Paramount’s 2024 Global Community Day Breaks Records: Employees Dedicate 20,000 Hours To Service in Unprecedented Outreach Effort

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Paramount celebrated its 28th annual Community Day on June 12, 2024, marking the company's most impactful global outreach effort to date. Employees dedicated an impressive 20,000 hours of volunteer service across nearly 200 community projects, serving over 160 organizations in 46 global markets. Notable achievements include:

  • Removal of over half a million pounds of trash and invasive plants
  • Preparation and service of 72,000 meals
  • Assembly of 7,200 mental health and education kits
  • Planting of over 1,000 trees

Crystal Barnes, EVP of corporate social responsibility and ESG, emphasized the significance of Community Day as a cherished initiative for Paramount employees, highlighting its role in fostering team unity and community support.

Paramount ha celebrato il suo 28° Community Day annuale il 12 giugno 2024, segnando il suo sforzo globale di sensibilizzazione più impattante fino ad oggi. I dipendenti hanno dedicato un'impressionante 20.000 ore di servizio volontario in quasi 200 progetti comunitari, servendo oltre 160 organizzazioni in 46 mercati globali. Tra i risultati notevoli troviamo:

  • Rimozione di oltre mezzo milione di libbre di rifiuti e piante invasive
  • Preparazione e servizio di 72.000 pasti
  • Assemblaggio di 7.200 kit per la salute mentale e l'istruzione
  • Piantumazione di oltre 1.000 alberi

Crystal Barnes, EVP della responsabilità sociale d'impresa e ESG, ha sottolineato l'importanza del Community Day come iniziativa amata dai dipendenti di Paramount, evidenziando il suo ruolo nel promuovere l'unità del team e il supporto alla comunità.

Paramount celebró su 28° Día Comunitario anual el 12 de junio de 2024, marcando su esfuerzo global de concienciación más impactante hasta la fecha. Los empleados dedicaron impresionantes 20,000 horas de servicio voluntario en casi 200 proyectos comunitarios, sirviendo a más de 160 organizaciones en 46 mercados globales. Entre los logros notables se incluyen:

  • Remoción de más de medio millón de libras de basura y plantas invasoras
  • Preparación y servicio de 72,000 comidas
  • Ensamblaje de 7,200 kits de salud mental y educación
  • Plantación de más de 1,000 árboles

Crystal Barnes, EVP de responsabilidad social corporativa y ESG, enfatizó la importancia del Día Comunitario como una iniciativa apreciada por los empleados de Paramount, destacando su papel en la promoción de la unidad del equipo y el apoyo a la comunidad.

파라마운트는 2024년 6월 12일에 제28회 연례 커뮤니티 데이를 기념하며, 지금까지 회사의 가장 영향력 있는 글로벌 아웃리치 노력을 기념했습니다. 직원들은 거의 200개의 커뮤니티 프로젝트에서 인상적인 20,000시간의 자원봉사 활동을 헌신했습니다 이들은 46개의 글로벌 시장에서 160개 이상의 조직에 서비스를 제공했습니다. 주목할 만한 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 50만 파운드 이상의 쓰레기 및 침입 식물 제거
  • 72,000끼리의 식사 준비 및 제공
  • 7,200개의 정신 건강 및 교육 키트 조립
  • 1,000그루 이상의 나무 심기

기업의 사회적 책임 및 ESG 부사장인 크리스탈 바넷은 커뮤니티 데이가 파라마운트 직원들에게 소중한 이니셔티브로서 팀 단합 및 지역 사회 지원을 촉진하는 역할을 강조했습니다.

Paramount a célébré son 28ème Community Day annuel le 12 juin 2024, marquant l'effort de sensibilisation global le plus impactant de l'entreprise à ce jour. Les employés ont consacré impressionnantes 20 000 heures de service bénévole à près de 200 projets communautaires, au service de plus de 160 organisations dans 46 marchés mondiaux. Parmi les réalisations notables, on trouve :

  • Élimination de plus d'un demi-million de livres de déchets et de plantes envahissantes
  • Préparation et service de 72 000 repas
  • Assemblage de 7 200 kits de santé mentale et d'éducation
  • Pplantation de plus de 1 000 arbres

Crystal Barnes, EVP de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises et de l'ESG, a souligné l'importance du Community Day en tant qu'initiative appréciée des employés de Paramount, mettant en lumière son rôle dans la promotion de l'unité d'équipe et du soutien communautaire.

Paramount feierte am 12. Juni 2024 seinen 28. jährlichen Community Day, der den bisher nachhaltigsten globalen Outreach-Bemühungen des Unternehmens entspricht. Die Mitarbeiter haben beeindruckende 20.000 Stunden ehrenamtlicher Arbeit in fast 200 Gemeinschaftsprojekten geleistet und über 160 Organisationen in 46 globalen Märkten unterstützt. Zu den bemerkenswerten Erfolgen gehören:

  • Entfernung von über einer halben Million Pfund Müll und invasiven Pflanzen
  • Zubereitung und Service von 72.000 Mahlzeiten
  • Zusammenstellung von 7.200 Kits für psychische Gesundheit und Bildung
  • Pflanzung von über 1.000 Bäumen

Crystal Barnes, EVP für Unternehmensverantwortung und ESG, betonte die Bedeutung des Community Day als geschätzte Initiative für die Mitarbeiter von Paramount und hob dessen Rolle bei der Förderung des Teamgeists und der Unterstützung der Gemeinschaft hervor.

  • Paramount's commitment to corporate social responsibility demonstrated through large-scale employee engagement
  • Potential for improved brand image and community relations through extensive volunteer work
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 9, 2024 / Wednesday, June 12th marked Paramount's 28th annual Community Day. Paramount is thrilled to share that this year's global Community Day was the most impactful Paramount has ever hosted. Paramount employees came together in an extraordinary way, giving back to the communities we come from and serve.

Crystal Barnes, EVP of corporate social responsibility and environmental, social, and governance (ESG), noted "Community Day is one of my favorite initiatives of the year. And it's a moment that many of our employees love, too. It's a chance to come together as a Paramount team to support organizations around the world in the communities where we live and work. For 28 years, we've partnered with our community and senior leaders, ERGs, brands, and functions across the world to create opportunities to give back and truly make an impact. This year, there are so many ways to participate, and we hope you find an opportunity that is meaningful to you."

Some of this year's highlights include:

  • 20,000 hours of volunteer service

  • Nearly 200 community projects

  • 160+ organizations served across 46 global markets

  • Over a half-million lbs. of trash and invasive plants removed

  • 72,000 meals prepped/packed/served

  • 7,200 kits assembled across mental health & education

  • Over 1,000 trees planted

Thank you to Paramount's Corporate Social Impact team and all our dedicated employees for making Paramount's 28th annual Community Day our best one yet.

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Spokesperson: Paramount

SOURCE: Paramount

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How many volunteer hours did Paramount employees contribute during the 2024 Community Day?

Paramount employees contributed 20,000 volunteer hours during the 2024 Community Day.

What was the scope of Paramount's 2024 Community Day in terms of global reach?

Paramount's 2024 Community Day involved nearly 200 community projects across 46 global markets, serving over 160 organizations.

What were some key achievements of Paramount's 2024 Community Day (PARA)?

Key achievements included removing over 500,000 lbs of trash and invasive plants, preparing 72,000 meals, assembling 7,200 mental health and education kits, and planting over 1,000 trees.

When did Paramount (PARA) hold its 28th annual Community Day in 2024?

Paramount held its 28th annual Community Day on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.

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