ViiV Healthcare showcases leadership in long-acting injectables innovation at CROI 2025 with data on third-generation integrase inhibitor (INSTI) and highly potent capsid inhibitor against HIV-1
ViiV Healthcare announced positive results from two phase IIa studies of investigational HIV therapies at CROI 2025. The studies focused on VH4524184 (VH184), a third-generation integrase inhibitor, and VH4011499 (VH499), a capsid inhibitor, both showing promise as long-acting injectable treatments.
VH184 demonstrated significant antiviral activity across three doses (10mg, 50mg, 300mg) in 22 treatment-naive adults. The 300mg dose achieved the maximum viral load decline of -2.69 log10 copies/mL. All side effects were mild to moderate with no serious adverse events.
VH499 showed positive results in 23 treatment-naive adults across doses of 25mg, 100mg, and 250mg. The highest dose (250mg) achieved a -2.2 log10 copies/mL decrease in HIV-1 viral load. The treatment was well-tolerated with only mild to moderate adverse events reported.
ViiV Healthcare ha annunciato risultati positivi da due studi di fase IIa su terapie sperimentali per l'HIV al CROI 2025. Gli studi si sono concentrati su VH4524184 (VH184), un inibitore dell'integrasi di terza generazione, e VH4011499 (VH499), un inibitore della capsula, entrambi promettenti come trattamenti iniettabili a lunga durata.
VH184 ha dimostrato una significativa attività antivirale in tre dosi (10mg, 50mg, 300mg) in 22 adulti naive al trattamento. La dose di 300mg ha raggiunto la massima riduzione della carica virale di -2.69 log10 copie/mL. Tutti gli effetti collaterali sono stati lievi o moderati, senza eventi avversi gravi.
VH499 ha mostrato risultati positivi in 23 adulti naive al trattamento in dosi di 25mg, 100mg e 250mg. La dose più alta (250mg) ha ottenuto una riduzione della carica virale dell'HIV-1 di -2.2 log10 copie/mL. Il trattamento è stato ben tollerato, con solo effetti avversi lievi o moderati riportati.
ViiV Healthcare anunció resultados positivos de dos estudios de fase IIa sobre terapias experimentales para el VIH en CROI 2025. Los estudios se centraron en VH4524184 (VH184), un inhibidor de la integrasa de tercera generación, y VH4011499 (VH499), un inhibidor de la cápside, ambos mostrando promesas como tratamientos inyectables de acción prolongada.
VH184 demostró una actividad antiviral significativa en tres dosis (10mg, 50mg, 300mg) en 22 adultos naive al tratamiento. La dosis de 300mg logró la máxima reducción de carga viral de -2.69 log10 copias/mL. Todos los efectos secundarios fueron leves a moderados, sin eventos adversos graves.
VH499 mostró resultados positivos en 23 adultos naive al tratamiento en dosis de 25mg, 100mg y 250mg. La dosis más alta (250mg) logró una disminución de -2.2 log10 copias/mL en la carga viral del VIH-1. El tratamiento fue bien tolerado, con solo eventos adversos leves a moderados reportados.
ViiV Healthcare는 CROI 2025에서 HIV 치료를 위한 두 개의 2상 연구에서 긍정적인 결과를 발표했습니다. 연구는 VH4524184 (VH184), 3세대 인테그라제 억제제와 VH4011499 (VH499), 캡시드 억제제에 중점을 두었으며, 둘 다 장기 지속형 주사 치료로서의 가능성을 보여주었습니다.
VH184는 22명의 치료 경험이 없는 성인에서 세 가지 용량(10mg, 50mg, 300mg)에서 유의미한 항바이러스 활성을 나타냈습니다. 300mg 용량은 최대 -2.69 log10 복제본/mL의 바이러스 부하 감소를 달성했습니다. 모든 부작용은 경미하거나 중간 정도였으며, 심각한 부작용은 없었습니다.
VH499는 25mg, 100mg, 250mg의 용량에서 23명의 치료 경험이 없는 성인에서 긍정적인 결과를 보였습니다. 가장 높은 용량(250mg)은 HIV-1 바이러스 부하에서 -2.2 log10 복제본/mL의 감소를 달성했습니다. 치료는 잘 견뎌졌으며, 경미하거나 중간 정도의 부작용만 보고되었습니다.
ViiV Healthcare a annoncé des résultats positifs de deux études de phase IIa sur des thérapies expérimentales contre le VIH lors du CROI 2025. Les études se sont concentrées sur VH4524184 (VH184), un inhibiteur de l'intégrase de troisième génération, et VH4011499 (VH499), un inhibiteur de la capside, tous deux prometteurs en tant que traitements injectables à action prolongée.
VH184 a démontré une activité antivirale significative à trois doses (10mg, 50mg, 300mg) chez 22 adultes naïfs de traitement. La dose de 300mg a atteint une réduction maximale de la charge virale de -2.69 log10 copies/mL. Tous les effets secondaires étaient légers à modérés, sans événements indésirables graves.
VH499 a montré des résultats positifs chez 23 adultes naïfs de traitement à des doses de 25mg, 100mg et 250mg. La dose la plus élevée (250mg) a obtenu une réduction de -2.2 log10 copies/mL de la charge virale du VIH-1. Le traitement a été bien toléré, avec seulement des événements indésirables légers à modérés signalés.
ViiV Healthcare hat positive Ergebnisse aus zwei Phase-IIa-Studien zu experimentellen HIV-Therapien auf dem CROI 2025 bekannt gegeben. Die Studien konzentrierten sich auf VH4524184 (VH184), einen Integrasehemmer der dritten Generation, und VH4011499 (VH499), einen Kapselhemmer, die beide als langwirksame injizierbare Behandlungen vielversprechend sind.
VH184 zeigte signifikante antivirale Aktivität in drei Dosen (10mg, 50mg, 300mg) bei 22 behandlungsnaiven Erwachsenen. Die 300mg-Dosis erreichte den maximalen Rückgang der Viruslast von -2.69 log10 Kopien/mL. Alle Nebenwirkungen waren mild bis moderat, ohne schwerwiegende unerwünschte Ereignisse.
VH499 zeigte positive Ergebnisse bei 23 behandlungsnaiven Erwachsenen in Dosen von 25mg, 100mg und 250mg. Die höchste Dosis (250mg) erzielte einen Rückgang von -2.2 log10 Kopien/mL der HIV-1-Viruslast. Die Behandlung wurde gut vertragen, wobei nur milde bis moderate unerwünschte Ereignisse berichtet wurden.
- Strong antiviral activity demonstrated by VH184 with -2.69 log10 viral load reduction at 300mg dose
- No drug resistance mutations observed with VH184 treatment
- VH499 achieved significant viral load reduction of -2.2 log10 copies/mL at 250mg dose
- Both compounds showed favorable safety profiles supporting further development
- One patient developed mutation associated with reduced susceptibility to capsid inhibitors on VH499 25mg dose
ViiV Healthcare, partially owned by Pfizer as a minority shareholder (with GSK as majority owner and Shionogi as another shareholder), has reported positive Phase IIa clinical results for two HIV treatment candidates. These results represent incremental progress in ViiV's pipeline of long-acting injectable HIV medications.
The first compound, VH4524184 (VH184), a third-generation integrase inhibitor, demonstrated strong antiviral activity across multiple doses, with the highest dose achieving a
For Pfizer investors, these results represent modest positive momentum in one of the company's partial investments. As a minority stakeholder in ViiV Healthcare, Pfizer's financial exposure to these developments is proportionately compared to majority owner GSK. Additionally, these early-stage clinical results, while promising, are still several years and multiple clinical trial phases away from potential commercialization.
While long-acting injectables represent an important growth segment in HIV treatment by potentially improving patient adherence and quality of life, the actual revenue impact to Pfizer would be determined by their ownership percentage, future trial success, regulatory approval timelines, and eventual market uptake – none of which can be definitively assessed at this early stage.
- Results illustrate ViiV Healthcare’s pipeline is generating multiple options for the development of new ultra long-acting HIV regimens
- VH4524184 (VH184), a potent, investigational third-generation integrase inhibitor (INSTI), demonstrates strong antiviral activity and positive safety results across multiple dose levels in people with HIV-1, supporting further development as a long-acting injectable antiretroviral
- VH4011499 (VH499), a promising, highly potent investigational capsid inhibitor, shows positive antiviral activity and good safety findings for treatment of HIV-1, supporting further development as a long-acting antiretroviral
Kimberly Smith, M.D., MPH, Head of Research & Development at ViiV Healthcare, said: “It’s clear long-acting injectable medicines deliver on unmet patient need and will play a critical role in achieving our ambition of ending HIV and AIDS. Our pipeline with INSTIs at the core showcases our continued leadership in long-acting injectable innovation. Data shows that the potency and tolerability of our third-generation INSTI and our capsid inhibitor will make them a major part in the development of our next generation of long-acting injectable therapies.”
VH184 demonstrated high antiviral potency1
This study aimed to explore the antiviral activity and safety of three doses of VH184 (10mg, 50mg and 300mg taken once every three days) by assessing the maximum change in plasma HIV-1 RNA levels during a 10-day monotherapy period in 22 adults who had not previously received antiretroviral therapy. People who participated in the study had HIV-1 RNA levels of at least 3000 copies/mL.
VH184, a third-generation INSTI, demonstrated potency at all doses leading to a marked drop in the HIV-1 viral load. After 10 days of monotherapy, the average decreases were -1.17, -2.15, and -2.31 log10 copies/mL for the 10mg, 50mg, and 300mg doses, respectively. The maximum viral load decline (-2.69 log10) was observed in the 300mg dose. Additionally, no drug resistance mutations were observed at the end of the study. All side effects were mild to moderate, and no serious side effects or participant discontinuations occurred.
Long-acting formulations of VH184 in adults without HIV are being evaluated in an ongoing phase 1 study (NCT06310551). The findings of this trial support further development of VH184 as a potential long-acting injectable antiretroviral.
Higher VH499 dose correlated with greater decline in viral load2
This study evaluated the compound’s antiviral effect, safety, and tolerability by assessing the maximum change in plasma HIV-1 RNA levels from baseline through day 11 in 23 adults who had not previously received antiretroviral therapy. People who participated in the study also had HIV-1 RNA levels of at least 3000 copies/mL.
The trial of VH499, an investigational capsid inhibitor, showed that all oral doses (25mg, 100mg, and 250mg) led to a decrease in HIV-1 viral load ranging from -2.2 log10 copies/mL in the 250mg arm, to -1.8 log10 copies/mL in the 25mg and 100mg arms. VH499 was well tolerated with all adverse events being mild to moderate in severity. There were no adverse events leading to withdrawal and no serious adverse events were reported. On day 11, one individual on the 25mg dose developed a single mutation associated with reduced susceptibility to capsid inhibitors.
In a previous phase I clinical trial of adults without HIV-1, VH499 was well tolerated, and showed no induction or inhibition of CYP3A4.3 Long-acting formulations of VH499 in adults without HIV are being evaluated in ongoing phase 1 studies (NCT06012136; NCT06724640).
These findings, in combination with the potent antiviral activity in this phase IIa study, support further development of VH499 as a potential long-acting antiretroviral for HIV treatment.
About ViiV Healthcare
ViiV Healthcare is a global specialist HIV company established in November 2009 by GSK (LSE: GSK) and Pfizer (NYSE: PFE) dedicated to delivering advances in treatment and care for people living with HIV and for people who could benefit from HIV prevention. Shionogi became a ViiV shareholder in October 2012. The company’s aims are to take a deeper and broader interest in HIV and AIDS than any company has done before and take a new approach to deliver effective and innovative medicines for HIV treatment and prevention, as well as support communities affected by HIV. For more information on the company, its management, portfolio, pipeline, and commitment, please visit
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GSK cautions investors that any forward-looking statements or projections made by GSK, including those made in this announcement, are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Such factors include, but are not limited to, those described under Item 3.D “Risk factors” in GSK’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2024.
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1 Rogg L, et al. Proof-of-Concept Trial of VH4524184 (VH-184), a Third-Generation Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor. Presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2025), 9-12 March,
2 Griesel R, et al. Proof-of-Concept Trial of Oral VH4011499 (VH-499), a New HIV-1 Capsid Inhibitor. Presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2025), 9-12 March,
3 Thakkar et al. AIDS 2024;
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Source: ViiV Healthcare