Consumers Demand Enterprises Modernize to Improve Ailing Customer Experience, Says Research
Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) and YouGov's research reveals growing consumer frustration with deteriorating customer experiences due to outdated technology. The study, polling 4,000 consumers from North America and UK, shows 77% believe organizations should invest in customer interaction improvements, while 69% feel companies prioritize profit-driven tech investments over customer experience enhancement.
Key findings show 56% of respondents report worse business interactions compared to 10 years ago. Major pain points include long customer service wait times (63%), repetitive information sharing (51%), and agents lacking necessary information (40%). Technical debt, estimated at $2.41 trillion annually in the US, is identified as a significant barrier to innovation and modernization, with 70% of C-level leaders citing it as an obstacle.
Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) e la ricerca di YouGov rivelano una crescente frustrazione dei consumatori per il deterioramento delle esperienze di servizio a causa della tecnologia obsoleta. Lo studio, che ha intervistato 4.000 consumatori in Nord America e nel Regno Unito, mostra che il 77% crede che le organizzazioni dovrebbero investire nel miglioramento delle interazioni con i clienti, mentre il 69% ritiene che le aziende diano priorità agli investimenti tecnologici orientati al profitto rispetto al miglioramento dell'esperienza del cliente.
I principali risultati indicano che il 56% degli intervistati riporta interazioni commerciali peggiori rispetto a dieci anni fa. I principali punti critici includono i lunghi tempi di attesa per il servizio clienti (63%), la condivisione ripetitiva di informazioni (51%) e gli agenti che mancano delle informazioni necessarie (40%). Il debito tecnico, stimato in 2,41 trilioni di dollari all'anno negli Stati Uniti, è identificato come un ostacolo significativo all'innovazione e alla modernizzazione, con il 70% dei leader di livello C che lo citano come un impedimento.
Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) y la investigación de YouGov revelan una creciente frustración de los consumidores debido al deterioro de las experiencias de servicio por la tecnología obsoleta. El estudio, que encuestó a 4,000 consumidores de América del Norte y el Reino Unido, muestra que el 77% cree que las organizaciones deberían invertir en mejoras en la interacción con los clientes, mientras que el 69% siente que las empresas priorizan las inversiones tecnológicas impulsadas por el lucro sobre la mejora de la experiencia del cliente.
Los hallazgos clave muestran que el 56% de los encuestados reporta peores interacciones comerciales en comparación con hace diez años. Los principales puntos de dolor incluyen largos tiempos de espera en el servicio al cliente (63%), la repetición de información (51%) y agentes que carecen de la información necesaria (40%). La deuda técnica, estimada en 2.41 billones de dólares anuales en EE. UU., se identifica como una barrera significativa para la innovación y la modernización, con el 70% de los líderes de nivel C citándola como un obstáculo.
Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA)와 YouGov의 연구는 구식 기술로 인해 고객 경험이 악화되면서 소비자 불만이 증가하고 있음을 보여줍니다. 북미와 영국의 4,000명의 소비자를 대상으로 한 이 연구는 77%가 조직이 고객 상호작용 개선에 투자해야 한다고 믿고 있다고 보고하고 있으며, 69%는 기업이 고객 경험 향상보다 수익 중심의 기술 투자에 우선순위를 두고 있다고 느끼고 있습니다.
주요 발견에 따르면 56%의 응답자가 10년 전과 비교해 더 나쁜 비즈니스 상호작용을 보고하고 있습니다. 주요 문제점으로는 긴 고객 서비스 대기 시간(63%), 반복적인 정보 공유(51%), 필요한 정보를 결여한 상담원(40%) 등이 있습니다. 기술 부채는 미국에서 연간 2.41조 달러로 추정되며, 혁신과 현대화에 대한 중요한 장벽으로 확인되며, C레벨 리더의 70%가 이를 장애물로 간주하고 있습니다.
Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) et la recherche de YouGov révèlent une frustration croissante des consommateurs face à la détérioration des expériences clients due à une technologie obsolète. L'étude, qui a interrogé 4 000 consommateurs d'Amérique du Nord et du Royaume-Uni, montre que 77 % estiment que les organisations devraient investir dans l'amélioration de l'interaction avec les clients, tandis que 69 % pensent que les entreprises privilégient les investissements technologiques axés sur le profit plutôt que l'amélioration de l'expérience client.
Les principales conclusions montrent que 56 % des répondants rapportent des interactions commerciales pires par rapport à il y a dix ans. Les principaux points de douleur incluent les longs temps d'attente au service client (63 %), le partage d'informations répétitives (51 %) et les agents manquant d'informations nécessaires (40 %). La dette technique, estimée à 2,41 trillions de dollars par an aux États-Unis, est identifiée comme un obstacle majeur à l'innovation et à la modernisation, 70 % des dirigeants de niveau C la citant comme un obstacle.
Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA) und die Forschung von YouGov zeigen eine wachsende Frustration der Verbraucher über die Verschlechterung von Kundenerlebnissen aufgrund veralteter Technologie. Die Studie, die 4.000 Verbraucher aus Nordamerika und dem Vereinigten Königreich befragte, zeigt, dass 77% der Meinung sind, dass Organisationen in die Verbesserung der Kundeninteraktion investieren sollten, während 69% der Ansicht sind, dass Unternehmen gewinnorientierte Technologieinvestitionen über die Verbesserung des Kundenerlebnisses priorisieren.
Wichtige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass 56% der Befragten schlechtere Geschäftinteraktionen im Vergleich zu vor 10 Jahren berichten. Zu den größten Schmerzpunkten gehören lange Wartezeiten im Kundenservice (63%), wiederholte Informationsweitergaben (51%) und Agenten, die nicht über die erforderlichen Informationen verfügen (40%). Der technische Schuldenstand, der in den USA auf 2,41 Billionen Dollar jährlich geschätzt wird, wird als erhebliches Hindernis für Innovation und Modernisierung identifiziert, wobei 70% der Führungskräfte auf C-Ebene dies als Hindernis angeben.
- Company identifies significant market opportunity in customer experience improvement
- Research demonstrates strong consumer demand (77%) for improved customer interaction systems
- Study reveals deteriorating customer satisfaction with company services
- Research shows 37% of customers switch to competitors due to poor experience
- Technical debt significantly impacting service delivery and innovation capability
The extensive consumer research by Pegasystems unveils a critical market opportunity in the enterprise software space. The finding that 77% of consumers demand improved customer experience technology investments signals a significant addressable market for Pega's solutions, particularly in context of the estimated
The research strategically positions Pega's GenAI Blueprint solution at the intersection of two important market dynamics: the urgent need for legacy system modernization and the emerging potential of generative AI in enterprise applications. The reported 69% of consumers believing companies prioritize profit over customer experience improvements creates a compelling narrative for enterprises to invest in transformation technologies.
Three key metrics from the study deserve particular attention from an investment perspective:
- The
63% citing wait times as their primary pain point - The
51% reporting issues with information repetition - The
40% noting agent information access problems
The research's timing aligns with the broader enterprise software market's shift toward AI-enabled transformation solutions. With
Legacy technical debt a leading contributor to decline in quality of customer interactions over the last 10 years
The study polled 4,000 consumers from
Other findings from the research painted a dire picture, including:
Things are getting worse, not better: When asked to compare the difficulties of interacting with businesses today versus 10 years ago, more than half (
56% ) said it is worse now, with over one quarter (26% ) strongly agreeing this was the case. This is despite all the general advancements in technology, including generative AI, over this timeframe.
Slow, siloed customer service operations: Two thirds (
63% ) rated customer service wait times as their top experience pain point. Roughly half (51% ) cited repeating the same information multiple times to different representatives their next biggest issue. Meanwhile,40% pointed to problems with customer service agents lacking the necessary information for effective service. This all suggests agents are saddled with siloed systems that slow them from getting the information they need.
Website and app disruption on both sides: Almost one third (
29% ) say customer service agents often tell them that their system is down, slow, or not working as well as it should. A similar number (28% ) say that websites or apps they use to interact with businesses are slow, have crashed, or take too long to load, suggesting a significant strain is being placed on systems.
Consumers switch and complain when they get bad experiences: Half of respondents (
48% ) said they share examples of poor customer experience with friends, family and colleagues to ‘warn’ them, while more than one third (37% ) say they move to another company that can better meet their needs.
A recent global Protiviti survey of C-level business leaders found that nearly
Quotes & Commentary:
“Businesses have to start taking the amount of technical debt they are managing seriously and examine ways they can use new innovations such as generative AI to make the existing systems they have in place work better for everyone,” said Don Schuerman, chief technology officer, Pega. “In an age where customers are more demanding than ever, many of their needs are not being met as a direct result of organizations carrying technical debt. Tools like Pega GenAI Blueprint™ can jumpstart transformation projects and enable organizations to rethink and replace inefficient, siloed systems and applications that are not only causing internal problems, but significant external damage to customer experience – and, as a result, brand reputation too.”
Supporting Resources:
- More information: Pega GenAI Blueprint
- Demo video: New legacy transformation features in Pega GenAI Blueprint
- Concept overview video: Reimagining legacy systems with Pega GenAI Blueprint
- Try it: Pega GenAI Blueprint dashboard
About Pegasystems
Pega is The Enterprise Transformation Company that helps organizations Build for Change® with enterprise AI decisioning and workflow automation. Many of the world’s most influential businesses rely on our platform to solve their most pressing challenges, from personalizing engagement to automating service to streamlining operations. Since 1983, we’ve built our scalable and flexible architecture to help enterprises meet today’s customer demands while continuously transforming for tomorrow. For more information on Pega (NASDAQ: PEGA), visit
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Jon Brigden
Source: Pegasystems Inc.
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How much does technical debt cost US businesses according to PEGA's study?
What percentage of consumers report worse business interactions compared to 10 years ago in PEGA's study?
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