PDD Holdings Announces Second Quarter 2024 Unaudited Financial Results
PDD Holdings announced its unaudited financial results for Q2 2024, ending June 30, 2024. Total revenues were RMB97.1 billion (US$13.4 billion), up 86% from Q2 2023, driven by rises in online marketing and transaction services revenues. Operating profit increased by 156% to RMB32.6 billion (US$4.5 billion), with non-GAAP operating profit at RMB35.0 billion (US$4.8 billion), a 139% increase.
Net income attributable to shareholders was RMB32.0 billion (US$4.4 billion), a 144% increase year-over-year. Non-GAAP net income reached RMB34.4 billion (US$4.7 billion), up 125%. Basic earnings per American depositary share (ADS) were RMB23.14 (US$3.18), and diluted earnings per ADS were RMB21.61 (US$2.97).
Cash flows from operations were RMB43.8 billion (US$6.0 billion), a significant rise from RMB23.4 billion in Q2 2023. Company executives highlighted ongoing investments in high-quality development, trust, and safety despite potential short-term profitability declines due to increasing competition and economic challenges.
PDD Holdings ha annunciato i risultati finanziari non certificati per il secondo trimestre del 2024, che si è chiuso il 30 giugno 2024. Le entrate totali sono state di 97,1 miliardi di RMB (13,4 miliardi di dollari USA), in aumento dell'86% rispetto al secondo trimestre del 2023, grazie all'aumento delle entrate dai servizi di marketing online e di transazione. Il profitto operativo è aumentato del 156% arrivando a 32,6 miliardi di RMB (4,5 miliardi di dollari USA), con un profitto operativo non conforme agli standard GAAP di 35,0 miliardi di RMB (4,8 miliardi di dollari USA), un incremento del 139%.
Il reddito netto attribuibile agli azionisti è stato di 32,0 miliardi di RMB (4,4 miliardi di dollari USA), un aumento del 144% rispetto all'anno precedente. Il reddito netto non GAAP ha raggiunto i 34,4 miliardi di RMB (4,7 miliardi di dollari USA), con un incremento del 125%. Gli utili per azione di base per le azioni di deposito americane (ADS) erano di 23,14 RMB (3,18 dollari USA), mentre gli utili diluiti per ADS erano di 21,61 RMB (2,97 dollari USA).
I flussi di cassa derivanti dalle operazioni sono stati di 43,8 miliardi di RMB (6,0 miliardi di dollari USA), un considerevole aumento rispetto ai 23,4 miliardi di RMB del secondo trimestre del 2023. I dirigenti dell'azienda hanno sottolineato i continui investimenti nello sviluppo di alta qualità, nella fiducia e nella sicurezza, nonostante i potenziali cali della redditività a breve termine dovuti all'aumento della concorrenza e alle sfide economiche.
PDD Holdings anunció sus resultados financieros no auditados para el segundo trimestre de 2024, que finalizó el 30 de junio de 2024. Los ingresos totales fueron de 97,1 mil millones de RMB (13,4 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses), un aumento del 86% en comparación con el segundo trimestre de 2023, impulsado por el aumento en los ingresos de marketing en línea y servicios de transacción. El beneficio operativo aumentó un 156%, alcanzando los 32,6 mil millones de RMB (4,5 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses), con un beneficio operativo no GAAP de 35,0 mil millones de RMB (4,8 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses), un incremento del 139%.
El ingreso neto atribuible a los accionistas fue de 32,0 mil millones de RMB (4,4 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses), un incremento del 144% interanual. El ingreso neto no GAAP alcanzó los 34,4 mil millones de RMB (4,7 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses), un aumento del 125%. Las ganancias básicas por acción de depósito americano (ADS) fueron de 23,14 RMB (3,18 dólares estadounidenses), y las ganancias diluidas por ADS fueron de 21,61 RMB (2,97 dólares estadounidenses).
Los flujos de efectivo de las operaciones fueron de 43,8 mil millones de RMB (6,0 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses), un aumento significativo en comparación con los 23,4 mil millones de RMB del segundo trimestre de 2023. Los ejecutivos de la empresa destacaron las inversiones continuas en desarrollo de alta calidad, confianza y seguridad, a pesar de las posibles caídas a corto plazo en la rentabilidad debido al aumento de la competencia y los desafíos económicos.
PDD 홀딩스는 2024년 2분기(2024년 6월 30일 종료)의 비감사 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 총 수익은 97.1억 위안(134억 달러)에 달하며, 2023년 2분기 대비 86% 증가했습니다. 이는 온라인 마케팅 및 거래 서비스 수익 증가에 따른 것입니다. 영업 이익은 156% 증가하여 32.6억 위안(45억 달러)에 이르렀으며, 비-GAAP 영업 이익은 35.0억 위안(48억 달러)으로 139% 증가했습니다.
주주에게 귀속되는 순이익은 32.0억 위안(44억 달러)으로, 전년 대비 144% 증가했습니다. 비-GAAP 순이익은 34.4억 위안(47억 달러)에 달하며, 125% 증가했습니다. 미국 예탁주식(ADS) 기준 기본 주당 수익은 23.14 위안(3.18 달러), 희석 주당 수익은 21.61 위안(2.97 달러)이었습니다.
운영으로 인한 현금 흐름은 43.8억 위안(60억 달러)으로, 2023년 2분기의 23.4억 위안에 비해 상당히 증가했습니다. 회사 경영진은 경쟁 심화와 경제적 도전에 따른 단기 수익성 감소 가능성에도 불구하고 고품질 개발, 신뢰 및 안전에 대한 지속적인 투자를 강조했습니다.
PDD Holdings a annoncé ses résultats financiers non audités pour le deuxième trimestre de 2024, se terminant le 30 juin 2024. Les revenus totaux se sont élevés à 97,1 milliards de RMB (13,4 milliards de dollars américains), en hausse de 86 % par rapport au deuxième trimestre 2023, soutenus par l'augmentation des revenus des services de marketing en ligne et de transaction. Le bénéfice opérationnel a augmenté de 156 % pour atteindre 32,6 milliards de RMB (4,5 milliards de dollars américains), avec un bénéfice opérationnel non GAAP de 35,0 milliards de RMB (4,8 milliards de dollars américains), soit une hausse de 139 %.
Le revenu net attribuable aux actionnaires était de 32,0 milliards de RMB (4,4 milliards de dollars américains), soit une augmentation de 144 % d'une année sur l'autre. Le revenu net non GAAP a atteint 34,4 milliards de RMB (4,7 milliards de dollars américains), en hausse de 125 %. Les bénéfices de base par action de dépôt américain (ADS) étaient de 23,14 RMB (3,18 dollars américains), et les bénéfices dilués par ADS étaient de 21,61 RMB (2,97 dollars américains).
Les flux de trésorerie des opérations s'élevaient à 43,8 milliards de RMB (6,0 milliards de dollars américains), soit une augmentation significative par rapport aux 23,4 milliards de RMB du deuxième trimestre 2023. Les dirigeants de l'entreprise ont souligné les investissements continus dans le développement de haute qualité, la confiance et la sécurité, malgré les éventuelles baisses de rentabilité à court terme dues à l'augmentation de la concurrence et aux défis économiques.
PDD Holdings hat seine nicht geprüften finanziellen Ergebnisse für das zweite Quartal 2024, das am 30. Juni 2024 endete, bekannt gegeben. Die Gesamteinnahmen betrugen 97,1 Milliarden RMB (13,4 Milliarden USD), was einem Anstieg von 86% gegenüber dem zweiten Quartal 2023 entspricht, angetrieben durch Anstiege in den Einnahmen aus Online-Marketing und Transaktionsdiensten. Der Betriebsgewinn stieg um 156% auf 32,6 Milliarden RMB (4,5 Milliarden USD), während der Nicht-GAAP-Betriebsgewinn bei 35,0 Milliarden RMB (4,8 Milliarden USD) lag, ein Anstieg von 139%.
Der Nettogewinn, der den Aktionären zuzurechnen ist, betrug 32,0 Milliarden RMB (4,4 Milliarden USD), was einem Anstieg von 144% im Jahresvergleich entspricht. Der Nicht-GAAP-Nettoertrag erreichte 34,4 Milliarden RMB (4,7 Milliarden USD), ein Anstieg von 125%. Die Grundgewinne pro amerikanischer Hinterlegungsschein (ADS) lagen bei 23,14 RMB (3,18 USD) und die verwässerten Gewinne pro ADS bei 21,61 RMB (2,97 USD).
Die Cashflows aus dem Betrieb betrugen 43,8 Milliarden RMB (6,0 Milliarden USD), was einen signifikanten Anstieg gegenüber 23,4 Milliarden RMB im zweiten Quartal 2023 darstellt. Die Unternehmensführung hob die fortlaufenden Investitionen in hochwertige Entwicklung, Vertrauen und Sicherheit hervor, trotz potenzieller kurzfristiger Rückgänge bei der Rentabilität aufgrund von zunehmendem Wettbewerb und wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen.
- None.
- None.
DUBLIN and SHANGHAI, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PDD Holdings Inc. (“PDD Holdings” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: PDD), today announced its unaudited financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024.
Second Quarter 2024 Highlights
- Total revenues in the quarter were RMB97,059.5 million (US$113,355.8 million), an increase of
86% from RMB52,280.7 million in the same quarter of 2023. - Operating profit in the quarter was RMB32,564.5 million (US
$4,481.0 million ), an increase of156% from RMB12,718.8 million in the same quarter of 2023. Non-GAAP2 operating profit in the quarter was RMB34,987.3 million (US$4,814.4 million ), an increase of139% from RMB14,609.4 million in the same quarter of 2023. - Net income attributable to ordinary shareholders in the quarter was RMB32,009.4 million (US
$4,404.6 million ), an increase of144% from RMB13,108.1 million in the same quarter of 2023. Non-GAAP net income attributable to ordinary shareholders in the quarter was RMB34,432.1 million (US$4,738.0 million ), an increase of125% from RMB15,269.4 million in the same quarter of 2023.
“While encouraged by the solid progress we made in the past few quarters, we see many challenges ahead,” said Mr. Lei Chen, Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer of PDD Holdings. “We are committed to transitioning toward high-quality development and fostering sustainable ecosystem. We will invest heavily in the platform’s trust and safety, support high-quality merchants, and relentlessly improve the merchant ecosystem. We are prepared to accept short-term sacrifices and potential decline in profitability.”
“We are committed to nurturing a healthy and sustainable ecosystem where high-quality merchants thrive,” said Mr. Jiazhen Zhao, Executive Director and Co-Chief Executive Officer of PDD Holdings. “We will vigorously support high-quality merchants while firmly tackling low-quality ones, continuously building a healthy and sustainable ecosystem.”
“In the past quarter, our revenue growth rate slowed quarter-on-quarter. Looking ahead, revenue growth will inevitably face pressure due to intensified competition and external challenges,” said Ms. Jun Liu, VP of Finance of PDD Holdings. “Profitability will also likely to be impacted as we continue to invest resolutely.”
1 This announcement contains translations of certain Renminbi (“RMB”) amounts into U.S. dollars (“US$”) at a specified rate solely for the convenience of the reader. Unless otherwise noted, the translation of RMB into US$ has been made at RMB7.2672 to US
2 The Company’s non-GAAP financial measures exclude share-based compensation expenses, fair value change of certain investments, and interest expenses related to the convertible bonds’ amortization to face value. See “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures to the Most Directly Comparable GAAP Measures” set forth at the end of this press release.
Second Quarter 2024 Unaudited Financial Results
Total revenues were RMB97,059.5 million (US
- Revenues from online marketing services and others were RMB49,115.9 million (US
$6,758.6 million ), an increase of29% from RMB37,932.8 million in the same quarter of 2023. - Revenues from transaction services were RMB47,943.7 million (US
$6,597.3 million ), an increase of234% from RMB14,347.9 million in the same quarter of 2023.
Total costs of revenues were RMB33,698.1 million (US
Total operating expenses were RMB30,796.9 million (US
- Sales and marketing expenses were RMB26,049.1 million (US
$3,584.5 million ), an increase of48% from RMB17,542.2 million in the same quarter of 2023, mainly due to the increased spending in promotion and advertising activities. - General and administrative expenses were RMB1,838.6 million (US
$253.0 million ), an increase of208% from RMB596.0 million in the same quarter of 2023, primarily due to the increase in staff related costs. - Research and development expenses were RMB2,909.2 million (US
$400.3 million ), compared with RMB2,734.0 million in the same quarter of 2023.
Operating profit in the quarter was RMB32,564.5 million (US
Net income attributable to ordinary shareholders in the quarter was RMB32,009.4 million (US
Basic earnings per ADS was RMB23.14 (US
Net cash generated from operating activities was RMB43,792.6 million (US
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments were RMB284.9 billion (US
Other non-current assets were RMB67.8 billion (US
Conference Call
The Company’s management will hold an earnings conference call at 7:30 AM ET on August 26, 2024 (12:30 PM IST and 7:30 PM HKT on the same day).
The conference call will be webcast live at https://investor.pddholdings.com/investor-events. The webcast will be available for replay at the same website following the conclusion of the call.
Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
In evaluating the business, the Company considers and uses non-GAAP measures, such as non-GAAP operating profit, non-GAAP net income attributable to ordinary shareholders, non-GAAP diluted earnings per ordinary share and non-GAAP diluted earnings per ADS, as supplemental measures to review and assess operating performance. The presentation of these non-GAAP financial measures is not intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the financial information prepared and presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). The Company’s non-GAAP financial measures exclude the impact of share-based compensation expenses, fair value change of certain investments, and interest expenses related to the convertible bonds’ amortization to face value.
The Company presents these non-GAAP financial measures because they are used by management to evaluate operating performance and formulate business plans. The Company believes that the non-GAAP financial measures help identify underlying trends in its business by excluding the impact of share-based compensation expenses, fair value change of certain investments, and interest expenses related to the convertible bonds’ amortization to face value, which are non-cash charges. The Company also believes that the non-GAAP financial measures may provide further information about the Company’s results of operations, and enhance the overall understanding of the Company’s past performance and future prospects.
The Company’s non-GAAP financial measures are not defined under U.S. GAAP and are not presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The non-GAAP financial measures have limitations as analytical tools. These non-GAAP financial measures do not reflect all items of income and expenses that affect the Company’s operations and do not represent the residual cash flow available for discretionary expenditures. Further, these non-GAAP measures may differ from the non-GAAP information used by other companies, including peer companies, and therefore their comparability may be limited. The Company compensates for these limitations by reconciling the non-GAAP financial measures to the nearest U.S. GAAP performance measure, all of which should be considered when evaluating performance. The Company encourages you to review the Company’s financial information in its entirety and not rely on a single financial measure.
For more information on the non-GAAP financial measures, please see the table captioned “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures to the Most Directly Comparable GAAP Measures” set forth at the end of this press release.
Safe Harbor Statements
This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the “safe harbor” provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “will,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “aims,” “future,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “estimates,” “confident,” “potential,” “continue” or other similar expressions. Among other things, the business outlook and quotations from management in this announcement, as well as the Company’s strategic and operational plans, contain forward-looking statements. The Company may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), in its annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties. Statements that are not historical facts, including but not limited to statements about the Company’s beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement, including but not limited to the following: the Company’s growth strategies; its future business development, results of operations and financial condition; its ability to understand buyer needs and provide products and services to attract and retain buyers; its ability to maintain and enhance the recognition and reputation of its brand; its ability to rely on merchants and third-party logistics service providers to provide delivery services to buyers; its ability to maintain and improve quality control policies and measures; its ability to establish and maintain relationships with merchants; trends and competition in the e-commerce markets globally and in the countries or regions where the Company has operations; changes in its revenues and certain cost or expense items; the expected growth of e-commerce markets globally and in the countries or regions where the Company has operations; developments in the relevant governmental policies and regulations relating to the Company’s industry; and general economic and business conditions globally and in the countries or regions where the Company has operations; and assumptions underlying or related to any of the foregoing. Further information regarding these and other risks is included in the Company’s filings with the SEC. All information provided in this press release and in the attachments is as of the date of this press release, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicable law.
About PDD Holdings
PDD Holdings is a multinational commerce group that owns and operates a portfolio of businesses. PDD Holdings aims to bring more businesses and people into the digital economy so that local communities and small businesses can benefit from the increased productivity and new opportunities.
PDD HOLDINGS INC. CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (Amounts in thousands of Renminbi (“RMB”) and U.S. dollars (“US$”)) | ||||||
As of | ||||||
December 31, 2023 | June 30, 2024 | |||||
RMB | RMB | US$ | ||||
(Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | |||||
ASSETS | ||||||
Current assets | ||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | 59,794,469 | 56,756,329 | 7,809,931 | |||
Restricted cash | 61,985,436 | 59,360,600 | 8,168,290 | |||
Receivables from online payment platforms | 3,914,117 | 5,491,131 | 755,605 | |||
Short-term investments | 157,415,365 | 228,170,850 | 31,397,354 | |||
Amounts due from related parties | 7,428,070 | 5,989,411 | 824,170 | |||
Prepayments and other current assets | 4,213,015 | 3,957,931 | 544,629 | |||
Total current assets | 294,750,472 | 359,726,252 | 49,499,979 | |||
Non-current assets | ||||||
Property, equipment and software, net | 979,597 | 863,494 | 118,821 | |||
Intangible assets | 21,148 | 21,056 | 2,897 | |||
Right-of-use assets | 4,104,889 | 4,237,670 | 583,123 | |||
Deferred tax assets | 270,738 | 76,625 | 10,544 | |||
Other non-current assets | 47,951,276 | 67,819,245 | 9,332,239 | |||
Total non-current assets | 53,327,648 | 73,018,090 | 10,047,624 | |||
Total Assets | 348,078,120 | 432,744,342 | 59,547,603 |
PDD HOLDINGS INC. CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (Amounts in thousands of Renminbi (“RMB”) and U.S. dollars (“US$”)) | ||||||
As of | ||||||
December 31, 2023 | June 30, 2024 | |||||
RMB | RMB | US$ | ||||
(Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | |||||
Current liabilities | ||||||
Amounts due to related parties | 1,238,776 | 1,152,007 | 158,521 | |||
Customer advances and deferred revenues | 2,144,610 | 2,413,577 | 332,119 | |||
Payable to merchants | 74,997,252 | 78,707,764 | 10,830,549 | |||
Accrued expenses and other liabilities | 55,351,399 | 68,735,001 | 9,458,252 | |||
Merchant deposits | 16,878,746 | 17,958,628 | 2,471,189 | |||
Convertible bonds, current portion | 648,570 | 249 | 34 | |||
Lease liabilities | 1,641,548 | 1,865,878 | 256,753 | |||
Total current liabilities | 152,900,901 | 170,833,104 | 23,507,417 | |||
Non-current liabilities | ||||||
Convertible bonds | 5,231,523 | 5,264,097 | 724,364 | |||
Lease liabilities | 2,644,260 | 2,634,862 | 362,569 | |||
Deferred tax liabilities | 59,829 | 34,061 | 4,687 | |||
Total non-current liabilities | 7,935,612 | 7,933,020 | 1,091,620 | |||
Total Liabilities | 160,836,513 | 178,766,124 | 24,599,037 | |||
Shareholders’ equity | ||||||
Ordinary shares | 177 | 179 | 25 | |||
Additional paid-in capital | 107,293,091 | 112,946,397 | 15,541,941 | |||
Statutory reserves | 105,982 | 105,982 | 14,584 | |||
Accumulated other comprehensive income | 4,723,760 | 5,799,882 | 798,090 | |||
Retained earnings | 75,118,597 | 135,125,778 | 18,593,926 | |||
Total Shareholders’ Equity | 187,241,607 | 253,978,218 | 34,948,566 | |||
Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity | 348,078,120 | 432,744,342 | 59,547,603 | |||
PDD HOLDINGS INC. CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (Amounts in thousands of RMB and US$) | ||||||||||||||||||
For the three months ended June 30, | For the six months ended June 30, | |||||||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||||||
RMB | RMB | US$ | RMB | RMB | US$ | |||||||||||||
(Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | |||||||||||||
Revenues | 52,280,748 | 97,059,531 | 13,355,836 | 89,917,798 | 183,871,590 | 25,301,573 | ||||||||||||
Costs of revenues | (18,689,787 | ) | (33,698,098 | ) | (4,637,013 | ) | (29,815,072 | ) | (66,392,784 | ) | (9,135,951 | ) | ||||||
Sales and marketing expenses | (17,542,209 | ) | (26,049,137 | ) | (3,584,481 | ) | (33,801,897 | ) | (49,459,792 | ) | (6,805,894 | ) | ||||||
General and administrative expenses | (596,033 | ) | (1,838,550 | ) | (252,993 | ) | (1,412,435 | ) | (3,661,995 | ) | (503,907 | ) | ||||||
Research and development expenses | (2,733,964 | ) | (2,909,210 | ) | (400,321 | ) | (5,240,621 | ) | (5,818,830 | ) | (800,698 | ) | ||||||
Total operating expenses | (20,872,206 | ) | (30,796,897 | ) | (4,237,795 | ) | (40,454,953 | ) | (58,940,617 | ) | (8,110,499 | ) | ||||||
Operating profit | 12,718,755 | 32,564,536 | 4,481,028 | 19,647,773 | 58,538,189 | 8,055,123 | ||||||||||||
Interest and investment income, net | 2,287,741 | 4,855,592 | 668,152 | 3,751,340 | 9,904,181 | 1,362,861 | ||||||||||||
Interest expenses | (11,937 | ) | - | - | (23,624 | ) | - | - | ||||||||||
Foreign exchange gain | 155,717 | 60,165 | 8,279 | 139,680 | 274,683 | 37,798 | ||||||||||||
Other income, net | 1,106,471 | 493,258 | 67,875 | 2,333,991 | 2,374,506 | 326,742 | ||||||||||||
Profit before income tax and share of results of equity investees | 16,256,747 | 37,973,551 | 5,225,334 | 25,849,160 | 71,091,559 | 9,782,524 | ||||||||||||
Share of results of equity investees | 9,781 | (49,583 | ) | (6,823 | ) | 116,170 | (102,013 | ) | (14,037 | ) | ||||||||
Income tax expenses | (3,158,442 | ) | (5,914,613 | ) | (813,878 | ) | (4,756,217 | ) | (10,982,365 | ) | (1,511,224 | ) | ||||||
Net income | 13,108,086 | 32,009,355 | 4,404,633 | 21,209,113 | 60,007,181 | 8,257,263 |
PDD HOLDINGS INC. CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (Amounts in thousands of RMB and US$, except for per share data) | ||||||||||||
For the three months ended June 30, | For the six months ended June 30, | |||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | |||||||||
RMB | RMB | US$ | RMB | RMB | US$ | |||||||
(Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | |||||||
Net income | 13,108,086 | 32,009,355 | 4,404,633 | 21,209,113 | 60,007,181 | 8,257,263 | ||||||
Net income attributable to ordinary shareholders | 13,108,086 | 32,009,355 | 4,404,633 | 21,209,113 | 60,007,181 | 8,257,263 | ||||||
Earnings per ordinary share: | ||||||||||||
-Basic | 2.41 | 5.78 | 0.80 | 3.96 | 10.87 | 1.50 | ||||||
-Diluted | 2.25 | 5.40 | 0.74 | 3.63 | 10.14 | 1.40 | ||||||
Earnings per ADS (4 ordinary shares equals 1 ADS): | ||||||||||||
-Basic | 9.64 | 23.14 | 3.18 | 15.82 | 43.47 | 5.98 | ||||||
-Diluted | 9.00 | 21.61 | 2.97 | 14.53 | 40.57 | 5.58 | ||||||
Weighted-average number of outstanding ordinary shares (in thousands): | ||||||||||||
-Basic | 5,438,394 | 5,533,796 | 5,533,796 | 5,360,987 | 5,521,739 | 5,521,739 | ||||||
-Diluted | 5,833,348 | 5,925,659 | 5,925,659 | 5,845,398 | 5,916,670 | 5,916,670 | ||||||
PDD HOLDINGS INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Amounts in thousands of RMB and US$) | ||||||||||||
For the three months ended June 30, | For the six months ended June 30, | |||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | |||||||||
RMB | RMB | US$ | RMB | RMB | US$ | |||||||
(Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | |||||||
Revenues | ||||||||||||
- Online marketing services and others | 37,932,831 | 49,115,866 | 6,758,568 | 65,177,257 | 91,572,109 | 12,600,742 | ||||||
- Transaction services | 14,347,917 | 47,943,665 | 6,597,268 | 24,740,541 | 92,299,481 | 12,700,831 | ||||||
Total | 52,280,748 | 97,059,531 | 13,355,836 | 89,917,798 | 183,871,590 | 25,301,573 | ||||||
PDD HOLDINGS INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Amounts in thousands of RMB and US$) | ||||||||||||
For the three months ended June 30, | For the six months ended June 30, | |||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | |||||||||
RMB | RMB | US$ | RMB | RMB | US$ | |||||||
(Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | |||||||
Share-based compensation expenses included in: | ||||||||||||
Costs of revenues | 28,276 | 37,706 | 5,189 | 65,644 | 55,220 | 7,599 | ||||||
Sales and marketing expenses | 989,326 | 637,997 | 87,791 | 1,478,099 | 1,310,372 | 180,313 | ||||||
General and administrative expenses | 225,799 | 1,244,961 | 171,312 | 703,861 | 2,496,729 | 343,561 | ||||||
Research and development expenses | 647,228 | 502,098 | 69,091 | 1,176,427 | 1,138,983 | 156,729 | ||||||
Total | 1,890,629 | 2,422,762 | 333,383 | 3,424,031 | 5,001,304 | 688,202 |
PDD HOLDINGS INC. CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (Amounts in thousands of RMB and US$) | ||||||||||||||||||
For the three months ended June 30, | For the six months ended June 30, | |||||||||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | |||||||||||||||
RMB | RMB | US$ | RMB | RMB | US$ | |||||||||||||
(Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | |||||||||||||
Net cash generated from operating activities | 23,395,981 | 43,792,640 | 6,026,068 | 24,734,003 | 64,859,819 | 8,925,008 | ||||||||||||
Net cash used in investing activities | (11,519,860 | ) | (42,622,100 | ) | (5,864,996 | ) | (34,140,107 | ) | (70,912,221 | ) | (9,757,846 | ) | ||||||
Net cash generated from financing activities | 7,233 | 728 | 100 | 7,286 | 758 | 104 | ||||||||||||
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash | 881,105 | 240,744 | 33,127 | 532,860 | 388,668 | 53,482 | ||||||||||||
Increase/(decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash | 12,764,459 | 1,412,012 | 194,299 | (8,865,958 | ) | (5,662,976 | ) | (779,252 | ) | |||||||||
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of period | 70,670,000 | 114,704,917 | 15,783,922 | 92,300,417 | 121,779,905 | 16,757,473 | ||||||||||||
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of period | 83,434,459 | 116,116,929 | 15,978,221 | 83,434,459 | 116,116,929 | 15,978,221 |
For the three months ended June 30, | For the six months ended June 30, | |||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | |||||||||
RMB | RMB | US$ | RMB | RMB | US$ | |||||||
(Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | |||||||
Operating profit | 12,718,755 | 32,564,536 | 4,481,028 | 19,647,773 | 58,538,189 | 8,055,123 | ||||||
Add: Share-based compensation expenses | 1,890,629 | 2,422,762 | 333,383 | 3,424,031 | 5,001,304 | 688,202 | ||||||
Non-GAAP operating profit | 14,609,384 | 34,987,298 | 4,814,411 | 23,071,804 | 63,539,493 | 8,743,325 | ||||||
Net income attributable to ordinary shareholders | 13,108,086 | 32,009,355 | 4,404,633 | 21,209,113 | 60,007,181 | 8,257,263 | ||||||
Add: Share-based compensation expenses | 1,890,629 | 2,422,762 | 333,383 | 3,424,031 | 5,001,304 | 688,202 | ||||||
Add: Interest expenses related to convertible bonds’ amortization to face value | 11,937 | - | - | 23,624 | - | - | ||||||
Add: Loss from fair value change of certain investments | 258,704 | 17 | 2 | 738,980 | 25,454 | 3,503 | ||||||
Non-GAAP net income attributable to ordinary shareholders | 15,269,356 | 34,432,134 | 4,738,018 | 25,395,748 | 65,033,939 | 8,948,968 | ||||||
Non-GAAP diluted weighted-average number of ordinary shares outstanding (in thousands) | 5,833,348 | 5,925,659 | 5,925,659 | 5,845,398 | 5,916,670 | 5,916,670 | ||||||
Diluted earnings per ordinary share | 2.25 | 5.40 | 0.74 | 3.63 | 10.14 | 1.40 | ||||||
Add: Non-GAAP adjustments to earnings per ordinary share | 0.37 | 0.41 | 0.06 | 0.71 | 0.85 | 0.11 | ||||||
Non-GAAP diluted earnings per ordinary share | 2.62 | 5.81 | 0.80 | 4.34 | 10.99 | 1.51 | ||||||
Non-GAAP diluted earnings per ADS | 10.47 | 23.24 | 3.20 | 17.38 | 43.97 | 6.04 |

What were PDD Holdings' total revenues for Q2 2024?
How much did PDD Holdings' operating profit grow in Q2 2024?
What was the net income attributable to PDD Holdings' shareholders in Q2 2024?
How did PDD Holdings' non-GAAP net income fare in Q2 2024?
What were PDD Holdings' basic earnings per ADS in Q2 2024?