ViiV Healthcare’s investigational broadly neutralising antibody - N6LS - successfully maintains viral suppression in long-acting treatment of HIV

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ViiV Healthcare announced positive results from its phase IIb EMBRACE study evaluating N6LS (VH3810109), a broadly neutralising antibody for HIV treatment. When administered every four months in combination with monthly cabotegravir long-acting (CAB LA), N6LS effectively maintained viral suppression in HIV patients stable on treatment.

Key findings at the six-month endpoint showed that 96% of participants receiving N6LS 60mg/kg intravenously and 88% receiving 3000mg subcutaneously maintained HIV-1 RNA levels below 50 copies/mL, compared to 96% in the standard-of-care group. The treatment was generally well-tolerated, though subcutaneous administration showed more frequent infusion site reactions (14%) compared to none with IV administration.

Based on these favorable results, ViiV Healthcare will advance development of a six-month IV formulation of N6LS in combination with CAB LA in an EMBRACE part two trial.

ViiV Healthcare ha annunciato risultati positivi dal suo studio di fase IIb EMBRACE che valuta N6LS (VH3810109), un anticorpo neutralizzante ampiamente utilizzato per il trattamento dell'HIV. Quando somministrato ogni quattro mesi in combinazione con cabotegravir a lunga durata d'azione (CAB LA) mensile, N6LS ha mantenuto efficacemente la soppressione virale nei pazienti HIV stabili in trattamento.

I risultati chiave al termine di sei mesi hanno mostrato che il 96% dei partecipanti che ricevevano N6LS 60mg/kg per via endovenosa e l'88% di quelli che ricevevano 3000mg per via sottocutanea mantenevano i livelli di RNA dell'HIV-1 sotto le 50 copie/mL, rispetto al 96% nel gruppo di trattamento standard. Il trattamento è stato generalmente ben tollerato, sebbene la somministrazione sottocutanea abbia mostrato reazioni più frequenti nei siti di infusione (14%) rispetto a nessuna con la somministrazione endovenosa.

Basandosi su questi risultati favorevoli, ViiV Healthcare procederà con lo sviluppo di una formulazione endovenosa di N6LS da sei mesi in combinazione con CAB LA in un trial EMBRACE parte due.

ViiV Healthcare anunció resultados positivos de su estudio de fase IIb EMBRACE que evalúa N6LS (VH3810109), un anticuerpo neutralizante ampliamente utilizado para el tratamiento del VIH. Cuando se administra cada cuatro meses en combinación con cabotegravir de acción prolongada (CAB LA) mensualmente, N6LS mantuvo eficazmente la supresión viral en pacientes con VIH estables en tratamiento.

Los hallazgos clave al final de seis meses mostraron que el 96% de los participantes que recibieron N6LS 60mg/kg por vía intravenosa y el 88% que recibieron 3000mg por vía subcutánea mantuvieron los niveles de ARN del VIH-1 por debajo de 50 copias/mL, en comparación con el 96% en el grupo de tratamiento estándar. El tratamiento fue generalmente bien tolerado, aunque la administración subcutánea mostró reacciones más frecuentes en los sitios de infusión (14%) en comparación con ninguna con la administración intravenosa.

Con base en estos resultados favorables, ViiV Healthcare avanzará en el desarrollo de una formulación intravenosa de N6LS de seis meses en combinación con CAB LA en un ensayo EMBRACE parte dos.

ViiV Healthcare는 HIV 치료를 위한 광범위 중화 항체 N6LS (VH3810109)를 평가하는 IIb상 EMBRACE 연구의 긍정적인 결과를 발표했습니다. N6LS는 매달 CAB LA(장기 작용형 카보테그라비르)와 병용하여 4개월마다 투여될 때, HIV 치료를 받는 환자에서 효과적으로 바이러스 억제를 유지했습니다.

6개월 종료 시 주요 결과에 따르면, N6LS 60mg/kg를 정맥 주사한 96%의 참가자와 3000mg를 피하 주사한 88%의 참가자가 HIV-1 RNA 수치를 50 copies/mL 이하로 유지했으며, 이는 표준 치료 그룹의 96%와 비교됩니다. 치료는 일반적으로 잘 견디는 것으로 나타났지만, 피하 투여는 정맥 주사에 비해 주입 부위 반응이 더 빈번하게 발생했습니다(14%).

이러한 긍정적인 결과를 바탕으로 ViiV Healthcare는 CAB LA와 병용한 N6LS의 6개월 정맥 투여 제형 개발을 EMBRACE 2부 시험에서 진행할 예정입니다.

ViiV Healthcare a annoncé des résultats positifs de son étude de phase IIb EMBRACE évaluant N6LS (VH3810109), un anticorps neutralisant largement utilisé pour le traitement du VIH. Lorsqu'il est administré tous les quatre mois en combinaison avec le cabotégravir à action prolongée (CAB LA) mensuel, N6LS a efficacement maintenu la suppression virale chez les patients VIH stables sous traitement.

Les résultats clés à l'issue de six mois ont montré que 96% des participants recevant N6LS 60mg/kg par voie intraveineuse et 88% recevant 3000mg par voie sous-cutanée maintenaient les niveaux d'ARN du VIH-1 en dessous de 50 copies/mL, contre 96% dans le groupe de traitement standard. Le traitement a généralement été bien toléré, bien que l'administration sous-cutanée ait montré des réactions plus fréquentes aux sites d'infusion (14%) par rapport à aucune avec l'administration intraveineuse.

Sur la base de ces résultats favorables, ViiV Healthcare avancera dans le développement d'une formulation intraveineuse de N6LS sur six mois en combinaison avec CAB LA dans un essai EMBRACE partie deux.

ViiV Healthcare hat positive Ergebnisse aus der Phase IIb EMBRACE-Studie veröffentlicht, die N6LS (VH3810109), einen breit neutralisierenden Antikörper zur Behandlung von HIV, bewertet. Bei einer Verabreichung alle vier Monate in Kombination mit dem monatlichen langwirksamen Cabotegravir (CAB LA) konnte N6LS die virale Suppression bei stabilen HIV-Patienten aufrechterhalten.

Wichtige Ergebnisse zum sechsmonatigen Endpunkt zeigten, dass 96% der Teilnehmer, die N6LS 60mg/kg intravenös erhielten, und 88% derjenigen, die 3000mg subkutan erhielten, die HIV-1 RNA-Werte unter 50 Kopien/mL hielten, verglichen mit 96% in der Standardbehandlungsgruppe. Die Behandlung wurde im Allgemeinen gut vertragen, obwohl die subkutane Verabreichung häufiger Reaktionen an den Infusionsstellen (14%) zeigte, während es bei der intravenösen Verabreichung keine gab.

Basierend auf diesen positiven Ergebnissen wird ViiV Healthcare die Entwicklung einer sechsmonatigen IV-Formulierung von N6LS in Kombination mit CAB LA in einer EMBRACE-Teil-2-Studie vorantreiben.

  • High efficacy rates: 96% IV and 88% subcutaneous success in viral suppression
  • Generally well-tolerated IV administration with no grade 3-4 adverse events
  • Potential for extended dosing intervals (every 4 months)
  • Advancement to next development phase with 6-month formulation
  • Confirmed virologic failure in two participants from each treatment group
  • Higher adverse events in subcutaneous administration (14% infusion site reactions)
  • 16% of subcutaneous group experienced grade 3-4 adverse events


The positive Phase IIb EMBRACE study results for ViiV Healthcare's N6LS (VH109) represent incrementally positive news for Pfizer as a minority shareholder in this HIV-focused joint venture. The data shows N6LS administered every four months combined with monthly cabotegravir long-acting successfully maintained viral suppression in 96% of IV-dosed patients and 88% of subcutaneously-dosed patients.

This advancement builds upon ViiV's existing Cabenuva product, potentially extending the dosing interval for HIV treatment from monthly to every four months, with plans to evaluate a six-month formulation. For patients, this represents meaningful improvement in treatment burden and potentially better adherence.

While promising, these are interim Phase IIb results that will require additional clinical validation before regulatory submissions. The actual financial impact for Pfizer remains modest given its minority stake in ViiV (GSK maintains majority ownership). The long-acting HIV treatment market represents a growing segment of the $30+ billion global HIV therapeutics market, though ViiV faces competition from Gilead and other players developing long-acting options.

For Pfizer specifically, this positive clinical advancement strengthens one segment of its diverse portfolio but isn't likely to significantly move the needle on near-term financials given the development timeline and ownership structure.

The EMBRACE study results demonstrate that ViiV's broadly neutralizing antibody N6LS shows strong clinical potential as a component of a less-frequent HIV treatment regimen. The mechanism—targeting the CD4 binding site on HIV—represents an important approach in the HIV treatment landscape.

The 96% efficacy rate for IV administration is particularly noteworthy, matching the standard of care group while significantly reducing dosing frequency. The subcutaneous formulation's 88% efficacy rate is somewhat lower but still clinically meaningful, though the higher rate of injection site reactions (14% vs. none in IV group) presents a potential tolerability challenge.

The confirmed virologic failures in two participants from each N6LS group warrant monitoring as the development progresses. Resistance development remains a key consideration in HIV therapies, though the data suggests this isn't a widespread concern with the current regimen.

ViiV's decision to advance a six-month IV formulation represents a logical progression based on these positive results, potentially doubling the current four-month interval. If successful, this would position the N6LS/cabotegravir combination as one of the longest-acting HIV treatments available, significantly improving the treatment paradigm for patients requiring lifelong therapy. The continuing pursuit of "ultra long-acting regimens" aligns with the broader industry trend toward reducing treatment burden for chronic conditions.

  • Results from the phase IIb study, EMBRACE, demonstrate that N6LS, a bNAb administered every four months, effectively maintained undetectable viral load when combined with cabotegravir long-acting (CAB LA)
  • Results add to the growing body of evidence that N6LS is a potent antiviral that can function as a component of a complete antiretroviral regimen
  • EMBRACE study to continue investigating a combination of N6LS dosed at six months with CAB LA

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ViiV Healthcare, the global specialist HIV company majority owned by GSK, with Pfizer and Shionogi as shareholders, today announced positive findings from the company’s EMBRACE phase IIb study.1 The study found that N6LS (VH3810109 or VH109), given every four months in combination with monthly cabotegravir long-acting (CAB LA), successfully kept viral levels suppressed in adults living with HIV who were already stable on treatment. It was also well tolerated by participants.

These results were presented today at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2025) in San Francisco, U.S.

Kimberly Smith, M.D., MPH, Head of Research & Development at ViiV Healthcare, said: "As leaders in long-acting injectable innovation, we are building on the positive patient and physician experience we have with Cabenuva and pioneering the next generation of long-acting treatment options. The EMBRACE study demonstrated that VH109, a CD4-binding broadly neutralising antibody, administered every four months with cabotegravir, achieved high efficacy and was well tolerated through six months. We’re looking forward to continuing the development of VH109 as a component of our future ultra long-acting regimens.”

Results from the EMBRACE study at the six-month primary endpoint showed that 96% of participants receiving VH109 60mg/kg intravenously (IV) and 88% receiving VH109 3000mg subcutaneously (SC) with rHuPH20 maintained HIV-1 RNA levels below 50 copies/mL, compared to 96% in the standard-of-care group. VH109 was administered in both arms every four months, combined with monthly CAB LA. Confirmed virologic failure was observed in two participants from each VH109 group.

Overall, 4% of the IV group and 6% of the SC group had HIV-1 RNA levels of 50 copies/mL or higher, compared to none in the standard-of-care group when measured at month six.

VH109 was generally well tolerated, though infusion site reactions were more frequent with SC administration, occurring in 14% compared to none with IV administration. Adverse events specific to the use of study medication were reported in 64% of the IV group and 65% of the SC group, with 16% of participants in the SC group experiencing grade 3-4 adverse events (erythema). No participants in the IV group experienced a grade 3-4 adverse event.

Based on the favourable results seen in the trial, ViiV Healthcare will be progressing a six-month IV formulation of VH109 in combination with CAB LA for further evaluation in an EMBRACE part two trial.

About Cabenuva (cabotegravir + rilpivirine)
Cabenuva is indicated as a complete regimen for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults and adolescents 12 years and older and weighing at least 35kg to replace the current antiretroviral regimen in those who are virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA <50 c/ml) on a stable antiretroviral regimen with no history of treatment failure and with no known or suspected resistance to either cabotegravir or rilpivirine.

The complete regimen combines the integrase strand transfer inhibitor (INSTI) cabotegravir, developed by ViiV Healthcare, with rilpivirine, a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) developed by Janssen Sciences Ireland Unlimited Company. Rilpivirine tablets are approved in the U.S. and when used with cabotegravir is indicated for short-term treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults and adolescents 12 years and older and weighing at least 35kg who are virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA less than 50 copies/mL) on a stable regimen with no history of treatment failure and with no known or suspected resistance to either cabotegravir or rilpivirine.

INSTIs inhibit HIV replication by preventing the viral DNA from integrating into the genetic material of human immune cells (T-cells). This step is essential in the HIV replication cycle and is also responsible for establishing chronic disease. Rilpivirine is an NNRTI that works by interfering with an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which stops the virus from multiplying.

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Trademarks are owned by or licensed to the ViiV Healthcare group of companies.

About ViiV Healthcare
ViiV Healthcare is a global specialist HIV company established in November 2009 by GSK (LSE: GSK) and Pfizer (NYSE: PFE) dedicated to delivering advances in treatment and care for people living with HIV and for people who could benefit from HIV prevention. Shionogi became a ViiV shareholder in October 2012. The company’s aims are to take a deeper and broader interest in HIV and AIDS than any company has done before and take a new approach to deliver effective and innovative medicines for HIV treatment and prevention, as well as support communities affected by HIV. For more information on the company, its management, portfolio, pipeline, and commitment, please visit

About GSK
GSK is a global biopharma company with a purpose to unite science, technology, and talent to get ahead of disease together. Find out more at

Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements
GSK cautions investors that any forward-looking statements or projections made by GSK, including those made in this announcement, are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Such factors include, but are not limited to, those described under Item 3.D “Risk factors” in GSK’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2024.

Registered in England & Wales:
GSK plc
No. 3888792

ViiV Healthcare Limited
No. 06876960

Registered Office:
79 New Oxford Street

ViiV Healthcare Limited
GSK Medicines Research Centre
Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage


Taiwo, B et al. VH3810109 (N6LS) Efficacy and Safety in Adults Who Are Virologically Suppressed: The EMBRACE Study. Presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2025), 9-12 March, San Francisco, CA

ViiV Healthcare enquiries:


Rachel Jaikaran

+44 (0) 78 2352 3755


Ken Inchausti

+1 732 690 6938


GSK enquiries:


Tim Foley

+44 (0) 20 8047 5502


Sarah Clements

+44 (0) 20 8047 5502


Kathleen Quinn

+1 202 603 5003

(Washington DC)

Alison Hunt

+1 540 742 3391

(Washington DC)

Investor Relations:

Annabel Brownrigg-Gleeson

+44 (0) 7717 618834


James Dodwell

+44 (0) 20 8047 2406


Mick Readey

+44 (0) 7990 339653


Camilla Campbell

+44 (0) 7803 050238


Steph Mountifield

+44 (0) 7796 707505


Jeff McLaughlin

+1 215 751 7002


Frannie DeFranco

+1 215 751 4855


Source: ViiV Healthcare


What are the success rates of N6LS in the EMBRACE phase IIb HIV trial?

96% of IV recipients and 88% of subcutaneous recipients maintained HIV-1 RNA levels below 50 copies/mL at 6 months.

How often is N6LS administered in the HIV treatment regimen?

N6LS is administered every four months, combined with monthly cabotegravir long-acting (CAB LA).

What are the main side effects reported in the N6LS EMBRACE trial?

Main side effects included infusion site reactions in 14% of subcutaneous recipients, with 16% experiencing grade 3-4 adverse events (erythema). IV administration showed better tolerance.

What are ViiV Healthcare's next steps for N6LS development?

ViiV Healthcare will progress a six-month IV formulation of N6LS combined with CAB LA for evaluation in EMBRACE part two trial.


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