OMNIVISION Partners with Philips on Industry’s First In-Cabin Driver Health Monitoring Automotive Solution

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OMNIVISION and Philips have partnered to develop the world's first in-cabin connected well-being monitoring solution for automotive applications. The prototype, which will be demonstrated at AutoSens Europe in Barcelona from October 8-10, 2024, combines OMNIVISION's OX05B1S CMOS image sensor with Philips' vital signs camera software for automotive use.

The system monitors vital signs such as pulse and breathing rate, potentially enabling customization of comfort settings while driving. This data could be used to adapt media, climate, lighting, seating, engine modes, and more. The solution aims to add value for automotive consumers and shorten time to market for tier-one automotive OEMs.

OMNIVISION's OX05B1S is a 5-megapixel RGB-IR backside illuminated global shutter sensor featuring Nyxel® technology, which provides superior performance in low-light conditions. An AI-enabled OAX4600 image signal processor handles data processing for the med-tech system.

OMNIVISION e Philips hanno unito le forze per sviluppare la prima soluzione di monitoraggio del benessere connessa all'interno dell'abitacolo per applicazioni automobilistiche. Il prototipo, che sarà presentato a AutoSens Europe a Barcellona dal 8 al 10 ottobre 2024, combina il sensore di immagine CMOS OX05B1S di OMNIVISION con il software per la rilevazione dei segni vitali di Philips per uso automobilistico.

Il sistema monitora segni vitali come il battito cardiaco e la frequenza respiratoria, consentendo potenzialmente la personalizzazione delle impostazioni di comfort durante la guida. Questi dati potrebbero essere utilizzati per adattare media, clima, illuminazione, sedili, modalità del motore e altro ancora. La soluzione mira a creare valore per i consumatori automobilistici e a ridurre il tempo di commercializzazione per i produttori automobilistici di primo livello.

L'OX05B1S di OMNIVISION è un sensore RGB-IR da 5 megapixel con retroilluminazione a otturatore globale, dotato della tecnologia Nyxel®, che offre prestazioni superiori in condizioni di scarsa illuminazione. Un processore di segnale immagine OAX4600 abilitato all'IA gestisce l'elaborazione dei dati per il sistema med-tech.

OMNIVISION y Philips se han asociado para desarrollar la primera solución de monitoreo de bienestar conectada dentro de la cabina para aplicaciones automotrices. El prototipo, que se demostrará en AutoSens Europe en Barcelona del 8 al 10 de octubre de 2024, combina el sensor de imagen CMOS OX05B1S de OMNIVISION con el software de cámara de signos vitales de Philips para uso automotriz.

El sistema monitorea signos vitales como la frecuencia del pulso y la tasa de respiración, lo que potencialmente permite la personalización de la configuración de confort mientras se conduce. Estos datos podrían utilizarse para adaptar los medios, el clima, la iluminación, los asientos, los modos del motor y más. La solución tiene como objetivo agregar valor a los consumidores automotrices y acortar el tiempo de comercialización para los fabricantes de automóviles de primer nivel.

El OX05B1S de OMNIVISION es un sensor RGB-IR de 5 megapíxeles con retroiluminación de obturador global que cuenta con la tecnología Nyxel®, ofreciendo un rendimiento superior en condiciones de poca luz. Un procesador de señal de imagen OAX4600 habilitado por IA se encarga del procesamiento de datos para el sistema med-tech.

OMNIVISION과 Philips는 자동차 애플리케이션을 위한 세계 최초의 차내 연결된 웰빙 모니터링 솔루션을 개발하기 위해 협력했습니다. 이 프로토타입은 2024년 10월 8일부터 10일까지 바르셀로나에서 열리는 AutoSens Europe에서 시연될 예정이며, OMNIVISION의 OX05B1S CMOS 이미지 센서와 Philips의 자동차용 생체신호 카메라 소프트웨어를 결합하고 있습니다.

이 시스템은 맥박과 호흡률과 같은 생체 신호를 모니터링하며, 운전 중 편안함 설정의 맞춤화를 가능하게 할 수 있습니다. 이 데이터는 미디어, 기후, 조명, 좌석, 엔진 모드 등을 조정하는 데 사용될 수 있습니다. 이 솔루션은 자동차 소비자에게 가치를 추가하고 1급 자동차 OEM의 시장 출시 시간을 단축하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

OMNIVISION의 OX05B1S는 저조도 환경에서 뛰어난 성능을 제공하는 Nyxel® 기술을 갖춘 5메가픽셀 RGB-IR 후면 조명 글로벌 셔터 센서입니다. AI 지원 OAX4600 이미지 신호 프로세서가 메드테크 시스템을 위한 데이터 처리를 담당합니다.

OMNIVISION et Philips se sont associés pour développer la première solution de surveillance de bien-être connectée à l'intérieur de l'habitacle pour les applications automobiles. Le prototype, qui sera présenté lors de AutoSens Europe à Barcelone du 8 au 10 octobre 2024, combine le capteur d'image CMOS OX05B1S d'OMNIVISION avec le logiciel de caméra de signes vitaux de Philips pour une utilisation automobile.

Le système surveille des signes vitaux tels que le pouls et la fréquence respiratoire, permettant potentiellement la personnalisation des paramètres de confort pendant la conduite. Ces données pourraient être utilisées pour adapter les médias, le climat, l'éclairage, les sièges, les modes moteur, et plus encore. La solution vise à ajouter de la valeur pour les consommateurs automobiles et à réduire le temps de mise sur le marché pour les OEM automobiles de premier rang.

L'OX05B1S d'OMNIVISION est un capteur RGB-IR de 5 mégapixels avec rétroéclairage, doté de la technologie Nyxel®, qui offre des performances supérieures dans des conditions de faible luminosité. Un processeur de signal d'image OAX4600 habilité par IA gère le traitement des données pour le système med-tech.

OMNIVISION und Philips haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um die weltweit erste vernetzte Wohlfühl-Überwachungslösung für das Innere von Fahrzeugen für automobile Anwendungen zu entwickeln. Der Prototyp, der auf der AutoSens Europe in Barcelona vom 8. bis 10. Oktober 2024 vorgestellt wird, kombiniert den OX05B1S CMOS-Bildsensor von OMNIVISION mit der Software für Vitalzeichenkameras von Philips für den automobilen Einsatz.

Das System überwacht Vitalzeichen wie Puls und Atemfrequenz, was potenziell eine Anpassung der Komforteinstellungen während der Fahrt ermöglicht. Diese Daten könnten verwendet werden, um Medien, Klima, Beleuchtung, Sitze, Motormodi und mehr anzupassen. Die Lösung zielt darauf ab, den automobilen Verbrauchern Mehrwert zu bieten und die Markteinführungszeit für Tier-1-Automobil-OEMs zu verkürzen.

Der OX05B1S von OMNIVISION ist ein 5-Megapixel-RGB-IR-Sensor mit rückwärtiger Beleuchtung und globalem Verschluss, der mit Nyxel®-Technologie ausgestattet ist und außergewöhnliche Leistung bei schwachem Licht bietet. Ein KI-unterstützter OAX4600-Bildsignalprozessor übernimmt die Datenverarbeitung für das Med-Tech-System.

  • Partnership between OMNIVISION and Philips to develop innovative automotive technology
  • Demonstration of world's first in-cabin connected well-being monitoring solution
  • Potential for customization of comfort settings based on vital signs data
  • Use of advanced CMOS image sensor technology with superior low-light performance
  • Opportunity to add value for automotive consumers and shorten time to market for OEMs
  • None.

First-ever demo of connected in-cabin vital signs monitoring will debut at AutoSens Europe, featuring OMNIVISION’s state-of-the-art CMOS image sensor and Philips’ vital signs camerai for automotive software

BARCELONA, Spain--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- OMNIVISION, a leading global developer of semiconductor solutions, including advanced digital imaging, analog and touch & display technology, and Philips, a global technology company focused on improving people’s health and well-being through meaningful innovation in healthcare and consumer lifestyle, today announced they will jointly demonstrate a prototype of the world’s first in-cabin connected well-being monitoring solution at AutoSens Europe, taking place October 8-10, 2024, at Palau de Congressos, Barcelona, Spain.

The in-cabin health and well-being system monitors vital signs such as pulse and breathing ratei. The data may enable customization of comfort settings while driving, such as intelligently adapting media, climate, lighting, seating, engine modes, scent and more. It will also help enable timed delivery of vehicle notifications or make adaptive route and break suggestionsii.

“Automotive OEMs are continuously looking to add value and differentiate their brands by adding novel features that increase the comfort level in cars,” said Ritesh Agarwal, senior automotive marketing manager, OMNIVISION. “As a leading supplier of image sensors for the automotive market, we have partnered with Philips, a renowned health and well-being technology software provider, to develop vital signs monitoring solution particularly tailored to the automotive industry, which has the potential to be connected to the comfort and safety settings of the car. This in-cabin solution will bring added value to automotive consumers and shorten time to market for tier-one automotive OEMs.”

“By collaborating with OMNIVISION, we have demonstrated that camera sensors already available in the automotive industry are capable of accurately measuring vital signs such as pulse rate and breathing rate,” said Laurens Pronk, business development manager EMEA, Philips. “Philips has over 20 years of experience in developing and clinically validating patented vital signs monitoring algorithms for various sensor technologies. We have partnered with OMNIVISION, an industry leader in in-cabin automotive image sensors, to leverage our joint capabilities and demonstrate this state-of-the-art technology during AutoSens Europe.”

The demonstrated prototype combines Philips’ vital signs camera for automotive software with OMNIVISION’s state-of-the-art OX05B1S CMOS image sensor, a 5-megapixel (MP) RGB-IR backside illuminated (BSI) global shutter sensor for in-cabin monitoring systems. The image sensor features Nyxel® technology, which uses novel silicon semiconductor architectures and processes to achieve the industry leading quantum efficiency at the 940nm near-infrared (NIR) wavelength. This enables the OX05B1S to detect and recognize objects that other image sensors would miss under extremely low lighting conditions, providing higher performance in-cabin camera capabilities. An advanced artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled OAX4600 image signal processor seamlessly processes the data from the image sensor for the med-tech system.

For more information, contact an OMNIVISION sales representative at or visit OMNIVISION at AutoSens Europe, Booth 300.


OMNIVISION is a global fabless semiconductor organization that develops advanced digital imaging, analog and touch & display solutions for multiple applications and industries, including mobile phones, security and surveillance, automotive, computing, medical, machine vision and emerging applications. Its award-winning innovative technologies enable a smoother human/machine interface in many of today’s commercial devices. Find out more at

About Royal Philips

Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading technology company focused on improving people's health and well-being through meaningful innovation. Philips’ patient- and people-centric innovation leverages advanced technology, deep clinical, and consumer insights to deliver personal health solutions for consumers and professional health solutions for healthcare providers and their patients in the hospital and the home.
News about Philips can be found at

OMNIVISION®, Nyxel® and the OMNIVISION logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of OMNIVISION. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

i For technology demonstration purposes only. Prior to commercial distribution appropriate regulatory authorizations for the intended market will be obtained by the legal manufacturer of the end-product.
ii This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and these statements have not been evaluated by any global regulatory agency.

Media Contact:

Sandy Fewkes


+1 408.529.9685

Company Contact:

DeAnn Liu


+1 408.916.2536



What is the new automotive solution developed by OMNIVISION and Philips?

OMNIVISION and Philips have developed the industry's first in-cabin driver health monitoring automotive solution, which monitors vital signs such as pulse and breathing rate using OMNIVISION's CMOS image sensor and Philips' vital signs camera software.

When and where will the in-cabin health monitoring solution be demonstrated?

The solution will be demonstrated at AutoSens Europe, taking place from October 8-10, 2024, at Palau de Congressos in Barcelona, Spain.

What are the potential applications of the in-cabin health monitoring system?

The system may enable customization of comfort settings while driving, such as adapting media, climate, lighting, seating, engine modes, and scent. It could also help with timed delivery of vehicle notifications and adaptive route and break suggestions.

What technology does OMNIVISION's image sensor use for low-light performance?

OMNIVISION's OX05B1S CMOS image sensor features Nyxel® technology, which uses novel silicon semiconductor architectures and processes to achieve industry-leading quantum efficiency at the 940nm near-infrared wavelength, enabling superior performance in low-light conditions.



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