PetVivo Teams with Orthobiologic Innovations for Clincial Research and Product Commercialization

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PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV, PETVW) has partnered with Orthobiologic Innovations (OBI) to advance clinical trials, product development, and marketing of Spryng™ with OsteoCushion™ Technology, their lead animal osteoarthritis medical device. Sherman O. Canapp, Jr. and Debra Canapp, OBI's leadership, have joined PetVivo's advisory board, bringing extensive experience in veterinary orthopedics and sports medicine.

OBI will assist PetVivo in coordinating clinical trials for Spryng, focusing on joint-related issues in canine patients' elbows and stifles (knees). These studies will evaluate the effectiveness of intra-articular injections of collagen-elastin hydrogel microparticles (CEHM) in dogs with osteoarthritis and those undergoing TPLO procedures. This collaboration aims to enhance product awareness and accelerate market adoption of Spryng across the United States.

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV, PETVW) ha stretto una partnership con Orthobiologic Innovations (OBI) per avanzare negli studi clinici, nello sviluppo del prodotto e nel marketing di Spryng™ con la tecnologia OsteoCushion™, il loro principale dispositivo medico per l'osteoartrite animale. Sherman O. Canapp, Jr. e Debra Canapp, i leader di OBI, si sono uniti al consiglio consultivo di PetVivo, portando una vasta esperienza in ortopedia veterinaria e medicina sportiva.

OBI assisterà PetVivo nel coordinamento degli studi clinici per Spryng, concentrandosi su problematiche articolari nei gomiti e nelle ginocchia (stifles) dei cani. Questi studi valuteranno l'efficacia delle iniezioni intra-articolari di microparticelle di idrogelo collagene-elastina (CEHM) in cani con osteoartrite e in quelli sottoposti a procedure TPLO. Questa collaborazione mira ad accrescere la consapevolezza del prodotto e a velocizzare l'adozione sul mercato di Spryng negli Stati Uniti.

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV, PETVW) se ha asociado con Orthobiologic Innovations (OBI) para avanzar en ensayos clínicos, desarrollo de productos y marketing de Spryng™ con Tecnología OsteoCushion™, su principal dispositivo médico para la osteoartritis animal. Sherman O. Canapp, Jr. y Debra Canapp, los líderes de OBI, se han unido al consejo asesor de PetVivo, aportando una amplia experiencia en ortopedia veterinaria y medicina deportiva.

OBI ayudará a PetVivo a coordinar ensayos clínicos para Spryng, centrándose en problemas articulares en los codos y rodillas (stifles) de los pacientes caninos. Estos estudios evaluarán la eficacia de las inyecciones intraarticulares de micropartículas de hidrógel de colágeno-elastina (CEHM) en perros con osteoartritis y en aquellos sometidos a procedimientos TPLO. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo mejorar la visibilidad del producto y acelerar su adopción en el mercado de Spryng en los Estados Unidos.

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV, PETVW)Orthobiologic Innovations (OBI)와 협력하여 Spryng™ 및 OsteoCushion™ 기술을 이용한 동물 골관절염 의료 기기의 임상 시험, 제품 개발 및 마케팅을 추진하고 있습니다. Sherman O. Canapp, Jr.Debra Canapp는 OBI의 리더십으로 PetVivo의 자문위원회에 합류하여 수의학 정형외과 및 스포츠 의학의 폭넓은 경험을 가져옵니다.

OBI는 개 환자의 팔꿈치 및 무릎(stifles)에 대한 관절 관련 문제에 집중하여 Spryng의 임상 시험을 조정하는 데 PetVivo를 지원할 것입니다. 이러한 연구는 골관절염이 있는 개와 TPLO 수술을 받는 개를 대상으로 콜라겐-엘라스틴 하이드로젤 미세입자(CEHM)의 관절내 주사의 효과를 평가합니다. 이 협력의 목표는 제품 인지도를 높이고 Spryng의 미국 시장 채택을 가속화하는 것입니다.

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV, PETVW) a établi un partenariat avec Orthobiologic Innovations (OBI) pour faire avancer les essais cliniques, le développement de produits et le marketing de Spryng™ avec la technologie OsteoCushion™, leur principal dispositif médical pour l'arthrose animale. Sherman O. Canapp, Jr. et Debra Canapp, les dirigeants d'OBI, ont rejoint le conseil consultatif de PetVivo, apportant une vaste expérience en orthopédie vétérinaire et en médecine sportive.

OBI aidera PetVivo à coordonner les essais cliniques pour Spryng, en se concentrant sur les problèmes articulaires aux coudes et aux genoux (stifles) des patients canins. Ces études évalueront l'efficacité des injections intra-articulaires de microparticules d'hydrogèle collagène-élastine (CEHM) chez les chiens atteints d'arthrose et chez ceux qui subissent des interventions TPLO. Cette collaboration vise à améliorer la notoriété du produit et à accélérer son adoption sur le marché de Spryng aux États-Unis.

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV, PETVW) hat eine Partnerschaft mit Orthobiologic Innovations (OBI) eingegangen, um klinische Studien, Produktentwicklung und das Marketing von Spryng™ mit OsteoCushion™ Technologie, ihrem führenden medizinischen Gerät für Tiere mit Osteoarthritis, voranzubringen. Sherman O. Canapp, Jr. und Debra Canapp, die Führungskräfte von OBI, sind dem Beratungsrat von PetVivo beigetreten und bringen umfassende Erfahrungen in der veterinärmedizinischen Orthopädie und Sportmedizin mit.

OBI wird PetVivo unterstützen, klinische Studien für Spryng zu koordinieren, die sich auf gelenkbezogene Probleme bei den Ellenbogen und Knien (stifles) von Hunden konzentrieren. Diese Studien werden die Wirksamkeit von intraartikulären Injektionen von Kollagen-Elastin-Hydrogel-Mikropartikeln (CEHM) bei Hunden mit Osteoarthritis und bei solchen, die sich einer TPLO-Verfahren unterziehen, bewerten. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, das Produktbewusstsein zu erhöhen und die Marktakzeptanz von Spryng in den Vereinigten Staaten zu beschleunigen.

  • Partnership with Orthobiologic Innovations for clinical research and product commercialization
  • Addition of experienced veterinary experts to PetVivo's advisory board
  • Planned clinical trials to evaluate Spryng's effectiveness in canine joint treatments
  • Potential for expanded market reach and adoption of Spryng across the U.S.
  • None.

Orthobiologic President & CEO, Sherman O. Canapp, Jr. and Director of Diagnositcs and Education, Debra Cannap, Join PetVivo Advisory Board

MINNEAPOLIS, MN, & Annapolis Junction, MD, US, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV, PETVW), a leading biomedical company delivering innovative therapeutic medical devices for equines and companion animals, has teamed up with Orthobiologic Innovations (“OBI”), in R&D for regenerative and sports medicine, to pursue new clinical trials, product development and marketing of the company’s lead animal osteoarthritis medical device, Spryng™ with OsteoCushion™ Technology.

OBI president and CEO and past president of ACVSMR, Sherman O. Canapp, Jr., DVM, MS, CCRT, DACVS-SA, DACVSMR, commented: “As a double-boarded orthopedic and sports medicine small animal veterinarian, my primary focus is on returning patients to full function as quickly and safely as possible using innovative evidence-based approaches. I look forward to working with PetVivo and their Spyrng with Osteocushion Technology to deliver long-term relief from the pain associated with osteoarthritis, by addressing the underlying structural issues, so that we can restore mobility and improve patient joint function over a longer period.”

Additionally, Debra Canapp, DVM, CCRT, CVA, DACVSMR, will also be working closely with PetVivo. She will contribute her experience in Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound at Veterinary Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Group.

Sherman and Debra Canapp are both well published authors creating articles related to research involving sports injury and surgical recovery, as well as progressive intervention for canine patients with osteoarthritis. They lecture together internationally in both the veterinary and the human orthobiologic space.

Both Sherman and Debra Canapp have also been appointed to PetVivo’s advisory board, joining advisory board member, Tracy Turner, DVM, MS, DACVS, DACSMR, who has pioneered the use of thermography as a diagnostic aid in horse lameness evaluation and its use in horse welfare regulation. Turner is the current American Association of Equine Practitioners President-Elect and has extensively published studies and lectured nationally and internationally on these topics.

“We chose to team with OBI because they are consistently on the frontline of new medical technologies,” commented PetVivo president and CEO, John Lai. “Sherman and Debra bring impressive knowledge and experience, particularly from their work in helping to develop new medical products that focus on the physical health of small animals and arthritis interventions.”

“This makes their team a great fit with furthering our clinical trials and expanding the market adoption of Spryng,” continued Lai. “They will help us build product awareness and accelerate the growth and the expansion of our market reach across the U.S.”

OBI will initially assist PetVivo with coordinating a number of Spryng clinical trials centered upon the management of joint related afflictions in the elbow and stifle (knee) of canine patients. These pilot studies will include the evaluation of intra-articular injection of collagen-elastin hydrogel microparticles (“CEHM”) that are i) injected in the elbow of dogs suffering from osteoarthritis, and ii) injected in the stifle(s) of dogs that have undergone a TPLO procedure. OBI will also assist with a number of additional studies being planned for over the next year.

For more information about PetVivo and Spryng, email or visit and

About PetVivo Holdings

PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: PETV, PETVW) is a biomedical device company focused on the manufacturing, commercialization and licensing of innovative medical devices and therapeutics for companion animals. The company is pursuing a strategy of developing and commercializing human therapies for the treatment of companion animals in capital and time efficient ways. A key component of this strategy is an accelerated timeline to revenues for veterinary medical devices that can enter the market much earlier than more stringently regulated human pharmaceuticals and biologics.

PetVivo has developed a robust pipeline of products for the medical treatment of animals and people, with a portfolio of 21 patents that protect the company's biomaterials, products, production processes and methods of use. The company’s commercially launched flagship product, Spryng with OsteoCushionTechnology, is a veterinarian-administered, intra-articular injectable designed for the management of lameness and other joint related afflictions, including osteoarthritis, in cats, dogs and horses.

For more information about PetVivo and its revolutionary Spryng with OsteoCushion Technology, email or visit or

About Orthobiologic Innovations

Orthobiologic Innovations, LLC (OBI) is a translational medicine company that focuses on product design, development and testing of orthopedic and arthroscopic devices, instrumentations, medical systems, biologics and regenerative medicine technologies. OBI is also actively involved in designing and performing clinical trials.

Forward-Looking commercial Statements

The foregoing information regarding PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”) may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, each as amended. Forward-looking statements include all statements that do not relate solely to historical or current facts, including without limitation the Company’s proposed development and commercial timelines, and can be identified by the use of words such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “project,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “believe,” “potential,” “should,” “continue” or the negative versions of those words or other comparable words. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future actions or performance. These forward-looking statements are based on information currently available to the Company and its current plans or expectations and are subject to a number of uncertainties and risks that could significantly affect current plans. Risks concerning the Company’s business are described in detail in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2024 and other periodic and current reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company is under no obligation to, and expressly disclaims any such obligation to, update or alter its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

PetVivo Contact
John Lai, CEO
PetVivo Holdings, Inc.
Email Contact
Tel (952) 405-6216

OBI Contact
Sherman Canapp, CEO
Orthobiologic Innovations, LLC

Investor Contact
Ronald Both or Grant Stude
CMA Investor Relations
Tel (949) 432-7566
Email contact


What is the purpose of PetVivo's partnership with Orthobiologic Innovations?

PetVivo has partnered with Orthobiologic Innovations to pursue new clinical trials, product development, and marketing of Spryng™ with OsteoCushion™ Technology, their lead animal osteoarthritis medical device.

Who are the new members of PetVivo's advisory board mentioned in the press release?

Sherman O. Canapp, Jr., DVM, MS, CCRT, DACVS-SA, DACVSMR, and Debra Canapp, DVM, CCRT, CVA, DACVSMR, from Orthobiologic Innovations have joined PetVivo's advisory board.

What clinical trials are planned for PetVivo's Spryng product (PETV)?

PetVivo (PETV) is planning clinical trials to evaluate Spryng's effectiveness in treating joint-related issues in canine patients' elbows and stifles (knees), including studies on dogs with osteoarthritis and those undergoing TPLO procedures.

How does PetVivo's Spryng with OsteoCushion Technology work for osteoarthritis in animals?

Spryng with OsteoCushion Technology uses intra-articular injections of collagen-elastin hydrogel microparticles (CEHM) to address underlying structural issues in joints, aiming to provide long-term relief from osteoarthritis pain and improve joint function in animals.

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