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Centro Benefits Research has expanded its broker-carrier API platform by integrating RFP and quote functionality with Principal Financial Group. This integration allows for seamless exchange of RFP data, eliminating manual entries and improving data accuracy and turnaround times. Principal was among the first carriers to provide policy-level data through Centro's platform.

The collaboration between Centro and Principal aims to deliver significant business and operational benefits for all stakeholders. Centro's Chief Digital Officer, Beata Rogala, emphasized their commitment to automating manual processes and transforming the industry through technological innovation. Kara Hoogensen from Principal highlighted the integration's role in enhancing the digital experience for customers.

Over the next 12 months, Centro plans to integrate with several additional ancillary benefits carriers, potentially automating over 50% of their clients' employee benefits products.

Centro Benefits Research ha ampliato la sua piattaforma API broker-carrier integrando la funzionalità RFP e di preventivo con Principal Financial Group. Questa integrazione consente uno scambio fluido dei dati RFP, eliminando le inserzioni manuali e migliorando la precisione dei dati e i tempi di risposta. Principal è stata tra le prime compagnie a fornire dati a livello di polizza attraverso la piattaforma di Centro.

La collaborazione tra Centro e Principal mira a fornire significativi vantaggi commerciali e operativi per tutti i soggetti coinvolti. Beata Rogala, Chief Digital Officer di Centro, ha sottolineato il loro impegno nell'automazione dei processi manuali e nella trasformazione del settore attraverso l'innovazione tecnologica. Kara Hoogensen di Principal ha evidenziato il ruolo dell'integrazione nel migliorare l'esperienza digitale per i clienti.

Nei prossimi 12 mesi, Centro prevede di integrarsi con diversi carrier di benefici accessori, potenzialmente automatizzando oltre il 50% dei prodotti di benefici per i dipendenti dei loro clienti.

Centro Benefits Research ha ampliado su plataforma API de corredor-operador al integrar la funcionalidad RFP y de cotización con Principal Financial Group. Esta integración permite un intercambio fluido de datos RFP, eliminando las entradas manuales y mejorando la precisión de los datos y los tiempos de respuesta. Principal fue uno de los primeros operadores en proporcionar datos a nivel de póliza a través de la plataforma de Centro.

La colaboración entre Centro y Principal tiene como objetivo ofrecer beneficios comerciales y operativos significativos para todos los interesados. Beata Rogala, Directora Digital de Centro, enfatizó su compromiso con la automatización de procesos manuales y la transformación de la industria a través de la innovación tecnológica. Kara Hoogensen de Principal destacó el papel de la integración en la mejora de la experiencia digital para los clientes.

En los próximos 12 meses, Centro planea integrarse con varios operadores de beneficios auxiliares, potencialmente automatizando más del 50% de los productos de beneficios para empleados de sus clientes.

Centro Benefits Research는 Principal Financial Group과 RFP 및 견적 기능을 통합하여 브로커-운송업체 API 플랫폼을 확장했습니다. 이 통합을 통해 RFP 데이터의 원활한 교환이 가능하여 수동 입력을 없애고 데이터 정확성과 처리 시간을 향상시킵니다. Principal은 Centro의 플랫폼을 통해 정책 수준의 데이터를 제공한 첫 번째 운송업체 중 하나였습니다.

Centro와 Principal 간의 협력은 모든 이해관계자에게 상당한 비즈니스 및 운영상의 이점을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. Centro의 최고 디지털 책임자 Beata Rogala는 수동 프로세스를 자동화하고 기술 혁신을 통해 업계를 변화시키겠다는 그들의 의지를 강조했습니다. Principal의 Kara Hoogensen은 통합이 고객의 디지털 경험을 향상시키는 데 중요한 역할을 한다고 강조했습니다.

향후 12개월 동안 Centro는 여러 추가 부가 혜택 제공업체와 통합할 계획이며, 잠재적으로 고객의 직원 혜택 제품의 50% 이상을 자동화할 수 있습니다.

Centro Benefits Research a élargi sa plateforme API courtier-porteur en intégrant la fonctionnalité RFP et devis avec Principal Financial Group. Cette intégration permet un échange fluide des données RFP, supprimant les saisies manuelles et améliorant la précision des données et les délais de traitement. Principal a été l'un des premiers porteurs à fournir des données au niveau de la police via la plateforme de Centro.

La collaboration entre Centro et Principal vise à offrir des bénéfices commerciaux et opérationnels significatifs à toutes les parties prenantes. Beata Rogala, Directrice Numérique de Centro, a souligné leur engagement à automatiser les processus manuels et à transformer le secteur grâce à l'innovation technologique. Kara Hoogensen de Principal a mis en évidence le rôle de l'intégration dans l'amélioration de l'expérience numérique des clients.

Au cours des 12 prochains mois, Centro prévoit de s'intégrer avec plusieurs autres porteurs de prestations accessoires, avec la possibilité d'automatiser plus de 50 % des produits de prestations pour les employés de ses clients.

Centro Benefits Research hat seine Broker-Träger-API-Plattform durch die Integration von RFP- und Angebotsfunktionen mit Principal Financial Group erweitert. Diese Integration ermöglicht einen nahtlosen Austausch von RFP-Daten, wodurch manuelle Eingaben entfallen und die Datenqualität sowie die Reaktionszeiten verbessert werden. Principal war einer der ersten Anbieter, der daten auf Policenebene über Centros Plattform bereitgestellt hat.

Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Centro und Principal zielt darauf ab, allen Beteiligten signifikante geschäftliche und betriebliche Vorteile zu bieten. Beata Rogala, Chief Digital Officer von Centro, betonte ihr Engagement für die Automatisierung manueller Prozesse und die Transformation der Branche durch technologische Innovation. Kara Hoogensen von Principal hob die Rolle der Integration bei der Verbesserung des digitalen Erlebnisses für die Kunden hervor.

In den nächsten 12 Monaten plant Centro die Integration mit mehreren zusätzlichen Zusatzleistungen-Anbietern, was potenziell die Automatisierung von über 50 % der Mitarbeiterbenefit-Produkte ihrer Kunden zur Folge haben könnte.

  • Integration of RFP and quote functionality with Principal Financial Group
  • Elimination of manual data entries and multiple email communications
  • Improved data accuracy and turnaround times
  • Planned integration with additional carriers over the next 12 months
  • Potential automation of over 50% of clients' employee benefits products
  • None.

ST. LOUIS, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Centro Benefits Research (Centro), an ancillary benefits consulting and technology firm representing many of the top Brokers in the U.S., announced the continued expansion of its broker-carrier API (Application Programming Interface) platform with the connection of RFP (Request For Proposal) and quote integration with a second ancillary carrier, Principal Financial Group®.

Principal was among the first connected carriers to provide policy-level data, including benefit details and rates for all in-force business of Centro's Broker partners. This next iteration of API connectivity enables Centro and Principal to seamlessly exchange RFP data allowing both organizations to eliminate most of the manual data entries and multiple email communications. As a result, data accuracy and turnaround times are significantly improved, enabling a faster and more comprehensive service for planholders.

"Our ongoing collaboration with Principal, first through the Policy API, and continuing with the RFP and Quoting API integrations, has poised Centro to yield tremendous business and operational benefits for all stakeholders across the value chain," said Beata Rogala, Chief Digital Officer at Centro. "Our dedication to creating data integrations that automate manual processes delivers a modern experience for our users and clients, advancing our mission to transform the industry through technological innovation."

"Principal is dedicated to providing unique experiences that add value for our distribution partners and customers," said Kara Hoogensen, senior vice president for benefits and protection at Principal. "The integration of the RFP Process API with Centro demonstrates how we're driving meaningful progress to the overall digital experience for our customers."

Over the next 12 months, Centro's connected carrier roadmap includes several additional ancillary benefits carriers. By integrating these carrier connections, over 50 percent of Centro's clients' employee benefits products will be fully automated, positioning Centro at the cutting edge of marketplace innovation.

About Centro Benefits Research 

Centro Benefits Research is an ancillary benefits and technology consulting firm that enables brokers and carriers to deliver the best possible outcomes for their mutual customers through powerful research, deep industry expertise and the creation of digitally focused platform efficiencies that drive business growth. Centro's mission remains squarely focused on bringing modern technology to a legacy insurance process and helping all stakeholders in the system work more effectively. For information, visit 

About Principal Financial Group®
Principal Financial Group® (Nasdaq: PFG) is a global financial company with 20,000 employees1 passionate about improving the wealth and well-being of people and businesses. In business for 145 years, we're helping more than 62 million customers1 plan, protect, invest, and retire, while working to support the communities where we do business, and build a diverse, inclusive workforce. Principal® is proud to be recognized as one of the 2023 World's Most Ethical Companies2, a member of the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index, and named as a "Best Places to Work in Money Management3." Learn more about Principal and our commitment to sustainability, inclusion, and purpose at

1 As of March 31, 2024
2 Ethisphere, 2024
3 Pensions & Investments, 2023

Media contacts:

Rachel Pennington, Operations and Marketing, Centro,

Lauren Peed, Public Relations, Principal Financial Group,

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SOURCE Centro Benefits Research


What new API integration has Centro Benefits Research announced with Principal Financial Group?

Centro Benefits Research has announced the integration of RFP (Request For Proposal) and quote functionality with Principal Financial Group through their broker-carrier API platform.

How does the new API integration between Centro and Principal (PFG) benefit users?

The integration eliminates most manual data entries and email communications, improving data accuracy and turnaround times. This results in faster and more comprehensive service for planholders.

What percentage of Centro's clients' employee benefits products are expected to be automated in the next 12 months?

Centro expects over 50% of their clients' employee benefits products to be fully automated within the next 12 months through integrations with additional ancillary benefits carriers.

Who are the key executives mentioned in the announcement of Centro's API integration with Principal (PFG)?

The key executives mentioned are Beata Rogala, Chief Digital Officer at Centro, and Kara Hoogensen, senior vice president for benefits and protection at Principal.

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