Climate Week 2024: PSEG Long Island Announces Climate Change Resilience Plan

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PSEG Long Island and the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) have unveiled a Climate Change Resilience Plan (CCRP) during Climate Week 2024. This proactive plan addresses projected weather pattern changes over the coming decades. David Lyons, PSEG Long Island's interim president and COO, highlighted the company's decade-long efforts to improve reliability and resilience since 2014.

The CCRP focuses on strengthening physical assets such as poles, transformers, switches, and lines against extreme weather. It builds upon existing adaptation measures and addresses gaps identified through the Climate Change Vulnerability Study (CCVS). The plan also includes adaptations for planning, design, and operations practices.

PSEG Long Island operates the Long Island Power Authority's transmission and distribution system under a long-term contract. As a subsidiary of Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE:PEG), PSEG Long Island continues its commitment to combating the effects of climate change and protecting local communities.

PSEG Long Island e l'Autorità Elettrica di Long Island (LIPA) hanno presentato un piano di resilienza ai cambiamenti climatici (CCRP) durante la Climate Week 2024. Questo piano proattivo affronta le variazioni previste nei modelli meteorologici nel corso dei prossimi decenni. David Lyons, presidente ad interim e COO di PSEG Long Island, ha sottolineato gli sforzi decennali dell'azienda per migliorare l'affidabilità e la resilienza a partire dal 2014.

Il CCRP si concentra sul rafforzamento delle infrastrutture fisiche come pali, trasformatori, interruttori e linee contro eventi meteorologici estremi. Si basa su misure di adattamento esistenti e affronta le lacune identificate attraverso lo Studio di Vulnerabilità ai Cambiamenti Climatici (CCVS). Il piano include anche adattamenti per pratiche di pianificazione, design e operazioni.

PSEG Long Island gestisce il sistema di trasmissione e distribuzione dell'Autorità Elettrica di Long Island in base a un contratto a lungo termine. In quanto sussidiaria del Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE:PEG), PSEG Long Island continua il suo impegno nella lotta contro gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici e nella protezione delle comunità locali.

PSEG Long Island y la Autoridad de Energía de Long Island (LIPA) han presentado un Plan de Resiliencia al Cambio Climático (CCRP) durante la Semana del Clima 2024. Este plan proactivo aborda los cambios proyectados en los patrones climáticos en las próximas décadas. David Lyons, presidente interino y COO de PSEG Long Island, destacó los esfuerzos de la compañía durante la última década para mejorar la confiabilidad y resiliencia desde 2014.

El CCRP se centra en fortalecer los activos físicos como postes, transformadores, interruptores y líneas contra el clima extremo. Se basa en medidas de adaptación existentes y aborda las brechas identificadas a través del Estudio de Vulnerabilidad al Cambio Climático (CCVS). El plan también incluye adaptaciones para prácticas de planificación, diseño y operaciones.

PSEG Long Island opera el sistema de transmisión y distribución de la Autoridad de Energía de Long Island bajo un contrato a largo plazo. Como filial de Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE:PEG), PSEG Long Island continúa su compromiso en la lucha contra los efectos del cambio climático y la protección de las comunidades locales.

PSEG 롱아일랜드와 롱아일랜드 전력청(LIPA)은 2024 기후 주간 동안 기후 변화 대응 계획(CCRP)을 발표했습니다. 이 예방적 계획은 향후 수십 년 동안 예상되는 기후 패턴 변화를 다룹니다. 데이비드 리온스 PSEG 롱아일랜드의 임시 사장 겸 COO는 2014년부터 신뢰성과 회복력을 개선하기 위한 회사의 10년간의 노력을 강조했습니다.

CCRP는 극한 날씨에 대비하여 전선, 변압기, 개폐기 및 전선과 같은 물리적 자산을 강화하는 데 중점을 둡니다. 이는 기존의 적응 조치를 기반으로 하며 기후 변화 취약성 연구(CCVS)를 통해 확인된 격차를 다룹니다. 또한 계획, 설계 및 운영 관행을 위한 적응을 포함합니다.

PSEG 롱아일랜드는 장기 계약에 따라 롱아일랜드 전력청의 전송 및 분배 시스템을 운영합니다. 공공 서비스 기업 그룹 주식회사(Public Service Enterprise Group Inc., NYSE:PEG)의 자회사로서, PSEG 롱아일랜드는 기후 변화의 영향과 지역 사회 보호에 대한 지속적인 헌신을 이어가고 있습니다.

PSEG Long Island et l'Autorité de l'énergie de Long Island (LIPA) ont dévoilé un Plan de résilience climatique (CCRP) lors de la Semaine du Climat 2024. Ce plan proactif aborde les changements prévus des modèles météorologiques au cours des prochaines décennies. David Lyons, président intérimaire et COO de PSEG Long Island, a souligné les efforts de l'entreprise depuis une décennie pour améliorer la fiabilité et la résilience depuis 2014.

Le CCRP se concentre sur le renforcement des actifs physiques tels que les poteaux, les transformateurs, les interrupteurs et les lignes face aux événements climatiques extrêmes. Il s'appuie sur des mesures d'adaptation existantes et traite les lacunes identifiées par l'Étude de vulnérabilité au changement climatique (CCVS). Le plan comprend également des adaptations pour les pratiques de planification, de conception et d'exploitation.

PSEG Long Island exploite le système de transmission et de distribution de l'Autorité de l'énergie de Long Island dans le cadre d'un contrat à long terme. En tant que filiale de Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE:PEG), PSEG Long Island continue son engagement à lutter contre les effets des changements climatiques et à protéger les communautés locales.

PSEG Long Island und die Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) haben während der Climate Week 2024 einen Klimaresilienzplan (CCRP) vorgestellt. Dieser proaktive Plan befasst sich mit den prognostizierten Veränderungen der Wetterlagen in den kommenden Jahrzehnten. David Lyons, vorläufiger Präsident und COO von PSEG Long Island, hob die jahrzehntelangen Bemühungen des Unternehmens hervor, die Zuverlässigkeit und Resilienz seit 2014 zu verbessern.

Der CCRP konzentriert sich auf die Stärkung physischer Vermögenswerte wie Masten, Transformatoren, Schalter und Leitungen gegen extreme Wetterbedingungen. Er baut auf bestehenden Anpassungsmaßnahmen auf und schließt Lücken ein, die durch das Climate Change Vulnerability Study (CCVS) identifiziert wurden. Der Plan umfasst auch Anpassungen für Planungs-, Design- und Betriebspraktiken.

PSEG Long Island betreibt das Übertragungs- und Verteilungssystem der Long Island Power Authority im Rahmen eines langfristigen Vertrags. Als Tochtergesellschaft der Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE:PEG) setzt PSEG Long Island sein Engagement für die Bekämpfung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und den Schutz der lokalen Gemeinschaften fort.

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A decade of planning and strengthening the grid has increased reliability and resilience

UNIONDALE, N.Y., Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Coinciding with Climate Week 2024, PSEG Long Island and the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) have partnered to publish a proactive Climate Change Resilience Plan (CCRP) to address changes in weather patterns projected over the coming decades. To review the full Climate Change Resilience Plan, click here.

Experience the full interactive Multichannel News Release here:

Climate Week 2024: PSEG Long Island Announces Climate Change Resilience Plan

"From the day we started in 2014, PSEG Long Island has been making the improvements necessary to reduce and shorten outages when they do occur," said David Lyons, PSEG Long Island's interim president and COO. "We have already made great strides in reliability and resilience, and our new Climate Change Resiliency Plan is a road map that will keep addressing new risks that may be posed by climate change in the decades ahead."

"When you understand the science and the forecasts, you understand how important it is to have proper plans in place to protect our electrical infrastructure," said John Rhodes, acting chief executive officer of LIPA. "Our focus remains steady – combatting the effects of climate change to protect our local communities. I want to thank both our staff at LIPA and our partners at PSEG Long Island for their work on this plan."

PSEG Long Island has spent a decade strengthening the grid against extreme weather. For more, visit

Physical assets, such as poles, transformers, switches and lines, are a large focus of the CCRP. PSEG Long Island consulted the Climate Change Vulnerability Study (CCVS) and then identified existing adaptation measures it could expand upon and any gaps it would address with new measures. PSEG Long Island has also developed adaptation measures for existing planning, design and operations practices.

PSEG Long Island
PSEG Long Island operates the Long Island Power Authority's transmission and distribution system under a long-term contract.  PSEG Long Island is a subsidiary of Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (PSEG) (NYSE:PEG), a publicly traded diversified energy company.

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What is PSEG Long Island's Climate Change Resilience Plan (CCRP)?

PSEG Long Island's Climate Change Resilience Plan (CCRP) is a proactive strategy unveiled during Climate Week 2024 to address projected weather pattern changes over the coming decades. It focuses on strengthening physical assets and adapting planning, design, and operations practices to improve grid resilience against extreme weather.

How long has PSEG Long Island been working on improving grid reliability?

PSEG Long Island has been working on improving grid reliability and resilience for a decade, since it started operations in 2014. The company has been making continuous improvements to reduce and shorten outages when they occur.

What specific assets does the CCRP focus on strengthening?

The Climate Change Resilience Plan (CCRP) focuses on strengthening physical assets such as poles, transformers, switches, and power lines to improve their resilience against extreme weather conditions.

How did PSEG Long Island develop its Climate Change Resilience Plan?

PSEG Long Island developed its Climate Change Resilience Plan by consulting the Climate Change Vulnerability Study (CCVS), identifying existing adaptation measures to expand upon, and addressing gaps with new measures. The plan also includes adaptations for existing planning, design, and operations practices.

What is the relationship between PSEG Long Island and LIPA?

PSEG Long Island operates the Long Island Power Authority's (LIPA) transmission and distribution system under a long-term contract. PSEG Long Island is a subsidiary of Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE:PEG).

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