Phreesia Joins the Network Advertising Initiative as a Member, Demonstrating Ongoing Commitment to Industry-Leading Privacy Practices

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Phreesia, a leader in patient activation, has joined the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI), a non-profit organization dedicated to responsible data collection and use in digital advertising. This move demonstrates Phreesia's commitment to consumer data privacy and industry-leading privacy practices.

As an NAI member, Phreesia will:

  • Promote consumer-centric privacy practices in healthcare
  • Take a leadership role in shaping the national conversation around data privacy
  • Advocate for national policies that allow beneficial use of healthcare data while preserving consumer privacy

Phreesia's platform focuses on personalized health content built on principles of privacy and consent. The company's research shows that consumers value receiving relevant health information, with over 80% of surveyed individuals appreciating personalized content about medications or therapies related to their health conditions.

Phreesia, leader nell'attivazione dei pazienti, è diventata membro della Network Advertising Initiative (NAI), un'organizzazione senza scopo di lucro dedicata alla raccolta e all'uso responsabile dei dati nella pubblicità digitale. Questa mossa dimostra l'impegno di Phreesia per la privacy dei dati dei consumatori e le pratiche di privacy all'avanguardia nel settore.

In quanto membro della NAI, Phreesia si impegnerà a:

  • Promuovere pratiche di privacy focalizzate sul consumatore nel settore sanitario
  • Assumere un ruolo di leadership nel plasmare la conversazione nazionale sulla privacy dei dati
  • Advocare per politiche nazionali che consentano l'uso vantaggioso dei dati sanitari preservando comunque la privacy del consumatore

La piattaforma di Phreesia si concentra su contenuti sanitari personalizzati fondati sui principi di privacy e consenso. La ricerca dell'azienda mostra che i consumatori apprezzano ricevere informazioni sanitarie rilevanti, con oltre l'80% delle persone interpellate che apprezza contenuti personalizzati sui farmaci o le terapie relative alle proprie condizioni di salute.

Phreesia, un líder en la activación de pacientes, se ha unido a la Network Advertising Initiative (NAI), una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a la recolección y uso responsable de datos en la publicidad digital. Este movimiento demuestra el compromiso de Phreesia con la privacidad de los datos de los consumidores y prácticas de privacidad líderes en la industria.

Como miembro de la NAI, Phreesia se comprometerá a:

  • Promover prácticas de privacidad centradas en el consumidor en el sector salud
  • Tomar un papel de liderazgo en dar forma a la conversación nacional sobre la privacidad de los datos
  • Abogar por políticas nacionales que permitan el uso beneficioso de los datos de salud mientras se preserva la privacidad del consumidor

La plataforma de Phreesia se centra en contenidos de salud personalizados basados en principios de privacidad y consentimiento. La investigación de la compañía muestra que los consumidores valoran recibir información de salud relevante, con más del 80% de los encuestados aprecian contenido personalizado sobre medicamentos o terapias relacionadas con sus condiciones de salud.

Phreesia는 환자 활성화 분야의 선두주자로서, 디지털 광고에서 책임 있는 데이터 수집 및 사용에 전념하는 비영리 조직인 네트워크 광고 이니셔티브(NAI)의 회원이 되었습니다. 이 결정은 소비자 데이터 프라이버시와 업계 최고 수준의 프라이버시 관행에 대한 Phreesia의 의지를 보여줍니다.

NAI 회원으로서 Phreesia는:

  • 의료 분야에서 소비자 중심의 프라이버시 관행을 촉진합니다
  • 데이터 프라이버시에 대한 국가적 대화를 이끄는 데 리더십 역할을 합니다
  • 소비자 프라이버시를 보장하면서 의료 데이터의 유익한 사용을 가능하게 하는 국가 정책을 옹호합니다

Phreesia의 플랫폼은 개인화된 건강 콘텐츠에 중점을 두고 프라이버시와 동의의 원칙을 기반으로 합니다. 회사의 연구에 따르면, 소비자들은 관련 건강 정보를 받는 것을 중요하게 여기며, 조사에 응답한 사람들의 80% 이상이 자신의 건강 상태와 관련된 약물이나 치료법에 대한 개인화된 콘텐츠를 높이 평가하고 있습니다.

Phreesia, un leader dans l'activation des patients, a rejoint la Network Advertising Initiative (NAI), une organisation à but non lucratif dédiée à la collecte et à l'utilisation responsables des données dans la publicité numérique. Ce mouvement démontre l'engagement de Phreesia envers la confidentialité des données des consommateurs et des pratiques de confidentialité de premier plan dans l'industrie.

En tant que membre de la NAI, Phreesia s'engagera à :

  • Promouvoir des pratiques de confidentialité centrées sur le consommateur dans le secteur de la santé
  • Prendre un rôle de leadership pour façonner la conversation nationale autour de la confidentialité des données
  • Plaider pour des politiques nationales permettant l'utilisation bénéfique des données de santé tout en préservant la confidentialité des consommateurs

La plateforme de Phreesia se concentre sur des contenus de santé personnalisés basés sur les principes de confidentialité et de consentement. Les recherches de l'entreprise montrent que les consommateurs apprécient recevoir des informations de santé pertinentes, avec plus de 80 % des personnes interrogées appréciant le contenu personnalisé sur les médicaments ou les thérapies liées à leurs conditions de santé.

Phreesia, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Patientenaktivierung, ist der Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) beigetreten, einer gemeinnützigen Organisation, die sich der verantwortungsvollen Datensammlung und -nutzung in der digitalen Werbung widmet. Dieser Schritt zeigt Phreesias Engagement für die Privatsphäre der Verbraucherdaten und Branchenführende Datenschutzpraktiken.

Als Mitglied der NAI wird Phreesia:

  • Verbraucherzentrierte Datenschutzpraktiken im Gesundheitswesen vorantreiben
  • Eine Führungsrolle in der nationalen Diskussion über Datenschutz übernehmen
  • Für nationale Richtlinien eintreten, die die vorteilhafte Nutzung von Gesundheitsdaten ermöglichen und gleichzeitig die Privatsphäre der Verbraucher wahren

Die Plattform von Phreesia konzentriert sich auf personalisierte Gesundheitsinhalte, die auf den Prinzipien von Privatsphäre und Einwilligung basieren. Die Forschung des Unternehmens zeigt, dass Verbraucher es schätzen, relevante Gesundheitsinformationen zu erhalten, wobei über 80% der befragten Personen personalisierte Inhalte zu Medikamenten oder Therapien im Zusammenhang mit ihren Gesundheitszuständen zu schätzen wissen.

  • Joining NAI demonstrates commitment to responsible data use and privacy practices
  • Phreesia enabled approximately 150 million patient visits in 2023, representing 1 in 10 visits across the U.S.
  • Over 80% of surveyed individuals value receiving personalized health information
  • None.

Phreesia will work with the NAI to shape the national conversation around data privacy and promote consumer choice and transparency

ALL-REMOTE COMPANY/WILMINGTON, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- As part of the company’s ongoing commitment to consumer data privacy, Phreesia is pleased to announce it has joined the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI), a non–profit organization and the leading self-regulatory association dedicated to responsible data collection and use for digital advertising. As a member, Phreesia will work with the NAI to promote consumer-centric privacy practices in healthcare and take a leadership role in shaping the national conversation around data privacy.

“We are excited to join the NAI, an organization that shares our dedication to responsible data use,” said Phreesia’s Chief Privacy Officer, Melissa Mitchell. “At Phreesia, we’ve built our platform of personalized health content on the principles of privacy and consent—we focused on affirmative opt-in consent years before others followed suit—and we maintain strict privacy standards for our entire portfolio, including more recent additions like MediFind. We’re looking forward to working with the NAI to advocate for a future in which everyone is in charge of their health information.”

As part of its membership, Phreesia will work with the NAI to advocate for national policies and guidance that allow for the beneficial use of healthcare data while preserving consumer privacy.

“We’re thrilled to welcome Phreesia to the NAI,” said Leigh Freund, the organization’s President and CEO. “Companies that handle patient data must navigate a complex legal and regulatory landscape, including new and evolving state privacy requirements, and Phreesia’s membership shows its commitment to managing such data in a responsible and privacy protective manner.”

Providing high-quality, relevant health information at key decision-making points along a person’s unique care journey can positively impact their health outcomes. Phreesia research shows that consumers welcome personalized health content because it connects them to information most relevant for their individual needs. In a Phreesia survey of more than 9,200 people, more than 4 in 5 said they value receiving new and relevant information about medications or therapies related to them or their health condition(s).

“At Phreesia, we’ve seen that access to personalized information at important moments in consumers’ health journeys can support their engagement in their health, improve their interactions with their healthcare providers, and even saves lives by increasing rates of vaccination, supporting preventive screening and driving earlier diagnosis,” said Phreesia’s SVP of Life Sciences, David Linetsky. “For over two decades, the NAI has championed models that prioritize choice and transparency. We are proud to be a member and uphold those high standards by prioritizing privacy and consent in our products and services.”

About Phreesia

Phreesia is the trusted leader in patient activation, giving providers, life sciences companies and other organizations tools to help patients take a more active role in their care. Founded in 2005, Phreesia enabled approximately 150 million patient visits in 2023—more than 1 in 10 visits across the U.S.—scale that we believe allows us to make meaningful impact. Offering patient-driven digital solutions for intake, outreach, education and more, Phreesia enhances the patient experience, drives efficiency and improves healthcare outcomes. To learn more, visit

About the NAI

Founded in 2000, the NAI is a non–profit organization and the leading self-regulatory association dedicated to responsible data collection and use for digital advertising, with nearly 100 advertising technology businesses as members. The NAI works closely with its members, leading advertisers and publishers, and other key stakeholders to promote policies and voluntary practices for responsible data-driven advertising across digital media. We are a champion of strong industry self-regulation and co-regulation, whereby industry efforts can play a complementary role to maximize industry compliance, and reduce the burden on enforcement. To learn more, visit


Nicole Gist


Source: Phreesia, Inc.


What is the significance of Phreesia (PHR) joining the Network Advertising Initiative?

Phreesia's membership in the NAI demonstrates its commitment to responsible data collection and use in digital advertising, particularly in healthcare. It allows Phreesia to take a leadership role in shaping national conversations around data privacy and promoting consumer-centric privacy practices.

How many patient visits did Phreesia (PHR) enable in 2023?

Phreesia enabled approximately 150 million patient visits in 2023, which represents more than 1 in 10 visits across the United States.

What percentage of surveyed individuals value receiving personalized health information from Phreesia (PHR)?

According to a Phreesia survey of over 9,200 people, more than 4 in 5 (over 80%) said they value receiving new and relevant information about medications or therapies related to their health condition(s).

How does Phreesia (PHR) prioritize privacy and consent in its products?

Phreesia has built its platform of personalized health content on the principles of privacy and consent, focusing on affirmative opt-in consent years before others followed suit. The company maintains strict privacy standards for its entire portfolio, including recent additions like MediFind.

Phreesia, Inc.


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Health Information Services
Services-business Services, Nec
United States of America