Divert, Inc. and PG&E Announce First-of-its-Kind Interconnection in California to Address the Wasted Food Crisis
Divert Inc. and PG&E have announced a groundbreaking interconnection in California to address food waste. Divert's Turlock facility is now converting unsold food products into carbon-negative renewable energy, which is being injected into PG&E's natural gas transmission line. The facility will process 100,000 tons of unsold food annually, delivering 225,000 MMBtu of Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) and mitigating 23,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions yearly. This initiative aims to tackle California's six million tons of annual food waste while supporting the state's net-zero carbon pollution goals. The facility is scheduled to be fully operational in Q4 2024.
Divert Inc. e PG&E hanno annunciato un'interconnessione innovativa in California per affrontare il problema degli sprechi alimentari. L'impianto di Turlock di Divert sta ora trasformando alimenti invenduti in energia rinnovabile negativa in carbonio, che viene immessa nella rete di gas naturale di PG&E. L'impianto elaborerà 100.000 tonnellate di cibo invenduto all'anno, producendo 225.000 MMBtu di Gas Naturale Rinnovabile (RNG) e contribuendo a ridurre 23.000 tonnellate metriche di emissioni di CO2 annualmente. Questa iniziativa mira a combattere i sei milioni di tonnellate di sprechi alimentari annuali in California, supportando gli obiettivi statali di inquinamento carbonico net-zero. L'impianto è previsto per essere completamente operativo nel quarto trimestre del 2024.
Divert Inc. y PG&E han anunciado una interconexión innovadora en California para abordar el desperdicio de alimentos. La instalación de Divert en Turlock ahora convierte productos alimenticios no vendidos en energía renovable negativa en carbono, que se inyecta en la línea de transmisión de gas natural de PG&E. La instalación procesará 100,000 toneladas de alimentos no vendidos anualmente, suministrando 225,000 MMBtu de Gas Natural Renovable (RNG) y mitigando 23,000 toneladas métricas de emisiones de CO2 cada año. Esta iniciativa busca abordar las seis millones de toneladas de desperdicio de alimentos al año en California, apoyando los objetivos del estado de reducir a cero la contaminación por carbono. Se prevé que la instalación esté completamente operativa en el cuarto trimestre de 2024.
Divert Inc.와 PG&E는 캘리포니아에서 식품 폐기물을 해결하기 위한 혁신적인 상호 연결성을 발표했습니다. Divert의 털락 시설은 이제 판매되지 않은 식품을 탄소 음성 재생 가능 에너지로 변환하고 있으며, 이는 PG&E의 천연 가스 전송관에 주입되고 있습니다. 이 시설은 매년 100,000톤의 판매되지 않은 음식을 처리하며, 225,000 MMBtu의 재생 가능 천연 가스(RNG)를 공급하고 매년 23,000톤의 CO2 배출량을 줄입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 캘리포니아의 연간 600만 톤의 식품 폐기물 문제를 해결하고 주의 탄소 오염 제로 목표를 지원하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 시설은 2024년 4분기까지 완전 가동될 예정입니다.
Divert Inc. et PG&E ont annoncé une interconnexion révolutionnaire en Californie pour lutter contre le gaspillage alimentaire. L’installation de Divert à Turlock convertit désormais les produits alimentaires invendus en énergie renouvelable à bilan carbone négatif, qui est injectée dans le réseau de gaz naturel de PG&E. L’établissement traitera 100 000 tonnes de nourriture invendue chaque année, fournissant 225 000 MMBtu de Gaz Naturel Renouvelable (RNG) et atténuant 23 000 tonnes de CO2 par an. Cette initiative vise à lutter contre les six millions de tonnes de gaspillage alimentaire annuel en Californie tout en soutenant les objectifs de pollution carbone nulle de l'État. L’établissement devrait être entièrement opérationnel au quatrième trimestre de 2024.
Divert Inc. und PG&E haben eine bahnbrechende Interkonnektivität in Kalifornien angekündigt, um das Problem der Lebensmittelverschwendung anzugehen. Die Turlock-Anlage von Divert wandelt nun unverkaufte Lebensmittelprodukte in kohlenstoffnegative erneuerbare Energie um, die in die Erdgasleitung von PG&E eingespeist wird. Die Anlage wird jährlich 100.000 Tonnen unverkauftes Essen verarbeiten und 225.000 MMBtu erneuerbares Erdgas (RNG) liefern, wodurch 23.000 metrische Tonnen CO2-Emissionen jährlich gemindert werden. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, die jährlichen Lebensmittelverschwendungen von sechs Millionen Tonnen in Kalifornien zu bekämpfen und die Klimaziele des Bundesstaates zu unterstützen, die auf netto null Kohlenstoffemissionen abzielen. Die Anlage soll im vierten Quartal 2024 vollständig betriebsbereit sein.
- Facility will process 100,000 tons of unsold food products annually
- Will deliver 225,000 MMBtu of Renewable Natural Gas to PG&E's system
- Will mitigate 23,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions annually
- Creates new revenue stream through renewable energy production
- None.
This interconnection project represents a significant advancement in sustainable waste management and renewable energy infrastructure. The facility's capacity to process 100,000 tons of food waste annually and generate 225,000 MMBtu of Renewable Natural Gas demonstrates substantial scale. The reduction of 23,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions yearly is particularly noteworthy for PCG's environmental portfolio.
The project aligns with California's aggressive climate goals and positions PG&E strategically in the renewable natural gas market. While the immediate financial impact may be modest relative to PG&E's size, this infrastructure development creates a valuable template for future expansion and regulatory compliance. The timing of full operations in Q4 2024 provides a clear timeline for revenue generation from this new energy source.
The integration of RNG into PG&E's natural gas transmission system marks a strategic diversification of their energy portfolio. Beyond the environmental benefits, this project demonstrates PG&E's ability to innovate within existing infrastructure, potentially reducing future capital expenditure needs for new transmission systems. The facility's location in Turlock is strategically positioned to serve California's Central Valley, a major agricultural region with significant food waste potential.
This project strengthens PG&E's position in meeting California's renewable portfolio standards and could provide a competitive advantage in regulatory discussions. The scalability of this model could lead to similar projects across PG&E's service territory, creating multiple revenue streams from waste-to-energy conversion.
Clean energy milestone brings the state closer to achieving its climate and net-zero carbon pollution goals

Divert’s facility in
“This is a remarkable clean energy milestone that reflects the hard work, dedication, and world-class talent of every individual who has contributed to bringing this project to life,” said Ryan Begin, CEO and Co-founder, Divert. “Together with PG&E, we are providing carbon-negative renewable energy to Californians, bringing the state one step closer to achieving its climate and clean energy goals. The
The Turlock Integrated Diversion & Energy Facility will be able to process 100,000 tons of unsold food products a year. Nearly 225,000 MMBtu of Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) will be delivered into PG&E's system. Divert’s facility will also mitigate approximately 23,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions annually, equivalent to removing approximately 5,000 gas-powered cars from the road.
More than 63 million tons of food are wasted in the
“Today marks another exciting first for PG&E and our customers and highlights our commitment to supporting the advancement of diverse renewable natural gas resources produced locally in California,” said Austin Hastings, Vice President, PG&E Gas Engineering. “By accepting renewable natural gas made from unsold food products into our pipeline system, we’re contributing to a more sustainable
Divert’s facility in
About Divert, Inc.
Divert, Inc. is an impact technology company on a mission to Protect the Value of Food™. Founded in 2007, the company creates advanced technologies and sustainable infrastructure to address wasted food, driving social and environmental impact. Divert provides an end-to-end solution that leverages data to prevent waste, facilitates edible food recovery to serve communities in need, and converts unsold food products into renewable energy. Through this integrated approach to reducing wasted food - Prevent, Provide, Power™ - the company works with over 7,200 customer locations across the
About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and
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PG&E Media
Melissa Subbotin
Marketing & Communications
(415) 301-1229
Divert Media
Caroline Legg
Director of Public Relations
(203) 313-4228
Source: Divert, Inc.
When will PG&E's (PCG) Turlock renewable energy facility be fully operational?
How much renewable natural gas will PG&E's (PCG) Turlock facility produce?
How much CO2 emissions will PG&E's (PCG) Turlock facility reduce annually?