Keeping Local Restaurants Cooking: 154 Restaurants to Receive $5,000 Resilience Grants Funded by The PG&E Corporation Foundation
The PG&E Foundation is providing $900,000 in funding to support 154 local restaurants and commercial caterers in Northern and Central California through the California Restaurant Foundation's (CRF) Restaurants Care Resilience Fund. Each recipient will receive a $5,000 grant to invest in equipment upgrades, workforce training, and other business improvements.
Key points:
- Grants are available to California resident restaurant owners with fewer than five locations and less than $3 million in revenue
- 80% of recipients are single-location establishments
- 79% of recipients identify as female, and 76% identify as minority owners
- 70% plan to use the grants for kitchen equipment or technology upgrades
- Since 2021, PG&E and the PG&E Foundation have contributed $3.2 million to the CRF's Resilience Fund
La Fondazione PG&E sta fornendo 900.000 dollari in finanziamenti per supportare 154 ristoranti locali e catering commerciali nel Nord e Centro California attraverso il Fondo di Resilienza Ristoranti della California (CRF). Ogni beneficiario riceverà un sovvenzione di 5.000 dollari per investire in aggiornamenti di attrezzature, formazione del personale e altri miglioramenti aziendali.
Punti chiave:
- Le sovvenzioni sono disponibili per i proprietari di ristoranti residenti in California con meno di cinque sedi e meno di 3 milioni di dollari di fatturato
- l'80% dei beneficiari sono esercizi con una sola sede
- il 79% dei beneficiari si identifica come donna e il 76% come proprietari di minoranza
- il 70% prevede di utilizzare le sovvenzioni per aggiornamenti delle attrezzature o della tecnologia in cucina
- Dal 2021, PG&E e la Fondazione PG&E hanno contribuito con 3,2 milioni di dollari al Fondo di Resilienza del CRF
La Fundación PG&E está proporcionando 900,000 dólares en financiamiento para apoyar a 154 restaurantes locales y proveedores de catering comerciales en el norte y centro de California a través del Fondo de Resiliencia de Restaurantes de la Fundación de Restaurantes de California (CRF). Cada beneficiario recibirá una para invertir en mejoras de equipamiento, capacitación laboral y otras mejoras comerciales.
Puntos clave:
- Las subvenciones están disponibles para propietarios de restaurantes residentes en California con menos de cinco ubicaciones y menos de 3 millones de dólares en ingresos
- El 80% de los beneficiarios son establecimientos de una sola ubicación
- El 79% de los beneficiarios se identifica como mujer y el 76% como propietarios de minorías
- El 70% planea utilizar las subvenciones para actualizaciones de equipos o tecnología de cocina
- Desde 2021, PG&E y la Fundación PG&E han contribuido con 3.2 millones de dólares al Fondo de Resiliencia del CRF
PG&E 재단은 북부 및 중부 캘리포니아의 154개 지역 레스토랑과 상업적 케이터링 업체를 지원하기 위해 90만 달러의 자금을 제공하고 있습니다. 이는 캘리포니아 레스토랑 재단(CRF)의 레스토랑 케어 회복력 기금을 통해 이루어집니다. 각 수혜자는 장비 업그레이드, 인력 교육 및 기타 사업 개선에 투자하기 위해 5,000달러 보조금을 받을 예정입니다.
주요 사항:
- 보조금은 위치가 5개 미만이고 연 매출이 300만 달러 미만인 캘리포니아 거주 레스토랑 소유자에게 제공됩니다.
- 수혜자의 80%는 단일 위치의 시설입니다.
- 수혜자의 79%는 여성으로 식별되며, 76%는 소수 민족 소유자로 식별됩니다.
- 70%는 주방 장비 또는 기술 업그레이드를 위해 보조금을 사용할 계획입니다.
- 2021년 이후 PG&E와 PG&E 재단은 CRF의 회복력 기금에 320만 달러를 기여했습니다.
La Fondation PG&E offre 900 000 dollars de financement pour soutenir 154 restaurants locaux et traiteurs commerciaux dans le nord et le centre de la Californie grâce au Fonds de résilience Restaurants de la California Restaurant Foundation (CRF). Chaque bénéficiaire recevra une subvention de 5 000 dollars pour investir dans l'amélioration de l'équipement, la formation de la main-d'œuvre et d'autres améliorations commerciales.
Points clés :
- Les subventions sont disponibles pour les propriétaires de restaurants résidant en Californie ayant moins de cinq établissements et moins de 3 millions de dollars de chiffre d'affaires.
- 80 % des bénéficiaires sont des établissements à emplacement unique.
- 79 % des bénéficiaires s'identifient comme femmes, et 76 % comme propriétaires de minorités.
- 70 % prévoient d'utiliser les subventions pour des mises à niveau d'équipement de cuisine ou de technologie.
- Depuis 2021, PG&E et la Fondation PG&E ont contribué à hauteur de 3,2 millions de dollars au Fonds de résilience du CRF.
Die PG&E-Stiftung stellt 900.000 US-Dollar zur Verfügung, um 154 lokale Restaurants und kommerzielle Caterer in Nord- und Zentral-Kalifornien durch den Restaurants Care Resilience Fund der California Restaurant Foundation (CRF) zu unterstützen. Jeder Empfänger erhält einen Zuschuss von 5.000 US-Dollar zur Investition in Ausrüstungsmodernisierungen, Schulungen für die Belegschaft und andere betriebliche Verbesserungen.
Wichtige Punkte:
- Die Zuschüsse stehen Restaurantbesitzern mit Wohnsitz in Kalifornien zur Verfügung, die weniger als fünf Standorte und weniger als 3 Millionen US-Dollar Umsatz haben.
- 80 % der Empfänger sind Einzelstandorte.
- 79 % der Empfänger identifizieren sich als weiblich, und 76 % als Minderheitseigentümer.
- 70 % planen, die Zuschüsse für Küchenausrüstungs- oder Technologieupdates zu verwenden.
- Seit 2021 haben PG&E und die PG&E-Stiftung 3,2 Millionen US-Dollar zum Resilience Fund der CRF beigetragen.
- PG&E Foundation's $900,000 contribution supports 154 local restaurants and caterers
- Each recipient receives a $5,000 grant for business improvements
- Grants prioritize minority- and women-owned businesses
- PG&E and PG&E Foundation have contributed $3.2 million to the CRF's Resilience Fund since 2021
- PG&E offers various support programs for small and medium businesses, including 0% interest loans and energy efficiency rebates
- None.
PG&E Foundation Funding for Fourth Consecutive Year Supports Hometown Restaurants, Commercial Caterers
The PG&E Foundation's
The PG&E Foundation's contribution to CRF's Restaurants Care Resilience Fund current grant cycle will help grantees pay for equipment and technology upgrades, unforeseen hardship, employee retention bonuses and training to help restaurant owners invest in their business and people. Grants were made available to
For the first time this year, the grants were open to commercial caterers based on appeals for support for catering companies because they also are part of the local food scene.
Plant Slayer, which started out as a food truck in 2020 before becoming a brick-and-mortar establishment in downtown
"Running a restaurant is really difficult in California… fees, employees, the cost of goods going up — and you put the word vegan in front of that and it costs more," co-owner Gina Perez said. "We were excited that we were one of the restaurants chosen."
Perez said she is mostly looking forward to giving bonuses to Plant Slayer's five employees who have been especially dedicated to seeing the business succeed.
Since 2021, PG&E and the PG&E Foundation have contributed
With this year's funding, PG&E has now helped provide grants for a total of 675 restaurants and caterers in Northern and
"We all have fond memories of celebrating special occasions with the people we love at our hometown restaurants — with good meals at the center, they truly are the gathering spots in our communities. Through our partnership with the California Restaurant Foundation, we want to make sure these neighborhood businesses, many of them family-owned and operated, continue to thrive for years to come," said PG&E Corporation Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Chief Sustainability Officer Carla Peterman.
"Since the launch of the Restaurants Care Resilience Fund in 2021, PG&E and the PG&E Foundation have been steadfast and generous supporters, helping hundreds of independent restaurant owners throughout Northern and
CRF began the Resilience Fund in 2021 to support restaurants recovering from economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which contributed to many restaurants closing their doors temporarily or permanently. PG&E and The PG&E Corporation Foundation have supported the program since its inception.
To date, CRF's Resilience fund has provided financial assistance to more than 1,600 independent restaurants and caterers across
Among this year's grant recipients,
Assisting Restaurants and Small and Medium Businesses
PG&E remains committed to providing ways for its small and medium business customers to save energy and money amid recent economic hardships including the pandemic and recent inflation. Here are some ways PG&E is helping its customers:
- On-Bill Financing: PG&E offers
0% interest loans for replacing old and worn-out equipment with more energy-efficient models. Watch this video to explore how energy savings are reinvested back into your business to help improve your bottom line. - Rebates for food service equipment: PG&E offers several rebate programs that will help you save money and improve productivity when you upgrade your food service equipment.
- Budget Billing: If you are a small business owner, you can have a predictable bill each month by enrolling in Budget Billing. The program averages out your monthly bill to determine your monthly payment, instead of having unpredictable summer bills.
- Energy Efficiency Programs: PG&E contracts with external companies to provide a customized solution for different business sectors.
- Find Your Best Rate Plan: Customers can use this online tool to run a rate analysis to see if they are on the best rate plan for their operations. The tool is projected to save customers over
this year.$9.5 million - Economic Development Rate: This offers eligible business customers the opportunity to lower costs through one of three reduced electric rate options. PG&E developed this rate to help businesses grow or maintain jobs in
California . The standard12% rate discount is available throughout our service territory.
For more information on PG&E Small and Medium Business customer support, visit Customers can also find more ways to reduce their energy costs at PG&E's Small Business Podcast "Straight Talk with PG&E," on iHeart, Apple and Spotify.
About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE: PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than sixteen million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and
About The PG&E Corporation Foundation
The PG&E Corporation Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, separate from PG&E and sponsored by PG&E Corporation.
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SOURCE Pacific Gas and Electric Company