Global Financial Inclusion Improved for the Second Consecutive Year Despite Challenging Macroeconomic Conditions, According to the Global Financial Inclusion Index From Principal®

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The Global Financial Inclusion Index from Principal® reveals that global financial inclusion improved for the second consecutive year, despite challenging macroeconomic conditions. Singapore retained its top position as the world's most financially inclusive market for the third year in a row, with Asia-Pacific markets comprising half of the top 10.

Key findings include:

  • All regions saw improvement in financial inclusion
  • Latin America showed the greatest improvement
  • The U.S. fell outside the top five ranking for the first time, now ranking seventh
  • Consumer perception of financial inclusion has fallen across the world

The Index ranks 41 markets based on support provided by employers, governments, and financial systems. Despite economic pressures, the report highlights how governments and the private sector have stepped up to help societies weather these conditions, leading to increased levels of financial inclusion worldwide.

Il Global Financial Inclusion Index di Principal® rivela che l'inclusione finanziaria globale è migliorata per il secondo anno consecutivo, nonostante le difficili condizioni macroeconomiche. Singapore ha mantenuto la sua posizione di vertice come il mercato più inclusivo a livello mondiale per il terzo anno di fila, con i mercati dell'Asia-Pacifico che rappresentano metà della top 10.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Tutte le regioni hanno mostrato un miglioramento nell'inclusione finanziaria
  • L'America Latina ha registrato il maggior miglioramento
  • Gli Stati Uniti sono scesi al di fuori delle prime cinque posizioni per la prima volta, ora al settimo posto
  • La percezione dei consumatori riguardo all'inclusione finanziaria è diminuita in tutto il mondo

L'indice classifica 41 mercati in base al supporto fornito da datori di lavoro, governi e sistemi finanziari. Nonostante le pressioni economiche, il rapporto evidenzia come governi e settore privato si siano attivati per aiutare le società ad affrontare queste condizioni, portando a un aumento dei livelli di inclusione finanziaria a livello globale.

El Índice Global de Inclusión Financiera de Principal® revela que la inclusión financiera global mejoró por segundo año consecutivo, a pesar de las desafiantes condiciones macroeconómicas. Singapur mantuvo su posición de liderazgo como el mercado más inclusivo del mundo por tercer año consecutivo, con los mercados de Asia-Pacífico ocupando la mitad del Top 10.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Todas las regiones vieron mejoras en la inclusión financiera
  • América Latina mostró la mayor mejora
  • Los EE.UU. quedaron fuera de las cinco mejores posiciones por primera vez, ahora ocupando el séptimo lugar
  • La percepción de los consumidores sobre la inclusión financiera ha disminuido en todo el mundo

El índice clasifica 41 mercados en función del apoyo brindado por empleadores, gobiernos y sistemas financieros. A pesar de las presiones económicas, el informe destaca cómo los gobiernos y el sector privado han intensificado sus esfuerzos para ayudar a las sociedades a afrontar estas condiciones, lo que ha llevado a un aumento de los niveles de inclusión financiera en todo el mundo.

글로벌 금융 포용 지수는 Principal®에서 발표한 자료로, 전 세계 금융 포용이 두 번째 해를 맞이하여 개선되었음을 보여줍니다. 싱가포르는 세 번째 해 연속으로 세계에서 가장 금융 포괄적인 시장으로 자리 잡았고, 아시아 태평양 시장이 상위 10개 시장의 절반을 차지하고 있습니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 모든 지역에서 금융 포용이 개선되었습니다
  • 라틴 아메리카가 가장 큰 개선을 보였습니다
  • 미국은 처음으로 상위 5위에 드는 것을 벗어나 현재 7위에 해당합니다
  • 세계적으로 금융 포용에 대한 소비자의 인식이 하락했습니다

이 지수는 고용주, 정부 및 금융 시스템이 제공하는 지원을 기반으로 41개 시장을 평가합니다. 경제적 압박에도 불구하고, 이 보고서는 정부와 민간 부문이 이러한 상황을 극복하기 위해 사회를 지원하기 위한 노력을 증대시키고 있어, 전 세계적으로 금융 포용 수준이 증가했다는 점을 강조합니다.

L'Indice Mondial d'Inclusion Financière de Principal® révèle que l'inclusion financière mondiale a connu une amélioration pour la deuxième année consécutive, malgré des conditions macroéconomiques difficiles. Singapour a conservé sa première place en tant que marché le plus inclusif au monde pour la troisième année consécutive, avec les marchés de la région Asie-Pacifique occupant la moitié du top 10.

Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • Toutes les régions ont connu une amélioration de l'inclusion financière
  • L'Amérique latine a montré la plus grande amélioration
  • Les États-Unis sont sortis du top cinq pour la première fois, occupant désormais la septième place
  • La perception des consommateurs vis-à-vis de l'inclusion financière a diminué dans le monde entier

L'indice classe 41 marchés en fonction du soutien fourni par les employeurs, les gouvernements et les systèmes financiers. Malgré les pressions économiques, le rapport souligne comment les gouvernements et le secteur privé se sont mobilisés pour aider les sociétés à faire face à ces conditions, entraînant une augmentation des niveaux d'inclusion financière dans le monde entier.

Der Globale Finanzinklusionsindex von Principal® zeigt, dass sich die globale Finanzinklusion im zweiten Jahr in Folge verbessert hat, trotz herausfordernder makroökonomischer Bedingungen. Singapur behielt seine Spitzenposition als der finanziell inklusivste Markt der Welt zum dritten Mal in Folge, wobei die Märkte im Asien-Pazifik-Raum die Hälfte der Top 10 ausmachen.

Wichtigste Erkenntnisse sind:

  • Alle Regionen verzeichneten eine Verbesserung der Finanzinklusion
  • Lateinamerika zeigte die größte Verbesserung
  • Die USA fielen zum ersten Mal aus den Top fünf und rangieren nun auf dem siebten Platz
  • Die Wahrnehmung der Verbraucher zur Finanzinklusion ist weltweit gesunken

Der Index bewertet 41 Märkte basierend auf der Unterstützung durch Arbeitgeber, Regierungen und Finanzsysteme. Trotz wirtschaftlicher Druckverhältnisse hebt der Bericht hervor, wie Regierungen und der private Sektor sich verstärkt engagiert haben, um Gesellschaften in diesen Bedingungen zu unterstützen, was zu einem Anstieg der Finanzinklusion weltweit geführt hat.

  • None.
  • None.
  • Singapore retains number one position as the world’s most financially inclusive market for the third year in a row, as Asia-Pacific markets comprise half of the top 10.
  • All regions saw improvement in financial inclusion with only eight out of the 41 markets analyzed experiencing a decline in scores.
  • The U.S. financial inclusion score remained unchanged, but now ranks seventh, falling outside of the top five markets for the first time since the inception of the Index.

DES MOINES, Iowa--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Singapore is once again the world’s most financially inclusive market across 41 analyzed, followed by Hong Kong, South Korea, Switzerland, and Sweden, according to the third edition of the Global Financial Inclusion Index (the Index) from Principal Financial Group®.

The research released today, conducted by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) and Principal®, ranks markets based on the support provided by employers, the government, and the financial system to foster financial inclusion. The report provides a comprehensive and comparative evaluation of financial inclusion on a global scale – ranking 41 markets on a relative basis in addition to an absolute score assigned at the global and regional levels.

“It's been a challenging year with inflation outpacing wage growth, interest rate hikes, and ongoing market uncertainty. However, even amid these economic pressures, we’ve seen global financial inclusion improve for the second year in a row, as employers, governments and financial systems continue to collectively increase access to useful and affordable financial products and services,” said Dan Houston, chairman and CEO of Principal. “As it became harder for businesses and households to access lending, we have seen how governments and the private sector have stepped up to help societies weather these economic conditions. This has led to levels of financial inclusion continuing to increase around the world.”

Key findings

  • Financial inclusion has improved globally for the second consecutive year, with all regions and subregions seeing improvements. Latin America showed the greatest improvement.
  • The Asia-Pacific region increased its number of top-performing markets. Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand, and Australia all secured spots in the top 10 this year.
  • Employers in young Asian economies have stepped up to help consumers and businesses weather local market economic challenges by supporting households through short-term periods of financial strain. Southeast Asian economies including Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia have seen upticks in elements of employer support around flexible pay initiatives such as advancing paychecks or increasing regularity of payments.
  • Latin American markets leap forward in financial inclusion with advancements in digital financial infrastructure. Argentina leads the way, jumping 14 places overall.
  • Consumer perception of financial inclusion has fallen across the world. Consumer perception of financial inclusion globally has fallen 13.7 points from 74.2% to 60.5%. Perception scores dropped in 39 out of 41 markets.

“The past year has been marked by a combination of significant macroeconomic and geopolitical challenges,” said Christopher Breen, head of economic insight, Centre for Economics and Business Research. “Against this backdrop, it is very positive news that financial inclusion has improved in so many markets across the Index. This reflects governments, the financial system, and employers stepping in at the point of need. While there is still clearly room for progress, the increases in financial inclusion are a testament to the investment and positive progress these groups have made in recent years."

Declines in employer and financial system support sees U.S. fall outside the top five ranking for the first time

The U.S.’s financial inclusion score remains unchanged year over year, suggesting a show of resilience in the face of economic headwinds. However, the market now ranks outside the top five, falling from fourth to seventh. The fall was driven by declines in financial system support (rank down five places from first place to sixth) and employer support (rank down eight places from 12th to 20th). Meanwhile, the U.S.’s ranking for government support rose three places to 16th.

Within the employer support pillar, large employers lead the way in offering financially inclusive measures, such as insurance and retirement benefits, but the gap between smaller and larger firms is narrowing. In 2023, the difference in employer support scores between the largest (over 500 employees) and smallest (under 100 employees) businesses stood at 62.0 points. This year that figure has shrunk to 43.1 points**.

“For the third year in a row, employers are the institution Americans agree does the most to make them feel financially included,” said Amy Friedrich, president of Benefits and Protection at Principal. “This highlights the unique position of employers to positively impact employees’ day-to-day lives. For example, as we see ongoing declines in how financially included people across the U.S. feel, employers are well positioned to help improve financial confidence. Employer actions such as investing in benefits and providing guidance on financial topics can have significant impact on workforce wellbeing, which in turn drives greater retention and efficiency.”

Explore the full results of the Global Financial Inclusion Index here.

Learn more about the methodology here.

Notes to editors
Global” encompasses the 41 markets contained within the Index
** Calculated using the weighted averages according to the US Census Business Demography Statistics

About the Global Financial Inclusion Index

The Global Financial Inclusion Index ranks 41 markets on three pillars of financial inclusion—government, financial system, and employer support—using data points across public and survey-based sources. These pillars represent the key stakeholders responsible for promoting financial inclusion across the population. The Index explores the challenges and opportunities surrounding increasing access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs—transactions, payments, savings, credit, and insurance, etc.

The Index was conducted in partnership with the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr). The methodology combines various data sources into one unified measure of financial inclusion at the market level.

About Principal Financial Group®

Principal Financial Group® (Nasdaq: PFG) is a global financial company with nearly 20,000 employees¹ passionate about improving the wealth and well-being of people and businesses. In business for 145 years, we're helping more than 64 million customers1 plan, protect, invest, and retire, while working to support the communities where we do business, and build a diverse, inclusive workforce. Principal® is proud to be recognized as one of the 2024 World's Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere², a member of the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index, and a "Best Places to Work in Money Management³." Learn more about Principal and our commitment to building a better future at

¹ As of June 30, 2024
² Ethisphere, 2024
³ Pensions & Investments, 2023

About Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr)

The Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) is an independent economics consultancy with a reputation for sound business advice based on thorough and insightful research. Since 1992, Cebr has been at the forefront of business and public interest research, providing analysis, forecasts and strategic advice to major UK and multinational companies, financial institutions, government departments and agencies and trade bodies. For further information about Cebr please visit

The Global Financial Inclusion Index is a proprietary model output based upon certain assumptions that may change, are not guaranteed, and should not be relied upon as a significant basis for an investment decision.

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Ashley Miller, 515-878-6295

Source: Principal Financial Group


What is the Global Financial Inclusion Index from Principal?

The Global Financial Inclusion Index is a research report by Principal Financial Group® that ranks 41 markets based on their level of financial inclusion, considering support from employers, governments, and financial systems.

Which country ranked first in the 2023 Global Financial Inclusion Index?

Singapore ranked first in the 2023 Global Financial Inclusion Index, retaining its position as the world's most financially inclusive market for the third consecutive year.

How did the United States (PFG) perform in the latest Global Financial Inclusion Index?

The United States (PFG) fell outside the top five ranking for the first time, dropping from fourth to seventh place. Its overall score remained unchanged, but it experienced declines in financial system and employer support rankings.

Which region showed the greatest improvement in financial inclusion according to the Index?

According to the Global Financial Inclusion Index, Latin America showed the greatest improvement in financial inclusion among all regions analyzed.

How has consumer perception of financial inclusion changed globally?

Consumer perception of financial inclusion has fallen globally, dropping 13.7 points from 74.2% to 60.5%. Perception scores decreased in 39 out of 41 markets analyzed in the Index.

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