Pitney Bowes Announces Value-Maximizing Exit Path for Global Ecommerce Segment

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Pitney Bowes Inc. (NYSE: PBI) has announced a value-maximizing exit path for its Global Ecommerce (GEC) segment. The company has sold a controlling interest in the GEC entities to Hilco Commercial Industrial, which plans to lead an orderly wind-down of the business under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. This strategic move is expected to eliminate approximately $136 million in annual losses associated with GEC, allowing Pitney Bowes to focus on its core, cash-generating businesses: SendTech, Presort, and Financial Services.

The decision follows a comprehensive strategic review by the Board of Directors. The wind-down process is anticipated to conclude in early 2025, with Pitney Bowes providing up to $45 million in debtor-in-possession financing to support the liquidation. The company expects to incur one-time cash costs not exceeding $150 million in connection with the GEC exit.

Pitney Bowes Inc. (NYSE: PBI) ha annunciato un percorso di uscita per massimizzare il valore del suo segmento Global Ecommerce (GEC). L'azienda ha venduto una partecipazione di controllo nelle entità GEC a Hilco Commercial Industrial, che prevede di guidare una chiusura ordinata dell'attività sotto la protezione del fallimento ai sensi del Capitolo 11. Questa mossa strategica dovrebbe eliminare circa 136 milioni di dollari di perdite annue associate al GEC, consentendo a Pitney Bowes di concentrarsi sui propri core business generatori di cassa: SendTech, Presort e Servizi Finanziari.

La decisione segue un'ampia revisione strategica da parte del Consiglio di Amministrazione. Si prevede che il processo di chiusura si concluda all'inizio del 2025, con Pitney Bowes che fornirà fino a 45 milioni di dollari in finanziamenti per i debitori in possesso per sostenere la liquidazione. L'azienda prevede di sostenere costi in contante una tantum non superiori a 150 milioni di dollari in relazione all'uscita dal GEC.

Pitney Bowes Inc. (NYSE: PBI) ha anunciado un camino de salida para maximizar el valor de su segmento de Comercio Electrónico Global (GEC). La compañía ha vendido un interés de control en las entidades GEC a Hilco Commercial Industrial, que planea liderar un cierre ordenado del negocio bajo la protección del capítulo 11 de quiebra. Este movimiento estratégico tiene como objetivo eliminar aproximadamente 136 millones de dólares en pérdidas anuales asociadas con el GEC, lo que permitirá a Pitney Bowes centrarse en sus negocios principales generadores de efectivo: SendTech, Presort y Servicios Financieros.

La decisión sigue una revisión estratégica exhaustiva por parte de la Junta Directiva. Se anticipa que el proceso de cierre concluirá a principios de 2025, con Pitney Bowes proporcionando hasta 45 millones de dólares en financiamiento de deudor en posesión para apoyar la liquidación. La compañía espera incurrir en costos en efectivo únicos que no excedan los 150 millones de dólares en relación con la salida del GEC.

Pitney Bowes Inc. (NYSE: PBI)는 글로벌 전자상거래(GEC) 부서의 가치를 극대화하는 퇴출 경로를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 GEC 자산에 대한 지배 지분을 Hilco Commercial Industrial에 매각했으며, 이들은 챕터 11 파산 보호 아래 비즈니스의 질서 있는 정리를 이끌 계획입니다. 이 전략적 조치는 GEC와 관련된 연간 손실 약 1억 3600만 달러를 제거할 것으로 예상됩니다, 이는 Pitney Bowes가 SendTech, Presort 및 금융 서비스라는 핵심 현금 창출 비즈니스에 집중할 수 있도록 합니다.

이 결정은 이사회에 의한 종합적인 전략 검토를 따릅니다. 정리 절차는 2025년 초에 완료될 것으로 예상되며, Pitney Bowes는 청산을 지원하기 위해 최대 4500만 달러의 채무자 소유자 자금을 제공할 것입니다. 회사는 GEC 퇴출과 관련하여 1회성 현금 비용이 1억 5000만 달러를 초과하지 않을 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

Pitney Bowes Inc. (NYSE: PBI) a annoncé un plan de sortie maximisant la valeur de son segment Global Ecommerce (GEC). L'entreprise a vendu une participation majoritaire dans les entités GEC à Hilco Commercial Industrial, qui prévoit de mener une liquidation ordonnée de l'entreprise sous la protection de la faillite en vertu du chapitre 11. Ce mouvement stratégique devrait éliminer environ 136 millions de dollars de pertes annuelles associées au GEC, permettant à Pitney Bowes de se concentrer sur ses activités principales génératrices de liquidités : SendTech, Presort et Services Financiers.

La décision fait suite à un examen stratégique complet par le Conseil d'Administration. Le processus de liquidation devrait se conclure au début de 2025, Pitney Bowes fournissant jusqu'à 45 millions de dollars de financement pour les débiteurs en possession afin de soutenir la liquidation. L'entreprise s'attend à encourir des coûts en espèces uniques ne dépassant pas 150 millions de dollars en rapport avec la sortie du GEC.

Pitney Bowes Inc. (NYSE: PBI) hat einen wertmaximierenden Ausstiegsplan für sein Global Ecommerce (GEC) Segment angekündigt. Das Unternehmen hat eine kontrollierende Beteiligung an den GEC-Einheiten an Hilco Commercial Industrial verkauft, die plant, einen geordneten Rückzug des Geschäfts unter dem Schutz des Chapter 11 Insolvenzverfahrens zu leiten. Dieser strategische Schritt soll etwa 136 Millionen Dollar jährliche Verluste im Zusammenhang mit GEC beseitigen, wodurch Pitney Bowes sich auf seine kernschlüssige, cashgenerierende Geschäfte konzentrieren kann: SendTech, Presort und Finanzdienstleistungen.

Die Entscheidung folgt einer umfassenden strategischen Überprüfung durch den Vorstand. Der Rückzugsprozess wird voraussichtlich Anfang 2025 abgeschlossen sein, wobei Pitney Bowes bis zu 45 Millionen Dollar an Finanzierung für Schuldner in Eigenverwaltung bereitstellen wird, um die Liquidation zu unterstützen. Das Unternehmen erwartet, einmalige Baraufwendungen von nicht mehr als 150 Millionen Dollar im Zusammenhang mit dem GEC-Ausstieg zu haben.

  • Elimination of ~$136 million in annual losses associated with the Global Ecommerce segment
  • Increased focus on core, cash-generating businesses: SendTech, Presort, and Financial Services
  • Expected progress in deleveraging the company's balance sheet
  • Potential for stronger financial results in 2025 and beyond
  • One-time cash costs up to $150 million for the GEC exit
  • Provision of $45 million in debtor-in-possession financing for GEC liquidation
  • Potential short-term disruption during the wind-down process

This is a significant strategic move for Pitney Bowes. The company is divesting its unprofitable Global Ecommerce (GEC) segment, which reported losses of $136 million in 2023. This decision should improve the company's financial health by eliminating a major source of losses.

The transaction involves selling a controlling interest in GEC to Hilco Commercial Industrial, which will lead a Chapter 11 bankruptcy process. Pitney Bowes is providing a $45 million DIP financing to support the liquidation. The company expects to incur one-time cash costs of up to $150 million for this exit.

This move allows Pitney Bowes to focus on its core, cash-generating businesses: SendTech, Presort and Financial Services. The company anticipates improved profitability and progress in deleveraging its balance sheet. Investors should watch for stronger financial results in 2025 and beyond as a result of this strategic realignment.

Pitney Bowes' decision to exit the Global Ecommerce segment represents a critical pivot in corporate strategy. By divesting a consistently underperforming business unit, the company is making a bold move to streamline operations and focus on its strengths.

This strategic realignment should lead to:

  • Improved overall profitability
  • Enhanced focus on core competencies
  • Potential for increased shareholder value

The choice of a Chapter 11 process for GEC, managed by Hilco, suggests a structured and controlled exit that aims to maximize value recovery. This approach demonstrates prudent management of the divestiture process, balancing stakeholder interests while pursuing a cleaner break from the loss-making segment.

The restructuring approach chosen by Pitney Bowes for its GEC segment is well-structured and pragmatic. By selling a controlling interest to Hilco and supporting a Chapter 11 process, the company is leveraging expertise in asset liquidation while maintaining some control over the wind-down.

Key aspects of this restructuring include:

  • Amendments to credit agreements to prevent default triggers
  • $45 million DIP financing to support an orderly liquidation
  • Expected completion by early 2025

This approach should help mitigate potential liabilities and maximize asset recovery. The $150 million estimated cash cost for the exit seems reasonable given the scale of the operation being wound down. Overall, this restructuring plan appears designed to minimize disruption to Pitney Bowes' ongoing operations while efficiently exiting the unprofitable segment.

Company Sells Controlling Interest in Global Ecommerce Entities to Hilco Commercial Industrial, Which Intends to Lead Orderly and Expeditious Wind-Down of Global Ecommerce Business

Transaction Paves Way for Company to Eliminate ~$136 Million in Annual Losses and Fully Focus on Core, Cash-Generating Businesses

STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Pitney Bowes Inc. (NYSE: PBI) (“Pitney Bowes” or the “Company”), a global shipping and mailing company that provides technology, logistics and financial services, today announced that it has sold a controlling interest in the entities representing a substantial majority of the Global Ecommerce (“GEC”) segment (the “GEC Entities”) operating in the U.S. to Hilco Commercial Industrial, an affiliate of Hilco Global (“Hilco”), to support a value-maximizing liquidation of certain of the GEC Entities under the protection of Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. This sale of the controlling interest occurred on August 8, 2024. Hilco is a recognized leader in helping companies maximize the value of their assets and has worked with numerous organizations to wind-down operations in an efficient, responsible manner.

Pitney Bowes’ Board of Directors (the “Board”) conducted a comprehensive strategic review, with the assistance of independent legal and financial advisors, prior to ultimately determining that this exit path for GEC is in the best interests of both the Company’s shareholders and other stakeholders. Notably, the GEC segment had been struggling to achieve profitability over the past several years in the face of macroeconomic and industry headwinds. The Company expects this exit path to eliminate substantially all of the losses associated with GEC, which were equal to approximately $136 million for the year ended December 31, 2023. Pitney Bowes is committed to ensuring that this process is as seamless as possible for GEC employees, customers, partners and vendors.

Lance Rosenzweig, Interim Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board, commented:

“When the Company announced our four strategic priorities in late May, we committed to working with speed and urgency to complete a comprehensive review of alternatives for GEC. We are pleased to have delivered on that commitment by concluding a productive review and identifying an exit path for GEC that provides for an orderly and efficient wind-down of the business, which will ultimately maximize value for Pitney Bowes shareholders. This path also gives us a clear runway to streamline the Company and increase profitability across our core, cash-generating businesses: SendTech, Presort and Financial Services. In conjunction with our cost reduction efforts and progress on cash optimization, exiting GEC will also allow Pitney Bowes to make substantial progress in deleveraging our balance sheet. With these steps, we will be well-positioned to deliver stronger results in 2025 and pursue enhanced value for shareholders in the years to come.”

The Company’s SendTech and Presort segments will continue to operate in the normal course, and customers, partners and vendors should not expect any impact. Additionally, the Pitney Bowes Bank will not be affected by the GEC exit and will also continue to conduct business in ordinary course.

Overview of GEC Exit Path

Key details associated with the liquidation and wind-down, which were approved by Pitney Bowes’ Board and GEC’s independent governing body, as applicable, are as follows:

  • Pitney Bowes has entered into amendments to the Company’s credit agreement and note purchase agreement to allow for the GEC exit without triggering any events of default for Pitney Bowes, and also release the guarantees and liens provided by the GEC Entities.
  • Under Hilco’s ownership, two of the GEC Entities today commenced voluntary cases under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
  • Pitney Bowes and GEC have signed a restructuring support agreement (“RSA”) to facilitate GEC’s smooth transition into Chapter 11. In accordance with the RSA, a subsidiary of Pitney Bowes has committed to provide the GEC Entities, subject to court approval, an approximately $45 million in debtor-in-possession (“DIP”) financing in the form of a delayed draw term loan. This DIP financing will support the efficient liquidation of the GEC Entities through the Chapter 11 cases.
  • Pitney Bowes anticipates that it will incur one-time cash costs not to exceed approximately $150 million in connection with the GEC exit.
  • The parties expect that the wind-down process, which will require certain approvals from the bankruptcy court, will conclude in early 2025.

Additional information is available at and


BRG is acting as restructuring advisor, Vinson & Elkins LLP is acting as legal advisor and Longacre Square Partners LLC is acting as strategic and communications advisor to Pitney Bowes. Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP is acting as legal advisor, Portage Point Partners is acting as financial advisor and Hilco Commercial Industrial and its affiliates are acting as wind-down consultants to the GEC subsidiaries.

About Pitney Bowes

Pitney Bowes (NYSE: PBI) is a global shipping and mailing company that provides technology, logistics and financial services to more than 90 percent of the Fortune 500. Small business, retail, enterprise and government clients around the world rely on Pitney Bowes to remove the complexity of sending mail and parcels. For additional information, visit:

Forward-Looking Statements

This document contains “forward-looking statements” about the Company’s expected or potential future business and financial performance. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about future revenue and earnings guidance, future events or conditions, and expected cost savings, elimination of future losses, and anticipated deleveraging in connection with Pitney Bowes’ announced strategic initiatives. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Factors which could cause future financial performance to differ materially from expectations include, without limitation, declining physical mail volumes; changes in postal regulations or the operations and financial health of posts in the U.S. or other major markets or changes to the broader postal or shipping markets; the potential adverse effects of the GEC exit and wind-down and related transactions on the Company’s operations, management and employees and the risks associated with operating the business during the restructuring process and exit from the GEC business; risks and uncertainties associated with the GEC exit and wind-down and related transactions, including the ability to achieve the anticipated benefits therefrom; the ability to successfully implement the Company’s 2024 worldwide cost reduction initiative, the Company’s cost rationalization and optimization initiatives and to achieve expected cost reductions and improved efficiencies in connection therewith; the loss of some of Pitney Bowes’ larger clients in the Presort Services segments; the loss of, or significant changes to, United States Postal Service (USPS) commercial programs, or the Company’s contractual relationships with the USPS or their performance under those contracts; the impacts of higher interest rates and the potential for future interest rate increases on Pitney Bowes’ cost of debt; and other factors as more fully outlined in the Company's 2023 Form 10-K Annual Report and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission during 2024. Pitney Bowes assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this document as a result of new information, events or developments.

Chapter 11 Claims Agent:


Toll-Free Case Hotline Number: (855) 314-0664

International Case Hotline Number: (714) 716-1968


Longacre Square Partners

Joe Germani / Jessica McDougall, 646-386-0091 /

Investor Relations:

Alex Brown

Source: Pitney Bowes Inc.


What is Pitney Bowes' plan for its Global Ecommerce segment?

Pitney Bowes (NYSE: PBI) has sold a controlling interest in its Global Ecommerce (GEC) entities to Hilco Commercial Industrial, which will lead an orderly wind-down of the business under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. This exit strategy aims to eliminate approximately $136 million in annual losses associated with GEC.

How will the GEC exit affect Pitney Bowes' financial performance?

The GEC exit is expected to eliminate about $136 million in annual losses, allowing Pitney Bowes (NYSE: PBI) to focus on its profitable core businesses. The company anticipates stronger financial results in 2025 and beyond, although it will incur one-time cash costs up to $150 million for the exit process.

When is the wind-down process for Pitney Bowes' GEC segment expected to conclude?

Pitney Bowes (NYSE: PBI) expects the wind-down process for its Global Ecommerce (GEC) segment to conclude in early 2025, subject to certain approvals from the bankruptcy court.

Will Pitney Bowes' other business segments be affected by the GEC exit?

No, Pitney Bowes (NYSE: PBI) has stated that its SendTech and Presort segments, as well as the Pitney Bowes Bank, will continue to operate in the normal course and should not be affected by the Global Ecommerce (GEC) segment exit.

Pitney Bowes Inc.


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