The PG&E Corporation Foundation and California Fire Foundation Announce Wildfire Safety Grants for Seventh Consecutive Year

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The PG&E Foundation and California Fire Foundation (CFF) have awarded $750,000 in wildfire safety grants to 55 local fire departments, fire agencies, and community groups in Northern and Central California. This marks the seventh consecutive year of their collaboration to enhance disaster preparedness and response programs. The grants, announced during National Preparedness Month, will fund various initiatives including:

  • Purchase of personal protective and specialized equipment for firefighters
  • Defensible space and vegetation management work
  • Fuel and hazard reduction
  • Fire safety public education and outreach

Since 2018, 368 fire departments and agencies have received $4.5 million in direct funding through this program. The PG&E Foundation and PG&E are supporting CFF's 2024 Wildfire Safety and Preparedness Program with $1.4 million in charitable funding.

La Fondazione PG&E e la Fondazione California Fire (CFF) hanno assegnato 750.000 dollari in sovvenzioni per la sicurezza contro gli incendi boschivi a 55 dipartimenti locali di pompieri, agenzie antincendio e gruppi comunitari nel Nord e nel Centro della California. Questo segna il settimo anno consecutivo della loro collaborazione per migliorare i programmi di preparazione e risposta ai disastri. Le sovvenzioni, annunciate durante il Mese Nazionale della Preparazione, finanzieranno varie iniziative tra cui:

  • Acquisto di attrezzature protettive personali e specializzate per i pompieri
  • Lavori di gestione degli spazi difendibili e della vegetazione
  • Riduzione del carburante e dei pericoli
  • Educazione e sensibilizzazione pubblica sulla sicurezza antincendio

Dal 2018, 368 dipartimenti e agenzie dei pompieri hanno ricevuto 4,5 milioni di dollari in finanziamenti diretti attraverso questo programma. La Fondazione PG&E e PG&E stanno sostenendo il Programma di Sicurezza e Preparazione agli Incendi Boschivi 2024 della CFF con 1,4 milioni di dollari in finanziamenti caritatevoli.

La Fundación PG&E y la Fundación California Fire (CFF) han otorgado 750,000 dólares en subvenciones para la seguridad contra incendios a 55 departamentos de bomberos locales, agencias de incendios y grupos comunitarios en el norte y centro de California. Este es el séptimo año consecutivo de su colaboración para mejorar la preparación y respuesta ante desastres. Las subvenciones, anunciadas durante el Mes Nacional de la Preparación, financiarán diversas iniciativas, incluyendo:

  • Compra de equipo protector personal y especializado para los bomberos
  • Trabajo de gestión de espacios defensibles y vegetación
  • Reducción de combustible y peligros
  • Educación pública y divulgación sobre seguridad incendios

Desde 2018, 368 departamentos de bomberos y agencias han recibido 4.5 millones de dólares en financiamiento directo a través de este programa. La Fundación PG&E y PG&E están apoyando el Programa de Seguridad y Preparación para Incendios Forestales 2024 de CFF con 1.4 millones de dólares en financiamiento caritativo.

PG&E 재단과 캘리포니아 화재 재단(CFF)은 75만 달러의 산불 안전 보조금을 북부 및 중앙 캘리포니아의 55개 지역 소방서, 소방 기관 및 커뮤니티 그룹에 수여했습니다. 이는 재난 준비 및 대응 프로그램을 강화하기 위한 협력의 7년 연속을 기록하는 것입니다. 이 보조금은 국가 준비의 달에 발표되었으며, 다음과 같은 다양한 이니셔티브에 자금을 지원합니다:

  • 소방관을 위한 개인 보호 및 특수 장비 구매
  • 방어 가능한 공간 및 식물 관리 작업
  • 연료 및 위험 감소
  • 화재 안전 공공 교육 및 홍보

2018년 이후 368개의 소방서 및 기관이 이 프로그램을 통해 450만 달러의 직접 자금 지원을 받았습니다. PG&E 재단과 PG&E는 CFF의 2024년 산불 안전 및 준비 프로그램을 위해 140만 달러의 자선 기금을 지원하고 있습니다.

La Fondation PG&E et la California Fire Foundation (CFF) ont attribué 750 000 dollars de subventions pour la sécurité contre les incendies de forêt à 55 services d'incendie locaux, agences de lutte contre les incendies et groupes communautaires dans le nord et le centre de la Californie. Cela marque la septième année consécutive de leur collaboration pour améliorer les programmes de préparation et de réponse aux catastrophes. Les subventions, annoncées pendant le Mois National de la Préparation, financeront diverses initiatives, notamment :

  • Achat d'équipements de protection individuelle et spécialisés pour les pompiers
  • Travaux de gestion de l'espace défendable et de la végétation
  • Réduction des combustibles et des dangers
  • Éducation publique et sensibilisation à la sécurité incendie

Depuis 2018, 368 départements et agences de pompiers ont reçu 4,5 millions de dollars de financement direct par le biais de ce programme. La Fondation PG&E et PG&E soutiennent le Programme de Sécurité et de Préparation aux Incendies de Forêt 2024 de la CFF avec 1,4 million de dollars de financement caritatif.

Die PG&E-Stiftung und die California Fire Foundation (CFF) haben 750.000 Dollar an Zuschüssen für Brandschutzmaßnahmen an 55 lokale Feuerwehrabteilungen, Feuerwehren und Gemeinschaftsgruppen in Nord- und Zentral-Kalifornien vergeben. Dies markiert das siebte Jahr in Folge ihrer Zusammenarbeit zur Verbesserung der Katastrophenvorsorge und -reaktion. Die Zuschüsse, die während des Nationalen Vorbereitungsmonats bekannt gegeben wurden, finanzieren verschiedene Initiativen, darunter:

  • Beschaffung von persönlicher Schutzausrüstung und spezialisierten Geräten für Feuerwehrleute
  • Arbeiten zur Verwaltung von defensiblen Flächen und Vegetation
  • Kraftstoff- und Gefahrenreduzierung
  • Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Bildung zur Brandschutzsicherheit

Seit 2018 haben 368 Feuerwehrabteilungen und -agenturen 4,5 Millionen Dollar an direkter Finanzierung durch dieses Programm erhalten. Die PG&E-Stiftung und PG&E unterstützen das CFF-Programm zur Sicherheit und Vorbereitung auf Waldbrände 2024 mit 1,4 Millionen Dollar an Spendenmitteln.

  • PG&E Foundation awarded $750,000 in wildfire safety grants to 55 local organizations
  • Ongoing support for wildfire preparedness and response programs for seven consecutive years
  • $1.4 million charitable funding provided for CFF's 2024 Wildfire Safety and Preparedness Program
  • Since 2018, $4.5 million in direct funding has been provided to 368 fire departments and agencies
  • None.

55 Grants Totaling $750,000 Awarded to Local Fire Departments, Fire Agencies and Community Groups

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As California enters peak fire season, the California Fire Foundation (CFF), with support from The PG&E Corporation Foundation (PG&E Foundation), has awarded $750,000 in wildfire safety grants to 55 local fire departments, fire agencies and community groups in Northern and Central California. This is the seventh year CFF and the PG&E Foundation have awarded grants to help communities bolster their disaster preparedness and response programs.

After a month-long application period, CFF selected and distributed the annual wildfire safety grants to agencies in high wildfire-risk areas with the goal of strengthening their disaster readiness and response. The grants announcement comes during National Preparedness Month, observed each September to raise awareness of preparing for disasters and emergencies.

The grant funds will be used to purchase personal protective and specialized equipment for firefighters, complete defensible space and vegetation management work, reduce fuels and hazards, and conduct fire safety public education and outreach. See the list of grant recipients.

The PG&E Foundation and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) support CFF's broader 2024 Wildfire Safety and Preparedness Program (WSPP) with $1.4 million in charitable funding. The program's objective is to raise awareness about wildfire safety in more areas in California and bring resources to underserved communities in high fire-threat areas. The grants to local organizations are one core component of the WSPP.

"The seven-year-long collaboration between the Foundation and PG&E has been instrumental in protecting our communities and educating residents on the ever-present danger of wildfire disasters through the Wildfire Safety and Preparedness Program," said Rick Martinez, Executive Director of the California Fire Foundation. "Because of the Wildfire Safety and Preparedness Program, Californians are now better prepared for wildfires and other natural disasters. The grantees are beyond grateful to have the support we provide which help fund and implement projects ranging from fuels reduction and community education, to obtaining new equipment to protect residents, and the communities they serve. The Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness on disaster preparedness because, as we've seen in recent years, wildfires occur unexpectedly and spread rapidly, and we must do everything possible to remain resilient."

Since 2018, 368 fire departments and fire agencies statewide have received $4.5 million in direct funding through the grant program as part of WSPP, and each year the program receives more applications than the prior year. Funding targets specific communities identified as having extreme or elevated fire risk by the California Public Utilities Commission High Fire-Threat District map.

"California's wildfire risk is heightened this year due to high volumes of fuel from two rainy seasons. The record-breaking heat in July had a drying effect on wildfire fuels, resulting in more fire activity across the state in 2024 compared to previous years. Our ongoing partnership with the California Fire Foundation is critical to achieving our shared goal of preventing wildfires and keeping communities safe. Wildfire resilience efforts are best developed at the community level with education, awareness and resources like those provided by the Wildfire Safety and Preparedness Program. We're grateful to be able to help fund so many local organizations doing this important work," said Mark Quinlan, PG&E's Senior Vice President of Wildfire, Emergency & Operations.

The WSPP focuses on two key areas to help keep communities safe:

  • A wildfire safety campaign that features fire safety education, developed by CFF, in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Hmong to promote early evacuation during fires. The WSPP has worked diligently to overcome language barriers by developing and distributing in-language fire-safety messaging. This campaign includes advertising on radio, television and digital ads, as well as outdoor billboards in high fire-threat areas.
  • A grant program administered by the CFF through an application process. The CFF awards grants to recipient fire departments, agencies and community groups in support of projects and programs focusing on wildfire/disaster prevention, preparedness and/or relief and recovery assistance.

How the WSPP Helps Communities

Grantees this year utilized grant funding for the following critical outcomes:

  • 7,560 pieces of personal protection equipment (PPE) secured, including helmets, boots, gloves, goggles, and fire shelters.
  • Fuel reductions/vegetation management
    • 21 acres of hazardous tree and brush removal
    • Over 1.5 million pounds of tree limbs, branches and other combustibles chipping and hauling
    • 22 prescribed fires or pile burns
  • Fire safety education provided across Alameda, Butte, Fresno, Humboldt, Kern, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Nevada, Plumas, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, Shasta, Siskiyou, Sonoma, and Yuba Counties, potentially benefiting over 1.8 million residents.
  • 657 pieces of specialized equipment, which include:
    • 5,000 gal Water Storage Tanks
    • Portable Radios
    • Headlamps
    • Hoses/Clamps/Nozzles
    • Chainsaws
    • Gear Packs
  • Total Estimated Impact:
    • 1,269,224 Residents

There were 217 applications and $4.6 million in funding requests submitted from agencies in California during the 2024 wildfire safety grant application period.

Funding requests were for:

  • 37% Education/Outreach projects
  • 23% PPE acquisition
  • 21% Specialized Equipment acquisition
  • 19% Fuels Reduction/Veg Management projects

PG&E and the PG&E Foundation have provided $8.8 million in total support for fire safety awareness through the WSPP since the partnership began. The charitable contribution is shareholder-funded, not paid for by PG&E customers.

The CFF, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, aids firefighters, their families and the communities they protect. The CFF's Firefighters on Your Side program, also supported by PG&E, provides multilingual, culturally relevant fire safety messaging in both digital and print form, to assist the public in staying safe.

About The PG&E Corporation Foundation
The PG&E Corporation Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, separate from PG&E and sponsored by PG&E Corporation.

About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit and

About California Fire Foundation
The California Fire Foundation, a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization, provides emotional and financial assistance to families of fallen firefighters, firefighters and the communities they protect. Formed in 1987 by California Professional Firefighters, the California Fire Foundation's mandate includes an array of survivor and victim assistance projects and community initiatives.

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How much did PG&E Foundation award in wildfire safety grants for 2024?

The PG&E Foundation awarded $750,000 in wildfire safety grants to 55 local fire departments, fire agencies, and community groups in Northern and Central California for 2024.

What is the total amount PG&E (PCG) has provided for fire safety awareness through the WSPP?

PG&E and the PG&E Foundation have provided $8.8 million in total support for fire safety awareness through the Wildfire Safety and Preparedness Program (WSPP) since the partnership began.

How many fire departments and agencies have received funding through the grant program since 2018?

Since 2018, 368 fire departments and fire agencies statewide have received $4.5 million in direct funding through the grant program as part of the Wildfire Safety and Preparedness Program.

What will the 2024 wildfire safety grants be used for?

The 2024 wildfire safety grants will be used to purchase personal protective and specialized equipment for firefighters, complete defensible space and vegetation management work, reduce fuels and hazards, and conduct fire safety public education and outreach.


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