Philips and Ingeborg Initiatives address maternal health challenges in Arkansas with access to critical resources through the Philips Avent Pregnancy+ app

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Philips (NYSE: PHG) and Ingeborg Initiatives have partnered to provide Arkansas expectant parents with access to the Philips Avent Pregnancy+ app, featuring customized state-specific content and resources. The initiative aims to address Arkansas's critical maternal health challenges, as the state ranks 50th in both maternal and infant mortality rates.

The Pregnancy+ app, which has over 80 million lifetime downloads, offers comprehensive pregnancy guidance including 800+ articles, 3D baby models, weekly pregnancy tracking, and expert-led courses. Arkansas residents will receive premium access to state-specific information about social services, infant health, mental health resources, and early childhood programs.

A recent survey indicates that Pregnancy+ app users demonstrate higher maternal health literacy and increased engagement in prenatal care compared to non-users. The collaboration represents a multi-stakeholder approach to improving maternal health outcomes in Arkansas through accessible digital resources.

Philips (NYSE: PHG) e Ingeborg Initiatives hanno collaborato per fornire ai genitori in attesa dell'Arkansas accesso all'app Philips Avent Pregnancy+, che offre contenuti e risorse personalizzate specifiche per lo stato. L'iniziativa mira ad affrontare le gravi sfide della salute materna in Arkansas, che si posiziona al 50° posto sia per i tassi di mortalità materna che infantile.

L'app Pregnancy+, che conta oltre 80 milioni di download totali, offre una guida completa alla gravidanza, inclusi oltre 800 articoli, modelli di feti in 3D, monitoraggio settimanale della gravidanza e corsi condotti da esperti. I residenti dell'Arkansas riceveranno accesso premium a informazioni specifiche sullo stato riguardanti i servizi sociali, la salute infantile, le risorse per la salute mentale e i programmi per la prima infanzia.

Un recente sondaggio indica che gli utenti dell'app Pregnancy+ dimostrano una maggiore alfabetizzazione sulla salute materna e un coinvolgimento superiore nella cura prenatale rispetto ai non utenti. La collaborazione rappresenta un approccio multi-stakeholder per migliorare i risultati della salute materna in Arkansas attraverso risorse digitali accessibili.

Philips (NYSE: PHG) e Ingeborg Initiatives se han asociado para ofrecer a los futuros padres de Arkansas acceso a la app Philips Avent Pregnancy+, que cuenta con contenido y recursos personalizados específicos para el estado. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo abordar los críticos desafíos de salud materna en Arkansas, que ocupa el 50° lugar en tasas de mortalidad materna e infantil.

La app Pregnancy+, que ha superado los 80 millones de descargas en total, ofrece una guía integral sobre el embarazo que incluye más de 800 artículos, modelos de bebés en 3D, seguimiento semanal del embarazo y cursos dirigidos por expertos. Los residentes de Arkansas recibirán acceso premium a información específica del estado sobre servicios sociales, salud infantil, recursos de salud mental y programas de primera infancia.

Una encuesta reciente indica que los usuarios de la app Pregnancy+ demuestran una mayor alfabetización en salud materna y un mayor compromiso en la atención prenatal en comparación con los no usuarios. La colaboración representa un enfoque de múltiples partes interesadas para mejorar los resultados de salud materna en Arkansas a través de recursos digitales accesibles.

Philips (NYSE: PHG)와 Ingeborg Initiatives가 협력하여 아칸소의 예비 부모에게 Philips Avent Pregnancy+ 앱에 대한 접근을 제공하고 있습니다. 이 앱은 주별로 맞춤화된 콘텐츠와 리소스를 제공합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 아칸소의 심각한 모성 건강 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 하며, 해당 주는 모성 및 유아 사망률 모두에서 50위에 해당합니다.

Pregnancy+ 앱은 8천만 회 이상의 다운로드를 기록하고 있으며, 800개 이상의 기사, 3D 아기 모델, 주간 임신 추적 및 전문가 주도의 강의를 포함한 포괄적인 임신 안내를 제공합니다. 아칸소 주민들은 사회 서비스, 유아 건강, 정신 건강 리소스 및 조기 아동 프로그램에 대한 주별 정보에 프리미엄 접근을 받게 됩니다.

최근 설문 조사에 따르면 Pregnancy+ 앱 사용자는 비사용자에 비해 모성 건강 문해력이 더 높고, 산전 관리에 더 많이 참여하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 이 협력은 접근 가능한 디지털 리소스를 통해 아칸소의 모성 건강 결과를 개선하기 위한 다중 이해관계자 접근 방식을 나타냅니다.

Philips (NYSE: PHG) et Ingeborg Initiatives se sont associés pour offrir aux futurs parents de l'Arkansas un accès à l'application Philips Avent Pregnancy+, qui propose un contenu et des ressources personnalisés spécifiques à l'État. L'initiative vise à répondre aux défis critiques de la santé maternelle en Arkansas, l'État se classant au 50e rang tant pour les taux de mortalité maternelle qu'infantile.

L'application Pregnancy+, qui a été téléchargée plus de 80 millions de fois, offre des conseils complets sur la grossesse, y compris plus de 800 articles, des modèles de bébés en 3D, un suivi hebdomadaire de la grossesse et des cours animés par des experts. Les résidents de l'Arkansas bénéficieront d'un accès premium à des informations spécifiques à l'État concernant les services sociaux, la santé infantile, les ressources en santé mentale et les programmes de la petite enfance.

Une enquête récente indique que les utilisateurs de l'application Pregnancy+ démontrent une meilleure littératie en matière de santé maternelle et un engagement accru dans les soins prénatals par rapport aux non-utilisateurs. La collaboration représente une approche pluri-actorielle pour améliorer les résultats en matière de santé maternelle en Arkansas grâce à des ressources numériques accessibles.

Philips (NYSE: PHG) und Ingeborg Initiatives haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um werdenden Eltern in Arkansas Zugang zur Philips Avent Pregnancy+-App zu bieten, die maßgeschneiderte, staatsspezifische Inhalte und Ressourcen enthält. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, die kritischen Herausforderungen der Müttergesundheit in Arkansas anzugehen, da der Bundesstaat sowohl bei den Mütter- als auch bei den Säuglingssterblichkeitsraten den letzten Platz belegt.

Die Pregnancy+-App, die über 80 Millionen Downloads verfügt, bietet umfassende Informationen zur Schwangerschaft, darunter über 800 Artikel, 3D-Babymodelle, wöchentliche Schwangerschaftsverfolgung und von Experten geleitete Kurse. Die Bewohner von Arkansas erhalten Premium-Zugang zu staatsspezifischen Informationen über Sozialdienste, Säuglingsgesundheit, psychische Gesundheitsressourcen und frühkindliche Programme.

Eine aktuelle Umfrage zeigt, dass Nutzer der Pregnancy+-App eine höhere Müttergesundheitskompetenz und ein höheres Engagement in der pränatalen Betreuung zeigen als Nichtnutzer. Die Zusammenarbeit stellt einen Ansatz mit mehreren Interessengruppen dar, um die Ergebnisse der Müttergesundheit in Arkansas durch zugängliche digitale Ressourcen zu verbessern.

  • Strategic partnership targeting a critical healthcare market need
  • Expansion of digital health services in a key US market
  • Potential for improved maternal health outcomes and increased user engagement
  • Entering a challenging market with poor health metrics
  • Success depends on user adoption and engagement in a state ranking last in maternal health


Philips has established a strategic partnership with Ingeborg Initiatives to provide a customized version of its Avent Pregnancy+ app to expectant parents throughout Arkansas, a state ranking 50th nationally in both maternal and infant mortality. This initiative represents a targeted deployment of Philips' digital health platform in a high-need market.

The collaboration leverages Philips' established Pregnancy+ app, which boasts over 80 million lifetime downloads globally, enhancing it with Arkansas-specific resources including social services information, mental health support, and early childhood programs. Research suggests pregnant women using the app demonstrate improved health literacy and prenatal care engagement compared to non-app users.

From a business perspective, this partnership aligns with Philips' strategic focus on health technology solutions following their divestiture of consumer appliances. While the immediate financial impact appears minimal, the initiative creates multiple potential value streams:

  • Establishes a scalable model that could be replicated across other states facing maternal health challenges
  • Expands Philips' user base and data collection capabilities in the growing femtech market ($51.3 billion globally by 2025)
  • Creates a customer acquisition channel for complementary Philips products (baby monitors, breast pumps)
  • Strengthens Philips' brand positioning in healthcare technology and corporate social responsibility

The partnership demonstrates Philips' ability to deploy existing digital assets to address critical healthcare needs while potentially creating long-term customer relationships. However, without disclosed information on the partnership's financial structure or projected user acquisition metrics, the immediate revenue impact appears

Arkansas moms get access to customized content and information on essential state resources for a healthier pregnancy

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. & BENTONVILLE, Ark.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, and Ingeborg Initiatives are teaming up to provide all expectant parents in Arkansas with access to Philips Avent Pregnancy+ app with customized state-offered information and tools to increase access to care, improve health literacy and adopt healthy habits. State residents who download the Pregnancy+ app will automatically receive access to this premium, customized content.

Philips Avent Pregnancy+ App Arkansas (Photo: Business Wire)

Philips Avent Pregnancy+ App Arkansas (Photo: Business Wire)

In the U.S., Arkansas ranks 50th in maternal mortality [1] as well as infant mortality [2]. Educational tools such as Pregnancy+ give families direct access to state-offered content developed by experts to help drive awareness, confidence and a healthy lifestyle. A recent survey among pregnant and postpartum mothers indicates that those using the Pregnancy+ app report higher maternal health literacy, interest in engaging in early and regular prenatal care and adopting healthier habits compared to those who do not use pregnancy apps, which ultimately may foster better health outcomes for mom and baby [3].

“Maternal health in Arkansas is in crisis. Lawmakers are now focused on it, but it is going to take all stakeholders—public, private, philanthropic—to get women the care they need before, during and after birth,” said Olivia Walton, Founder & CEO of Ingeborg Initiatives. “We want to meet moms where they are—on their phones—providing them with the necessary resources at their fingertips. This is a positive step towards helping ensure healthier pregnancies through access to critical information and services that will help build healthy families.”

Pregnancy+, the world’s #1 pregnancy app with more than 80 million lifetime downloads, provides information and guidance throughout a pregnancy including over 800 articles, lifelike 3D baby models, a weekly pregnancy tracker and audio/video courses led by health and well-being experts. In addition, the app is customized with information about Arkansas-based social services, infant health topics, mental health resources, early childhood programs and additional support services for expecting and new parents. These topics offer essential support throughout pregnancy and early parenthood.

“At Philips, we are deeply committed to advancing maternal health and access to care through education and innovative technology, and Pregnancy+ is just one way we are doing that,” said Dana Medema, Head of Personal Health, Philips North America. “No one organization is going to be able to address the maternal health crisis alone, but collaboratively, we can meet moms where they are and give them access to the care they need.”

[1] UAMS Study to Address Maternal, Infant Deaths with $2.4 Million Federal Grant | UAMS News

[2] 2024 March Of Dimes Report Card For Arkansas | PeriStats | March of Dimes

[3] Philips Pregnancy & Postpartum Study amongst 1,066 pregnant & postpartum women in the USA in 2024 conducted by SKIM

About Royal Philips

Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people’s health and well-being through meaningful innovation. Philips’ patient- and people-centric innovation leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver personal health solutions for consumers and professional health solutions for healthcare providers and their patients in the hospital and the home.

Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, image-guided therapy, monitoring and enterprise informatics, as well as in personal health. Philips generated 2024 sales of EUR 18 billion and employs approximately 67,800 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. News about Philips can be found at

About Ingeborg Initiatives

Ingeborg Initiatives was founded by Olivia Walton and is dedicated to empowering mothers in the state of Arkansas by improving maternal health, advancing women’s economic opportunity and expanding access to quality care and early learning opportunities for children. “Ingeborg” is the namesake of Olivia’s maternal grandmother. The name and its personal significance embody the organization’s mission to empower mothers in Arkansas. Learn more at

*The opinions and clinical experiences presented herein are specific to the featured topic(s) and are not linked to any specific patient and are for information purposes only. The medical experience(s) derived from specified topic(s) may not be predictive of all patients. Individual results may vary depending on a variety of patient-specific attributes and related factors. Nothing in this article is intended to provide specific medical advice or to take the place of written law or regulations.

Avi Dines

Philips North America

Tel: +1-781-690-3814


Source: Royal Philips


What features does the Philips Avent Pregnancy+ app (PHG) offer to Arkansas residents?

Arkansas residents get premium access to state-specific resources, 800+ articles, 3D baby models, weekly pregnancy tracking, and expert-led courses, plus information about local social services and healthcare programs.

How many downloads has the Philips (PHG) Pregnancy+ app achieved globally?

The Pregnancy+ app has achieved over 80 million lifetime downloads worldwide, making it the world's #1 pregnancy app.

What is Arkansas's current ranking in maternal mortality rates?

Arkansas ranks 50th in maternal mortality rates in the United States.

What benefits have users reported from using the Philips (PHG) Pregnancy+ app?

Users report higher maternal health literacy, increased engagement in prenatal care, and adoption of healthier habits compared to non-users of pregnancy apps.

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