Bob Glazer Joins Phreesia as Strategic Advisor
Phreesia, a leader in patient intake, outreach and activation, has named Bob Glazer as a Strategic Advisor. Glazer, with over 45 years of healthcare leadership experience, is currently the President of Glazer Business Advisors. He previously served as CEO of ENT and Allergy Associates (ENTA) for 27 years, growing it from 12 to 250 providers across 50+ locations. Phreesia COO Evan Roberts expressed excitement about Glazer's appointment, citing his understanding of medical practices' on-the-ground reality. Glazer aims to help the next generation of physicians and views his advisory role at Phreesia as a means to achieve this goal. Phreesia, founded in 2005, enabled approximately 150 million patient visits in 2023, representing more than 1 in 10 visits across the U.S.
Phreesia, leader nell'accoglienza, coinvolgimento e attivazione dei pazienti, ha nominato Bob Glazer come Consigliere Strategico. Glazer, con oltre 45 anni di esperienza nella leadership sanitaria, è attualmente il Presidente di Glazer Business Advisors. In precedenza, ha ricoperto il ruolo di CEO di ENT and Allergy Associates (ENTA) per 27 anni, facendo crescere l'azienda da 12 a 250 fornitori in oltre 50 sedi. Il COO di Phreesia, Evan Roberts, ha espresso entusiasmo per la nomina di Glazer, sottolineando la sua comprensione della realtà pratica delle cliniche mediche. Glazer ha come obiettivo di aiutare la prossima generazione di medici e considera il suo ruolo di consulente in Phreesia come un mezzo per raggiungere questo obiettivo. Phreesia, fondata nel 2005, ha facilitato circa 150 milioni di visite di pazienti nel 2023, rappresentando più di 1 visita su 10 negli Stati Uniti.
Phreesia, líder en la recepción, el alcance y la activación de pacientes, ha nombrado a Bob Glazer como Asesor Estratégico. Glazer, con más de 45 años de experiencia en liderazgo en el sector sanitario, es actualmente el Presidente de Glazer Business Advisors. Anteriormente, se desempeñó como CEO de ENT and Allergy Associates (ENTA) durante 27 años, haciendo crecer la organización de 12 a 250 proveedores en más de 50 ubicaciones. Evan Roberts, COO de Phreesia, expresó su entusiasmo por el nombramiento de Glazer, citando su comprensión de la realidad práctica de las clínicas médicas. Glazer tiene como objetivo ayudar a la próxima generación de médicos y ve su papel de asesor en Phreesia como un medio para lograr esta meta. Phreesia, fundada en 2005, facilitó aproximadamente 150 millones de visitas de pacientes en 2023, representando más de 1 de cada 10 visitas en Estados Unidos.
환자 수집, outreach 및 활성화 분야의 선두주자 Phreesia가 Bob Glazer를 전략 고문으로 임명했습니다. Glazer는 45년 이상의 의료 리더십 경험을 보유하고 있으며 현재 Glazer Business Advisors의 사장입니다. 그는 27년 동안 ENT and Allergy Associates (ENTA)의 CEO로 재직하며 12명의 제공업체에서 250명의 제공업체로 성장시켰습니다. Phreesia의 COO인 Evan Roberts는 Glazer의 임명에 대해 신이 난 마음을 표현하며 그의 의료 관행의 현실을 이해하는 능력을 언급했습니다. Glazer는 차세대 의사를 돕고자 하며 Phreesia에서의 고문 역할을 이를 달성하기 위한 수단으로 보고 있습니다. 2005년에 설립된 Phreesia는 2023년에 약 1억 5천만 건의 환자 방문을 지원했습니다, 이는 미국에서 10건 중 1건 이상의 방문을 의미합니다.
Phreesia, leader dans l'accueil, la sensibilisation et l'activation des patients, a nommé Bob Glazer en tant que conseiller stratégique. Glazer, qui possède plus de 45 ans d'expérience en leadership dans le secteur de la santé, est actuellement président de Glazer Business Advisors. Auparavant, il a été PDG d'ENT and Allergy Associates (ENTA) pendant 27 ans, développant l'entreprise de 12 à 250 prestataires dans plus de 50 établissements. Evan Roberts, COO de Phreesia, a exprimé son enthousiasme pour la nomination de Glazer, soulignant sa compréhension de la réalité sur le terrain des pratiques médicales. Glazer vise à aider la prochaine génération de médecins et considère son rôle de conseiller chez Phreesia comme un moyen d'atteindre cet objectif. Phreesia, fondée en 2005, a permis environ 150 millions de visites de patients en 2023, représentant plus d'une visite sur dix à travers les États-Unis.
Phreesia, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Patientenaufnahme, Ansprache und Aktivierung, hat Bob Glazer zum strategischen Berater ernannt. Glazer, der über 45 Jahre Erfahrung in der Gesundheitsführung verfügt, ist derzeit Präsident von Glazer Business Advisors. Zuvor war er 27 Jahre lang CEO von ENT and Allergy Associates (ENTA) und baute die Organisation von 12 auf 250 Anbieter an über 50 Standorten aus. Evan Roberts, COO von Phreesia, äußerte sich begeistert über Glazers Ernennung und hob sein Verständnis für die praktischen Realitäten medizinischer Einrichtungen hervor. Glazer hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, der nächsten Generation von Ärzten zu helfen, und sieht seine Beratungsrolle bei Phreesia als ein Mittel, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Phreesia, gegründet im Jahr 2005, ermöglichte im Jahr 2023 etwa 150 Millionen Patientenbesuche, was mehr als 1 von 10 Besuchen in den USA entspricht.
- Appointment of Bob Glazer as Strategic Advisor, bringing 45+ years of healthcare leadership experience
- Phreesia enabled approximately 150 million patient visits in 2023, representing over 1 in 10 visits in the U.S.
- Expansion of advisory team with expertise in physician practices and healthcare management
- None.
Phreesia Welcomes Former CEO of ENT and Allergy Associates
Glazer, whose career spans more than 45 years, is currently the President of Glazer Business Advisors, a consulting group that advises physician practices in areas such as physician recruitment, revenue cycle management, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic planning. Glazer spent 27 years as CEO of ENT and Allergy Associates (ENTA), the largest ENT, allergy and audiology practice in the country, and a longtime Phreesia client. During his tenure, ENTA grew from 12 to 250 providers, with more than 50 locations across
“We’re so excited to have Bob as an advisor,” said Phreesia COO Evan Roberts. “We worked very closely with him when he was a client at ENTA, and he really understands the on-the-ground reality for medical practices—especially in the single-specialty space—and how to set them up for success. We believe that his perspective and broad expertise is going to be incredibly valuable for us.”
In addition to his role at Glazer Business Advisors, Glazer also serves as an advisor to a number of physician groups, helping with business development, recruiting, revenue expansion and other areas.
“At this stage of my career, my goal is really to help the next generation of physicians, and I’m confident that joining Phreesia as an advisor is a great way to accomplish that,” said Glazer. “When I was at ENTA, Phreesia was a true partner that was always willing to put in the time and resources to support us. I’m looking forward to helping them do that for other groups that are on the frontier of new challenges, like engaging patients and making sure they get the care they need.”
About Phreesia
Phreesia is the trusted leader in patient activation, giving providers, life sciences companies, payers and other organizations tools to help patients take a more active role in their care. Founded in 2005, Phreesia enabled approximately 150 million patient visits in 2023—more than 1 in 10 visits across the U.S.—scale that we believe allows us to make meaningful impact. Offering patient-driven digital solutions for intake, outreach, education and more, Phreesia enhances the patient experience, drives efficiency and improves healthcare outcomes. To learn more, visit
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Phreesia Media:
Nicole Gist
Source: Phreesia