Phreesia and Ad Council Partnership Yields High Patient Engagement in 3 Mental Health Awareness Campaigns

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Phreesia, a leader in patient intake, has partnered with the Ad Council to deliver three mental health awareness campaigns to patients and caregivers. The campaigns have reached over 430,000 individuals, focusing on youth, adult, and adolescent mental health. Key findings show that most viewers plan to discuss mental health with doctors, family, or friends, and over half are likely to seek additional information.

The campaigns include:

  • 'Seize the Awkward': Targeting young adults 18-24, delivering 255,000 messages
  • 'Sound It Out': Aimed at parents of middle schoolers and teens, with 60,000 messages
  • 'Love, Your Mind': Focused on Black and Hispanic men, delivering 117,000 messages

Results indicate high engagement, with many recipients requesting resources and expressing intentions to discuss mental health with healthcare providers or loved ones. The partnership aims to normalize mental health discussions and provide tools for important conversations.

Phreesia, leader nell'accoglienza dei pazienti, ha collaborato con l'Ad Council per fornire tre campagne di sensibilizzazione sulla salute mentale a pazienti e caregiver. Le campagne hanno raggiunto oltre 430.000 persone, concentrandosi sulla salute mentale di giovani, adulti e adolescenti. I risultati chiave mostrano che la maggior parte degli spettatori intende discutere della salute mentale con medici, familiari o amici, e oltre la metà è probabile che cerchi ulteriori informazioni.

Le campagne includono:

  • 'Seize the Awkward': Rivolto ai giovani adulti di età compresa tra 18 e 24 anni, con 255.000 messaggi inviati
  • 'Sound It Out': Destinato ai genitori di studenti delle scuole medie e adolescenti, con 60.000 messaggi
  • 'Love, Your Mind': Concentrato sugli uomini neri e ispanici, con 117.000 messaggi

I risultati indicano un alto coinvolgimento, con molti destinatari che richiedono risorse ed esprimono l'intenzione di discutere della salute mentale con fornitori di sanità o persone care. La partnership mira a normalizzare le discussioni sulla salute mentale e fornire strumenti per conversazioni importanti.

Phreesia, líder en la recepción de pacientes, se ha asociado con el Ad Council para ofrecer tres campañas de concientización sobre la salud mental a pacientes y cuidadores. Las campañas han alcanzado a más de 430,000 personas, enfocándose en la salud mental de jóvenes, adultos y adolescentes. Los hallazgos clave muestran que la mayoría de los espectadores planean discutir la salud mental con médicos, familiares o amigos, y más de la mitad es probable que busque información adicional.

Las campañas incluyen:

  • 'Seize the Awkward': Dirigida a jóvenes adultos de 18 a 24 años, entregando 255,000 mensajes
  • 'Sound It Out': Orientada a padres de estudiantes de secundaria y adolescentes, con 60,000 mensajes
  • 'Love, Your Mind': Enfocada en hombres negros e hispanos, con 117,000 mensajes

Los resultados indican un alto compromiso, con muchos receptores solicitando recursos y expresando intenciones de discutir la salud mental con proveedores de salud o seres queridos. La asociación tiene como objetivo normalizar las discusiones sobre salud mental y proporcionar herramientas para conversaciones importantes.

Phreesia는 환자 수용의 선두주자로서 Ad Council과 협력하여 정신 건강 인식 캠페인 3개를 환자 및 보호자에게 제공합니다. 이 캠페인은 430,000명 이상에 도달했으며 청소년, 성인 및 아동의 정신 건강에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 주요 결과에 따르면, 대부분의 시청자는 의사, 가족 또는 친구와 정신 건강에 대해 논의할 계획이며, 절반 이상이 추가 정보를 찾을 가능성이 높습니다.

캠페인 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 'Seize the Awkward': 18-24세의 젊은 성인을 대상으로 하여 255,000개의 메시지를 전달
  • 'Sound It Out': 중학생과 청소년의 부모를 대상으로 하는 60,000개의 메시지
  • 'Love, Your Mind': 흑인과 히스패닉 남성을 대상으로 하여 117,000개의 메시지를 전달

결과는 높은 참여도를 보여주며, 많은 수신자가 자료를 요청하고 정신 건강에 대해 의료 제공자나 사랑하는 사람과 논의할 의사를 표현하고 있습니다. 이 파트너십의 목표는 정신 건강 논의를 정상화하고 중요한 대화를 위한 도구를 제공하는 것입니다.

Phreesia, un leader dans l'accueil des patients, s'est associé à l'Ad Council pour mener trois campagnes de sensibilisation sur la santé mentale à destination des patients et des aidants. Ces campagnes ont touché plus de 430 000 personnes, en mettant l'accent sur la santé mentale des jeunes, des adultes et des adolescents. Les résultats clés montrent que la plupart des spectateurs envisagent de discuter de la santé mentale avec des médecins, des membres de la famille ou des amis, et plus de la moitié est susceptible de rechercher des informations complémentaires.

Les campagnes comprennent :

  • 'Seize the Awkward' : visant les jeunes adultes âgés de 18 à 24 ans, avec 255 000 messages
  • 'Sound It Out' : destiné aux parents d'enfants de l'école intermédiaire et d'adolescents, avec 60 000 messages
  • 'Love, Your Mind' : axé sur les hommes noirs et hispaniques, avec 117 000 messages

Les résultats indiquent un fort engagement, de nombreux destinataires demandant des ressources et exprimant des intentions de discuter de la santé mentale avec des professionnels de la santé ou des proches. Le partenariat vise à normaliser les discussions sur la santé mentale et à fournir des outils pour des conversations importantes.

Phreesia, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Patientenaufnahme, hat sich mit dem Ad Council zusammengeschlossen, um drei Aufklärungskampagnen zur psychischen Gesundheit für Patienten und Pflegepersonen durchzuführen. Die Kampagnen haben über 430.000 Personen erreicht und konzentrieren sich auf jugendliche, erwachsene und adolescenten psychischen Gesundheit. Wichtige Erkenntnisse zeigen, dass die meisten Zuschauer planen, mit Ärzten, Familien oder Freunden über psychische Gesundheit zu sprechen, und mehr als die Hälfte wahrscheinlich nach weiteren Informationen suchen wird.

Die Kampagnen umfassen:

  • 'Seize the Awkward': Zielgruppe sind junge Erwachsene im Alter von 18 bis 24 Jahren, die 255.000 Nachrichten erhalten haben
  • 'Sound It Out': Gerichtet an Eltern von Mittelschülern und Teenagern, mit 60.000 Nachrichten
  • 'Love, Your Mind': Fokus auf schwarze und hispanische Männer, die 117.000 Nachrichten erhalten haben

Die Ergebnisse zeigen ein hohes Engagement, wobei viele Empfänger Ressourcen anfordern und den Wunsch äußern, mit Gesundheitsdienstleistern oder Angehörigen über psychische Gesundheit zu diskutieren. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, Gespräche über psychische Gesundheit zu normalisieren und Werkzeuge für wichtige Gespräche bereitzustellen.

  • None.
  • None.

Messaging at the point of care encourages patients to take steps toward improving their mental health

ALL-REMOTE COMPANY/WILMINGTON, Del. & NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Phreesia, a leader in patient intake, outreach and activation, has collaborated with the Ad Council, a nonprofit organization at the forefront of driving change through social impact marketing, to bring three public health campaigns about mental health directly to patients and caregivers. Collectively across the campaigns, Phreesia has already delivered more than 430,000 messages, helping to spread awareness about the importance of youth and adult mental wellbeing and encouraging more open conversations about mental health.

Key Phreesia findings among patients and caregivers who consented to view the campaigns include:

  • Most individuals said they plan to talk about mental health with their doctor, family or friends after viewing the campaigns.
  • More than half of individuals said they are likely to search for additional information about mental health after viewing the campaigns.

According to Ad Council research, 64% of adults in the U.S. report having a mental health condition, either professionally or self-diagnosed. Of those with a condition, only 49% are getting help or treatment. These conditions, such as depression, anxiety and more, can make it challenging for individuals to manage stress, relate to others and make healthy choices. Mental health concerns have also risen among the youth population, as U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data shows that suicide is now the second-leading cause of death for teens and young adults.

As part of their ongoing partnership, Phreesia and the Ad Council’s three collaborations aim to reach patients and caregivers at a moment when they’re engaged in their healthcare and are potentially more open to conversations about sensitive topics like mental health. Through the content, which was designed by Phreesia’s in-house creative team, recipients are guided to educational information, resources and fact sheets about the importance of mental health and tips for discussing it with their peers, children and healthcare providers.

“We’re very excited to see how our campaigns with Phreesia are not only increasing awareness about such an important public health issue, but also helping to normalize discussions about emotional wellbeing among patients and their peers, children and doctors,” said DJ Perera, Chief Media Officer at the Ad Council. “These results underscore the importance of reaching the right individuals with relevant health content when they’re ready to take action.”

Campaign results:

Teen and Young Adult Mental Health —Over a year-long run in support of “Seize the Awkward,” a campaign from the Ad Council, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Jed Foundation, Phreesia delivered more than 255,000 messages to young adults, ages 18 to 24, who consented to receive content. The campaign focused on educating young adults about how to identify when a friend may be struggling and start conversations to check in.

Overall, the content sparked discussions as intended, with individuals exposed to the campaign requesting more than 3,300 conversation starters to equip them for talking with peers. Additionally, nearly half of surveyed patients who saw the campaign said they were very likely to search for more information about how to support a friend’s mental health, and 60% said they were now likely to reach out to a friend about their mental health. The content especially had a significant impact on young men, who are less likely than women to seek help for many serious mental health issues, according to Mental Health America. Surveyed young men who were exposed to the campaign were 1.2x more likely to say they’d reach out to a friend about their mental health compared with young male patients in the control group.

Adolescent Mental Health—Between June 2023 and June 2024, Phreesia delivered nearly 60,000 educational messages to parents and caregivers of middle schoolers and teens who consented to view content from the Ad Council’s “Sound It Out” campaign. The campaign helped motivate caregivers who consented to content to learn about ways to support childhood mental health: about 8 in 10 surveyed caregivers who saw it indicated they were likely to search for more information about improving their child’s emotional wellbeing. The content also drove doctor-caregiver discussions, with 81% of surveyed caregivers reporting that they were likely to talk to their child’s doctor about their child’s emotional wellbeing.

Adult Mental Health—In the six months since the Ad Council partnership’s launch, Phreesia has delivered more than 117,000 messages to Black and Hispanic men who consented to content from the “Love, Your Mind” campaign from Huntsman Mental Health Institute and the Ad Council. The campaign offers materials and guidance to encourage people that when we prioritize taking care of our mental health, it can help us take steps toward reaching our goals in life. The Phreesia partnership has generated more than 5,600 requests for follow-up resources. And, after viewing the campaign content, 56% of surveyed men said they were very likely to search for additional mental health information and support, and 60% said they intended to talk to their doctor about how to manage their mental wellbeing.

“Millions of Americans face mental health challenges that negatively impact their emotional, physical and social wellbeing, and many aren’t aware of the support and resources available to them,” said David Linetsky, Phreesia’s Senior Vice President, Life Sciences. “We’re so proud of these campaigns and of our ongoing partnership with the Ad Council to equip patients with the tools they need start important mental health conversations with physicians, parents or peers.”

About Phreesia

Phreesia is the trusted leader in patient activation, giving providers, life sciences companies and other organizations tools to help patients take a more active role in their care. Founded in 2005, Phreesia enabled approximately 150 million patient visits in 2023—more than 1 in 10 visits across the U.S.—scale that we believe allows us to make meaningful impact. Offering patient-driven digital solutions for intake, outreach, education and more, Phreesia enhances the patient experience, drives efficiency and improves healthcare outcomes. To learn more, visit

About the Ad Council

The Ad Council convenes creative storytellers to educate, unite and uplift audiences by opening hearts, inspiring action and accelerating change around the most pressing issues in America. Since the non-profit’s founding, the organization and its partners in advertising, media, marketing and tech have been behind some of the country’s most iconic social impact campaigns – Smokey Bear, A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste, Love Has No Labels, Tear the Paper Ceiling and many more. With a current focus on mental health, gun safety, the opioid epidemic, skill-based hiring and other critical issues, the Ad Council’s national campaigns encompass advertising and media content, ground game and community efforts, trusted messenger and influencer engagement, and employer programs, among other innovative strategies to move the needle on the most important issues of the day. To learn more or get involved, visit, join the Ad Council's communities on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X, and view campaign creative on YouTube.


Nicole Gist


Source: Phreesia, Inc.


How many mental health awareness messages has Phreesia (PHR) delivered through its Ad Council partnership?

Phreesia has delivered more than 430,000 messages across three mental health awareness campaigns in partnership with the Ad Council.

What are the three mental health campaigns Phreesia (PHR) is collaborating on with the Ad Council?

The three campaigns are 'Seize the Awkward' for young adults, 'Sound It Out' for parents of adolescents, and 'Love, Your Mind' targeting Black and Hispanic men.

What percentage of adults in the U.S. report having a mental health condition according to Ad Council research?

According to Ad Council research, 64% of adults in the U.S. report having a mental health condition, either professionally or self-diagnosed.

How many patient visits did Phreesia (PHR) enable in 2023?

Phreesia enabled approximately 150 million patient visits in 2023, which is more than 1 in 10 visits across the U.S.

What percentage of surveyed caregivers who saw the 'Sound It Out' campaign are likely to talk to their child's doctor about emotional wellbeing?

81% of surveyed caregivers who saw the 'Sound It Out' campaign reported that they were likely to talk to their child's doctor about their child's emotional wellbeing.

Phreesia, Inc.


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