Phreesia and American Academy of Pediatrics Join in Campaign to Increase Childhood MMR Vaccination
Phreesia, a patient intake and activation leader, has partnered with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to boost measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination rates among children. The campaign targets caregivers of children aged 9 months to 6 years who haven't completed the MMR series. It will run on Phreesia's digital intake platform, providing educational content about AAP recommendations for MMR immunization.
The collaboration aims to address the dip in immunization rates, with the national MMR vaccination rate for kindergartners at 93%, below the 95% threshold for community immunity. AAP recommends the first MMR vaccine between 12-15 months and a second dose at 4-6 years. The campaign leverages Phreesia's platform, which enabled about 150 million patient visits in 2023, to deliver important vaccination information at the point of care.
Phreesia, una leader nell'accoglienza e attivazione dei pazienti, ha collaborato con l'American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) per aumentare i tassi di vaccinazione contro morbillo, parotite e rosolia (MMR) tra i bambini. La campagna si rivolge ai caregiver di bambini di età compresa tra 9 mesi e 6 anni che non hanno completato il ciclo di vaccinazione MMR. Essa sarà attiva sulla piattaforma digitale di accoglienza di Phreesia, fornendo contenuti educativi sulle raccomandazioni dell'AAP per l'immunizzazione MMR.
La collaborazione mira ad affrontare il calo nei tassi di immunizzazione, con il tasso nazionale di vaccinazione MMR per i bambini di età prescolare al 93%, al di sotto della soglia del 95% per l'immunità di comunità. L'AAP raccomanda la prima dose del vaccino MMR tra i 12 e i 15 mesi e una seconda dose tra i 4 e i 6 anni. La campagna sfrutta la piattaforma di Phreesia, che ha gestito circa 150 milioni di visite di pazienti nel 2023, per fornire informazioni importanti sulle vaccinazioni nel momento della cura.
Phreesia, un líder en la recepción y activación de pacientes, se ha asociado con la American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) para aumentar las tasas de vacunación contra el sarampión, las paperas y la rubéola (MMR) en niños. La campaña se dirige a los cuidadores de niños de 9 meses a 6 años que no han completado la serie de MMR. Se llevará a cabo en la plataforma digital de admisión de Phreesia, proporcionando contenido educativo sobre las recomendaciones de la AAP para la inmunización MMR.
La colaboración tiene como objetivo abordar la disminución de las tasas de inmunización, con la tasa nacional de vacunación MMR para los niños de jardín de infantes en el 93%, por debajo del umbral del 95% para la inmunidad comunitaria. La AAP recomienda la primera vacuna MMR entre los 12 y 15 meses y una segunda dosis entre los 4 y 6 años. La campaña aprovecha la plataforma de Phreesia, que habilitó alrededor de 150 millones de visitas de pacientes en 2023, para entregar información importante sobre las vacunas en el punto de atención.
Phreesia는 환자 수용 및 활성화의 선두주자로서 아메리칸 아카데미 오브 소아과(AAP)와 협력하여 아동의 홍역, 유행성 이하선염 및 풍진(MMR) 예방 접종률을 높이고 있습니다. 이 캠페인은 MMR 시리즈를 완료하지 않은 9개월에서 6세 사이의 아동의 보호자를 대상으로 하고 있습니다. Phreesia의 디지털 수용 플랫폼에서 진행되며, AAP의 MMR 면역화 권장 사항에 대한 교육 콘텐츠를 제공합니다.
이번 협력은 유치원 아동의 국가 MMR 예방 접종률이 93%으로, 지역 사회 면역을 위한 95% 기준 이하로 떨어진 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. AAP는 첫 번째 MMR 백신을 12-15개월 사이에, 두 번째 접종을 4-6세 사이에 받을 것을 권장합니다. 이 캠페인은 2023년 동안 약 1억 5천만 건의 환자 방문을 지원한 Phreesia 플랫폼을 이용하여 치료 시점에서 중요한 예방 접종 정보를 전달합니다.
Phreesia, un leader dans l'accueil et l'activation des patients, s'est associée à l'American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) pour augmenter les taux de vaccination contre la rougeole, les oreillons et la rubéole (ROR) chez les enfants. La campagne cible les aidants de jeunes enfants de 9 mois à 6 ans qui n'ont pas terminé le schéma de vaccination ROR. Elle sera diffusée sur la plateforme d'accueil numérique de Phreesia, fournissant un contenu éducatif sur les recommandations de l'AAP concernant l'immunisation ROR.
La collaboration vise à répondre à la baisse des taux de vaccination, avec un taux de vaccination national contre la ROR pour les enfants de maternelle à 93%, en dessous du seuil de 95% nécessaire pour l'immunité communautaire. L'AAP recommande la première vaccination ROR entre 12 et 15 mois, et une seconde dose entre 4 et 6 ans. La campagne s'appuie sur la plateforme de Phreesia, qui a permis environ 150 millions de visites de patients en 2023, afin de fournir des informations importantes sur les vaccinations au point de soins.
Phreesia, ein Führer im Bereich Patientendatenaufnahme und Aktivierung, hat mit der American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) zusammengearbeitet, um die Impfquoten gegen Masern, Mumps und Röteln (MMR) bei Kindern zu steigern. Die Kampagne richtet sich an Betreuungspersonen von Kindern im Alter von 9 Monaten bis 6 Jahren, die die MMR-Impfserie nicht abgeschlossen haben. Sie wird auf Phreesias digitaler Aufnahmeplattform durchgeführt und bietet Bildungsinhalte zu den Empfehlungen der AAP zur MMR-Immunisierung.
Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, den Rückgang der Impfquoten anzugehen, da die nationale MMR-Impfquote für Vorschulkinder bei 93% liegt, was unter dem Schwellenwert von 95% für die Gemeinschaftsimmunität liegt. Die AAP empfiehlt die erste MMR-Impfung zwischen 12-15 Monaten und eine zweite Dosis im Alter von 4-6 Jahren. Die Kampagne nutzt Phreesias Plattform, die im Jahr 2023 etwa 150 Millionen Patientenbesuche ermöglicht hat, um wichtige Impfinformationen direkt am Ort der Behandlung bereitzustellen.
- Partnership with American Academy of Pediatrics to boost MMR vaccination rates
- Leveraging Phreesia's digital intake platform that enabled 150 million patient visits in 2023
- Targeting a specific demographic (caregivers of children aged 9 months to 6 years) for focused impact
- National MMR vaccination rate for kindergartners (93%) is below the 95% threshold for community immunity
This collaboration between Phreesia and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to boost MMR vaccination rates is a strategic move in public health. With national MMR vaccination rates for kindergartners at
The partnership's potential impact is significant, considering Phreesia facilitated approximately 150 million patient visits in 2023. This reach, combined with AAP's credibility, could effectively combat vaccine hesitancy and misinformation. However, the real test will be in translating this outreach into actual vaccination rate increases, which will require ongoing monitoring and potentially additional interventions beyond digital education.
For Phreesia, this partnership with AAP represents a strategic expansion of its services in the healthcare sector. By addressing a pressing public health issue, Phreesia is positioning itself as a key player in health education and patient engagement. This could lead to increased adoption of Phreesia's platform by healthcare providers, potentially boosting the company's market share and revenue.
The collaboration also showcases Phreesia's ability to leverage its extensive patient reach for targeted health campaigns. With 1 in 10 U.S. healthcare visits using Phreesia's platform, the company is demonstrating its value proposition to both healthcare providers and potential partners in public health initiatives. This could open doors to new revenue streams and partnerships, enhancing Phreesia's long-term growth prospects in the competitive healthcare technology market.
Collaboration aims to boost vaccination as coverage rates remain below pre-pandemic levels
Through a joint campaign that will run on Phreesia’s digital intake platform, the organizations will engage caregivers of children between the ages of 9 months and 6 years who have either not started or started but not completed the MMR vaccination series. Educational content, developed by Phreesia’s in-house creative team, will highlight AAP recommendations for MMR immunization and the importance of protecting children from disease.
“At Phreesia, we've seen firsthand the power of reaching patients and caregivers with relevant, credible vaccine information at key moments in their care journey,” said Phreesia’s SVP of Life Sciences, David Linetsky. “We’re proud to partner with the AAP to deliver important vaccination education at the point of care and empower parents and caregivers to engage in meaningful immunization conversations with their child’s doctor.”
“The point of care is an important place to reach busy parents and caregivers with vaccine reminders and up-to-date information,” said Christina Suh, MD, MPH, a pediatrician and Director of Clinical Content at Phreesia. “We’re so thrilled to be able to bring MMR education to parents while they’re checking in for their appointment and thinking about their child’s health.”
AAP recommends children receive their first MMR vaccine between 12 and 15 months of age. A second dose is also needed at 4 to 6 years old, when most children are entering kindergarten. While MMR vaccination has been a trusted and safe way to protect children from disease since the 1950s, for the 2022-2023 school year, the national MMR vaccination rate for kindergartners was
“The American Academy of Pediatrics is dedicated to ensuring children in every community have the access to immunizations like the MMR vaccine to ensure they can grow and thrive,” said AAP Infectious Disease Committee Chair Sean O’Leary, MD, MPH, FAAP. “That includes making sure parents and caregivers have the information they need about their children’s immunizations, and conversations with their pediatrician is a good place to start.”
About Phreesia
Phreesia is the trusted leader in patient activation, giving providers, life sciences companies, payers and other organizations tools to help patients take a more active role in their care. Founded in 2005, Phreesia enabled approximately 150 million patient visits in 2023—more than 1 in 10 visits across the U.S.—scale that we believe allows us to make meaningful impact. Offering patient-driven digital solutions for intake, outreach, education and more, Phreesia enhances the patient experience, drives efficiency and improves healthcare outcomes. To learn more, visit
About American Academy of Pediatrics
The American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 67,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists whose mission is to attain optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. For frequent updates on AAP recommendations, Pediatrics studies, AAP in the news, public awareness campaigns, information for parents and more, follow us on social media @AmerAcadPeds.
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Media Contact:
Carly Helfand
Source: Phreesia