PotlatchDeltic Impacts Podcast Series: Wildfire in Idaho

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PotlatchDeltic (PCH) has launched its Impacts podcast series, focusing on wildfire management in Idaho. The first episode features retired District Forester Rich McMillan discussing the company's approach to wildfire risk management. Key points include:

  • Unique firefighting coordination due to checkerboard ownership patterns
  • Increased measures for fire prevention and damage minimization
  • Improved federal wildfire suppression through enhanced coordination
  • The podcast series aligns with PotlatchDeltic's four Corporate Responsibility pillars: Forest, Planet, People, and Performance

This initiative demonstrates PotlatchDeltic's commitment to responsible forest management and environmental stewardship in the face of wildfire challenges.

PotlatchDeltic (PCH) ha lanciato la sua serie di podcast Impacts, focalizzandosi sulla gestione degli incendi boschivi in Idaho. Il primo episodio presenta l'ex Forestale del Distretto Rich McMillan che discute l'approccio dell'azienda alla gestione del rischio di incendi. Punti chiave includono:

  • Coordinamento unico nella lotta contro gli incendi a causa delle modalità di proprietà a scacchiera
  • Aumenti delle misure per la prevenzione degli incendi e la minimizzazione dei danni
  • Suppressione migliorata degli incendi boschivi federali attraverso una coordinazione potenziata
  • La serie di podcast si allinea con i quattro pilastri di Responsabilità Aziendale di PotlatchDeltic: Foreste, Pianeta, Persone e Performance

Questa iniziativa dimostra l'impegno di PotlatchDeltic nella gestione forestale responsabile e nella tutela ambientale di fronte alle sfide degli incendi boschivi.

PotlatchDeltic (PCH) ha lanzado su serie de podcast Impacts, centrada en la gestión de incendios forestales en Idaho. El primer episodio cuenta con el ex Ingeniero Forestal del Distrito Rich McMillan hablando sobre el enfoque de la empresa para la gestión del riesgo de incendios. Puntos clave incluyen:

  • Coordinación única en la lucha contra incendios debido a patrones de propiedad en escaque
  • Aumento de las medidas de prevención de incendios y minimización de daños
  • Mejor supresión de incendios forestales federales mediante una mejor coordinación
  • La serie de podcasts se alinea con los cuatro pilares de Responsabilidad Corporativa de PotlatchDeltic: Bosques, Planeta, Personas y Rendimiento

Esta iniciativa demuestra el compromiso de PotlatchDeltic con la gestión forestal responsable y la protección ambiental ante los desafíos de los incendios forestales.

PotlatchDeltic (PCH)는 아이다호에서의 산불 관리에 초점을 맞춘 Impacts 팟캐스트 시리즈를 시작했습니다. 첫 번째 에피소드는 은퇴한 구역 산림감독관 리치 맥밀란이 산불 위험 관리에 대한 회사의 접근 방식을 논의하는 내용을 담고 있습니다. 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 체커보드 소유권 패턴으로 인한 독특한 화재 진압 조정
  • 화재 예방 및 피해 최소화를 위한 증가된 조치
  • 강화된 조정을 통한 연방 산불 억제 개선
  • 이 팟캐스트 시리즈는 PotlatchDeltic의 4가지 기업 책임의 기둥: 숲, 지구, 사람 및 성과와 일치합니다

이 이니셔티브는 산불 문제에 직면한 책임 있는 산림 관리와 환경 보호에 대한 PotlatchDeltic의 헌신을 보여줍니다.

PotlatchDeltic (PCH) a lancé sa série de podcasts Impacts, axée sur la gestion des incendies de forêt dans l'Idaho. Le premier épisode présente l'ancien forestier de district Rich McMillan discutant de l'approche de l'entreprise en matière de gestion des risques d'incendie. Les points clés incluent:

  • Coordination unique dans la lutte contre les incendies en raison des modèles de propriété en damier
  • Mesures accrues pour la prévention des incendies et la minimisation des dommages
  • Amélioration de la suppression des incendies de forêt fédéraux grâce à une meilleure coordination
  • La série de podcasts s'aligne sur les quatre piliers de la responsabilité sociétale de PotlatchDeltic : Forêts, Planète, Personnes et Performance

Cette initiative démontre l'engagement de PotlatchDeltic pour une gestion forestière responsable et une protection de l'environnement face aux défis des incendies de forêt.

PotlatchDeltic (PCH) hat seine Impacts-Podcast-Serie gestartet, die sich auf das Management von Waldbränden in Idaho konzentriert. Die erste Episode präsentiert den im Ruhestand befindlichen Distrikt-Förster Rich McMillan, der über den Ansatz des Unternehmens zur Risiko-management von Waldbränden diskutiert. Wichtige Punkte sind:

  • Einzigartige Koordination in der Brandbekämpfung aufgrund von Schachbrett-Eigentumsmustern
  • Erhöhte Maßnahmen zur Brandverhütung und Minimierung von Schäden
  • Verbesserte Bundesmittel zur Bekämpfung von Waldbränden durch bessere Koordination
  • Die Podcast-Serie steht im Einklang mit den vier Säulen der Unternehmensverantwortung von PotlatchDeltic: Wälder, Planet, Menschen und Leistung

Diese Initiative zeigt das Engagement von PotlatchDeltic für verantwortungsvolle Waldbewirtschaftung und Umweltschutz angesichts der Herausforderungen durch Waldbrände.

  • Launch of educational Impacts podcast series focusing on wildfire management
  • Implementation of increased coordination and heightened measures for fire prevention and damage minimization
  • Engagement in improving federal wildfire suppression efforts
  • Alignment of initiatives with Corporate Responsibility pillars
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 6, 2024 / PotlatchDeltic

PotlatchDeltic is dedicated to managing wildfires and helping reduce their severity, frequency, and impacts. In this discussion with Rich McMillan, now retired District Forester from PotlatchDeltic, we look at how we manage wildfire risk in Idaho. When fires occur on our Idaho timberlands, the checkerboard pattern of ownership, typical of the West, allows for unique approaches to firefighting coordination and response. We have implemented increased coordination and heightened measures to prevent fires, minimize damage from fires and protect our forests from loss. We have also engaged, along with other working forest owners, in improving federal wildfire suppression through increased coordination on fire response. This is the first podcast in our Impacts podcast series, which focuses on how we execute our mission through the lens of our four Corporate Responsibility pillars: Forest, Planet, People, and Performance.

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Spokesperson: PotlatchDeltic

SOURCE: PotlatchDeltic

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What is the focus of PotlatchDeltic's new Impacts podcast series?

PotlatchDeltic's new Impacts podcast series focuses on wildfire management in Idaho, with the first episode discussing how the company manages wildfire risk and coordinates firefighting efforts.

How does PotlatchDeltic (PCH) approach wildfire management in Idaho?

PotlatchDeltic (PCH) approaches wildfire management in Idaho through increased coordination, heightened prevention measures, and improved federal wildfire suppression efforts. They also utilize unique firefighting coordination due to the checkerboard pattern of land ownership in the West.

What are PotlatchDeltic's four Corporate Responsibility pillars mentioned in the podcast series?

PotlatchDeltic's four Corporate Responsibility pillars mentioned in the Impacts podcast series are Forest, Planet, People, and Performance.

Who is featured in the first episode of PotlatchDeltic's Impacts podcast series?

The first episode of PotlatchDeltic's Impacts podcast series features Rich McMillan, a retired District Forester from PotlatchDeltic, discussing wildfire risk management in Idaho.

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