certification, ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System Certification, and ISO 27799 Certification of Personal Information Security Management in Healthcare.



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