SGH Becomes Penguin Solutions

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Penguin Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: PENG) has completed its brand transition from SGH - SMART Global Holdings, Inc., evolving into a comprehensive end-to-end infrastructure solution provider. Building on 25 years of high-performance computing (HPC) expertise, Penguin Solutions now designs, builds, deploys, and manages next-generation enterprise infrastructure for AI and beyond.

The transition unifies the company's business lines, creating new opportunities for innovation in designing and delivering comprehensive solutions—from core to cloud to edge—for next-generation applications. Penguin Solutions offers customized solutions addressing specific enterprise needs and complex business problems.

Mark Adams, president and CEO of Penguin Solutions, emphasized that this brand unification highlights their transformation into an enterprise solutions company focused on overcoming complex infrastructure deployment challenges. The Cree LED brand, another SGH business unit, will continue to operate under its current name.

Penguin Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: PENG) ha completato la sua transizione di marca da SGH - SMART Global Holdings, Inc., evolvendosi in un fornitore completo di soluzioni infrastrutturali end-to-end. Basandosi su 25 anni di esperienza nel computing ad alte prestazioni (HPC), Penguin Solutions progetta, costruisce, implementa e gestisce infrastrutture aziendali di nuova generazione per l'IA e oltre.

La transizione unifica le linee di business dell'azienda, creando nuove opportunità per l'innovazione nella progettazione e nella fornitura di soluzioni complete—dalla core al cloud fino all'edge—per applicazioni di nuova generazione. Penguin Solutions offre soluzioni personalizzate che rispondono a esigenze aziendali specifiche e a problemi complessi.

Mark Adams, presidente e CEO di Penguin Solutions, ha sottolineato che questa unificazione del marchio evidenzia la loro trasformazione in un'azienda di soluzioni aziendali focalizzata nel superare le sfide complesse nell'implementazione delle infrastrutture. Il marchio Cree LED, un'altra unità aziendale di SGH, continuerà a operare con il suo nome attuale.

Penguin Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: PENG) ha completado su transición de marca de SGH - SMART Global Holdings, Inc., evolucionando hacia un proveedor integral de soluciones de infraestructura de extremo a extremo. Apoyándose en 25 años de experiencia en computación de alto rendimiento (HPC), Penguin Solutions ahora diseña, construye, implementa y gestiona infraestructuras empresariales de nueva generación para la IA y más allá.

La transición unifica las líneas de negocio de la empresa, creando nuevas oportunidades para la innovación en el diseño y la entrega de soluciones integrales—desde el núcleo hasta la nube y el borde—para aplicaciones de nueva generación. Penguin Solutions ofrece soluciones personalizadas que abordan necesidades empresariales específicas y problemas comerciales complejos.

Mark Adams, presidente y CEO de Penguin Solutions, destacó que esta unificación de marca subraya su transformación en una empresa de soluciones empresariales centrada en superar desafíos complejos en la implementación de infraestructuras. La marca Cree LED, otra unidad de negocio de SGH, continuará operando bajo su nombre actual.

펭귄 솔루션스, Inc. (Nasdaq: PENG)는 SGH - SMART Global Holdings, Inc.에서 브랜드 전환을 완료하고 포괄적인 엔드 투 엔드 인프라 솔루션 제공업체로 발전했습니다. 25년 간의 고성능 컴퓨팅(HPC) 경험을 바탕으로 펭귄 솔루션스는 AI 및 그 이상을 위한 차세대 기업 인프라를 설계, 구축, 배포 및 관리합니다.

이번 전환은 회사의 비즈니스 라인을 통합하여 차세대 애플리케이션을 위한 포괄적인 솔루션을 설계하고 제공하는 혁신의 새로운 기회를 창출합니다. 펭귄 솔루션스는 특정 기업의 필요를 해결하는 맞춤형 솔루션을 제공합니다 복잡한 비즈니스 문제를 해결합니다.

펭귄 솔루션스의 사장이자 CEO인 Mark Adams는 이번 브랜드 통합이 복잡한 인프라 배포 문제를 극복하는 데 중점을 둔 기업 솔루션 회사로의 변화를 강조한다고 말했습니다. 또 다른 SGH 비즈니스 유닛인 Cree LED 브랜드는 현재 이름으로 계속 운영됩니다.

Penguin Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: PENG) a achevé sa transition de marque de SGH - SMART Global Holdings, Inc., évoluant vers un fournisseur complet de solutions d'infrastructure de bout en bout. Fort de 25 ans d'expertise en informatique haute performance (HPC), Penguin Solutions conçoit, construit, déploie et gère des infrastructures d'entreprise de nouvelle génération pour l'IA et au-delà.

Cette transition unit les lignes d'activité de l'entreprise, créant de nouvelles opportunités d'innovation dans la conception et la livraison de solutions complètes—du cœur au cloud en passant par l'edge—pour les applications de nouvelle génération. Penguin Solutions propose des solutions personnalisées répondant à des besoins spécifiques des entreprises et à des problèmes commerciaux complexes.

Mark Adams, président et PDG de Penguin Solutions, a souligné que cette unification de marque met en lumière leur transformation en entreprise de solutions d'entreprise axée sur la résolution de défis complexes liés au déploiement d'infrastructure. La marque Cree LED, une autre unité commerciale de SGH, continuera à opérer sous son nom actuel.

Penguin Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: PENG) hat den Markenwechsel von SGH - SMART Global Holdings, Inc. vollzogen und sich zu einem umfassenden Anbieter von End-to-End-Infrastrukturlösungen entwickelt. Aufbauend auf 25 Jahren Erfahrung in der Hochleistungsrechnertechnik (HPC) entwirft, erstellt, implementiert und verwaltet Penguin Solutions nun moderne Unternehmensinfrastrukturen für KI und darüber hinaus.

Der Übergang vereint die Geschäftsbereiche des Unternehmens und schafft neue Möglichkeiten für Innovationen beim Design und der Bereitstellung umfassender Lösungen—von Core über Cloud bis Edge—für Anwendungen der nächsten Generation. Penguin Solutions bietet maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die spezifische Unternehmensbedürfnisse und komplexe Geschäftsprobleme ansprechen.

Mark Adams, Präsident und CEO von Penguin Solutions, betonte, dass diese Markenvereinigung ihre Transformation in ein Unternehmen für Unternehmenslösungen hervorhebt, das sich auf die Überwindung komplexer Herausforderungen bei der Implementierung von Infrastrukturen konzentriert. Die Cree LED-Marke, eine weitere Geschäftseinheit von SGH, wird weiterhin unter ihrem aktuellen Namen tätig sein.

  • Transition to Penguin Solutions reflects a strategic move towards becoming a comprehensive end-to-end infrastructure solution provider
  • 25 years of experience in high-performance computing (HPC) solutions
  • Expanded capabilities in designing, building, deploying, and managing next-generation enterprise infrastructure for AI and beyond
  • Unified business lines create new opportunities for innovation in solution design and delivery
  • None.


The rebranding of SGH to Penguin Solutions represents a strategic shift in the company's market positioning, focusing on end-to-end infrastructure solutions for AI and high-performance computing. This move aligns with the growing demand for advanced compute solutions in enterprise environments.

Key points to consider:

  • The transition consolidates various business lines under the Penguin Solutions brand, potentially streamlining operations and enhancing market presence.
  • The company's emphasis on customized solutions from "core to cloud to edge" indicates a comprehensive approach to addressing complex enterprise needs.
  • The retention of the Cree LED brand suggests a strategic decision to maintain brand equity in the specialized LED market segment.

While this rebranding could lead to improved market clarity and potentially stronger customer relationships, its immediate impact on financial performance is uncertain. Investors should monitor how this strategic shift translates into revenue growth and market share gains in the competitive tech infrastructure space.

Transition from SGH to Penguin Solutions reflects tech innovator’s ongoing commitment to delivering advanced compute solutions to help solve the industry’s most complex challenges

MILPITAS, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Penguin Solutions, Inc. (Penguin Solutions, Nasdaq: PENG) today announced the completion of its brand transition from SGH - SMART Global Holdings, Inc., into a robust end-to-end infrastructure solution provider. Building on a 25-year history of delivering high-performance computing (HPC) solutions, the new Penguin Solutions designs, builds, deploys, and manages next-generation enterprise infrastructure for AI and beyond.

Combining the expertise and capabilities of Penguin Solutions with the company’s other business lines creates new opportunities for innovation on the design and delivery of comprehensive solutions—from core to cloud to edge—for next-generation applications. From advanced computing and integrated memory solutions to edge platforms, Penguin Solutions has the flexibility and knowledge to support enterprises in their technological journeys with customized solutions that address their specific needs and solve their most complex business problems.

“Uniting our company under one brand, Penguin Solutions, highlights our transformation into an enterprise solutions company focused on overcoming the challenges of complex infrastructure deployment,” said Mark Adams, president and CEO of Penguin Solutions. “Penguin Solutions combines our broad set of cutting-edge solutions and technical knowledge, positioning us to partner with our customers to deliver innovation, rapid time-to-production, optimized long-term performance, high availability, reliable security, and lasting value.”

The Cree LED brand, another SGH business unit specializing in application-optimized LED chips and components designed for high performance and reliability, will continue to do business as Cree LED.

Penguin Solutions, SMART Global Holdings, SGH, and Cree LED are trademarks or registered trademarks owned within the family of companies owned by Penguin Solutions, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

About Penguin Solutions

The most exciting technological advancements are also the most challenging for companies to adopt. At Penguin Solutions, we support our customers in achieving their ambitions across our computing, memory, and LED lines of business. With our expert skills, experience, and partnerships, we turn our customers’ most complex challenges into compelling opportunities.

For more information, visit

Investor Contact

Suzanne Schmidt

Investor Relations

(510) 360-8596

PR Contact

Maureen O’Leary

Penguin Solutions Corporate Communications

(602) 330-6846

Source: Penguin Solutions, Inc.


What is the new name of SGH - SMART Global Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: PENG)?

SGH - SMART Global Holdings, Inc. has transitioned to Penguin Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: PENG).

What services does Penguin Solutions (Nasdaq: PENG) offer after the brand transition?

Penguin Solutions designs, builds, deploys, and manages next-generation enterprise infrastructure for AI and beyond, offering comprehensive solutions from core to cloud to edge.

Who is the president and CEO of Penguin Solutions (Nasdaq: PENG)?

Mark Adams is the president and CEO of Penguin Solutions.

Will the Cree LED brand continue to operate under its current name after Penguin Solutions' (Nasdaq: PENG) brand transition?

Yes, the Cree LED brand, another SGH business unit, will continue to do business under its current name.

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