Sunday is National 811 Day--A Reminder to Call 811 Before Any Digging Project, Large or Small
Sunday, August 11, is National 811 Day, emphasizing the importance of calling 811 before any digging project. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) reports 573 incidents of damaged underground utility lines in 2024, with 58% occurring without an 811 call. For homeowners, this percentage rises to 89%. The average repair cost for damaged lines is $3,500.
PG&E's Senior VP of Gas Operations, Joe Forline, stresses the importance of calling 811 two days before digging to have utility lines marked for free. Common causes of damage include fence work, landscaping, and deck construction. PG&E provides safe digging tips, including marking the project area in white and using hand tools within 24 inches of underground lines.
Domenica 11 agosto è Giornata Nazionale 811, che sottolinea l'importanza di chiamare il numero 811 prima di qualsiasi progetto di scavo. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) riporta 573 incidenti di linee di utilità sotterranee danneggiate nel 2024, con il 58% che si verifica senza una chiamata al 811. Per i proprietari di casa, questa percentuale sale all'89%. Il costo medio di riparazione per le linee danneggiate è di $3.500.
Joe Forline, VP Senior delle Operazioni del Gas di PG&E, sottolinea l'importanza di chiamare il numero 811 due giorni prima di scavare per avere le linee di utilità contrassegnate gratuitamente. Le cause comuni di danno includono lavori di recinzione, paesaggistica e costruzione di terrazze. PG&E fornisce consigli per scavi sicuri, compreso il marcare l'area del progetto in bianco e utilizzare strumenti a mano entro 24 pollici dalle linee sotterranee.
El domingo 11 de agosto es el Día Nacional 811, que enfatiza la importancia de llamar al 811 antes de cualquier proyecto de excavación. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) informa de 573 incidentes de líneas de servicios subterráneas dañadas en 2024, con un 58% ocurriendo sin una llamada al 811. Para los propietarios de viviendas, este porcentaje asciende al 89%. El costo promedio de reparación de las líneas dañadas es de $3,500.
Joe Forline, VP Senior de Operaciones de Gas de PG&E, enfatiza la importancia de llamar al 811 dos días antes de excavar para que las líneas de servicios sean marcadas de forma gratuita. Las causas comunes de daños incluyen trabajos de cercas, paisajismo y construcción de terrazas. PG&E proporciona consejos para excavaciones seguras, incluyendo marcar el área del proyecto en blanco y utilizar herramientas manuales dentro de las 24 pulgadas de las líneas subterráneas.
8월 11일 일요일은 국가 811의 날로, 어떤 굴착 프로젝트를 시작하기 전에 811에 전화하는 것의 중요성을 강조합니다. 퍼시픽 가스 및 전기 회사(PG&E)는 2024년에 573건의 손상된 지하 유틸리티 라인 사고가 발생했다고 보고하며, 이 중 58%는 811에 전화하지 않고 발생하였습니다. 주택 소유자의 경우 이 비율은 89%로 상승합니다. 손상된 라인의 평균 수리 비용은 $3,500입니다.
PG&E의 가스 운영 수석 부사장인 조 포를라인은 굴착하기 이틀 전에 811에 전화하여 무료로 유틸리티 라인을 표시받는 것의 중요성을 강조합니다. 일반적인 손상 원인으로는 울타리 작업, 조경 및 데크 건설이 포함됩니다. PG&E는 프로젝트 지역을 흰색으로 표시하고 지하 라인에서 24인치 이내에서 손 도구를 사용하는 등의 안전한 굴착 팁을 제공합니다.
Le dimanche 11 août est le Journée Nationale 811, soulignant l'importance de composer le 811 avant tout projet de creusage. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) rapporte 573 incidents de lignes de services souterrains endommagées en 2024, dont 58 % se produisent sans un appel au 811. Pour les propriétaires, ce pourcentage grimpe à 89 %. Le coût moyen de réparation des lignes endommagées est de 3 500 $.
Joe Forline, VP senior des opérations de gaz chez PG&E, souligne l'importance d'appeler le 811 deux jours avant de creuser pour faire marquer gratuitement les lignes de services. Les causes fréquentes de dommages incluent les travaux de clôture, l'aménagement paysager et la construction de terrasses. PG&E fournit des conseils pour des excavations sécuritaires, notamment marquer la zone du projet en blanc et utiliser des outils manuels dans un rayon de 24 pouces des lignes souterraines.
Am Sonntag, den 11. August, ist Nationaler 811-Tag, der die Wichtigkeit betont, vor jedem Grabungsprojekt die 811 anzurufen. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) meldet 573 Vorfälle von beschädigten unterirdischen Versorgungsleitungen im Jahr 2024, wobei 58% ohne einen 811-Anruf auftreten. Für Hausbesitzer steigt dieser Prozentsatz auf 89%. Die durchschnittlichen Reparaturkosten für beschädigte Leitungen betragen 3.500 $.
Joe Forline, Senior VP der Gasoperationen von PG&E, betont die Wichtigkeit, zwei Tage vor dem Graben die 811 zu kontaktieren, um die Versorgungsleitungen kostenlos markieren zu lassen. Häufige Schadensursachen sind Zaunarbeiten, Landschaftsgestaltung und Terrassenbau. PG&E gibt Tipps für sicheres Graben, darunter die Markierung des Projektbereichs in Weiß und die Verwendung von Handwerkzeugen innerhalb von 24 Zoll von unterirdischen Leitungen.
- PG&E offers free utility line marking services through 811
- The company provides educational resources on safe digging practices
- 573 incidents of damaged underground utility lines in PG&E's service area in 2024
- 58% of utility line damage incidents occurred without an 811 call
- 89% of homeowners damaging lines while digging didn't call 811
- Average repair cost for damaged utility lines is $3,500
A Free Call to 811 Will Help Keep You Safe and Avoid Expensive Repairs
Underground utility lines can be shallow, sometimes only a few inches below the surface, so it is important to call 811 before any project that involves digging, including building or replacing a fence, planting or landscaping, and beginning construction work.
In Pacific Gas and Electric Company's (PG&E) service area, underground gas and electric lines have been damaged due to digging 573 times so far this year. In
"By making a fast and free call to 811, utility professionals will come to your home or job site and mark the location of underground lines so that you can dig safely and avoid expensive repairs. Know what's below before you start any size digging project, whether you are planting, landscaping, or doing fence work and call 811 two days before you dig," said Joe Forline, PG&E Senior Vice President of Gas Operations.
When a call is placed to 811 and a request is made to have lines located and marked, a professional locator will come to your project site to mark the location of underground utility lines, including gas, electric, water, telecom and sewer, free of charge. Knowing where underground lines are buried while you are digging and following safe digging practices will help keep you and your family safe and connected to essential utility services.
Warmer weather months see an increase in digging projects and a corresponding increase in the number of strikes to underground lines that have not been marked ahead of time. In fact, in 2024 throughout PG&E's service area of Northern and
- There have been 573 incidents where underground utility lines were damaged due to digging, and in
58% of incidents when an underground utility line was damaged due to digging, 811 was not called - For homeowners specifically, that percentage rises to
89% - The average cost to repair a damaged utility line is
$3,500 - Leading causes of damages to underground utility lines while digging include: building or replacing a fence, gardening and landscaping, planting a tree or removing a stump, sewer and irrigation work and building a deck or patio
Calling 811 is Fast and Free
- Customers should call 811 a minimum of two business days before beginning any project that involves digging, no matter how large or small. Customers also can visit to have underground utility lines marked for their project site.
- Professional utility workers for all utilities (gas, electric, water, sewer and telecommunications) will be dispatched to mark the location of all underground utility lines for the project site with flags, spray paint, or both
- The 811 call center serving Northern and Central California, USA North, is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will provide Spanish and other translation services.
PG&E Safe Digging Tips
- Mark project area in white: Identify the digging location by drawing a box around the area using white paint, white stakes, white flags, white chalk or even white baking flour.
- Call 811 or submit an online request a minimum of two working days before digging: Be prepared to provide the address and general location of the project, project start date and type of digging activity. PG&E and other utilities will identify underground facilities in the area for free. Requests can be submitted a maximum of 14 days prior to the start of the project.
- Dig safely: Use hand tools when digging within 24 inches of the outside edge of underground lines. Leave utility flags, stakes or paint marks in place until the project is finished. Backfill and compact the soil.
- Be aware of signs of a natural gas leak: Smell for a "rotten egg" odor, listen for hissing, whistling or roaring sounds and look for dirt spraying into the air, bubbling in a pond or creek and dead/dying vegetation in an otherwise moist area. If you smell gas, call 911 and then call PG&E at 800-743-5000.
About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and
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