CalPrivate Bank Ranked as #10 U.S. Bank by Bank Director’s RankingBanking®

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CalPrivate Bank, a subsidiary of Private Bancorp of America, Inc. (OTCQX: PBAM), has been ranked as the 10th best bank in the U.S. by Bank Director's RankingBanking® 'The Best U.S. Banks 2024' list. The bank also secured the #1 position for both Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) among banks with less than $5 billion in assets. This recognition highlights CalPrivate Bank's commitment to excellence, innovation, and client-focused banking solutions.

The RankingBanking® list evaluates banks based on profitability, capital adequacy, and asset quality using four key metrics: core return on average equity, core return on average assets, tangible common equity ratio, and nonperforming assets to loans and other real estate owned. CEO Rick Sowers attributes this success to the team's dedication in delivering outstanding service and innovative solutions to clients.

CalPrivate Bank, una controllata di Private Bancorp of America, Inc. (OTCQX: PBAM), è stata classificata come la 10ª migliore banca negli Stati Uniti dalla lista 'The Best U.S. Banks 2024' di Bank Director's RankingBanking®. La banca ha anche ottenuto la posizione #1 sia per il Rendimento degli Attivi (ROA) che per il Rendimento del Capitale (ROE) tra le banche con meno di 5 miliardi di dollari in attivi. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'impegno di CalPrivate Bank per l'eccellenza, l'innovazione e soluzioni bancarie orientate al cliente.

La lista RankingBanking® valuta le banche sulla base della redditività, adeguatezza del capitale e qualità degli attivi utilizzando quattro metriche chiave: rendimento fondamentale sul capitale medio, rendimento fondamentale sugli attivi medi, rapporto di capitale comune tangibile e attivi non performanti rispetto a prestiti e altri immobili posseduti. Il CEO Rick Sowers attribuisce questo successo alla dedizione del team nella fornitura di un servizio eccezionale e soluzioni innovative ai clienti.

CalPrivate Bank, una subsidiaria de Private Bancorp of America, Inc. (OTCQX: PBAM), ha sido clasificada como la 10ª mejor banco en los EE.UU. en la lista 'The Best U.S. Banks 2024' de RankingBanking® de Bank Director. El banco también obtuvo la posición #1 tanto en Retorno sobre Activos (ROA) como en Retorno sobre Patrimonio (ROE) entre los bancos con menos de $5 mil millones en activos. Este reconocimiento destaca el compromiso de CalPrivate Bank con la excelencia, la innovación y soluciones bancarias centradas en el cliente.

La lista RankingBanking® evalúa a los bancos en base a la rentabilidad, la adecuación de capital y la calidad de los activos utilizando cuatro métricas clave: retorno base sobre el patrimonio promedio, retorno base sobre los activos promedio, ratio de capital común tangible y activos no rentables en relación con préstamos y otros bienes raíces en propiedad. El CEO Rick Sowers atribuye este éxito a la dedicación del equipo para ofrecer un servicio excepcional y soluciones innovadoras a los clientes.

CalPrivate Bank는 Private Bancorp of America, Inc. (OTCQX: PBAM)의 자회사로, Bank Director의 RankingBanking® 'The Best U.S. Banks 2024' 목록에서 미국에서 10번째로 좋은 은행으로 평가되었습니다. 이 은행은 또한 자산이 50억 달러 미만인 은행 중에서 자산수익률(ROA)과 자기자본수익률(ROE)에서 모두 1위를 기록했습니다. 이 인식은 CalPrivate Bank가 탁월함, 혁신 및 고객 중심의 은행 솔루션에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다.

RankingBanking® 목록은 네 가지 주요 지표를 사용하여 은행을 수익성, 자본 적정성 및 자산 품질을 기준으로 평가합니다: 평균 자기자본에 대한 기본 수익률, 평균 자산에 대한 기본 수익률, 유동자산 비율 및 부실자산 비율. CEO Rick Sowers는 고객에게 뛰어난 서비스와 혁신적인 솔루션을 제공하기 위한 팀의 헌신 덕분에 이러한 성공을 얻었다고 강조합니다.

CalPrivate Bank, une filiale de Private Bancorp of America, Inc. (OTCQX: PBAM), a été classée comme la 10ème meilleure banque aux États-Unis par la liste 'The Best U.S. Banks 2024' de Bank Director's RankingBanking®. La banque a également obtenu la première place tant en Rendement des Actifs (ROA) qu'en Rendement des Capitaux Propres (ROE) parmi les banques ayant moins de 5 milliards de dollars d'actifs. Cette reconnaissance souligne l'engagement de CalPrivate Bank envers l'excellence, l'innovation et des solutions bancaires axées sur le client.

La liste RankingBanking® évalue les banques sur la base de leur rentabilité, de l'adéquation des capitaux et de la qualité des actifs en utilisant quatre indicateurs clés : rendement de base sur le capital moyen, rendement de base sur les actifs moyens, ratio de capital commun tangible et actifs nonperformants par rapport aux prêts et à d'autres biens immobiliers détenus. Le PDG Rick Sowers attribue ce succès à l'engagement de l'équipe à fournir un service exceptionnel et des solutions innovantes aux clients.

CalPrivate Bank, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Private Bancorp of America, Inc. (OTCQX: PBAM), wurde von der RankingBanking®-Liste 'Die besten Banken in den USA 2024' von Bank Director als 10. beste Bank in den USA eingestuft. Die Bank sicherte sich auch die Platzierung #1 sowohl im Return on Assets (ROA) als auch im Return on Equity (ROE) unter Banken mit weniger als 5 Milliarden Dollar an Vermögenswerten. Diese Auszeichnung unterstreicht das Engagement der CalPrivate Bank für Exzellenz, Innovation und kundenorientierte Banklösungen.

Die RankingBanking®-Liste bewertet Banken anhand ihrer Rentabilität, Eigenkapitalausstattung und Vermögensqualität unter Verwendung von vier wichtigen Kennzahlen: Basisrendite auf das durchschnittliche Eigenkapital, Basisrendite auf die durchschnittlichen Vermögenswerte, Ratio des materiellen Eigenkapitals und nicht leistungsfähige Vermögenswerte im Verhältnis zu Krediten und anderen Immobilien im Eigentum. CEO Rick Sowers führt diesen Erfolg auf das Engagement des Teams zurück, den Kunden herausragenden Service und innovative Lösungen zu bieten.

  • Ranked 10th best bank in the U.S. by Bank Director's RankingBanking®
  • #1 ranking for both ROA and ROE among banks with <$5 billion in assets
  • Strong performance in profitability, capital adequacy, and asset quality metrics
  • None.

LA JOLLA, Calif., Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Private Bancorp of America, Inc. (OTCQX: PBAM) (“Company”) and CalPrivate Bank (“Bank”) – CalPrivate Bank is proud to announce its ranking as the 10th best bank in the U.S. on Bank Director’s RankingBanking® esteemed “The Best U.S. Banks 2024” list, sponsored by Crowe. Additionally, the bank ranked #1 for both Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) among banks with less than $5 billion in assets. This accolade highlights CalPrivate Bank’s dedication to excellence, innovation, and delivering Client-focused banking solutions.

The RankingBanking® annual list evaluates banks across the United States based on a comprehensive set of criteria. Four metrics were used to assess profitability, capital adequacy, and asset quality: core return on average equity, core return on average assets, the tangible common equity ratio, and nonperforming assets to loans and other real estate owned. CalPrivate Bank’s inclusion in these rankings highlights its dedication to providing exceptional banking services and its role as a trusted financial partner.

“We are honored to be recognized as one of the best banks in the U.S. for 2024,” said Rick Sowers CEO of CalPrivate Bank. “This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our Team, who strive every day to deliver Outstanding Service and Innovative Solutions to our Clients.”

CalPrivate Bank has consistently focused on personalized banking experiences, leveraging cutting-edge technology to meet the evolving needs of its Clients. The bank’s commitment to community involvement further distinguishes it as a leader in the industry.

As CalPrivate Bank continues to grow and innovate, it remains dedicated to its core values of Relationships, Solutions and Trust. This recognition by Bank Director’s RankingBanking® serves as a milestone in the bank’s journey towards setting new standards in the banking industry.

For more information about CalPrivate Bank and its services, please visit

About Private Bancorp of America, Inc.

Private Bancorp of America, Inc. is the holding company for CalPrivate Bank. CalPrivate Bank provides a Distinctly Different banking experience through unparalleled service and creative funding solutions to high-net-worth individuals, professionals, locally owned businesses and real estate entrepreneurs. Clients are serviced through offices in Coronado, San Diego, La Jolla, Newport Beach, South Bay LA and Beverly Hills as well as efficient electronic banking offerings. The Bank also offers various portfolio and government guaranteed lending programs, including SBA and cross-border Export-Import Bank programs. CalPrivate Bank is an SBA Preferred Lender, and a Bauer Financial 5 star rated bank.

Investor Relations Contact

Rick Sowers | President and CEO

Private Bancorp of America, Inc.

(424) 303-4894


What ranking did CalPrivate Bank achieve in Bank Director's RankingBanking® list for 2024?

CalPrivate Bank was ranked as the 10th best bank in the U.S. on Bank Director's RankingBanking® 'The Best U.S. Banks 2024' list.

How did CalPrivate Bank (PBAM) perform in ROA and ROE rankings for 2024?

CalPrivate Bank ranked #1 for both Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) among banks with less than $5 billion in assets.

What metrics were used to evaluate banks in the RankingBanking® list?

The RankingBanking® list used four metrics: core return on average equity, core return on average assets, tangible common equity ratio, and nonperforming assets to loans and other real estate owned.

Who is the CEO of CalPrivate Bank (PBAM) mentioned in the 2024 ranking announcement?

Rick Sowers is mentioned as the CEO of CalPrivate Bank in the announcement of the 2024 bank rankings.



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