Spring Bill Relief: Up to $125 California Climate Credit Automatically Applied to PG&E Customers' Energy Bills
PG&E announces automatic California Climate Credit distribution for April 2025, providing significant bill relief to millions of customers. Residential households will receive $58.23 for electric accounts and $67.03 for gas accounts, totaling $125.26 for dual-service customers.
The credit, funded by California's Cap-and-Trade Program, is distributed twice yearly for electric customers (April and October) and once for gas customers (April). Since 2014, PG&E residential customers have received nearly $1,000 in climate credits, contributing to over $12.9 billion in statewide program benefits.
The company also highlights various assistance programs including CARE (20% monthly discount), FERA (18% electricity discount), and Energy Savings Assistance for income-eligible customers. Additionally, PG&E promotes their Energy Efficiency DIY Toolkit, suggesting a $200 investment could yield hundreds in annual savings.
PG&E annuncia la distribuzione automatica del California Climate Credit per aprile 2025, offrendo un significativo sollievo sulle bollette a milioni di clienti. Le famiglie residenziali riceveranno $58.23 per i conti elettrici e $67.03 per i conti del gas, per un totale di $125.26 per i clienti con doppio servizio.
Il credito, finanziato dal Cap-and-Trade Program della California, viene distribuito due volte all'anno per i clienti elettrici (aprile e ottobre) e una volta per i clienti del gas (aprile). Dal 2014, i clienti residenziali di PG&E hanno ricevuto quasi $1,000 in crediti climatici, contribuendo a oltre $12.9 miliardi di benefici per il programma a livello statale.
L'azienda evidenzia anche vari programmi di assistenza, tra cui CARE (sconto mensile del 20%), FERA (sconto dell'18% sull'elettricità) e Energy Savings Assistance per i clienti idonei in base al reddito. Inoltre, PG&E promuove il proprio Toolkit per l'Efficienza Energetica Fai-da-te, suggerendo che un investimento di $200 potrebbe portare a risparmi annuali di centinaia di dollari.
PG&E anuncia la distribución automática del California Climate Credit para abril de 2025, proporcionando un alivio significativo en las facturas a millones de clientes. Los hogares residenciales recibirán $58.23 para cuentas eléctricas y $67.03 para cuentas de gas, totalizando $125.26 para los clientes de servicio dual.
El crédito, financiado por el Cap-and-Trade Program de California, se distribuye dos veces al año para los clientes eléctricos (abril y octubre) y una vez para los clientes de gas (abril). Desde 2014, los clientes residenciales de PG&E han recibido casi $1,000 en créditos climáticos, contribuyendo a más de $12.9 mil millones en beneficios para el programa a nivel estatal.
La empresa también destaca varios programas de asistencia, incluyendo CARE (descuento mensual del 20%), FERA (descuento del 18% en electricidad) y Energy Savings Assistance para clientes elegibles según los ingresos. Además, PG&E promueve su Toolkit de Eficiencia Energética para Hacerlo Uno Mismo, sugiriendo que una inversión de $200 podría generar ahorros anuales de cientos de dólares.
PG&E는 2025년 4월에 캘리포니아 기후 크레딧을 자동으로 배포한다고 발표하며, 수백만 고객에게 상당한 요금 경감을 제공합니다. 주거용 가정은 전기 계좌에 대해 $58.23, 가스 계좌에 대해 $67.03를 받아 이중 서비스 고객은 총 $125.26를 받게 됩니다.
이 크레딧은 캘리포니아의 캡 앤 트레이드 프로그램에 의해 자금이 지원되며, 전기 고객에게는 연 2회(4월 및 10월) 배포되고 가스 고객에게는 연 1회(4월) 배포됩니다. 2014년 이후, PG&E의 주거 고객은 기후 크레딧으로 거의 $1,000를 받았으며, 주 전체 프로그램 혜택에 $12.9억 이상의 기여를 했습니다.
회사는 또한 CARE (월 20% 할인), FERA (전기 18% 할인) 및 소득 기준의 고객을 위한 Energy Savings Assistance와 같은 다양한 지원 프로그램을 강조합니다. 추가로, PG&E는 에너지 효율 DIY 툴킷을 홍보하며, $200의 투자가 연간 수백 달러의 절약을 가져올 수 있다고 제안합니다.
PG&E annonce la distribution automatique du California Climate Credit pour avril 2025, offrant un soulagement significatif sur les factures à des millions de clients. Les ménages résidentiels recevront $58.23 pour les comptes d'électricité et $67.03 pour les comptes de gaz, totalisant $125.26 pour les clients ayant un double service.
Le crédit, financé par le Cap-and-Trade Program de Californie, est distribué deux fois par an pour les clients d'électricité (avril et octobre) et une fois pour les clients de gaz (avril). Depuis 2014, les clients résidentiels de PG&E ont reçu près de $1,000 en crédits climatiques, contribuant à plus de $12.9 milliards de bénéfices pour le programme à l'échelle de l'État.
L'entreprise met également en avant divers programmes d'assistance, y compris CARE (remise mensuelle de 20 %), FERA (remise de 18 % sur l'électricité) et Energy Savings Assistance pour les clients éligibles selon les revenus. De plus, PG&E promeut son Toolkit d'Efficacité Énergétique DIY, suggérant qu'un investissement de $200 pourrait générer des économies annuelles de plusieurs centaines de dollars.
PG&E kündigt die automatische Verteilung des California Climate Credit für April 2025 an, die Millionen von Kunden erhebliche Entlastungen bei den Rechnungen bietet. Haushalte im Wohnbereich erhalten $58.23 für Stromkonten und $67.03 für Gaskonten, insgesamt $125.26 für Kunden mit Doppelservice.
Der Kredit, der durch das Cap-and-Trade-Programm Kaliforniens finanziert wird, wird zweimal jährlich für Stromkunden (April und Oktober) und einmal jährlich für Gaskunden (April) verteilt. Seit 2014 haben die Wohnkunden von PG&E fast $1.000 an Klimakrediten erhalten, was zu über $12,9 Milliarden an Programmnutzungen im ganzen Bundesstaat beigetragen hat.
Das Unternehmen hebt auch verschiedene Unterstützungsprogramme hervor, darunter CARE (monatlicher Rabatt von 20 %), FERA (Rabatt von 18 % auf Strom) und Energy Savings Assistance für einkommensberechtigte Kunden. Darüber hinaus fördert PG&E sein Energieeffizienz-Toolkit für Heimwerker und schlägt vor, dass eine Investition von $200 Hunderte von Dollar an jährlichen Einsparungen bringen könnte.
- Automatic distribution of $125.26 climate credit reduces customer bills
- Consistent bi-annual credit program demonstrates stable customer support
- $12.9 billion in total Cap-and-Trade benefits distributed statewide
- Multiple assistance programs available for income-eligible customers
- Rising energy bills causing pressure on customers
- Climate credit only provides temporary relief rather than long-term solution
Small Business Customers Also Receive Credit
Residential households with an active electric account will receive an electric credit of
Residential and eligible small business customers receive identical electric credits in April and October. Residential natural gas customers receive a credit in April.
The California Climate Credit is funded by the state's Cap-and-Trade Program. It is distributed by PG&E to customers as directed by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The Cap-and-Trade Program requires companies to pay for [certain] emissions. Revenue from the program is also used by the state to improve public health and the environment and provide meaningful benefits to the most disadvantaged communities. The bill credit is designed to help customers during the transition to a more sustainable future.
"We know many of our customers are feeling the pressure of rising energy bills. We support bill relief for families and fostering a more climate-resilient future," said Vincent Davis, Senior Vice President, Customer Experience.
Since 2014, the CPUC calculates PG&E residential customers have received an average of nearly
To explore other ways to save energy, reduce monthly bills, and protect the planet, customers are encouraged to use a new Savings Finder, enroll in the Budget Billing program, or visit Save Energy & Money.
Income-eligible Assistance Programs
- California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE): provides a monthly discount of
20% or more on gas and electricity bills. - Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA): provides a monthly discount of
18% on electricity for households of three or more people. - Energy Savings Assistance (ESA): provides energy-savings improvements at no charge.
- Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH): offers a one-time energy credit for income-eligible customers of up to
based on a past-due balance.$300 - Arrearage Management Plan (AMP): a debt forgiveness plan for eligible residential customers.
Other programs include Medical Baseline, which offers a reduction on energy bills for customers who depend on power for certain medical needs.
Energy Efficiency DIY Toolkit
Did you know you can lower energy bills and save money by building an Energy Efficiency DIY Tool Kit? With a
About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE: PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than sixteen million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and
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SOURCE Pacific Gas and Electric Company