SLAM - PotlatchDeltic's Commitment to Safety

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PotlatchDeltic implemented the SLAM (Stop, Look, Assess, Manage) process across all wood products facilities in 2021 as a risk assessment program. SLAM reinforces individual accountability and hazard awareness before tasks. Safety Managers introduced SLAM, followed by online training for Team Members. The process involves completing SLAM cards for upset conditions, non-routine tasks, or tasks without a written job safety analysis.

In 2023, SLAM continued to enhance safety protocols. The program was further refined and integrated into daily operations for all Maintenance tasks at the Warren facility. SLAM Card usage across the division showed significant changes: 6,392 in 2021, 19,494 in 2022, and 12,306 in 2023. The decrease in 2023 reflects the integration of Job Hazard Analyses (JHA) and procedural enhancements, indicating a more systematic approach to risk assessment.

PotlatchDeltic ha implementato il processo SLAM (Stop, Look, Assess, Manage) in tutte le strutture di produzione del legno nel 2021 come programma di valutazione dei rischi. SLAM rafforza la responsabilità individuale e la consapevolezza dei pericoli prima di svolgere le mansioni. I Manager della Sicurezza hanno introdotto SLAM, seguiti da una formazione online per i membri del team. Il processo prevede il completamento delle schede SLAM in caso di condizioni di disagio, attività non di routine o mansioni senza un'analisi scritta della sicurezza del lavoro.

Nel 2023, SLAM ha continuato a migliorare i protocolli di sicurezza. Il programma è stato ulteriormente perfezionato e integrato nelle operazioni quotidiane per tutti i compiti di Manutenzione presso lo stabilimento di Warren. L'uso delle schede SLAM in tutta la divisione ha mostrato cambiamenti significativi: 6.392 nel 2021, 19.494 nel 2022 e 12.306 nel 2023. La diminuzione del 2023 riflette l'integrazione delle Analisi dei Rischi da Lavoro (JHA) e i miglioramenti procedurali, indicando un approccio più sistematico alla valutazione dei rischi.

PotlatchDeltic implementó el proceso SLAM (Stop, Look, Assess, Manage) en todas las instalaciones de productos de madera en 2021 como un programa de evaluación de riesgos. SLAM refuerza la responsabilidad individual y la conciencia de peligros antes de realizar tareas. Los Gerentes de Seguridad introdujeron SLAM, seguidos de una capacitación en línea para los miembros del equipo. El proceso implica completar las tarjetas SLAM en condiciones de alteración, tareas no rutinarias o tareas sin un análisis de seguridad laboral por escrito.

En 2023, SLAM continuó mejorando los protocolos de seguridad. El programa fue refinado e integrado aún más en las operaciones diarias de todas las tareas de Mantenimiento en la instalación de Warren. El uso de tarjetas SLAM en toda la división mostró cambios significativos: 6,392 en 2021, 19,494 en 2022 y 12,306 en 2023. La disminución en 2023 refleja la integración de los Análisis de Peligros del Trabajo (JHA) y mejoras en los procedimientos, indicando un enfoque más sistemático para la evaluación de riesgos.

PotlatchDeltic는 2021년 모든 목제품 시설에서 SLAM(Stop, Look, Assess, Manage) 프로세스를 위험 평가 프로그램으로 도입했습니다. SLAM은 작업 전에 개인의 책임감과 위험 인식을 강화합니다. 안전 관리자들이 SLAM을 도입했습니다, 이후 팀원들을 위한 온라인 교육이 진행되었습니다. 이 프로세스는 불안정한 상황이나 비정기적인 작업, 또는 서면 작업 안전 분석이 없는 작업에 대해 SLAM 카드 작성을 포함합니다.

2023년에는 SLAM이 안전 프로토콜을 계속 개선했습니다. 이 프로그램은 더욱 세밀하게 다듬어졌으며 Warren 시설의 모든 유지보수 작업의 일상 운영에 통합되었습니다. 부서 전반의 SLAM 카드 사용은 다음과 같은 Significant 변화가 있었습니다: 2021년 6,392건, 2022년 19,494건, 2023년 12,306건. 2023년의 감소는 작업 위험 분석(JHA) 및 절차 개선의 통합을 반영하여 위험 평가에 대한 보다 체계적인 접근 방식을 나타냅니다.

PotlatchDeltic a mis en œuvre le processus SLAM (Stop, Look, Assess, Manage) dans toutes les installations de produits en bois en 2021 en tant que programme d'évaluation des risques. SLAM renforce la responsabilité individuelle et la sensibilisation aux dangers avant les tâches. Les Responsables de la Sécurité ont introduit SLAM, suivi d'une formation en ligne pour les membres de l'équipe. Le processus implique de compléter des cartes SLAM pour des conditions perturbées, des tâches non routinières ou des tâches sans analyse de sécurité écrite.

En 2023, SLAM a continué à améliorer les protocoles de sécurité. Le programme a été affiné et intégré davantage dans les opérations quotidiennes pour toutes les tâches de Maintenance au sein de l'installation de Warren. L'utilisation des cartes SLAM dans toute la division a montré des changements significatifs : 6 392 en 2021, 19 494 en 2022 et 12 306 en 2023. La diminution en 2023 reflète l'intégration des Analyses de Risques de Travail (JHA) et les améliorations procédurales, indiquant une approche plus systématique de l'évaluation des risques.

PotlatchDeltic führte 2021 den SLAM-Prozess (Stop, Look, Assess, Manage) in allen Holzproduktionsanlagen als Risikobewertungsprogramm ein. SLAM stärkt die individuelle Verantwortung und das Bewusstsein für Gefahren vor Aufgaben. Sicherheitsmanager haben SLAM eingeführt, gefolgt von einer Online-Schulung für Teammitglieder. Der Prozess umfasst das Ausfüllen von SLAM-Karten für kritische Bedingungen, nicht routinemäßige Aufgaben oder Aufgaben ohne eine schriftliche Sicherheitsanalyse.

Im Jahr 2023 setzte SLAM weiterhin die Sicherheitsprotokolle fort. Das Programm wurde weiter verfeinert und in die täglichen Abläufe für alle Wartungsaufgaben in der Warren-Anlage integriert. Die Nutzung von SLAM-Karten in der gesamten Abteilung zeigte signifikante Veränderungen: 6.392 im Jahr 2021, 19.494 im Jahr 2022 und 12.306 im Jahr 2023. Der Rückgang im Jahr 2023 spiegelt die Integration von Job Hazard Analyses (JHA) und verfahrensmäßigen Verbesserungen wider, was auf einen systematischeren Ansatz bei der Risikobewertung hinweist.

  • Implementation of SLAM process across all wood products facilities, enhancing safety protocols
  • Increased situational awareness and proactive hazard identification among Team Members
  • Integration of SLAM into daily operations for all Maintenance tasks at Warren facility
  • Significant increase in SLAM Card usage from 6,392 in 2021 to 19,494 in 2022, showing heightened safety emphasis
  • Decrease in SLAM Card usage to 12,306 in 2023, potentially indicating a reduction in proactive risk reporting

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 4, 2024 / The SLAM (Stop, Look, Assess, Manage) process was implemented across all our wood products facilities in 2021 as a risk assessment program. SLAM reinforces the responsibility of each individual to be accountable for themselves and for those around them and be aware of the risks of hazards before beginning certain tasks. It establishes a process to consciously plan work with safety in mind and reminds Team Members to place a priority on stop-work measures if something appears unsafe or if there is an identified unaddressed hazard. Safety Managers introduced SLAM at all facilities, followed up by on-line training for Team Members. Team Members are asked to complete SLAM cards to improve risk awareness for any upset condition, non-routine task, or a task without a written job safety analysis (JSA). Situational awareness has increased with the implementation of SLAM and numerous corrective actions are being implemented due to the dedicated pause that SLAM provides.

There are four stages to SLAM:


Stop and consider the work or task. Has anything changed? Do you have the training and are you comfortable doing the task? Do you need a permit?


Look for and identify any work hazards before, during, and after the task. Decide what you will do to avoid any hazards. What might happen?


Assess what needs to be done. Do you have the correct knowledge, skills, training, and tools to complete the task safely? What impacts will hazards have?


Manage safety by eliminating identified hazards to reduce severity and likelihood of injury and applying the correct controls or personal protective equipment. If you feel unsafe stop working. Tell your supervisors what would make the situation safe.

In 2023, the SLAM (Stop, Look, Assess, Manage) technique continued to play a pivotal role in enhancing safety protocols across all our wood products facilities. Originally introduced in 2021 as a comprehensive risk assessment program, SLAM has become ingrained in our safety culture, reinforcing the principle of individual accountability and heightened risk awareness among Team Members.

Building upon the foundation laid in the previous year, the implementation of SLAM underwent further refinement and integration into daily operations for all tasks performed by Maintenance at our Warren facility. The Safety Managers continued to ensure that SLAM principles were consistently applied across all facilities, emphasizing the importance of proactive hazard identification and mitigation strategies.

Throughout the year, significant strides were made in bolstering situational awareness among Team Members, resulting in increased responsiveness to potential hazards. The four stages of SLAM - Stop, Look, Assess, Manage - remained the cornerstone of our safety approach, guiding employees through a structured process aimed at minimizing risks and promoting a safer work environment.

The SLAM Card usage across our division provides a valuable snapshot of our commitment to safety and risk management. In 2021, the utilization of SLAM Cards stood at 6,392, indicating a proactive initiation. However, as our sites undergo transformations in equipment and processes and implement Job Hazard Analyses (JHA) for various job tasks, we observed a substantial increase in SLAM Card usage in 2022, reaching 19,494. This surge reflects the heightened emphasis on safety protocols amidst evolving operational landscapes. The SLAM Card usage in 2023 decreased to 12,306, as the integration of JHA and procedural enhancements led to a more systematic approach to risk assessment. This decline underscores the effect of our safety initiatives in fostering a culture of proactive risk management.

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Spokesperson: PotlatchDeltic

SOURCE: PotlatchDeltic

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What is the SLAM process implemented by PotlatchDeltic (PCH)?

SLAM (Stop, Look, Assess, Manage) is a risk assessment program implemented by PotlatchDeltic across all wood products facilities in 2021. It reinforces individual accountability and hazard awareness before beginning tasks.

How has SLAM Card usage changed at PotlatchDeltic (PCH) from 2021 to 2023?

SLAM Card usage at PotlatchDeltic increased from 6,392 in 2021 to 19,494 in 2022, then decreased to 12,306 in 2023. This change reflects the integration of Job Hazard Analyses and procedural enhancements.

What are the four stages of the SLAM process used by PotlatchDeltic (PCH)?

The four stages of SLAM are: Stop (consider the work or task), Look (identify work hazards), Assess (evaluate knowledge, skills, and tools needed), and Manage (eliminate hazards and apply controls).

How has PotlatchDeltic (PCH) integrated SLAM into its operations since 2021?

PotlatchDeltic has integrated SLAM across all wood products facilities, provided online training for Team Members, and in 2023, further refined and integrated it into daily operations for all Maintenance tasks at the Warren facility.

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