Philips advances remote imaging leadership with FDA 510(k) clearance for innovative remote scanning and protocol management capabilities
Philips has received FDA 510(k) clearance for new remote scanning and protocol management features on its Radiology Operations Command Center (ROCC). This vendor-agnostic solution enables expert radiologists to remotely assist technologists by controlling scans and adjusting protocols in real-time.
The multi-vendor platform, already widely used in North America and Europe, works with any MR or CT configuration. A pilot study at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust demonstrated a 9% increase in scanning throughput and zero exam recall rates. The system facilitates remote collaboration while maintaining privacy and security standards, addressing the growing challenge of technologist shortages, particularly for complex procedures like cardiac MR.
Philips ha ricevuto l'approvazione FDA 510(k) per le nuove funzionalità di gestione della scansione remota e dei protocolli nel suo Radiology Operations Command Center (ROCC). Questa soluzione indipendente dal fornitore consente ai radiologi esperti di assistere a distanza i tecnologi, controllando le scansioni e regolando i protocolli in tempo reale.
La piattaforma multi-fornitore, già ampiamente utilizzata in Nord America e in Europa, è compatibile con qualsiasi configurazione MR o CT. Uno studio pilota presso l'Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust ha dimostrato un aumento del 9% nel throughput delle scansioni e zero tassi di richiamo degli esami. Il sistema facilita la collaborazione remota mantenendo gli standard di privacy e sicurezza, affrontando la crescente sfida della carenza di tecnologi, in particolare per procedure complesse come la risonanza magnetica cardiaca.
Philips ha recibido la aprobación de la FDA 510(k) para nuevas características de gestión de escaneos remotos y protocolos en su Centro de Comando de Operaciones de Radiología (ROCC). Esta solución independiente del proveedor permite a los radiólogos expertos asistir de forma remota a los tecnólogos controlando las escaneos y ajustando los protocolos en tiempo real.
La plataforma multi-proveedor, ya ampliamente utilizada en América del Norte y Europa, funciona con cualquier configuración de MR o CT. Un estudio piloto en el Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust demostró un incremento del 9% en el rendimiento de escaneo y cero tasas de recuerdo de exámenes. El sistema facilita la colaboración remota mientras mantiene estándares de privacidad y seguridad, abordando el creciente desafío de la escasez de tecnólogos, especialmente para procedimientos complejos como la RM cardíaca.
필립스는 방사선 작업 명령 센터(ROCC)의 새로운 원격 스캔 및 프로토콜 관리 기능에 대해 FDA 510(k) 승인을 받았습니다. 이 공급업체에 구애받지 않는 솔루션은 전문 방사선과 의사가 기술자를 원격으로 지원할 수 있도록 하여 스캔을 제어하고 프로토콜을 실시간으로 조정할 수 있게 합니다.
다중 공급업체 플랫폼은 이미 북미와 유럽에서 널리 사용되고 있으며, 모든 MR 또는 CT 구성과 호환됩니다. 임페리얼 컬리지 헬스케어 NHS 트러스트에서 실시한 파일럿 연구에서는 스캐닝 처리량이 9% 증가하고 시험 재콜률이 0%인 것으로 나타났습니다. 이 시스템은 개인 정보 보호 및 보안 기준을 유지하면서 원격 협업을 촉진하여, 특히 심장 MR과 같은 복잡한 절차에 대한 기술자 부족의 증가하는 문제를 해결하는 데 기여합니다.
Philips a reçu l'autorisation FDA 510(k) pour de nouvelles fonctionnalités de gestion des scans à distance et des protocoles sur son Centre de Commande des Opérations en Radiologie (ROCC). Cette solution indépendante des fournisseurs permet aux radiologues spécialisés d'assister à distance les techniciens en contrôlant les scans et en ajustant les protocoles en temps réel.
La plateforme multi-fournisseur, déjà largement utilisée en Amérique du Nord et en Europe, fonctionne avec n'importe quelle configuration IRM ou CT. Une étude pilote à l'Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust a montré une augmentation de 9% du rendement des scans et aucun taux de rappel d'examen. Le système facilite la collaboration à distance tout en maintenant des normes de confidentialité et de sécurité, répondant à la problématique croissante des pénuries de techniciens, en particulier pour des procédures complexes comme l'IRM cardiaque.
Philips hat die FDA 510(k)-Zulassung für neue Funktionen zur Fernscannung und Protokollverwaltung im Radiology Operations Command Center (ROCC) erhalten. Dieses anbieterunabhängige System ermöglicht es erfahrenen Radiologen, Technologen aus der Ferne zu unterstützen, indem sie Scans steuern und Protokolle in Echtzeit anpassen.
Die Multi-Anbieter-Plattform, die bereits in Nordamerika und Europa weit verbreitet ist, funktioniert mit jeder MR- oder CT-Konfiguration. Eine Pilotstudie am Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust zeigte eine 9% Steigerung des Scan-Durchsatzes und null Nachuntersuchungsraten. Das System erleichtert die Remote-Zusammenarbeit und hält gleichzeitig die Datenschutz- und Sicherheitsstandards ein, um der wachsenden Herausforderung des Fachkräftemangels, insbesondere bei komplexen Verfahren wie der kardialen MR, zu begegnen.
- FDA 510(k) clearance received for remote scanning capabilities
- 9% increase in scanning throughput demonstrated in pilot study
- Zero exam recall rate achieved during study period
- Multi-vendor compatibility with any MR or CT configuration
- Addresses technologist shortage challenges
- None.
The FDA 510(k) clearance for Philips' remote scanning capabilities represents a significant advancement in radiology operations. The ROCC platform's ability to enable remote control of scans and protocol adjustments across multiple vendors addresses critical staffing challenges in healthcare facilities. The pilot study at Imperial College showing a
The technology's vendor-agnostic approach for both MR and CT configurations significantly expands its market potential. This positions Philips strategically in the growing telemedicine and remote healthcare solutions market. The platform's ability to improve efficiency while maintaining quality could drive adoption among healthcare providers struggling with radiologist shortages and increasing imaging demands.
November 22, 2024
- Vendor-agnostic, multi-modality Radiology Operations Command Center (ROCC) connects technologists, radiologists, and operations teams in real time
- New FDA 510(k) cleared remote scanning and protocol management help improve the operation of radiology workflows
Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, today announced a major step forward in making radiology expertise for diagnostic imaging accessible to more patients. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510(k) clearance of remote scanning and remote protocol adjustment features on Philips Radiology Operations Command Center (ROCC) [1] means expert radiologists can now assist technologists on-the-spot, by remotely controlling scans or adjusting protocols to acquire high quality images needed for improved diagnostic confidence and patient outcomes.
“With the ROCC, innovation takes the lead in revolutionizing our daily radiology operations, enhancing our imaging capabilities, and providing staffing flexibility, enabling us to ultimately serve more patients more efficiently, overall delivering better patient care,” said Sherri Lewman, senior vice president of Enterprise Imaging at Tampa General Hospital [2].
ROCC is a multi-vendor, multi-modality, safe and secure imaging solution widely used in North America and Europe. It can be used with any vendor MR or CT configuration and seamlessly connects imaging experts in a command center with technologists at scan locations across their organization. A pilot study at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London, UK resulted in a
The remote scanning capabilities of ROCC [1] allow expert users to edit MR and CT scanner consoles in real time, from any location and share their expertise via on-demand chat, voice and video collaboration, without compromising privacy, safety or security. ROCC enables remote collaboration between imaging experts and on-site technologists to help with precise, first-time right image acquisition, for more efficient and enhanced patient care.
“Healthcare providers are increasingly confronted with the challenge of not having enough skilled technologists to meet the demand for patient imaging exams, particularly for more complex exams such as cardiac MR,” said Shiv Gopalkrishnan, Business Leader Patient Care Informatics at Philips. “With the 510(k) clearance of ROCC’s remote scanning and remote protocol management capabilities [1] we are further empowering clinicians to deliver the timely diagnosis that patients deserve and helping to deliver better care for more patients.”
Philips will showcase ROCC in the Philips booth (#6730) at the Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting, Dec. 1-4, 2024, in Chicago, USA. For more information, visit Philips at RSNA 2024.
[1] Remote editing and protocol management are functions powered by the 510(k) cleared ROCC Console solution. Remote Image Acquisition is only to be used with a qualified user at the scanner.
[2] TGH Imaging Implements Philips Radiology Operations Command Center (ROCC) | Tampa General Hospital
[3] Based on results achieved in the ROCC Connectivity-Imperial NHS Trust Pilot Study. Increasing Imperial-NHS cardiac scanning capacity using ROCC for virtual training white paper. September 2024. Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions.
For further information, please contact:
Anna Hogrebe
Philips Global Press Office
Tel.: +1 416 270 6757
About Royal Philips
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people's health and well-being through meaningful innovation. Philips’ patient- and people-centric innovation leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver personal health solutions for consumers and professional health solutions for healthcare providers and their patients in the hospital and the home. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, image-guided therapy, monitoring, and enterprise informatics, as well as in personal health. Philips generated 2023 sales of EUR 18.2 billion and employs approximately 69,700 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. News about Philips can be found at

What new FDA clearance did Philips (PHG) receive in November 2024?
What performance improvements were shown in the Philips (PHG) ROCC pilot study?
What imaging systems is Philips (PHG) ROCC compatible with?