PetVivo Meets Growing Demand for Spryng™ with Appointment of Veterinary Surgeon, Kirsty Husby, as Senior Technical Services Veterinarian

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PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV) has appointed Dr. Kirsty Husby as senior technical services veterinarian to support the growing adoption of its flagship product, Spryng with OsteoCushion™ Technology. Dr. Husby, a board-certified veterinary surgeon with over a decade of experience, will help create broader understanding among veterinarians about Spryng's benefits in treating osteoarthritis in companion animals.

PetVivo recently achieved a significant milestone with Spryng being used by more than 800 veterinary clinics across 50 states, resulting in the distribution of over 10,000 Spryng syringes nationwide. This success has positioned the company to potentially double its revenue in the current fiscal year. Dr. Husby's appointment aims to further accelerate market adoption and improve the quality of life for animals living with osteoarthritis and other lameness issues.

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV) ha nominato Dr. Kirsty Husby come veterinario senior dei servizi tecnici per supportare la crescente adozione del suo prodotto di punta, Spryng con Tecnologia OsteoCushion™. Il Dr. Husby, un chirurgo veterinario certificato con oltre un decennio di esperienza, aiuterà a creare una maggiore comprensione tra i veterinari sui benefici di Spryng nel trattamento dell'osteoartrite negli animali da compagnia.

PetVivo ha recentemente raggiunto un traguardo significativo con Spryng utilizzato da oltre 800 cliniche veterinarie in 50 stati, risultando nella distribuzione di oltre 10.000 siringhe di Spryng a livello nazionale. Questo successo ha posizionato l'azienda per potenzialmente raddoppiare i suoi ricavi nell'attuale anno fiscale. La nomina del Dr. Husby mira a ulteriormente accelerare l'adozione nel mercato e migliorare la qualità della vita degli animali che vivono con osteoartrite e altri problemi di zoppia.

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV) ha nombrado al Dr. Kirsty Husby como veterinario senior de servicios técnicos para respaldar la creciente adopción de su producto insignia, Spryng con Tecnología OsteoCushion™. El Dr. Husby, un cirujano veterinario certificado con más de una década de experiencia, ayudará a crear una mayor comprensión entre los veterinarios sobre los beneficios de Spryng en el tratamiento de la osteoartritis en animales de compañía.

PetVivo recientemente alcanzó un hito significativo con Spryng utilizado en más de 800 clínicas veterinarias en 50 estados, lo que resultó en la distribución de más de 10,000 jeringas de Spryng a nivel nacional. Este éxito ha posicionado a la compañía para potencialmente duplicar sus ingresos en el año fiscal actual. El nombramiento del Dr. Husby tiene como objetivo acelerar aún más la adopción en el mercado y mejorar la calidad de vida de los animales que viven con osteoartritis y otros problemas de cojera.

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV)는 자사의 주력 제품인 Spryng with OsteoCushion™ Technology의 증가하는 채택을 지원하기 위해 Dr. Kirsty Husby를 수석 기술 서비스 수의사로 임명했습니다. Dr. Husby는 10년 이상의 경험을 가진 board-certified 수의사로, Spryng의 동물 동반자의 골관절염 치료에 대한 이점을 수의사들 사이에서 더 널리 이해할 수 있도록 도울 것입니다.

PetVivo는 최근 50개 주의 800개 이상의 수의사 클리닉에서 Spryng 사용이라는 중요한 이정표를 달성하여 전국적으로 10,000개 이상의 Spryng 주사기 배포를 이끌었습니다. 이 성공은 회사를 현재 회계연도에 수익을 두 배로 늘릴 가능성이 있는 위치에 두었습니다. Dr. Husby의 임명은 시장의 채택을 더욱 가속화하고 골관절염 및 기타 절름발이 문제를 겪고 있는 동물의 삶의 질을 개선하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV) a nommé Dr. Kirsty Husby en tant que vétérinaire senior des services techniques pour soutenir l'adoption croissante de son produit phare, Spryng avec Technologie OsteoCushion™. Le Dr. Husby, chirurgien vétérinaire certifié ayant plus d'une décennie d'expérience, aidera à créer une meilleure compréhension parmi les vétérinaires des avantages de Spryng dans le traitement de l'arthrose chez les animaux de compagnie.

PetVivo a récemment atteint une étape significative avec Spryng utilisé par plus de 800 cliniques vétérinaires dans 50 États, ce qui a entraîné la distribution de plus de 10 000 seringues de Spryng à l'échelle nationale. Ce succès a positionné l'entreprise pour potentiellement doubler ses revenus au cours de l'exercice fiscal actuel. La nomination du Dr. Husby vise à accélérer davantage l'adoption sur le marché et à améliorer la qualité de vie des animaux vivant avec l'arthrose et d'autres problèmes de boiterie.

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV) hat Dr. Kirsty Husby zur Senior Technical Services Veterinarian ernannt, um die wachsende Akzeptanz seines Flaggschiffprodukts, Spryng mit OsteoCushion™ Technologie, zu unterstützen. Dr. Husby, eine zertifizierte Tierärztin mit über einem Jahrzehnt an Erfahrung, wird dazu beitragen, das Verständnis unter den Tierärzten für die Vorteile von Spryng bei der Behandlung von Osteoarthritis bei Begleitern zu erweitern.

PetVivo hat kürzlich einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht, da Spryng von über 800 Tierkliniken in 50 Bundesstaaten verwendet wird, was zu der Verteilung von über 10.000 Spryng-Spritzen landesweit geführt hat. Dieser Erfolg hat das Unternehmen in die Lage versetzt, möglicherweise seinen Umsatz im laufenden Geschäftsjahr zu verdoppeln. Die Ernennung von Dr. Husby zielt darauf ab, die Marktakzeptanz weiter zu beschleunigen und die Lebensqualität von Tieren mit Osteoarthritis und anderen Lahmheitsproblemen zu verbessern.

  • Appointment of experienced veterinary surgeon Dr. Kirsty Husby as senior technical services veterinarian
  • Spryng product adoption by over 800 veterinary clinics across 50 states
  • Distribution of more than 10,000 Spryng syringes nationwide
  • Potential to double revenue in the current fiscal year
  • None.

Expert Capablites of Senior Vet-Tech to Help Drive Greater Adoption of Spryng as Breakthrough Treatment of Osteoarthritis for Companiaon Animals

MINNEAPOLIS, MN, & Annapolis Junction, MD, US, Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV, PETVW), a leading biomedical company delivering innovative therapeutic devices for equines and companion animals, has appointed board certified veterinary surgeon, Dr. Kirsty Husby, DVM, MS, DACVS (LA), to the position of senior technical services veterinarian.

Dr. Husby brings to PetVivo more than a decade of experience and accomplishment in animal health. This has involved clinical practice and research experience at leading animal clinics and educational institutions, including Columbia Equine Clinic, Cascade Animal Clinic, Banfield Pet Hospital and Oregon State University Department of Clinical Sciences.

“As an expert in both equine and small animal veterinary care, Dr. Husby brings to our expanding team of professionals a wealth of veterinary practice and clinical experience,” stated PetVivo Holdings CEO, John Lai. “She will help support the accelerating market adoption of our flagship product, Spryng with OsteoCushion™ Technology, by creating broader understanding among veterinarians of the use and multiple benefits of this innovative veterinary medical device.”

PetVivo recently achieved a major distribution milestone, with Spryng having been used by more than 800 veterinary clinics across 50 states and this resulting in the distribution of more than 10,000 Spryng syringes nationwide. This growing adoption of Spryng has been making a major impact on the health and wellbeing of thousands of equine and companion animals. The success of the product has set the company on course to as much as double its revenue in its current fiscal year.

“I’m excited to join the PetVivo team at this pivotal point in its growth and development, and assist in demonstrating the powerful therapeutic benefits of Spryng™,” commented Dr. Husby. “As an expert technical resource for veterinarians, my mission will be to improve the quality of life and restore the athletic ability of horses, dogs and other animals living with osteoarthritis and other lameness issues with effective use of Spryng.”

“The clinical data and countless reports from the field clearly demonstrate how Spryng can dramatically enhance the lives and wellbeing of animals, as well as their owners,” added Dr. Husby. “Joining forces with PetVivo’s newly formed team of top sales and marketing professionals, I believe we will make a profound impact on the world of animal health.”

Dr. Kirsty Husby Bio

Dr. Husby has served as a board-certified equine surgeon, small animal veterinarian, clinical instructor and medical director/managing veterinarian at numerous leading clinics and higher education institutions.

She previously served as the medical director of Cascade Animal Clinic and as an equine surgeon at Columbia Equine Hospital. She also earlier served as an associate veterinarian at Banfield Pet Hospital, and veterinarian surgeon at San Luis Rey Equine Hospital.

She was a resident for large animal surgery at Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine, and a large animal surgeon for emergency medicine at Oregon State University.

She earned her Bachelor of Science in Animal Science and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State University. She completed her internship and clinical fellowship in equine surgery at the University of Missouri, followed by a large animal surgical residency and earning her Master of Veterinary Science degree at Oregon State University.

For more information about PetVivo and Spryng, please contact or visit and

About PetVivo Holdings

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV, PETVW) is a biomedical device company focused on the manufacturing, commercialization and licensing of innovative medical devices and therapeutics for companion animals. The company is pursuing a strategy of developing and commercializing human therapies for the treatment of companion animals in capital and time efficient ways. A key component of this strategy is an accelerated timeline to revenues for veterinary medical devices that can enter the market much earlier than more stringently regulated human pharmaceuticals and biologics.

PetVivo has developed a robust pipeline of products for the medical treatment of animals and people, with a portfolio of 21 patents that protect the company's biomaterials, products, production processes and methods of use. The company’s commercially launched flagship product, Spryng™ with OsteoCushion™ Technology, is a veterinarian-administered, intra-articular injectable designed for the management of lameness and other joint related afflictions, including osteoarthritis, in cats, dogs and horses.

For more information about PetVivo and its revolutionary Spryng with OsteoCushion Technology, email or visit or

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PetVivo uses and intends to continue to use its Investor Relations website as a means of disclosing material nonpublic information and for complying with its disclosure obligations under Regulation FD. Accordingly, investors should monitor the company’s Investor Relations website, in addition to following the company’s press releases, SEC filings, public conference calls, presentations and webcasts.

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The foregoing information regarding PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”) may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, each as amended. Forward-looking statements include all statements that do not relate solely to historical or current facts, including without limitation the Company’s proposed development and commercial timelines, and can be identified by the use of words such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “project,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “believe,” “potential,” “should,” “continue” or the negative versions of those words or other comparable words. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future actions or performance. These forward-looking statements are based on information currently available to the Company and its current plans or expectations and are subject to a number of uncertainties and risks that could significantly affect current plans. Risks concerning the Company’s business are described in detail in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2024 and other periodic and current reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company is under no obligation to, and expressly disclaims any such obligation to, update or alter its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Company Contact
John Lai, CEO
PetVivo Holdings, Inc.
Email Contact
Tel (952) 405-6216

Investor Contact
Ronald Both or Grant Stude
CMA Investor Relations
Tel (949) 432-7566
Email contact


What is PetVivo's flagship product for treating osteoarthritis in animals?

PetVivo's flagship product for treating osteoarthritis in animals is Spryng with OsteoCushion™ Technology.

How many veterinary clinics have used Spryng according to the press release?

According to the press release, Spryng has been used by more than 800 veterinary clinics across 50 states.

Who has PetVivo (PETV) appointed as senior technical services veterinarian?

PetVivo (PETV) has appointed Dr. Kirsty Husby, a board-certified veterinary surgeon, as senior technical services veterinarian.

What is the potential revenue growth for PetVivo (PETV) mentioned in the press release?

The press release states that PetVivo (PETV) is on course to potentially double its revenue in the current fiscal year.



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Medical Devices
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