PepsiCo Foundation Supports the Workforce of the Future by Investing More than $20 Million in Scholarship Programs Across the U.S. in the Last 5 Years

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The PepsiCo Foundation has invested over $20 million in scholarship programs across the U.S. in the last 5 years, awarding nearly 6,000 scholarships. In 2024 alone, the Foundation will have awarded more than 1,800 scholarships valued at nearly $8.4 million. The Foundation supports three signature programs:

  • PepsiCo Foundation Family Scholars: Supporting children of PepsiCo employees
  • PepsiCo Foundation S.M.I.L.E. Scholarship: Helping community college graduates attain 4-year degrees
  • PepsiCo Foundation Uplift Scholarship: Promoting educational equity for underserved communities

These programs aim to create future employees and entrepreneurs by providing financial support, networking opportunities, and career guidance. The Foundation's efforts reflect its commitment to driving positive change and fostering economic growth and social mobility.

La Fondazione PepsiCo ha investito oltre 20 milioni di dollari in programmi di borse di studio negli Stati Uniti negli ultimi 5 anni, assegnando quasi 6.000 borse. Solo nel 2024, la Fondazione avrà assegnato più di 1.800 borse del valore di quasi 8,4 milioni di dollari. La Fondazione supporta tre programmi di punta:

  • PepsiCo Foundation Family Scholars: Sostegno ai figli dei dipendenti PepsiCo
  • PepsiCo Foundation S.M.I.L.E. Scholarship: Aiuto ai laureati dei college comunitari per conseguire lauree di 4 anni
  • PepsiCo Foundation Uplift Scholarship: Promozione dell'equità educativa per le comunità svantaggiate

Questi programmi mirano a creare futuri dipendenti e imprenditori fornendo supporto finanziario, opportunità di networking e orientamento professionale. Gli sforzi della Fondazione riflettono il suo impegno a promuovere cambiamenti positivi e a favorire la crescita economica e la mobilità sociale.

La Fundación PepsiCo ha invertido más de 20 millones de dólares en programas de becas en los EE. UU. en los últimos 5 años, otorgando casi 6,000 becas. Solo en 2024, la Fundación habrá concedido más de 1,800 becas valoradas en casi 8.4 millones de dólares. La Fundación apoya tres programas emblemáticos:

  • PepsiCo Foundation Family Scholars: Apoyando a los hijos de empleados de PepsiCo
  • PepsiCo Foundation S.M.I.L.E. Scholarship: Ayudando a graduados de colegios comunitarios a obtener títulos de 4 años
  • PepsiCo Foundation Uplift Scholarship: Promoviendo la equidad educativa para comunidades desatendidas

Estos programas tienen como objetivo crear futuros empleados y emprendedores proporcionando apoyo financiero, oportunidades de networking y orientación profesional. Los esfuerzos de la Fundación reflejan su compromiso con el cambio positivo y fomentan el crecimiento económico y la movilidad social.

펩시코 재단은 지난 5년 동안 미국 전역의 장학 프로그램에 2천만 달러 이상을 투자하여 거의 6,000개의 장학금을 수여했습니다. 2024년 단독으로 재단은 1,800개 이상의 장학금을 수여할 예정이며, 그 가치는 거의 840만 달러에 달합니다. 재단은 세 가지 주요 프로그램을 지원합니다:

  • 펩시코 재단 가족 장학생: 펩시코 직원의 자녀 지원
  • 펩시코 재단 S.M.I.L.E. 장학금: 지역 사회 대학 졸업생이 4년 학위를 취득할 수 있도록 지원
  • 펩시코 재단 Uplift 장학금: 취약한 커뮤니티의 교육적 형평성 촉진

이 프로그램들은 재정 지원, 네트워킹 기회 및 경력 안내를 제공함으로써 미래의 직원과 기업가를 창출하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 재단의 노력은 긍정적인 변화를 주도하고 경제 성장 및 사회적 이동성을 증진시키려는 약속을 반영합니다.

La Fondation PepsiCo a investi plus de 20 millions de dollars dans des programmes de bourses d'études aux États-Unis au cours des 5 dernières années, attribuant près de 6 000 bourses. Rien qu'en 2024, la Fondation aura attribué plus de 1 800 bourses d'une valeur de près de 8,4 millions de dollars. La Fondation soutient trois programmes phares :

  • PepsiCo Foundation Family Scholars: Soutien aux enfants des employés de PepsiCo
  • PepsiCo Foundation S.M.I.L.E. Scholarship: Aide aux diplômés de collèges communautaires pour obtenir des diplômes de 4 ans
  • PepsiCo Foundation Uplift Scholarship: Promotion de l'équité éducative pour les communautés défavorisées

Ces programmes visent à créer de futurs employés et entrepreneurs en offrant un soutien financier, des opportunités de réseautage et des conseils de carrière. Les efforts de la Fondation reflètent son engagement à favoriser un changement positif et à encourager la croissance économique et la mobilité sociale.

Die PepsiCo-Stiftung hat in den letzten 5 Jahren über 20 Millionen US-Dollar in Stipendienprogramme in den USA investiert und dabei nahezu 6.000 Stipendien vergeben. Allein im Jahr 2024 wird die Stiftung mehr als 1.800 Stipendien im Wert von fast 8,4 Millionen US-Dollar vergeben haben. Die Stiftung unterstützt drei Hauptprogramme:

  • PepsiCo Foundation Family Scholars: Unterstützung für die Kinder von PepsiCo-Mitarbeitern
  • PepsiCo Foundation S.M.I.L.E. Stipendium: Hilft Absolventen von Community Colleges, 4-jährige Abschlüsse zu erlangen
  • PepsiCo Foundation Uplift Stipendium: Förderung der Chancengleichheit in der Bildung für benachteiligte Gemeinschaften

Diese Programme zielen darauf ab, zukünftige Mitarbeiter und Unternehmer zu schaffen, indem sie finanzielle Unterstützung, Networking-Möglichkeiten und Karriereberatung bieten. Die Bemühungen der Stiftung spiegeln ihr Engagement wider, positive Veränderungen voranzutreiben und wirtschaftliches Wachstum sowie soziale Mobilität zu fördern.

  • PepsiCo Foundation invested over $20 million in scholarship programs in the last 5 years
  • Nearly 6,000 scholarships awarded in the United States
  • 1,800 scholarships valued at $8.4 million to be awarded in 2024
  • Family Scholars program awarded $1 million in new scholarships to 435 children of PepsiCo employees in 2024
  • Since inception, Family Scholars program has awarded 6,000+ scholarships and $70 million globally
  • None.

PepsiCo Foundation Awards Nearly 6,000 Scholarships 

PURCHASE, N.Y., Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The PepsiCo Foundation is helping to create future employees and entrepreneurs in the U.S through scholarship and workforce development programs, providing students with financial support, networking opportunities, and career guidance. As part of its ongoing mission to drive positive change in our communities, in the last five years the PepsiCo Foundation is proud to have awarded nearly 6,000 scholarships in the United States. In 2024 alone, the PepsiCo Foundation will have awarded more than 1,800 scholarships valued at nearly $8.4 million to students across the U.S.

The PepsiCo Foundation supports multiple educational access and workforce development programs that unlock access to education, with the three signature programs:  PepsiCo Foundation Family Scholars, PepsiCo Foundation S.M.I.L.E. (Supportive Mentorship for Inspiring Leaders and Entrepreneurs) Scholarship, and PepsiCo Foundation Uplift Scholarship.

PepsiCo Foundation Family Scholars

The Family Scholars program aims to support PepsiCo employees in the financial burden of post-secondary education and foster long-term success for the children and communities of PepsiCo employees.

Mike B, a PepsiCo employee of nearly 30 years, encouraged his daughter, Shaye, to apply for the PepsiCo Foundation Family Scholars program. As a scholarship recipient, Shaye received financial support for all five years of her university studies.

"To see PepsiCo invest in my daughter's future like that was just amazing," Mike said. Following her graduation, Shaye was chosen to complete a sales leadership program with PepsiCo and now works for the company full-time in a regional sales role. "The support helped me turn my part-time summer job with PepsiCo into a career," Shaye said. "The scholarship gave me a chance to blaze my own trail at PepsiCo."

In 2024 the PepsiCo Foundation awarded $1 million dollars in new scholarships to 435 children of PepsiCo employees and since the program's inception 6,000+ scholarships and $70 million have been awarded globally.  

PepsiCo Foundation S.M.I.L.E. Scholarship

The S.M.I.L.E. Scholarship program is designed to help students who have graduated from community colleges achieve their dream of attaining a 4-year baccalaureate degree. These scholarships provide financial assistance and access to mentorship opportunities, internships, and professional networks.

"Being from another country and an immigrant, we look for the American dream and this is the real dream. I have this opportunity, and I feel so grateful it makes me cry. This has really been an amazing opportunity for me," S.M.I.L.E. Scholar Valeria Bello De Armas said. "I have the opportunity to go to school and an opportunity to maybe someday work here, and it has been incredible. You need to keep doing this program because it's changing lives. I come from a country where I don't have opportunities and here in America you have changed my life."

The S.M.I.L.E. Scholarships are dedicated to helping cultivate the next generation of leaders. The program provides full wraparound support and services to help break down the economic barriers many students face while trying to complete their education.

PepsiCo Foundation Uplift Scholarship

The Uplift Program is an extension of PepsiCo Foundation's efforts to promote educational equity, focusing on unlocking access to higher education for students who have traditionally faced barriers to access. Through the Uplift Program, the Foundation provides scholarships, academic support, and career readiness training to community college students. This initiative aims to create a more inclusive educational landscape by removing financial barriers and offering robust support systems for students from underserved communities. Uplift also includes emergency funds for students who face unexpected obstacles that would prevent them from graduating and pursuing their educational and career goals.

Expanding Horizons, Creating Opportunities

"Our commitment to educational access and social and economic mobility through the awarding of scholarships and workforce development programs reflects our belief that "talent is equally distributed but opportunities are not."  said PepsiCo Foundation President and Global Head of Social Impact, PepsiCo, C.D. Glin said. "Through the Family Scholars Program, S.M.I.L.E. Scholarships, Uplift Scholarship, and the many other programs we support, we are proud to feed the potential of people who will shape the future of our workforce. By providing them with the resources, support, and opportunities they need, we are contributing to a more equitable and prosperous society."

Real World Impact – Pathways to Prosperity

Today marks the launch of the third season of the PepsiCo Foundation Changemakers video series titled "Pathways to Prosperity."  This season highlights some of the people, partnerships, and social impact investments that the PepsiCo Foundation is making in five different countries around the world. Each episode in the Pathways to Prosperity series tells the story of an individual and organization who benefitted from PepsiCo Foundation assistance and how they, in turn, became  Changemakers,  making a positive difference in the lives of others.  For example, in the U.S. episode, Fidel G, a PepsiCo Foundation scholarship recipient, shows how the scholarship and support helped him overcome adversity, improved his life, ignited his career, and inspired him to give back to his local community. 

The PepsiCo Foundation's scholarship programs are a testament to its dedication to helping foster economic growth and social mobility. By investing in education and supporting underrepresented students, the Foundation is not only enhancing individual lives but also contributing to the broader goal of creating a more inclusive and equitable world.  Visit to view the series.

About the PepsiCo Foundation
The PepsiCo Foundation, the philanthropic arm of PepsiCo, invests in the essential elements of a sustainable food system with a mission to support thriving communities. Working with non-profits and experts around the globe, we're focused on helping communities obtain access to food security, safe water and economic opportunity. We strive for tangible impact in the places where we live and work—collaborating with industry peers, local and international organizations, and our employees to affect large-scale change on the issues that matter to us and are of global importance. Learn more at  Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn.  

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How much has the PepsiCo Foundation invested in scholarship programs in the last 5 years?

The PepsiCo Foundation has invested over $20 million in scholarship programs across the U.S. in the last 5 years.

How many scholarships will PepsiCo (PEP) award in 2024?

In 2024, the PepsiCo Foundation will award more than 1,800 scholarships valued at nearly $8.4 million to students across the U.S.

What are the three signature scholarship programs offered by the PepsiCo Foundation?

The three signature programs are: PepsiCo Foundation Family Scholars, PepsiCo Foundation S.M.I.L.E. Scholarship, and PepsiCo Foundation Uplift Scholarship.

How many scholarships has the PepsiCo Foundation Family Scholars program awarded globally since its inception?

Since its inception, the PepsiCo Foundation Family Scholars program has awarded over 6,000 scholarships and $70 million globally.

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