Optimi Health and Psyence Biomedical Sign Non-Binding Letter of Intent to Advance Global Psilocybin Drug Development

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Optimi Health Corp. (CSE: OPTI) and Psyence Biomedical (NASDAQ: PBM) have signed a non-binding Letter of Intent (LOI) for a strategic partnership. Under this arrangement, Optimi would become the exclusive supplier of GMP nature-derived psilocybin extract for Psyence's global drug development initiatives, focusing on FDA-approved use in Palliative Care.

Key points of the LOI include:

  • Optimi to provide comprehensive CMC support for regulatory submissions and future IND applications
  • Psyence to obtain exclusive rights to Optimi's drug candidate for Palliative Care treatment
  • Collaboration aims to advance psilocybin-based therapies and quality science
  • Focus on Adjustment Disorder in the context of Palliative Care

Both companies' CEOs expressed enthusiasm for the potential partnership, highlighting its strategic importance in advancing psychedelic-based mental health therapies.

Optimi Health Corp. (CSE: OPTI) e Psyence Biomedical (NASDAQ: PBM) hanno firmato una Lettera di Intenti (LOI) non vincolante per una partnership strategica. Con questo accordo, Optimi diventerà il fornitore esclusivo di estratto di psilocibina derivato da natura GMP per le iniziative globali di sviluppo farmaceutico di Psyence, concentrandosi sull'uso approvato dalla FDA nella Cura Palliativa.

Punti chiave della LOI includono:

  • Optimi fornirà supporto completo CMC per le sottomissioni regolatorie e future applicazioni IND
  • Psyence otterrà diritti esclusivi sul candidato farmaco di Optimi per il trattamento nella Cura Palliativa
  • La collaborazione mira a promuovere terapie a base di psilocibina e scienza di qualità
  • Focus sul Disturbo da Regolazione nel contesto della Cura Palliativa

Entrambi i CEO delle aziende hanno espresso entusiasmo per la potenziale partnership, sottolineando la sua importanza strategica nel promuovere le terapie psichedeliche per la salute mentale.

Optimi Health Corp. (CSE: OPTI) y Psyence Biomedical (NASDAQ: PBM) han firmado una Carta de Intención (LOI) no vinculante para una asociación estratégica. En virtud de este acuerdo, Optimi se convertirá en el proveedor exclusivo de extracto de psilocibina derivado de la naturaleza con certificación GMP para las iniciativas globales de desarrollo de fármacos de Psyence, centrándose en el uso aprobado por la FDA en Cuidados Paliativos.

Los puntos clave de la LOI incluyen:

  • Optimi proporcionará apoyo integral CMC para las presentaciones regulatorias y futuras solicitudes IND
  • Psyence obtendrá derechos exclusivos sobre el candidato a fármaco de Optimi para el tratamiento de Cuidados Paliativos
  • La colaboración tiene como objetivo avanzar en terapias basadas en psilocibina y ciencia de calidad
  • Enfoque en el Trastorno de Ajuste en el contexto de los Cuidados Paliativos

Los CEO de ambas compañías expresaron su entusiasmo por la potencial asociación, destacando su importancia estratégica en el avance de las terapias de salud mental basadas en psicodélicos.

Optimi Health Corp. (CSE: OPTI)와 Psyence Biomedical (NASDAQ: PBM)이 전략적 파트너십을 위한 비구속성 의향서(LOI)에 서명했습니다. 이 협약에 따라 Optimi는 Psyence의 글로벌 약물 개발 이니셔티브를 위한 GMP 자연 유래 실로시빈 추출물의 독점 공급업체가 됩니다, FDA 승인 사용을 중점으로 하는 완화 치료에 집중합니다.

LOI의 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • Optimi는 규제 제출 및 향후 IND 신청을 위한 포괄적인 CMC 지원을 제공합니다
  • Psyence는 완화 치료를 위한 Optimi의 약물 후보에 대한 독점 권리를 취득합니다
  • 협력을 통해 실로시빈 기반 치료 및 질 높은 과학을 발전시키는 것을 목표로 합니다
  • 완화 치료의 맥락에서 적응 장애에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다

두 회사의 CEO는 잠재적인 파트너십에 대해 열정을 표명하며, 심리적 건강 치료의 발전에서 전략적 중요성을 강조했습니다.

Optimi Health Corp. (CSE: OPTI) et Psyence Biomedical (NASDAQ: PBM) ont signé une Lettre d'Intention (LOI) non contraignante pour un partenariat stratégique. Dans le cadre de cet accord, Optimi deviendra le fournisseur exclusif d'extrait de psilocybine d'origine naturelle certifié GMP pour les initiatives de développement de médicaments mondiaux de Psyence, en mettant l'accent sur une utilisation approuvée par la FDA en soins palliatifs.

Les points clés de la LOI incluent :

  • Optimi fournira un soutien CMC complet pour les soumissions réglementaires et les futures demandes IND
  • Psyence obtiendra des droits exclusifs sur le candidat-médicament d'Optimi pour le traitement des soins palliatifs
  • La collaboration vise à faire progresser les thérapies à base de psilocybine et la qualité scientifique
  • Accent sur le trouble d'ajustement dans le contexte des soins palliatifs

Les PDG des deux entreprises ont exprimé leur enthousiasme pour ce partenariat potentiel, soulignant son importance stratégique dans l'avancement des thérapies de santé mentale basées sur les psychédéliques.

Optimi Health Corp. (CSE: OPTI) und Psyence Biomedical (NASDAQ: PBM) haben eine nicht-bindende Absichtserklärung (LOI) für eine strategische Partnerschaft unterzeichnet. Im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung wird Optimi der exklusive Lieferant von GMP-naturabgeleiteten Psilocybin-Extrakten für die globalen Arzneimittelentwicklungsinitiativen von Psyence, mit dem Fokus auf FDA-genehmigte Anwendungen in der Palliativmedizin.

Wichtige Punkte der LOI sind:

  • Optimi wird umfassende CMC-Unterstützung für regulatorische Einreichungen und zukünftige IND-Anträge bereitstellen
  • Psyence erhält exklusive Rechte an Optimis Arzneimittelkandidaten für die Behandlung in der Palliativmedizin
  • Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, Therapien auf Psilocybinbasis und qualitativ hochwertige Wissenschaft voranzubringen
  • Fokus auf Anpassungsstörungen im Kontext der Palliativversorgung

Die CEOs beider Unternehmen äußerten ihre Begeisterung für die potenzielle Partnerschaft und hoben deren strategische Bedeutung für den Fortschritt von psychedelischen Therapien im Bereich der psychischen Gesundheit hervor.

  • Potential exclusive supplier agreement for GMP nature-derived psilocybin extract
  • Expansion into global drug development and FDA-approved use in Palliative Care
  • Comprehensive CMC support for regulatory submissions and IND applications
  • Exclusive rights to drug candidate for Palliative Care treatment
  • Strategic partnership to advance psilocybin-based therapies
  • Non-binding nature of the LOI
  • No guarantee of executing a fully binding agreement

This non-binding LOI between Optimi Health and Psyence Biomedical represents a strategic move in the emerging psychedelics pharmaceutical sector. The potential exclusive supply agreement for GMP nature-derived psilocybin extract could significantly bolster Psyence's drug development pipeline, particularly in palliative care applications.

However, investors should note that this is still a preliminary agreement. The psychedelics market, while promising, faces regulatory hurdles and uncertain timelines. The success of this partnership hinges on Psyence's ability to progress through clinical trials and obtain FDA approval, which is a lengthy and costly process with no guaranteed outcome.

From a competitive standpoint, this collaboration could position both companies favorably in the natural psilocybin space, differentiating them from synthetic alternatives. Yet, the financial impact remains speculative without concrete details on pricing, volumes, or revenue projections.

The potential partnership between Optimi and Psyence is noteworthy for its focus on nature-derived psilocybin in clinical applications. This approach may offer unique benefits over synthetic alternatives, potentially including a fuller spectrum of compounds that could enhance therapeutic effects.

Psyence's emphasis on palliative care, particularly for Adjustment Disorder, addresses a significant unmet need. However, the efficacy and safety of psilocybin in this context remain to be proven through rigorous clinical trials. The success of this venture will largely depend on the outcomes of these studies and subsequent regulatory approvals.

Optimi's commitment to providing comprehensive CMC support for regulatory submissions is crucial, as manufacturing consistency and quality are paramount in drug development. This could streamline the regulatory process, but challenges in scaling production while maintaining GMP standards should not be underestimated.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia and NEW YORK, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Optimi Health Corp. (CSE: OPTI) (OTCQX: OPTHF) (FRA: 8BN) (“Optimi”), a GMP-approved, Health Canada licensed psychedelics pharmaceutical manufacturer specializing in botanical psilocybin and MDMA, and Psyence Biomedical Ltd. (NASDAQ: PBM) (“Psyence”), a developer of nature-derived psilocybin-based therapeutics, are pleased to announce that the companies have entered into a non-binding Letter of Intent (“LOI”). This arrangement would position Optimi as the exclusive supplier of GMP nature-derived (non-synthetic) psilocybin extract for Psyence’s global drug development and commercialization initiatives for FDA-approved use in the Palliative Care context.

Under the terms of the LOI, and subject to the execution of a binding agreement, Optimi will become the exclusive supplier of GMP nature-derived (non-synthetic) psilocybin extract for Psyence. Optimi will provide comprehensive Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control (“CMC”) support for regulatory submissions related to these trials and any future Investigational New Drug (“IND”) applications. Psyence will obtain exclusive rights to Optimi’s drug candidate for treatment use in the Palliative Care context.

Bill Ciprick, Optimi Health CEO, expressed enthusiasm for the partnership: “This collaboration would bring together two innovative companies dedicated to advancing psilocybin-based therapies and quality science. By ensuring a reliable supply of high-quality GMP nature-derived psilocybin extract for Psyence's clinical trials, we will once again demonstrate our commitment to delivering products on demand and at the most affordable price.”

Neil Maresky, MD, Psyence Biomedical CEO, highlighted the strategic importance of this long-term arrangement: “The exclusive supply agreement, once executed, will provide Psyence Biomed with high-quality, mushroom-derived psilocybin extract needed for our critical studies within our global development program. With Optimi’s support, we will be able to confidently move forward with our clinical trials and regulatory submissions, aiming to bring transformative treatments for mental health conditions, leading with Adjustment Disorder in the context of Palliative Care. This partnership will solidify our commitment to pioneering advancements in psychedelic-based mental health therapies.”

The successful outcomes of these trials may enable Psyence to commercialize the licensed product, in a way that it believes will revolutionize treatments within the Palliative Care setting.

This is a non-binding LOI and there can be no guarantee that the companies will execute a fully binding agreement.

Contact Information

Optimi Health Corp.

For more information about Optimi Health Corp., please contact: Bill Ciprick, CEO
Telephone: (778) 761-4551

For media inquiries, please contact:
Andrea Mestrovic

For investor inquiries, please contact:
Michael Kydd

For more information, please visit

Psyence Biomed

Media Inquiries:
General Information:
Phone: +1 416-477-1708

Investor Contact:
Jeremy Feffer
Managing Director
LifeSci Advisors

About Psyence Biomed

Psyence Biomedical Ltd. (Nasdaq: PBM) is the world’s first life science biotechnology company focused on the development of botanical (nature-derived, or non-synthetic) psilocybin-based psychedelic medicine to be listed on Nasdaq. The name “Psyence” combines the words “psychedelics” and “science” to affirm Psyence Biomed’s commitment to an evidence-based approach to innovation as it works to develop safe and effective, nature-derived psychedelic therapeutics to treat a broad range of mental health disorders. Psyence is initially focused on mental health disorders in the context of Palliative Care.

About Optimi Health Corp.

Optimi Health Corp. (CSE: OPTI) (OTCQX: OPTHF) (FRA: 8BN) is a leading psychedelics pharmaceutical manufacturer licensed by Health Canada. Specializing in controlled substances such as botanical psilocybin and MDMA, Optimi is dedicated to supplying safe, top-tier GMP-grade products and APIs to researchers, drug developers, and authorized patients worldwide. Optimi’s facilities in Princeton, British Columbia, are purpose-built to develop proprietary formulations under strict GACP and GMP conditions, ensuring unparalleled quality and reliability. Optimi is committed to being the most trusted supplier of safe psychedelic drug candidates globally.

Forward-Looking Statements

Psyence Biomedical:

This communication contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements about future financial and operating results, our plans, objectives, expectations and intentions with respect to future operations, products and services; and other statements identified by words such as “will likely result,” “are expected to,” “will continue,” “is anticipated,” “estimated,” “believe,” “intend,” “plan,” “projection,” “outlook” or words of similar meaning.

Forward-looking statements in this communication include statements regarding potential terms of a definitive agreement, the success of the clinical trials and regulatory submissions referred to in this news release, , the safety and effectiveness of psilocybin as a treatment option for adjustment disorder within the context of Palliative Care, and Psyence’s ability to commercialize the licensed product. These forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions, including the assumption that the parties will be able to successfully negotiate and execute a definitive agreement and that the parties will be able to carry out their respective obligations thereunder.

There are numerous risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results or performance to be materially different from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among others: (i) the ability of the parties to successfully negotiate and execute a definitive agreement, (ii) the ability of Optimi to execute its obligations under such definitive agreement; (iii) changes in applicable laws which may impact the clinical trial and/or the conducting thereof; (iv) Psyence’s ability to achieve successful clinical results; (v) Psyence’s ability to obtain regulatory approval for its product candidates, and any related restrictions or limitations of any approved products; (vi) Psyence’s ability to obtain licensing of third-party intellectual property rights and supply of raw materials for future discovery and development of its product candidates; (vii) the ability of Psyence to maintain the listing of its common shares and warrants on Nasdaq; and (viii) volatility in the price of the securities of Psyence due to a variety of factors, including changes in the competitive and highly regulated industries in which Psyence operates, variations in performance across competitors, changes in laws and regulations affecting Psyence’s business and changes in Psyence’s capital structure. The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in the “Risk Factors” section of the Registration Statement on Form F-1, initially filed by Psyence with the SEC on February 9, 2024 and other documents filed by Psyence from time to time with the SEC. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Nothing in this communication should be regarded as a representation by any person that the forward-looking statements set forth herein will be achieved or that any of the contemplated results of such forward-looking statements will be achieved. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. Except as required by law, Psyence does not intend to update these forward-looking statements.

Psyence makes no medical, treatment or health benefit claims about Psyence’s proposed products. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Health Canada or other similar regulatory authorities have not evaluated claims regarding psilocybin, psilocybin analogues, or other psychedelic compounds or nutraceutical products. The efficacy of such products has not been confirmed by approved research. There is no assurance that the use of psilocybin, psilocybin analogues, or other psychedelic compounds or nutraceuticals can diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. Vigorous scientific research and clinical trials are needed. Psyence has not conducted clinical trials for the use of its proposed products. Any references to quality, consistency, efficacy, and safety of potential products do not imply that Psyence verified such in clinical trials or that Psyence will complete such trials. If Psyence cannot obtain the approvals or research necessary to commercialize its business, it may have a material adverse effect on Psyence’s performance and operations.


This news release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation (collectively, “forward-looking statements”) that relate to Optimi’s current expectations and views of future events. Any statements that express, or involve discussions as to, expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, through the use of words or phrases such as “will likely result,” “are expected to,” “expects,” “will continue,” “is anticipated,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimated,” “intends,” “plans,” “forecast,” “projection,” “strategy,” “objective,” and “outlook”) are not historical facts and may be forward-looking statements and may involve estimates, assumptions and uncertainties which could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed in such forward-looking statements. No assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements included in this news release should not be unduly relied upon. These statements speak only as of the date of this news release.

Forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond Optimi’s control, which could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking statements. Optimi undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by law. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for Optimi to predict all of them or assess the impact of each such factor or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Any forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


What is the purpose of the LOI between Optimi Health and Psyence Biomedical?

The LOI aims to establish Optimi Health as the exclusive supplier of GMP nature-derived psilocybin extract for Psyence Biomedical's global drug development initiatives, focusing on FDA-approved use in Palliative Care.

What specific area of treatment is Psyence Biomedical (NASDAQ: PBM) focusing on?

Psyence Biomedical is focusing on Adjustment Disorder in the context of Palliative Care as their lead indication for psilocybin-based therapies.

What support will Optimi Health provide to Psyence Biomedical under the LOI?

Optimi Health will provide comprehensive Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control (CMC) support for regulatory submissions and future Investigational New Drug (IND) applications.

Is the Letter of Intent (LOI) between Optimi Health and Psyence Biomedical binding?

No, the LOI is non-binding, and there is no guarantee that the companies will execute a fully binding agreement.

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