Workers Embrace Agentic AI Despite Concerns About Trust and Reliability, Says Research

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Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) released new research on workers' attitudes toward agentic AI, revealing a complex mix of acceptance and skepticism. While 57% of workers are inclined to use AI agents, and 58% already do, significant concerns persist about reliability and quality.

The study, conducted with YouGov across 2,100 US and UK working adults, found that early adopters primarily benefit from automation of tedious tasks (41%), reduced time searching for job-related information (36%), and quick meeting summarization (34%). However, key concerns include work quality (33%), lack of human intuition (32%), and accuracy of AI-generated responses (30%).

Looking ahead, 46% believe AI will positively impact their jobs over the next five years, while only 13% anticipate negative effects. Workers identified enhanced accuracy and reliability (42%), better training (39%), and increased transparency in AI decision-making (33%) as top priorities for improvement.

Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) ha pubblicato una nuova ricerca sulle attitudini dei lavoratori nei confronti dell'AI agentica, rivelando un mix complesso di accettazione e scetticismo. Mentre il 57% dei lavoratori è incline a utilizzare agenti AI e il 58% lo fa già, persistono preoccupazioni significative riguardo all'affidabilità e alla qualità.

Lo studio, condotto con YouGov su 2.100 adulti lavoratori negli Stati Uniti e nel Regno Unito, ha scoperto che i primi utenti traggono principalmente beneficio dall'automazione di compiti noiosi (41%), dal tempo ridotto per cercare informazioni relative al lavoro (36%) e dalla rapida sintesi delle riunioni (34%). Tuttavia, le principali preoccupazioni includono la qualità del lavoro (33%), la mancanza di intuizione umana (32%) e l'accuratezza delle risposte generate dall'AI (30%).

Guardando al futuro, il 46% crede che l'AI avrà un impatto positivo sul proprio lavoro nei prossimi cinque anni, mentre solo il 13% prevede effetti negativi. I lavoratori hanno identificato l'accuratezza e l'affidabilità migliorate (42%), una migliore formazione (39%) e una maggiore trasparenza nelle decisioni dell'AI (33%) come le massime priorità per il miglioramento.

Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) publicó una nueva investigación sobre las actitudes de los trabajadores hacia la IA agentiva, revelando una mezcla compleja de aceptación y escepticismo. Mientras que el 57% de los trabajadores está inclinado a usar agentes de IA y el 58% ya lo hace, persisten preocupaciones significativas sobre la fiabilidad y la calidad.

El estudio, realizado con YouGov entre 2,100 trabajadores adultos en EE. UU. y el Reino Unido, encontró que los primeros adoptantes se benefician principalmente de la automatización de tareas tediosas (41%), de la reducción del tiempo en la búsqueda de información relacionada con el trabajo (36%) y de la rápida síntesis de reuniones (34%). Sin embargo, las principales preocupaciones incluyen la calidad del trabajo (33%), la falta de intuición humana (32%) y la precisión de las respuestas generadas por IA (30%).

De cara al futuro, el 46% cree que la IA tendrá un impacto positivo en sus trabajos durante los próximos cinco años, mientras que solo el 13% anticipa efectos negativos. Los trabajadores identificaron la precisión y fiabilidad mejoradas (42%), una mejor capacitación (39%) y una mayor transparencia en la toma de decisiones de la IA (33%) como las principales prioridades para la mejora.

페가시스템즈 (NASDAQ: PEGA)는 에이전틱 AI에 대한 근로자의 태도에 관한 새로운 연구를 발표하며 수용과 의구심의 복잡한 혼합을 드러냈습니다. 근로자의 57%가 AI 에이전트를 사용할 의향을 보이며 58%가 실제로 사용하고 있지만, 신뢰성과 품질에 대한 우려가 여전히 존재합니다.

YouGov와 함께 실시한 이 연구에서는 미국과 영국의 2,100명의 근로자를 대상으로 하였으며, 초기 채택자들은 주로 지루한 작업의 자동화 (41%), 직무 관련 정보를 찾는 데 소요되는 시간 감소 (36%), 그리고 회의 요약의 신속함 (34%)으로부터 혜택을 보고 있습니다. 그러나 주요 우려 사항으로는 업무 품질 (33%), 인간의 직관 부족 (32%), AI가 생성한 응답의 정확성 (30%)이 포함됩니다.

앞으로를 내다보면, 46%는 AI가 향후 5년 내에 자신의 일에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것이라고 믿고 있으며, 오직 13%만이 부정적인 영향을 예상합니다. 근로자들은 개선의 최우선 사항으로 정확성과 신뢰성 향상 (42%), 더 나은 교육 (39%), 그리고 AI 의사 결정의 투명성 증대 (33%)를 지목했습니다.

Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) a publié une nouvelle étude sur les attitudes des travailleurs vis-à-vis de l'IA agentique, révélant un mélange complexe d'acceptation et de scepticisme. Alors que 57% des travailleurs sont enclins à utiliser des agents IA et que 58% le font déjà, des préoccupations significatives persistent concernant la fiabilité et la qualité.

L'étude, réalisée en collaboration avec YouGov auprès de 2 100 travailleurs adultes aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni, a révélé que les premiers adoptants bénéficient principalement de l'automatisation des tâches ennuyeuses (41%), de la réduction du temps passé à chercher des informations liées au travail (36%) et de la synthèse rapide des réunions (34%). Cependant, des préoccupations majeures subsistent sur la qualité du travail (33%), le manque d'intuition humaine (32%) et la précision des réponses générées par l'IA (30%).

En regardant vers l'avenir, 46% pensent que l'IA aura un impact positif sur leur travail au cours des cinq prochaines années, tandis que seulement 13% prévoient des effets négatifs. Les travailleurs ont identifié une précision et une fiabilité améliorées (42%), une meilleure formation (39%) et une transparence accrue dans la prise de décision de l'IA (33%) comme les principales priorités d'amélioration.

Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) hat neue Forschungsergebnisse zu den Einstellungen von Arbeitnehmern gegenüber agentischer KI veröffentlicht, die eine komplexe Mischung aus Akzeptanz und Skepsis zeigen. Während 57% der Arbeitnehmer geneigt sind, KI-Agenten zu verwenden, und 58% dies bereits tun, bestehen erhebliche Bedenken hinsichtlich der Zuverlässigkeit und Qualität.

Die Studie, die in Zusammenarbeit mit YouGov mit 2.100 berufstätigen Erwachsenen in den USA und Großbritannien durchgeführt wurde, stellte fest, dass frühe Anwender vor allem von der Automatisierung langweiliger Aufgaben (41%), der verkürzten Zeit zur Informationsbeschaffung für die Arbeit (36%) und der schnellen Zusammenfassung von Meetings (34%) profitieren. Zu den wichtigsten Bedenken zählen jedoch die Arbeitsqualität (33%), der Mangel an menschlicher Intuition (32%) und die Genauigkeit der von der KI generierten Antworten (30%).

Blickt man in die Zukunft, glauben 46%, dass KI in den nächsten fünf Jahren einen positiven Einfluss auf ihre Arbeit haben wird, während nur 13% negative Auswirkungen erwarten. Die Arbeitnehmer identifizierten verbesserte Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit (42%), bessere Schulung (39%) und erhöhte Transparenz in der KI-Entscheidungsfindung (33%) als oberste Prioritäten für Verbesserungen.

  • 58% of workers are already using AI agents
  • 46% believe AI will positively impact their jobs in next 5 years
  • 41% report benefits in automating tedious tasks
  • 33% worried about AI-generated work quality
  • 32% concerned about lack of human intuition
  • 30% don't trust AI-generated responses accuracy


This comprehensive research from Pegasystems offers important insights into enterprise AI adoption patterns, revealing both opportunities and challenges that could significantly impact PEGA's market position in the $62 billion enterprise AI market.

The study's findings paint an intriguing picture: while 57% of workers are open to AI agents and 58% are already using them, there's a clear trust gap that needs bridging. This dichotomy presents both a challenge and an opportunity for PEGA. The high early adoption rate suggests strong market potential, but the trust concerns indicate a need for robust solutions that address reliability and transparency - areas where PEGA has been investing heavily.

The identified benefits align perfectly with enterprise priorities:

  • 41% value task automation
  • 36% appreciate faster information retrieval
  • 34% highlight meeting summarization benefits

These preferences signal strong potential demand for PEGA's AI-driven workflow automation solutions. However, the concerns about work quality (33%) and lack of human intuition (32%) suggest that successful market penetration will require not just technical excellence but also strong focus on trust-building features and user education.

Looking at competitive implications, PEGA's emphasis on 'orchestrated' AI agents - integrating AI into actual workflows rather than standalone tools - appears well-aligned with user preferences. This could provide a significant competitive advantage in the enterprise AI space, particularly against point-solution providers.

The research's timing is strategic, as enterprise AI adoption is accelerating. The finding that 46% of workers anticipate positive AI impact over the next five years suggests a growing addressable market. However, the emphasis on accuracy (42%) and training needs (39%) as top improvement areas indicates that vendors who can effectively address these concerns will likely capture larger market share.

Study reveals key areas organizations should focus on to ensure successful agentic AI adoption

WALTHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Pegasystems Inc. (NASDAQ: PEGA), The Enterprise Transformation Company™, today announced its new research exploring workers’ feelings toward agentic AI. While a majority of workers (57%) are inclined to use AI agents at work, the survey still finds significant concerns about reliability and quality persist. This highlights a dichotomy between the acceptance and distrust of agentic AI, which may be hindering wider adoption in the workplace.

As more organizations adopt agentic AI to improve operations and productivity, research indicates employees are embracing this new technology – 58% of workers surveyed are already using AI agents today. These early adopters are realizing useful benefits: 41% highlighted automation of tedious tasks as the primary benefit, followed by reduced time spent searching for job-related information (36%), and quick meeting summarization (34%).

Despite this, workers have reservations that prevent them from fully trusting agentic AI. When asked about the barriers to using AI agents, 33% are worried about the quality of work produced by AI, 32% point to a lack of human intuition and emotional intelligence, and 30% don’t trust the accuracy of AI-generated responses.

Other key findings include:

  • Emotional intelligence, quality, and trust remain key concerns: When asked to rate agentic AI concerns, the top ones were clear: 47% believe AI lacks human intuition and emotional intelligence, 40% are uncomfortable submitting AI-generated work, and 34% worry that AI-produced work isn't as good as their own, tied with concerns over accuracy and reliability.
  • A positive outlook for agentic AI: Despite current limitations and concerns, 46% still believe AI will positively impact their jobs over the next five years, with only 13% anticipating negative effects. The remaining respondents were neutral toward or unsure about AI's impact.
  • Clear paths to improvement: Workers identified enhanced accuracy and reliability (42%) as the top priority for improvement for agentic AI tools, followed by better training on how to use these tools (39%) and increased transparency in AI decision-making processes (33%). These insights provide a clear roadmap for technology providers and organizations implementing AI solutions.

Ultimately, the survey revealed that most workers are open to using agentic AI and believe in the potential for it to improve their work experiences. However, as organizations incorporate more agentic AI into their daily workflows, organizations will need to put in work to achieve mass adoption. AI agents work best when they are orchestrated – designing, automating, and optimizing workflows and customer journeys alongside humans to achieve maximum results. With this holistic approach to agentic AI, combined with education opportunities and better transparency on how AI makes decisions, employees will be keener to adopt the technology to achieve maximum productivity and results.

For more on what Pega is doing in the agentic AI space, visit

Pega partnered with YouGov to survey more than 2,100 US and UK working adults who use digital devices for their jobs. It defined “AI agents” as software programs or tools powered by artificial intelligence that can assist with various tasks, such as generating content, analyzing data, automating repetitive processes, or providing recommendations. Examples included chatbots, virtual assistants, and AI-powered analytics tools.

Quotes & Commentary:
"Both organizational leaders and their employees recognize the significant benefits of agentic AI. However, this new research underscores that many still have reservations, and it’s up to enterprise leaders to strategically and thoughtfully incorporate the technology to help ensure adoption," said Don Schuerman, CTO, Pega. "Organizations must meet employees where they are by integrating AI agents with actual workflows so they’re not just doing any work, but doing the right work. This, combined with proper governance, transparency, and educational opportunities, will be vital for maximizing productivity, increasing comfort with the technology, and ultimately achieving widespread adoption for a true return on investment."

Supporting resources:
Blog post: Reimagining work with AI agents: Enabling a more collaborative workplace
Website: Agentic AI

About Pega
Pega is The Enterprise Transformation Company that helps organizations Build for Change® with enterprise AI decisioning and workflow automation. Many of the world’s most influential businesses rely on our platform to solve their most pressing challenges, from personalizing engagement to automating service to streamlining operations. Since 1983, we’ve built our scalable and flexible architecture to help enterprises meet today’s customer demands while continuously transforming for tomorrow. For more information on Pega (NASDAQ: PEGA), visit

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Press Contact:

Ilena Ryan

(617) 866-6722

Twitter: @pega

Source: Pegasystems Inc.


What percentage of workers currently use AI agents according to PEGA's research?

According to the research, 58% of workers surveyed are already using AI agents in their workplace.

What are the top 3 benefits of AI agents reported in PEGA's study?

The top three benefits reported are automation of tedious tasks (41%), reduced time spent searching for job-related information (36%), and quick meeting summarization (34%).

What are workers' main concerns about AI agents according to PEGA's research?

The main concerns are work quality (33%), lack of human intuition and emotional intelligence (32%), and lack of trust in AI-generated responses accuracy (30%).

What improvements do workers want to see in AI agents according to PEGA's study?

Workers want to see enhanced accuracy and reliability (42%), better training on how to use AI tools (39%), and increased transparency in AI decision-making processes (33%).

How many workers believe AI will positively impact their jobs in the next 5 years?

46% of workers believe AI will positively impact their jobs over the next five years, while only 13% anticipate negative effects.

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