ViiV Healthcare to triple annual supply of long-acting HIV PrEP for low- and middle-income countries

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ViiV Healthcare, majority owned by GSK with Pfizer and Shionogi as shareholders, has committed to making at least two million doses of long-acting cabotegravir for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (CAB LA for PrEP) available for low- and middle-income countries (L&MICs) during 2025-2026. This triples the company's available supply compared to 2024, aiming to accelerate access where HIV burden is highest.

The rollout of CAB LA for PrEP is progressing rapidly in Sub-Saharan Africa and lower income countries, with half of the approvals to date in Sub-Saharan Africa and 79% in L&MICs. ViiV is providing the product at a not-for-profit price for low-income and Sub-Saharan African countries. By the end of 2024, ViiV will have supplied CAB LA for PrEP to partners for rollout in 14 countries.

ViiV is also working with generic manufacturers through a licensing agreement with the Medicines Patent Pool to develop generic formulations, aiming to improve affordability and expand capacity in resource- settings.

ViiV Healthcare, di proprietà per la maggior parte di GSK con Pfizer e Shionogi come azionisti, ha impegnato a rendere disponibili almeno due milioni di dosi di cabotegravir a lungo termine per la profilassi pre-esposizione all'HIV (CAB LA per PrEP) per i paesi a basso e medio reddito (L&MIC) durante il 2025-2026. Questo triplica le forniture disponibili dell'azienda rispetto al 2024, con l'obiettivo di accelerare l'accesso dove il carico di HIV è più elevato.

Il lancio di CAB LA per PrEP sta progredendo rapidamente nell'Africa subsahariana e nei paesi a basso reddito, con la metà delle approvazioni finora nell'Africa subsahariana e il 79% nei L&MIC. ViiV offre il prodotto a un prezzo non profit per i paesi a basso reddito e dell'Africa subsahariana. Entro la fine del 2024, ViiV avrà fornito CAB LA per PrEP ai partner per il lancio in 14 paesi.

ViiV sta anche collaborando con i produttori generici attraverso un accordo di licenza con il Medicines Patent Pool per sviluppare formulazioni generiche, con l'obiettivo di migliorare l'accessibilità e ampliare la capacità nei contesti a risorse limitate.

ViiV Healthcare, mayoritariamente propiedad de GSK con Pfizer y Shionogi como accionistas, se ha comprometido a hacer disponibles al menos dos millones de dosis de cabotegravir de acción prolongada para la profilaxis previa a la exposición al VIH (CAB LA para PrEP) en países de ingresos bajos y medianos (L&MIC) durante 2025-2026. Esto triplica el suministro disponible de la empresa en comparación con 2024, con el objetivo de acelerar el acceso donde la carga del VIH es más alta.

El lanzamiento de CAB LA para PrEP está avanzando rápidamente en África subsahariana y en países de ingresos bajos, con la mitad de las aprobaciones hasta la fecha en África subsahariana y el 79% en L&MIC. ViiV proporciona el producto a un precio sin fines de lucro para los países de bajos ingresos y de África subsahariana. Para finales de 2024, ViiV habrá suministrado CAB LA para PrEP a socios para su lanzamiento en 14 países.

ViiV también está trabajando con fabricantes genéricos a través de un acuerdo de licencia con el Medicines Patent Pool para desarrollar formulaciones genéricas, con el objetivo de mejorar la asequibilidad y ampliar la capacidad en entornos con recursos limitados.

ViiV Healthcare는 GSK가 대부분 소유하고 Pfizer와 Shionogi가 주주인 회사로, 2025-2026년 동안 저소득 및 중간소득 국가(L&MIC)에 최소 200만 회분의 장기작용 카보테그라비르를 제공하기로 약속했습니다. 이는 2024년에 비해 회사의 공급량을 세 배로 늘리는 것으로, HIV 부담이 가장 높은 지역에서의 접근을 가속화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

CAB LA를 위한 PrEP의 배급은 아프리카 사하라 이남과 저소득 국가에서 빠르게 진행되고 있으며, 현재까지 아프리카 사하라 이남에서 승인된 절반과 L&MIC의 79%가 승인되었습니다. ViiV는 저소득 국가와 아프리카 사하라 이남 국가에 대해 비영리 가격으로 제품을 제공합니다. 2024년 말까지 ViiV는 14개 국가에 CAB LA를 PrEP 파트너에게 공급할 것입니다.

ViiV는 또한 의약품 특허 풀과의 라이선스 계약을 통해 제네릭 제조업체와 협력하여 제네릭 제형을 개발하고 있으며, 이는 접근성을 개선하고 자원 제한 환경에서의 용량을 확대하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

ViiV Healthcare, majoritairement détenue par GSK avec Pfizer et Shionogi comme actionnaires, s'est engagée à rendre disponibles au moins deux millions de doses de cabotégravir à action prolongée pour la prophylaxie pré-exposition au VIH (CAB LA pour PrEP) dans les pays à revenus faibles et intermédiaires (L&MIC) au cours de 2025-2026. Cela triplera l'approvisionnement disponible de l'entreprise par rapport à 2024, visant à accélérer l'accès là où le fardeau du VIH est le plus élevé.

Le déploiement de CAB LA pour PrEP progresse rapidement en Afrique subsaharienne et dans les pays à faible revenu, avec la moitié des approbations à ce jour en Afrique subsaharienne et 79 % dans les L&MIC. ViiV fournit le produit à un prix à but non lucratif pour les pays à faible revenu et d'Afrique subsaharienne. D'ici fin 2024, ViiV aura fourni CAB LA pour PrEP à des partenaires pour un déploiement dans 14 pays.

ViiV collabore également avec des fabricants de médicaments génériques grâce à un accord de licence avec le Medicines Patent Pool pour développer des formulations génériques, visant à améliorer l'accessibilité et à élargir la capacité dans des environnements à ressources limitées.

ViiV Healthcare, die mehrheitlich im Besitz von GSK ist, mit Pfizer und Shionogi als Aktionären, hat sich verpflichtet, mindestens zwei Millionen Dosen von langwirksamem Cabotegravir zur HIV-Präexpositionsprophylaxe (CAB LA für PrEP) für einkommensschwache und mittlere Länder (L&MICs) von 2025-2026 verfügbar zu machen. Dies vervielfacht das verfügbare Angebot des Unternehmens im Vergleich zu 2024 und zielt darauf ab, den Zugang in Regionen mit der höchsten HIV-Belastung zu beschleunigen.

Die Einführung von CAB LA für PrEP schreitet in Subsahara-Afrika und einkommensschwachen Ländern schnell voran, mit der Hälfte der bisherigen Genehmigungen in Subsahara-Afrika und 79% in L&MICs. ViiV bietet das Produkt zu einem gemeinnützigen Preis für einkommensschwache Länder und Subsahara-Afrika an. Bis Ende 2024 wird ViiV CAB LA für PrEP an Partner für die Einführung in 14 Ländern bereitgestellt haben.

ViiV arbeitet auch mit generischen Herstellern durch eine Lizenzierung mit dem Medicines Patent Pool zusammen, um generische Formulierungen zu entwickeln, mit dem Ziel, die Erschwinglichkeit zu verbessern und die Kapazität in ressourcenschwachen Umgebungen auszubauen.

  • Commitment to supply 2 million doses of CAB LA for PrEP to L&MICs in 2025-2026
  • Tripling of available supply compared to 2024
  • Rapid regulatory approvals with 79% in L&MICs
  • Not-for-profit pricing for low-income and Sub-Saharan African countries
  • Rollout in 14 countries by end of 2024
  • Licensing agreement with Medicines Patent Pool for generic formulations
  • None.
  • At least two million doses of long-acting cabotegravir for PrEP to be made available in 2025-2026 to meet growing demand where HIV burden and unmet need are greatest
  • Strong progress made with generic manufacturers through Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) voluntary licensing agreement
  • Despite availability of PrEP, an estimated 1.3 million people acquired HIV in 2023, highlighting urgent need to scale up access to innovative new options1

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ViiV Healthcare, the global specialist HIV company majority owned by GSK, with Pfizer and Shionogi as shareholders, today announced the company’s commitment to make at least two million doses of long-acting cabotegravir for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (CAB LA for PrEP) available for procurement for low- and middle-income countries (L&MICs) during 2025-2026. The new commitment will triple the company’s available supply versus 2024, to accelerate access and meet growing demand where the HIV burden and unmet need are greatest. The announcement was made at the HIV R4P 2024 conference, being held in Lima, Peru from 6 – 10 October.

Deborah Waterhouse, Chief Executive Officer at ViiV Healthcare and President, Global Health at GSK, said: “Today’s announcement marks another important milestone in our efforts to accelerate access to the only long-acting PrEP available now -- CAB LA -- where it’s needed most. We know long-acting PrEP provides a crucial option to suit the needs and circumstances of populations disproportionately affected by HIV, including young women and girls in Sub-Saharan Africa. We are committed to working at pace with our partners and the community -- globally, regionally, and locally -- to continue enabling sustainable access to CAB LA for PrEP as a key part of our mission to help end the HIV epidemic.”

ViiV’s strategy for CAB LA for PrEP in L&MICs is to maximise rapid access and uptake for populations with highest unmet needs, in a sustainable way, centred on partnership and integration into existing healthcare services and HIV prevention programmes.

The roll-out of CAB LA for PrEP -- the first long-acting injectable PrEP option -- is progressing at record pace in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and lower income countries. Following the first approval of CAB LA for PrEP by the U.S. FDA in December 2021, under the brand name Apretude, regulatory submissions have been prioritised in countries where the HIV burden is greatest; half of the approvals to date are in SSA and 79% are in L&MICs.

ViiV-manufactured CAB LA for PrEP is available at a not-for-profit price for roll-out in low-income and SSA countries, via partners including the United States President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), and The Global Fund. The first of these rollouts was in Zambia in February 2024, just two years after the U.S.; since then, initiations have started in Malawi, Zimbabwe, Eswatini and Ukraine. By the end of 2024, ViiV will have supplied CAB LA for PrEP to key partners for roll-out to a total of 14 countries (13 countries in SSA and Ukraine).

Expanding capacity and improving affordability in resource-limited settings is critical to ensuring sustainable access to innovative medicines. In addition to providing CAB LA for PrEP at a non-profit price, ViiV announced the signing of a licensing agreement with the Medicines Patent Pool in July 2022, to enable the development of generic formulations. ViiV is actively engaged with the generic manufacturers, providing technology transfer and expertise, to expedite this process and the availability of generic CAB LA for PrEP.

Apretude (CAB LA for PrEP) has received marketing authorisation from 24 regulatory agencies, covering 53 countries. For more information on approvals and submissions around the world, click here.

About Apretude (cabotegravir LA for PrEP)
Apretude is a medicine used for preventing sexually transmitted HIV-1 infection (pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP) in adults and adolescents weighing at least 35 kg who are at high risk of being infected. It should be used in combination with safer sex practices, such as using condoms. Apretude contains the active substance cabotegravir.

Please consult the full Summary of Product Characteristics for all the safety information: Apretude 600 mg prolonged-release suspension for injection.

Trademarks are owned by or licensed to the ViiV Healthcare group of companies.

About ViiV Healthcare
ViiV Healthcare is a global specialist HIV company established in November 2009 by GSK (LSE: GSK) and Pfizer (NYSE: PFE) dedicated to delivering advances in treatment and care for people living with HIV and for people who are at risk of acquiring HIV. Shionogi became a ViiV shareholder in October 2012. The company’s aims are to take a deeper and broader interest in HIV and AIDS than any company has done before and take a new approach to deliver effective and innovative medicines for HIV treatment and prevention, as well as support communities affected by HIV.

For more information on the company, its management, portfolio, pipeline, and commitment, please visit

About GSK
GSK is a global biopharma company with a purpose to unite science, technology, and talent to get ahead of disease together. Find out more at

Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements
GSK cautions investors that any forward-looking statements or projections made by GSK, including those made in this announcement, are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Such factors include, but are not limited to, those described under Item 3.D “Risk factors” in GSK’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2023, and GSK’s Q2 Results for 2024.

Registered in England & Wales:
GSK plc
No. 3888792

ViiV Healthcare Limited
No. 06876960

Registered Office:
79 New Oxford Street

ViiV Healthcare Limited
GSK Medicines Research Centre
Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage
United Kingdom


  1. UNAIDS 2024 Global AIDS Update: The Urgency of Now. Available at Last accessed October 2024.

ViiV Healthcare enquiries:


Rachel Jaikaran

+44 (0) 78 2352 3755


Audrey Abernathy

+44 (0) 78 8426 9590


Melinda Stubbee

+1 919 491 0831

(North Carolina)

GSK enquiries:


Tim Foley

+44 (0) 20 8047 5502


Sarah Clements

+44 (0) 20 8047 5502


Kathleen Quinn

+1 202 603 5003

(Washington DC)

Lyndsay Meyer

+1 202 302 4595

(Washington DC)

Alison Hunt

+1 540 742 3391

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Investor Relations:

James Dodwell

+44 (0) 20 8047 2406


Mick Readey

+44 (0) 7990 339653


Camilla Campbell

+44 (0) 7803 050238


Steph Mountifield

+44 (0) 7796 707505


Jeff McLaughlin

+1 215 751 7002


Frannie DeFranco

+1 215 751 4855


Source: ViiV Healthcare


How many doses of CAB LA for PrEP will ViiV Healthcare supply to L&MICs in 2025-2026?

ViiV Healthcare has committed to supplying at least two million doses of CAB LA for PrEP to low- and middle-income countries during 2025-2026.

What is the pricing strategy for CAB LA for PrEP in low-income countries?

ViiV Healthcare is providing CAB LA for PrEP at a not-for-profit price for rollout in low-income and Sub-Saharan African countries.

How many countries will have access to CAB LA for PrEP by the end of 2024?

By the end of 2024, ViiV Healthcare will have supplied CAB LA for PrEP to partners for rollout in a total of 14 countries (13 in Sub-Saharan Africa and Ukraine).

What steps is ViiV Healthcare taking to improve affordability of CAB LA for PrEP?

ViiV Healthcare has signed a licensing agreement with the Medicines Patent Pool to enable the development of generic formulations of CAB LA for PrEP, aiming to improve affordability in resource- settings.

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