Brant Wong Joins Principal Asset Management℠ as Head of Retirement Solutions
Principal Asset Management has appointed Brant Wong as head of retirement solutions to spearhead the expansion of their retirement investment franchise. Wong, a 30-year industry veteran and former J.P. Morgan executive, will focus on connecting client needs with product innovation across asset management and U.S. retirement businesses.
The company, which manages nearly $320 billion in retirement AUM, is expanding its investment solutions with new offerings including the Principal® LifeTime Strategic Index CITs, a passive target date fund. Recent additions to their portfolio include personalized target date options and a hybrid QDIA combining target date strategies with managed account services.
Principal Asset Management ha nominato Brant Wong come responsabile delle soluzioni per la pensione per guidare l'espansione della loro franchigia di investimenti per la pensione. Wong, un veterano dell'industria con 30 anni di esperienza e ex dirigente di J.P. Morgan, si concentrerà sul collegare le esigenze dei clienti con l'innovazione dei prodotti nei settori della gestione patrimoniale e delle pensioni negli Stati Uniti.
La società, che gestisce quasi $320 miliardi in AUM per la pensione, sta espandendo le sue soluzioni di investimento con nuove offerte tra cui i Principal® LifeTime Strategic Index CITs, un fondo passivo a data target. Le recenti aggiunte al loro portafoglio includono opzioni personalizzate a data target e un QDIA ibrido che combina strategie a data target con servizi di conti gestiti.
Principal Asset Management ha nombrado a Brant Wong como jefe de soluciones de jubilación para liderar la expansión de su franquicia de inversión en jubilación. Wong, un veterano de la industria con 30 años de experiencia y exejecutivo de J.P. Morgan, se centrará en conectar las necesidades de los clientes con la innovación de productos en la gestión de activos y los negocios de jubilación en EE. UU.
La empresa, que gestiona casi $320 mil millones en AUM de jubilación, está expandiendo sus soluciones de inversión con nuevas ofertas, incluyendo los Principal® LifeTime Strategic Index CITs, un fondo pasivo de fecha objetivo. Las adiciones recientes a su cartera incluyen opciones personalizadas de fecha objetivo y un QDIA híbrido que combina estrategias de fecha objetivo con servicios de cuentas gestionadas.
Principal Asset Management는 Brant Wong을 퇴직 솔루션 책임자로 임명하여 퇴직 투자 프랜차이즈의 확장을 주도하게 했습니다. 30년 경력의 업계 베테랑이자 전 J.P. Morgan 임원인 Wong은 고객의 요구와 자산 관리 및 미국 퇴직 사업 전반에 걸친 제품 혁신을 연결하는 데 집중할 것입니다.
이 회사는 거의 $3200억의 퇴직 AUM을 관리하고 있으며, Principal® LifeTime Strategic Index CITs와 같은 새로운 상품을 포함하여 투자 솔루션을 확장하고 있습니다. 최근 포트폴리오에 추가된 항목에는 개인화된 목표 날짜 옵션과 목표 날짜 전략과 관리 계좌 서비스를 결합한 하이브리드 QDIA가 포함됩니다.
Principal Asset Management a nommé Brant Wong à la tête des solutions de retraite pour diriger l'expansion de leur franchise d'investissement en retraite. Wong, un vétéran de l'industrie avec 30 ans d'expérience et ancien cadre de J.P. Morgan, se concentrera sur la connexion des besoins des clients avec l'innovation produit dans la gestion d'actifs et les affaires de retraite aux États-Unis.
L'entreprise, qui gère près de 320 milliards de dollars en AUM de retraite, élargit ses solutions d'investissement avec de nouvelles offres, y compris les Principal® LifeTime Strategic Index CITs, un fonds passif à date cible. Les ajouts récents à leur portefeuille incluent des options de date cible personnalisées et un QDIA hybride combinant des stratégies de date cible avec des services de comptes gérés.
Principal Asset Management hat Brant Wong zum Leiter der Ruhestandslösungen ernannt, um die Expansion ihrer Ruhestandsinvestitionsfranchise voranzutreiben. Wong, ein 30-jähriger Branchenveteran und ehemaliger J.P. Morgan-Manager, wird sich darauf konzentrieren, die Bedürfnisse der Kunden mit Produktinnovationen im Bereich Asset Management und US-Ruhestandsgeschäfte zu verbinden.
Das Unternehmen, das fast $320 Milliarden in Ruhestands-AUM verwaltet, erweitert seine Investitionslösungen mit neuen Angeboten, darunter die Principal® LifeTime Strategic Index CITs, einen passiven Zielterminfonds. Zu den jüngsten Ergänzungen ihres Portfolios gehören personalisierte Zielterminoptionen und ein hybrides QDIA, das Zielterminstrategien mit verwalteten Kontodiensten kombiniert.
- Significant AUM of $320 billion in retirement assets
- Launch of cost-efficient Principal® LifeTime Strategic Index CITs
- Strategic hire of experienced industry veteran for retirement solutions
- Expansion of product portfolio with personalized investment options
- None.
“Principal is focused on building investment solutions designed to support Americans as they continue to reshape the ways they think about and plan for retirement,” said Kamal Bhatia, president and CEO, Principal Asset Management. “In this new position, Brant will play a key role in our retirement investment product strategy across the asset management and
Wong is a nearly 30-year veteran of the industry and former head of retirement platforms with J.P. Morgan. He brings to Principal a depth of knowledge and experience serving the individual retirement investor and connecting those customer needs with innovative product and workplace investment solutions. Under Wong’s leadership, his team will leverage the extensive set of Principal investment solution capabilities backed by the firm’s heritage in retirement and life to maximize customer experience and drive outcomes.
“As individual Americans plan for their ideal retirement scenarios, they put their trust in established retirement investment providers who can help them feel confident in their investment choices and the adequacy of their retirement income,” said Wong. “I’m proud to be joining Principal which is one of a few firms with expertise and service along an individual’s full investment journey and are well poised to continue to develop new and innovative solutions to meet their needs.”
Principal manages nearly
About Brant Wong
Wong joins Principal with nearly 30 years of industry experience. Wong previously spent 23 years at J.P. Morgan Asset Management serving as head of retirement strategy, platforms, and national accounts. Prior to this role, he held a position at McKinsey and Company. Wong earned a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Harvard University.
About Principal Asset Management
With public and private market capabilities across all asset classes, Principal Asset Management and its investment specialists look at asset management through a different lens, creating solutions to help deliver client investment objectives. By applying local insights with global perspectives, Principal Asset Management identifies distinct and compelling investment opportunities for more than 1,100 institutional clients in over 80 markets.1 Principal Asset Management is the global investment solutions business for Principal Financial Group® (Nasdaq: PFG), managing $
[1] As of December 31, 2024
[2] Pensions & Investments, 2024
Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal.
The CITs are collective investment trusts maintained by Principal Global Investors Trust Company. The CITs are not mutual funds and are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the
Insurance products issued by Principal National Life Insurance Co (except in NY) and Principal Life Insurance Company®. Plan administrative services offered by Principal Life. Securities offered through Principal Securities, Inc., member SIPC and/or independent broker/-dealers. Referenced companies are members of the Principal Financial Group®, |
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Media Contact: Erin Parro, 515-878-0130,
Source: Principal Asset Management
What is the current retirement AUM managed by Principal Asset Management (PFG)?
What new retirement product has Principal Asset Management (PFG) recently launched?
What is Brant Wong's previous experience before joining Principal Asset Management (PFG)?