PepGen Announces Christopher Ashton, PhD, to Retire from its Board of Directors
PepGen Inc. (Nasdaq: PEPG) announced that Christopher Ashton, PhD, will retire from its Board of Directors effective September 30, 2024. Dr. Ashton has served on PepGen's Board since December 2019 and was a member of the audit and compensation committees. Laurie Keating, JD, Chair of PepGen's Board, expressed gratitude for Dr. Ashton's nearly five years of service and valuable contributions.
Dr. Ashton cited his desire to focus on guiding pre-IPO companies as the reason for his retirement. He expressed confidence in PepGen's future, noting the company's progress in developing potential best-in-class therapies for serious neuromuscular and neurological diseases. Following Dr. Ashton's resignation, the size of PepGen's Board will be reduced from seven to six directors.
PepGen Inc. (Nasdaq: PEPG) ha annunciato che Christopher Ashton, PhD, si ritirerà dal suo Consiglio di Amministrazione a partire dal 30 settembre 2024. Il Dr. Ashton è stato membro del Consiglio di PepGen da dicembre 2019 ed è stato parte delle commissioni di audit e compensi. Laurie Keating, JD, Presidente del Consiglio di PepGen, ha espresso gratitudine per i quasi cinque anni di servizio e per i preziosi contributi del Dr. Ashton.
Il Dr. Ashton ha citato il desiderio di concentrarsi sulla guida delle aziende pre-IPO come motivo del suo ritiro. Ha espresso fiducia nel futuro di PepGen, notando i progressi dell'azienda nello sviluppo di potenziali terapie di classe superiore per malattie neuromuscolari e neurologiche gravi. Dopo le dimissioni del Dr. Ashton, le dimensioni del Consiglio di PepGen verranno ridotte da sette a sei membri.
PepGen Inc. (Nasdaq: PEPG) anunció que Christopher Ashton, PhD, se retirará de su Junta Directiva a partir del 30 de septiembre de 2024. El Dr. Ashton ha sido miembro de la Junta de PepGen desde diciembre de 2019 y formó parte de los comités de auditoría y compensación. Laurie Keating, JD, Presidenta de la Junta de PepGen, expresó su agradecimiento por los casi cinco años de servicio y las valiosas contribuciones del Dr. Ashton.
El Dr. Ashton citó su deseo de concentrarse en guiar a empresas pre-IPO como la razón de su retiro. Expresó confianza en el futuro de PepGen, destacando el progreso de la empresa en el desarrollo de terapias potencialmente de primer nivel para enfermedades neuromusculares y neurológicas graves. Tras la renuncia del Dr. Ashton, el tamaño de la Junta de PepGen se reducirá de siete a seis directores.
PepGen Inc. (Nasdaq: PEPG)는 Christopher Ashton 박사가 2024년 9월 30일부로 이사회에서 퇴임한다고 발표했습니다. Ashton 박사는 2019년 12월부터 PepGen 이사회에서 활동했으며 감사 및 보상 위원의 일원이었습니다. PepGen 이사회의 의장인 Laurie Keating JD는 Ashton 박사의 거의 5년간의 봉사와 소중한 기여에 대해 감사를 표했습니다.
Ashton 박사는 자신의 퇴임 이유로 상장 전 기업을 안내하는 데 집중하고 싶다는 의사를 밝혔습니다. 그는 PepGen의 미래에 대한 신뢰를 표현하며, 회사가 심각한 신경근 및 신경 질환을 위한 최상의 치료법 개발에서 이룬 진전을 언급했습니다. Ashton 박사의 사퇴 이후, PepGen 이사회의 규모는 7명에서 6명으로 줄어들 것입니다.
PepGen Inc. (Nasdaq: PEPG) a annoncé que Christopher Ashton, PhD, va prendre sa retraite de son Conseil d'Administration à compter du 30 septembre 2024. Le Dr Ashton a été membre du Conseil de PepGen depuis décembre 2019 et a fait partie des comités d'audit et de rémunération. Laurie Keating, JD, Présidente du Conseil de PepGen, a exprimé sa gratitude pour les presque cinq années de service et les contributions précieuses du Dr Ashton.
Le Dr Ashton a évoqué son désir de se concentrer sur l'accompagnement des entreprises en pré-IPO comme raison de sa retraite. Il a exprimé sa confiance dans l'avenir de PepGen, notant les progrès de l'entreprise dans le développement de thérapies potentiellement parmi les meilleures de leur catégorie pour les maladies neuromusculaires et neurologiques graves. Suite à la démission du Dr Ashton, la taille du Conseil de PepGen sera réduite de sept à six membres.
PepGen Inc. (Nasdaq: PEPG) gab bekannt, dass Christopher Ashton, PhD, mit Wirkung zum 30. September 2024 von seinem Vorstand zurücktritt. Dr. Ashton war seit Dezember 2019 Mitglied des Vorstands von PepGen und gehörte den Prüfungsausschüssen und Vergütungsausschüssen an. Laurie Keating, JD, Vorsitzende des Vorstands von PepGen, drückte ihre Dankbarkeit für Dr. Ashtons fast fünfjährige Mitarbeit und wertvolle Beiträge aus.
Dr. Ashton nannte den Wunsch, sich auf die Führung von Unternehmen vor dem Börsengang zu konzentrieren, als Grund für seinen Rücktritt. Er äußerte Vertrauen in die Zukunft von PepGen und hob den Fortschritt des Unternehmens bei der Entwicklung potenziell herausragender Therapien für schwere neuromuskuläre und neurologische Erkrankungen hervor. Nach dem Rücktritt von Dr. Ashton wird die Größe des Vorstands von PepGen von sieben auf sechs Direktoren reduziert.
- PepGen has two investigational therapies in clinical trials for neuromuscular and neurological diseases
- The company's candidates have potential to be best-in-class therapies
- Loss of a long-serving board member with valuable scientific and leadership experience
- Reduction in board size from seven to six directors
“On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank Chris for nearly five years of service,” said Laurie Keating, JD, Chair of PepGen’s Board of Directors. “He is our longest serving Director and we will miss his thoughtful advice, perspective and humility. His experience as both a scientist and leader of growing companies has been invaluable during his tenure. We wish him all the best.”
“It has been a thoroughly rewarding experience to help shape PepGen from its early beginnings into a biotechnology company with two investigational therapies in the clinic to treat serious neuromuscular and neurological diseases,” said Dr. Ashton. “I believe the future is bright as these candidates have the potential to be best-in-class therapies from which patients may benefit enormously. I would like to take this opportunity to wish President and CEO James McArthur, my fellow members of the Board, and all the employees the best of luck in the future.”
Dr. Ashton cited his desire to return to focusing on guiding pre-IPO companies as the principal reason for his decision to retire from the Board of Directors. He did not advise the Company of any dispute or disagreement with the Company or the Board of Directors, or on any matter relating to the Company’s operations, policies or practices. Effective upon Dr. Ashton’s resignation, the size of the Company’s Board of Directors will be reduced from seven to six directors.
About PepGen
PepGen is a clinical-stage biotechnology company advancing the next-generation of oligonucleotide therapies with the goal of transforming the treatment of severe neuromuscular and neurological diseases. PepGen’s Enhanced Delivery Oligonucleotide (EDO) platform is founded on over a decade of research and development and leverages cell-penetrating peptides to improve the uptake and activity of conjugated oligonucleotide therapeutics. Using these EDO peptides, we are generating a pipeline of oligonucleotide therapeutic candidates designed to target the root cause of serious diseases.
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Lyra Strategic Advisory
Source: PepGen Inc.