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PepsiCo (NASDAQ: PEP) has announced a definitive agreement to acquire Siete Foods for $1.2 billion. This acquisition will add an authentic Mexican-American brand to PepsiCo's portfolio, expanding its better-for-you food offerings. Siete Foods, founded in 2014, produces heritage-inspired tortillas, salsas, seasonings, sauces, cookies, and snacks. The transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2025, subject to customary conditions and regulatory approval.

PepsiCo's Chairman and CEO, Ramon Laguarta, expressed excitement about carrying on the Garza family's legacy and expanding the multicultural portfolio. Miguel Garza, CEO and Co-Founder of Siete Foods, hopes this acquisition will inspire other Latino businesses. The deal aims to bring Siete's inclusive, better-for-you products to a wider consumer base while honoring Mexican-American heritage and culture.

PepsiCo (NASDAQ: PEP) ha annunciato un accordo definitivo per l'acquisizione di Siete Foods per 1,2 miliardi di dollari. Questa acquisizione aggiungerà un marchio autentico messicano-americano al portafoglio di PepsiCo, ampliando le sue offerte di cibi salutari. Siete Foods, fondata nel 2014, produce tortillas, salse, condimenti, sughi, biscotti e snack ispirati al patrimonio culturale. Si prevede che la transazione si concluderà nella prima metà del 2025, soggetta a condizioni consuete e approvazione normativa.

Il Presidente e CEO di PepsiCo, Ramon Laguarta, ha espresso entusiasmo per portare avanti l'eredità della famiglia Garza e ampliare il portafoglio multiculturale. Miguel Garza, CEO e co-fondatore di Siete Foods, spera che questa acquisizione possa ispirare altre aziende latine. L'accordo mira a portare i prodotti inclusivi e salutari di Siete a un pubblico più ampio, onorando al contempo il patrimonio e la cultura messico-americana.

PepsiCo (NASDAQ: PEP) ha anunciado un acuerdo definitivo para adquirir Siete Foods por 1.2 mil millones de dólares. Esta adquisición añadirá una marca auténticamente mexicano-americana al portafolio de PepsiCo, ampliando su oferta de alimentos más saludables. Siete Foods, fundada en 2014, produce tortillas, salsas, condimentos, salsas, galletas y bocadillos inspirados en la herencia cultural. Se espera que la transacción se cierre en la primera mitad de 2025, sujeta a las condiciones habituales y a la aprobación regulatoria.

El presidente y director ejecutivo de PepsiCo, Ramon Laguarta, expresó su entusiasmo por continuar el legado de la familia Garza y ampliar el portafolio multicultural. Miguel Garza, director ejecutivo y cofundador de Siete Foods, espera que esta adquisición inspire a otros negocios latinos. El acuerdo tiene como objetivo llevar los productos inclusivos y saludables de Siete a una base de consumidores más amplia, al mismo tiempo que se rinde homenaje a la herencia y cultura mexicano-americana.

펩시코 (NASDAQ: PEP)는 12억 달러에 Siete Foods를 인수하기 위한 확정 계약을 발표했습니다. 이번 인수로 펩시코의 포트폴리오에 진정한 멕시코-미국 브랜드가 추가되어 더 건강한 식품 제공이 확장될 것입니다. 2014년에 설립된 Siete Foods는 전통을 기반으로 한 또띠야, 살사, 조미료, 소스, 쿠키, 스낵을 생산합니다. 이 거래는 2025년 상반기에 마무리될 것으로 예상되며, 일반적인 조건과 규제 승인을 받을 것입니다.

펩시코의 회장 겸 CEO인 라몬 라구아르타는 가르자 가족의 유산을 이어가고 다문화 포트폴리오를 확장할 수 있게 되어 기쁘다고 전했습니다. Siete Foods의 CEO이자 공동 설립자인 미겔 가르자는 이번 인수가 다른 라틴계 기업들에게 영감을 주기를 바랍니다. 이 거래의 목표는 Siete의 포괄적인, 더 건강한 제품을 더 넓은 소비자층에게 제공하면서 멕시코-미국의 유산과 문화를 존중하는 것입니다.

PepsiCo (NASDAQ: PEP) a annoncé un accord définitif pour acquérir Siete Foods pour 1,2 milliard de dollars. Cette acquisition ajoutera une marque authentiquement mexicano-américaine au portefeuille de PepsiCo, élargissant ainsi son offre de produits alimentaires plus sains. Siete Foods, fondée en 2014, produit des tortillas, des salsas, des assaisonnements, des sauces, des biscuits et des collations inspirés du patrimoine culturel. La transaction devrait se conclure dans la première moitié de 2025, sous réserve des conditions habituelles et de l'approbation réglementaire.

Ramon Laguarta, Président et CEO de PepsiCo, a exprimé son enthousiasme à l'idée de poursuivre l'héritage de la famille Garza et d'élargir le portefeuille multiculturel. Miguel Garza, CEO et cofondateur de Siete Foods, espère que cette acquisition inspirera d'autres entreprises latino. L'accord vise à rendre les produits inclusifs et plus sains de Siete accessibles à un large public tout en honorant l'héritage et la culture mexicano-américaine.

PepsiCo (NASDAQ: PEP) hat eine definitive Vereinbarung zum Erwerb von Siete Foods für 1,2 Milliarden Dollar angekündigt. Diese Akquisition wird eine authentische mexikanisch-amerikanische Marke zum Portfolio von PepsiCo hinzufügen und die gesünderen Lebensmittelangebote erweitern. Siete Foods, gegründet im Jahr 2014, stellt tortillas, salsas, Gewürze, Saucen, Kekse und Snacks her, die von der Kulturerbe inspiriert sind. Die Transaktion soll im ersten Halbjahr 2025 abgeschlossen werden, vorbehaltlich der üblichen Bedingungen und Genehmigungen der Aufsichtsbehörden.

Ramon Laguarta, Vorsitzender und CEO von PepsiCo, äußerte sich begeistert darüber, das Erbe der Familie Garza fortzuführen und das multikulturelle Portfolio auszubauen. Miguel Garza, CEO und Mitbegründer von Siete Foods, hofft, dass diese Akquisition andere latino Unternehmen inspiriert. Ziel des Deals ist es, die integrativen, gesünderen Produkte von Siete einer breiteren Verbraucherschaft zugänglich zu machen und dabei das mexikanisch-amerikanische Erbe und die Kultur zu ehren.

  • Acquisition of Siete Foods for $1.2 billion expands PepsiCo's multicultural and better-for-you food portfolio
  • Addition of an authentic Mexican-American brand to PepsiCo's offerings
  • Potential for increased market reach and consumer base for Siete products
  • Significant capital outlay of $1.2 billion for the acquisition
  • Potential integration challenges and costs associated with incorporating Siete Foods into PepsiCo's operations


PepsiCo's $1.2 billion acquisition of Siete Foods is a strategic move to expand its multicultural portfolio and strengthen its position in the better-for-you food segment. This deal aligns with the growing consumer demand for healthier, authentic ethnic foods. The acquisition price represents about 0.5% of PepsiCo's market cap, indicating a relatively small but potentially high-growth addition to their portfolio.

Key points to consider:

  • Diversification into Mexican-American cuisine, tapping into a growing demographic
  • Expansion of better-for-you offerings, addressing health-conscious consumer trends
  • Potential for significant revenue growth by leveraging PepsiCo's distribution network
  • Synergies in marketing and product development

While the impact on PepsiCo's financials may be in the short term due to Siete's current size, the long-term growth potential and strategic fit make this an impactful acquisition for PepsiCo's future positioning in the evolving food and beverage landscape.

The acquisition of Siete Foods by PepsiCo is a calculated move to capitalize on several key market trends:

  • Rising Hispanic population: The U.S. Hispanic population is projected to reach 111 million by 2060, presenting a significant market opportunity.
  • Growing demand for authentic ethnic foods: Consumers are increasingly seeking out authentic, culturally diverse food options.
  • Health-conscious consumers: The better-for-you food segment continues to outpace traditional snack growth.
  • Millennial and Gen Z preferences: These demographics value brands with strong cultural identities and health-focused offerings.

This acquisition positions PepsiCo to better compete in these growing market segments, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue growth. The $1.2 billion price tag suggests PepsiCo sees significant value and growth potential in Siete's brand and product portfolio.

PURCHASE, N.Y. and AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ: PEP) ("PepsiCo") today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Garza Food Ventures LLC, dba Siete Foods ("Siete") for $1.2 billion

The acquisition will complement PepsiCo's portfolio with the addition of an authentic, Mexican-American brand, while also growing its better-for-you food offerings. Siete products will bring a rich, new aspect to the PepsiCo multicultural portfolio with delicious food that plays an important role in meal occasions and culinary experiences. 

Founded in 2014, Siete produces authentic heritage-inspired tortillas, salsas, seasonings, sauces, cookies, snacks and more. Siete's products can be found in grocery stores, club stores, and organic food retailers primarily across the U.S. 

"The Garza family has built a very special brand. Their passion for making and sharing food shines through in every Siete product, and that's a passion we share at PepsiCo," said Ramon Laguarta, Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo. "PepsiCo believes in the spirit and authenticity of the Siete brand, and we're excited to carry on the legacy created by the Garza family. We look forward to expanding our multicultural portfolio with these incredible products and even more consumers discovering and enjoying Siete." 

"Siete was created ten years ago to make heritage-inspired, Mexican-American food more widely available. Now we're excited to embrace a new era with PepsiCo and bring our inclusive, better-for-you products to more people," said Miguel Garza, CEO and Co-Founder of Siete Foods. "We hope this next chapter for Siete serves as inspiration for other Latino businesses, showing that it's possible to build a thriving brand that honors our heritage and celebrates our culture." 

The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approval, and is expected to close in the first half of 2025. Additional terms of the acquisition were not disclosed. 

Centerview Partners LLC acted as lead financial advisor to PepsiCo. Citi also served as financial advisor. Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP is acting as legal advisor to PepsiCo. Lazard is acting as financial advisor to Siete and Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, as well as Armbrust & Brown, PLLC are acting as legal advisors to Siete. 

About PepsiCo 
PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $91 billion in net revenue in 2023, driven by a complementary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes Lay's, Doritos, Cheetos, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Quaker, and SodaStream. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales. 

Guiding PepsiCo is our vision to Be the Global Leader in Beverages and Convenient Foods by Winning with pep+ (PepsiCo Positive). pep+ is our strategic end-to-end transformation that puts sustainability and human capital at the center of how we will create value and growth by operating within planetary boundaries and inspiring positive change for planet and people. For more information, visit

About Siete Family Foods 
Siete Foods is on a mission to inspire inclusivity around the table by sharing delicious heritage-inspired Mexican-American foods for a variety of dietary needs and preferences. Founded in 2014 in Austin, TX, Siete brought all seven (siete) members of the Garza family together on their journey to health. Siete's products span meals and macro snacks categories, including Grain Free Tortillas, Enchilada Sauces, Taco Seasonings, Botana Sauces, Mexican Cookies, Vegan Beans, Grain Free Puffs, and Salsas, available across 40,000 retailers, as well as online at Join the family @sietefoods on Facebook and Instagram. 

PepsiCo Cautionary Statement  
Statements in this communication that are "forward-looking statements" are based on currently available information, operating plans and projections about future events and trends. Terminology such as "believe," "expect," "future," " "intend," "may," "plan," "position," "potential," "should," "will" or similar statements or variations of such words and other similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain such terms. Forward-looking statements inherently involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted in such forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: the risks associated with the deadly conflict in Ukraine; future demand for PepsiCo's products; damage to PepsiCo's reputation or brand image; product recalls or other issues or concerns with respect to product quality and safety; PepsiCo's ability to compete effectively; PepsiCo's ability to attract, develop and maintain a highly skilled and diverse workforce or effectively manage changes in our workforce; water scarcity; changes in the retail landscape or in sales to any key customer; disruption of PepsiCo's manufacturing operations or supply chain, including continued increased commodity, packaging, transportation, labor and other input costs; political, social or geopolitical conditions in the markets where PepsiCo's products are made, manufactured, distributed or sold; PepsiCo's ability to grow its business in developing and emerging markets; changes in economic conditions in the countries in which PepsiCo operates; future cyber incidents and other disruptions to our information systems; failure to successfully complete or manage strategic transactions; PepsiCo's reliance on third-party service providers and enterprise-wide systems; climate change or measures to address climate change and other sustainability matters; strikes or work stoppages; failure to realize benefits from PepsiCo's productivity initiatives; deterioration in estimates and underlying assumptions regarding future performance of our business or investments that can result in impairment charges; fluctuations or other changes in exchange rates; any downgrade or potential downgrade of PepsiCo's credit ratings; imposition or proposed imposition of new or increased taxes aimed at PepsiCo's products; imposition of limitations on the marketing or sale of PepsiCo's products; changes in laws and regulations related to the use or disposal of plastics or other packaging materials; failure to comply with personal data protection and privacy laws; increase in income tax rates, changes in income tax laws or disagreements with tax authorities; failure to adequately protect PepsiCo's intellectual property rights or infringement on intellectual property rights of others; failure to comply with applicable laws and regulations; and potential liabilities and costs from litigation, claims, legal or regulatory proceedings, inquiries or investigations. 

For additional information on these and other factors that could cause PepsiCo's actual results to materially differ from those set forth herein, please see PepsiCo's filings with the SEC, including its most recent annual report on Form 10-K and subsequent reports on Forms 10-Q and 8-K. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. We undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. 


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SOURCE PepsiCo, Inc.


What is the value of PepsiCo's acquisition of Siete Foods?

PepsiCo (PEP) has agreed to acquire Siete Foods for $1.2 billion.

When is the PepsiCo-Siete Foods acquisition expected to close?

The acquisition is expected to close in the first half of 2025, subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approval.

What products does Siete Foods offer that PepsiCo is acquiring?

Siete Foods produces authentic heritage-inspired tortillas, salsas, seasonings, sauces, cookies, snacks, and other Mexican-American food products.

How will the Siete Foods acquisition impact PepsiCo's (PEP) product portfolio?

The acquisition will complement PepsiCo's portfolio by adding an authentic Mexican-American brand and expanding its better-for-you food offerings.

PepsiCo, Inc.


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