Pega’s Government Empowered 2024 To Showcase How Federal Agencies Can Modernize Systems To Better Serve Citizens

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Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) announced its upcoming Government Empowered 2024 summit, scheduled for October 16, 2024, in Washington D.C. The event, now in its seventh year, aims to showcase how federal agencies can modernize systems to better serve citizens through digital transformation. The summit will feature presentations and discussions on technologies such as cloud, artificial intelligence (AI), and intelligent automation reshaping the public sector.

Attendees will gain insights from technology practitioners at key federal agencies, including the FBI, IRS, Social Security Administration, TSA, and Veterans Affairs. The event will also include experts from government technology solutions providers like Accenture Federal Services, AWS, Ernst & Young, and others. The summit focuses on demonstrating how software innovation and legacy modernization can enhance government efficiency and constituent outcomes.

Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) ha annunciato il suo prossimo summit Government Empowered 2024, in programma per il 16 ottobre 2024 a Washington D.C. L'evento, giunto alla sua settima edizione, ha l'obiettivo di dimostrare come le agenzie federali possano modernizzare i sistemi per servire meglio i cittadini attraverso la trasformazione digitale. Il summit presenterà relazioni e discussioni su tecnologie come cloud, intelligenza artificiale (IA) e automazione intelligente che stanno ridefinendo il settore pubblico.

I partecipanti potranno ottenere informazioni da professionisti della tecnologia di importanti agenzie federali, tra cui l'FBI, l'IRS, l'Amministrazione della Sicurezza Sociale, la TSA e il Dipartimento per i Veterani. L'evento includerà anche esperti di fornitori di soluzioni tecnologiche governative come Accenture Federal Services, AWS, Ernst & Young e altri. Il summit si concentra nel dimostrare come l'innovazione software e la modernizzazione dei sistemi legacy possano migliorare l'efficienza del governo e i risultati per i cittadini.

Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) anunció su próximo cumbre Government Empowered 2024, programada para el 16 de octubre de 2024 en Washington D.C. El evento, que este año celebra su séptima edición, tiene como objetivo mostrar cómo las agencias federales pueden modernizar sus sistemas para servir mejor a los ciudadanos a través de la transformación digital. La cumbre contará con presentaciones y discusiones sobre tecnologías como nube, inteligencia artificial (IA) y automatización inteligente que están remodelando el sector público.

Los asistentes obtendrán información de profesionales de la tecnología en agencias federales clave, incluyendo el FBI, IRS, Administración de la Seguridad Social, TSA y Asuntos de Veteranos. El evento también incluirá expertos de proveedores de soluciones tecnológicas gubernamentales como Accenture Federal Services, AWS, Ernst & Young y otros. La cumbre se centra en demostrar cómo la innovación de software y la modernización de sistemas heredados pueden mejorar la eficiencia gubernamental y los resultados para los ciudadanos.

페가시스템스 (NASDAQ: PEGA)가 2024년 10월 16일 워싱턴 D.C에서 열리는 Government Empowered 2024 정상 회담을 발표했습니다. 이번 행사는 7회를 맞이하며, 연방 기관들이 디지털 혁신을 통해 시민들에게 더 나은 서비스를 제공하기 위해 시스템을 현대화하는 방법을 보여주는 것을 목표로 합니다. 정상 회담에서는 클라우드, 인공지능(AI), 그리고 지능형 자동화와 같은 기술에 대한 발표와 논의가 진행될 예정입니다.

참석자들은 FBI, IRS, 사회 보장국, TSA, 재향 군인 관리국 등 주요 연방 기관의 기술 전문가에게 통찰력을 얻을 수 있습니다. 또한, 애센추어 연방 서비스, AWS, 언스트 앤 영과 같은 정부 기술 솔루션 제공업체의 전문가들도 참여할 것입니다. 이번 정상 회담은 소프트웨어 혁신과 레거시 시스템 현대화가 정부의 효율성과 구성원 결과를 향상시킬 수 있는 방법을 시연하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.

Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) a annoncé son prochain sommet Government Empowered 2024, prévu pour le 16 octobre 2024 à Washington D.C. Cet événement, qui en est à sa septième année, vise à montrer comment les agences fédérales peuvent moderniser leurs systèmes pour mieux servir les citoyens grâce à une transformation numérique. Le sommet présentera des présentations et des discussions sur des technologies telles que le cloud, l'intelligence artificielle (IA) et l'automatisation intelligente qui redéfinissent le secteur public.

Les participants bénéficieront d'analyses de praticiens de la technologie dans des agences fédérales clés, y compris le FBI, l'IRS, l'Administration de la Sécurité Sociale, la TSA et le département des Anciens Combattants. L'événement comprendra également des experts de fournisseurs de solutions technologiques gouvernementales tels qu'Accenture Federal Services, AWS, Ernst & Young et d'autres. Le sommet met l'accent sur la démonstration de la manière dont l'innovation logicielle et la modernisation des systèmes hérités peuvent améliorer l'efficacité gouvernementale et les résultats pour les citoyens.

Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) hat seinen kommenden Government Empowered 2024 Gipfel angekündigt, der für den 16. Oktober 2024 in Washington D.C. geplant ist. Die Veranstaltung, die nun im siebten Jahr stattfindet, hat zum Ziel, zu zeigen, wie Bundesbehörden ihre Systeme modernisieren können, um den Bürgern durch digitale Transformation besser zu dienen. Der Gipfel wird Präsentationen und Diskussionen über Technologien wie Cloud, künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und intelligente Automatisierung bieten, die den öffentlichen Sektor neu gestalten.

Teilnehmer erhalten Einblicke von Technologiepraktikern wichtiger Bundesbehörden, einschließlich des FBI, IRS, der Sozialversicherungsbehörde, der TSA und der Veteranenangelegenheiten. Die Veranstaltung wird auch Experten von Anbietern von Regierungstechnologielösungen wie Accenture Federal Services, AWS, Ernst & Young und anderen umfassen. Der Gipfel konzentriert sich darauf, zu demonstrieren, wie Softwareinnovationen und die Modernisierung veralteter Systeme die Effizienz der Regierung und die Ergebnisse für die Bürger verbessern können.

  • Hosting a major government technology summit, potentially increasing visibility and networking opportunities
  • Showcasing Pega's solutions for government agencies, potentially driving new business
  • Featuring high-profile federal agencies and technology experts, demonstrating strong industry connections
  • None.

Summit will bring together technology and government experts to help accelerate digital transformation

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Pegasystems, Inc., (NASDAQ: PEGA), the leading enterprise AI decisioning and workflow automation platform provider, today announced it will host Government Empowered 2024 on October 16, 2024, in Washington D.C. at the historical Capital Turnaround venue. This summit will bring together public sector leaders and innovators to showcase how they can better embrace digital transformation and expand what’s possible for their constituents with technology.

Now in its seventh year, Government Empowered will feature presentations and conversations that address how technologies such as cloud, artificial intelligence (AI), and intelligent automation are reshaping the public sector. Through sessions, panels, and demos with experts from high-profile public sector agencies and technology experts, attendees will have access to rich content, actionable insights, and hands-on experiences that demonstrate how software innovation and legacy modernization can enhance government efficiency and constituent outcomes.

This year’s event will showcase insights from top government technology practitioners at critical federal agencies, including:

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation: Elizabeth Sickler, unit chief
  • Internal Revenue Service: Lou Ann Kelleher, director, enterprise case management, and Sashi Iyer, technical advisor to the director of the enterprise case management office
  • Social Security Administration: Sam Richardson, associate commissioner, office of electronic services and technology, and Alex Arshavskiy, Pega COE lead
  • Transportation Security Administration: Austin Gould, former assistant administrator for requirements and capabilities analysis
  • Veterans Affairs: Larry Dibble, director of low code applications platforms COE, VA digital transformation center; James Corry, financial operations product manager, VA financial services center; William Hohorst, IT program manager, VA financial services center; Srini Thummaluru, Pega development lead, VA financial services center

The sessions will also feature leading experts from top government technology solutions and services providers, such as:

  • Accenture Federal Services: Alex Griffith, Pega growth lead
  • AWS: Laurent Domb, chief technologist, worldwide federal financial services
  • Ernst & Young: Irv Román, senior manager, GPS tech consulting
  • Pega: Don Schuerman, CTO, and Jen Pratt, GM, government, Americas
  • srcLogic: Tara Teaford, managing director, strategic programs
  • Sky Solutions: Jack Cochran, solutions consultant
  • Stratosphere Consulting: Justin Hissong, member and principal

To see the complete Government Empowered 2024 agenda and register to attend, please visit

Pega works with some of the largest government agencies in the world to help them achieve their modernization goals and transform their digital experiences. Pega Cloud for Government is a fully managed cloud offering that provides the tools, environments, and operational support that empower government agencies to develop applications optimized for government workloads. For more information on Pega’s government sector capabilities, visit

Quotes & Commentary:

“Public sector agencies, whether serving constituents at a local, state, or federal level, must be able to innovate quickly and respond to rapid change,” said Doug Averill, vice president, global industry market leader, government, Pega. “With technologies like AI, cloud, and automation on the rise, agencies need strategies to streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and take a proactive approach to addressing constituent needs. This year’s Government Empowered will bring together experts and luminaries to explore how government agencies can effectively apply technology to maximize their potential to make an impact in their constituents’ lives.”

About Pegasystems

Pega provides a powerful platform that empowers the world’s leading organizations to unlock business-transforming outcomes with real-time optimization. Clients use our enterprise AI decisioning and workflow automation to solve their most pressing business challenges – from personalizing engagement to automating service to streamlining operations. Since 1983, we’ve built our scalable and flexible architecture to help enterprises meet today’s customer demands while continuously transforming for tomorrow. For more information on how Pega empowers its clients to Build for Change®, visit

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Sean Audet


Twitter: @pega

Source: Pegasystems, Inc.


When and where is Pega's Government Empowered 2024 summit taking place?

Pega's Government Empowered 2024 summit is scheduled for October 16, 2024, in Washington D.C. at the historical Capital Turnaround venue.

What technologies will be discussed at Pega's Government Empowered 2024 summit?

The summit will focus on technologies such as cloud, artificial intelligence (AI), and intelligent automation that are reshaping the public sector.

Which federal agencies will be represented at Pega's Government Empowered 2024?

The summit will feature insights from technology practitioners at federal agencies including the FBI, IRS, Social Security Administration, TSA, and Veterans Affairs.

What is the purpose of Pega's Government Empowered 2024 summit?

The summit aims to showcase how federal agencies can modernize systems to better serve citizens through digital transformation and embrace technologies to expand possibilities for their constituents.

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