Paychex Named a Leader in Payroll Services by NelsonHall for Eighth Time

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Paychex has been recognized as a 'Leader' in NelsonHall's 2024 Vendor Evaluation and Assessment Tool (NEAT) report for payroll service providers, marking the eighth consecutive year for this acknowledgment. The recognition is specifically for Paychex Flex®, the company's cloud-based SaaS solution.

NelsonHall's evaluation criteria included the ability to deliver immediate client benefits and meet future requirements. Paychex was placed in the 'Leader' quadrant for Digital Payroll and Extended Services, reflecting its capability to fully meet both criteria.

In 2024, Paychex introduced new solutions like Paychex Flex® Perks, a digital marketplace for employee benefits including early access to earned wages, financial wellness solutions, and voluntary lifestyle benefits. This aligns with the critical need for timely employee pay and benefits, especially for small and mid-sized companies competing for talent against larger organizations.

Paychex è stata riconosciuta come 'Leader' nel rapporto NEAT (Vendor Evaluation and Assessment Tool) di NelsonHall per i fornitori di servizi di payroll nel 2024, segnando l'ottavo anno consecutivo per questo riconoscimento. L'assegnazione è specificamente relativa a Paychex Flex®, la soluzione SaaS basata su cloud dell'azienda.

I criteri di valutazione di NelsonHall includevano la capacità di fornire benefici immediati ai clienti e soddisfare requisiti futuri. Paychex è stata collocata nel 'quadrante Leader per il Payroll Digitale e i Servizi Estesi', riflettendo la sua capacità di soddisfare pienamente entrambi i criteri.

Nel 2024, Paychex ha introdotto nuove soluzioni come Paychex Flex® Perks, un marketplace digitale per i benefici dei dipendenti che include accesso anticipato ai salari guadagnati, soluzioni per il benessere finanziario e benefici volontari per lo stile di vita. Questo è in linea con la necessità critica di pagamenti e benefici tempestivi per i dipendenti, specialmente per le piccole e medie imprese che competono per attrarre talenti rispetto ad aziende più grandi.

Paychex ha sido reconocida como 'Líder' en el informe NEAT (Vendor Evaluation and Assessment Tool) de NelsonHall para proveedores de servicios de nómina en 2024, marcando el octavo año consecutivo de este reconocimiento. La distinción es específicamente para Paychex Flex®, la solución SaaS basada en la nube de la compañía.

Los criterios de evaluación de NelsonHall incluyeron la capacidad de ofrecer beneficios inmediatos a los clientes y cumplir con los requisitos futuros. Paychex fue ubicada en el 'cuadrante Líder para Nómina Digital y Servicios Extendidos', reflejando su capacidad para satisfacer plenamente ambos criterios.

En 2024, Paychex introdujo nuevas soluciones como Paychex Flex® Perks, un mercado digital para beneficios de empleados que incluye acceso anticipado a salarios ganados, soluciones de bienestar financiero y beneficios voluntarios para el estilo de vida. Esto se alinea con la necesidad crítica de pagos y beneficios oportunos para los empleados, especialmente para pequeñas y medianas empresas que compiten por talento frente a organizaciones más grandes.

Paychex는 2024년 넬슨홀(NelsonHall)의 급여 서비스 제공업체를 위한 NEAT(벤더 평가 및 평가 툴) 보고서에서 '리더'로 인정받았으며, 이는 8년 연속입니다. 이 인식은 회사의 클라우드 기반 SaaS 솔루션인 Paychex Flex®에 대해 주어졌습니다.

넬슨홀의 평가 기준에는 즉각적인 고객 혜택을 제공하고 향후 요구 사항을 충족하는 능력이 포함되었습니다. Paychex는 '디지털 급여 및 확장 서비스에 대한 리더 사분면'에 배치되어 두 기준을 모두 완전히 충족하는 능력을 반영합니다.

2024년, Paychex는 급여가 발생한 즉시 접근할 수 있는 새로운 솔루션인 Paychex Flex® Perks와 같은 직원 혜택을 위한 디지털 마켓플레이스를 도입했습니다. 이는 특히 소규모 및 중간 규모 기업들이 더 큰 조직과 인재를 유치하기 위해 경쟁하는 가운데, 직원 급여 및 혜택의 적시 제공의 중요성과 일치합니다.

Paychex a été reconnu comme 'Leader' dans le rapport NEAT (Vendor Evaluation and Assessment Tool) de NelsonHall pour les fournisseurs de services de paie en 2024, marquant la huitième année consécutive de cette reconnaissance. Cette distinction est spécifiquement attribuée à Paychex Flex®, la solution SaaS basée sur le cloud de l'entreprise.

Les critères d'évaluation de NelsonHall incluaient la capacité à offrir des avantages immédiats aux clients et à répondre aux besoins futurs. Paychex a été classé dans le 'quadrant Leader pour la Paie Numérique et les Services Étendus', reflétant sa capacité à satisfaire pleinement ces deux critères.

En 2024, Paychex a introduit de nouvelles solutions comme Paychex Flex® Perks, un marché numérique pour les avantages des employés, comprenant l'accès anticipé aux salaires gagnés, des solutions de bien-être financier et des avantages volontaires liés au mode de vie. Cela correspond au besoin critique de paiements et de prestations en temps voulu pour les employés, en particulier pour les petites et moyennes entreprises qui rivalisent pour attirer les talents face à des organisations plus grandes.

Paychex wurde im NEAT (Vendor Evaluation and Assessment Tool)-Bericht von NelsonHall für Lohnabrechnungsdienstleister im Jahr 2024 als 'Leader' anerkannt, womit dies das achte Jahr in Folge ist. Die Anerkennung bezieht sich speziell auf Paychex Flex®, die cloudbasierte SaaS-Lösung des Unternehmens.

Die Bewertungskriterien von NelsonHall umfassten die Fähigkeit, sofortige Vorteile für die Kunden zu bieten und zukünftige Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Paychex wurde im 'Leader-Quadranten für digitale Löhne und erweiterte Dienstleistungen' platziert, was die Fähigkeit widerspiegelt, beide Kriterien vollständig zu erfüllen.

Im Jahr 2024 führte Paychex neue Lösungen wie Paychex Flex® Perks ein, einen digitalen Marktplatz für Mitarbeiterbenefits, der unter anderem die frühzeitige Verfügung über verdiente Löhne, finanzielle Wellnesslösungen und freiwillige Lebensstilvorteile umfasst. Dies steht im Einklang mit dem dringenden Bedarf an zeitgerechter Gehalts- und Leistungsbereitstellung für Mitarbeiter, insbesondere für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen, die um Talente gegen größere Unternehmen kämpfen.

  • Recognized as a 'Leader' in NelsonHall's 2024 NEAT report for payroll service providers
  • Eighth consecutive year of receiving this acknowledgment for Paychex Flex®
  • Placed in the 'Leader' quadrant for Digital Payroll and Extended Services
  • Introduction of Paychex Flex® Perks, a digital marketplace for employee benefits
  • None.

Paychex Flex® recognized as a Leader in Digital Payroll Capability and Extended Services Capability


Global analyst and research firm NelsonHall has once again recognized Paychex, Inc., a leading provider of integrated human capital management software solutions for human resources, employee benefits, insurance services, and payroll, as a “Leader” in its 2024 Vendor Evaluation and Assessment Tool (NEAT) report for payroll service providers.

Paychex Flex® recognized as a Leader in Digital Payroll Capability and Extended Services Capability. (Graphic: Business Wire)

Paychex Flex® recognized as a Leader in Digital Payroll Capability and Extended Services Capability. (Graphic: Business Wire)

This marks the eighth year running that the company has received this acknowledgment for Paychex Flex®, the company’s cloud-based SaaS solution.

The NelsonHall Payroll Services NEAT report derives from the research and examination of 19 companies with criteria including: (1) the ability to deliver immediate client benefits and (2) the ability to meet clients’ future requirements. Placement in the "Leader" quadrant for Digital Payroll and Extended Services reflects Paychex’s ability to fully meet both evaluation criteria.

Liz Rennie, NelsonHall’s HR & talent transformation research director, said, “Paychex is a Leader in the Digital Payroll Capability and Extended Services Capability market segments based on its ability to deliver digital enablement and its broad service offering. This includes future-focused technology to reimagine payroll, incorporating digital pay onboarding, marketplaces, pay simulations and what-if forecasting analysis. It also delivers visibility of conversations, rate changes, processes and pay insights in new and modern ways of engaging employees in support of their changing and growing requirements.”

“We are honored to be acknowledged by NelsonHall for our innovative technology designed to provide businesses of all sizes with the tools they need to drive productivity and enable an engaged workforce,” said Tom Hammond, Paychex managing director of strategy, partnership, and business development. “Payroll is the foundation of the employer-employee relationship. For over five decades, Paychex has been strategically expanding our capabilities to fortify that relationship by offering our customers solutions that help them manage and engage their workforce from pre-hire to retire.”

In 2024, Paychex released new solutions such as Paychex Flex® Perks, a digital marketplace for employee benefits that includes early access to earned wages, financial wellness solutions, and voluntary lifestyle benefits. A recent PayrollOrg survey found that 77% of individuals would struggle to meet their financial obligations if their paycheck was delayed by a week, underscoring how critical wage access benefits can be.

“We understand the critical need for timely employee pay and benefits, especially for small and mid-sized companies who are looking to compete for talent against larger organizations with bigger budgets. Offering SMBs a solution for early access to earned wages and voluntary lifestyle benefits creates a better environment for a more engaged and thriving workforce,” added Hammond.

Visit to learn more about the Paychex suite of solutions, including payroll.

About Paychex

Paychex, Inc. (Nasdaq: PAYX) is an industry-leading HCM company delivering a full suite of technology and advisory services in human resources, employee benefit solutions, insurance, and payroll. The company serves over 745,000 customers in the U.S. and Europe and pays one out of every 12 American private sector employees. The more than 16,000 people at Paychex are committed to helping businesses succeed and building thriving communities where they work and live. Visit to learn more.

About NelsonHall

NelsonHall is the leading global analyst firm dedicated to helping organizations understand the 'art of the possible' in digital operations transformation. With analysts in the U.S., U.K., Continental Europe, and Asia, NelsonHall provides buy-side organizations with detailed, critical information on markets and vendors (including NEAT assessments) that helps them make fast and highly informed sourcing decisions. And for vendors, NelsonHall provides deep knowledge of market dynamics and user requirements to help them hone their go-to-market strategies. NelsonHall's analysis is based on rigorous, primary research, and is widely respected for the quality and depth of its insight.

Tracy Volkmann

Manager, Public Relations

Paychex, Inc.

(585) 387-6705


Source: Paychex, Inc.


What recognition did Paychex (PAYX) receive in NelsonHall's 2024 NEAT report?

Paychex was recognized as a 'Leader' in NelsonHall's 2024 Vendor Evaluation and Assessment Tool (NEAT) report for payroll service providers, specifically for its Paychex Flex® solution.

How many consecutive years has Paychex (PAYX) been acknowledged in NelsonHall's report?

Paychex has been acknowledged as a 'Leader' in NelsonHall's report for eight consecutive years.

What new solution did Paychex (PAYX) introduce in 2024?

In 2024, Paychex introduced Paychex Flex® Perks, a digital marketplace for employee benefits including early access to earned wages, financial wellness solutions, and voluntary lifestyle benefits.

What capabilities did NelsonHall recognize Paychex (PAYX) for in its 2024 report?

NelsonHall recognized Paychex as a Leader in Digital Payroll Capability and Extended Services Capability, reflecting its ability to deliver digital enablement and its broad service offering.

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