Paramount Rolls Out “Mental Health Is Health” Campaign Internationally

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Paramount is expanding its 'Mental Health is Health' campaign internationally, launching several initiatives to support mental well-being worldwide. The campaign, which began in May 2024, includes:

1. 'From Me To You': A short-form video series featuring local artists sharing personal mental health experiences.

2. A World Mental Health Day Public Service Announcement across Paramount's global channels.

3. Partnership with ChangeX to launch the World Mental Health Day Community Fund, supporting 80 projects across 10 countries.

4. Collaboration with Born This Way Foundation to promote the Be There Certificate, a free online mental health course.

5. Partnership with Throughline to promote their Find A Helpline platform.

6. MTV EMAs Creators House in Manchester, featuring a day dedicated to mental health.

7. A Mental Health Storytelling Roundtable discussion held in New York on September 26, 2024.

Paramount sta espandendo la sua campagna 'La Salute Mentale è Salute' a livello internazionale, lanciando diverse iniziative per supportare il benessere mentale in tutto il mondo. La campagna, iniziata a maggio 2024, include:

1. 'Da Me a Te': Una serie di video brevi con artisti locali che condividono esperienze personali sulla salute mentale.

2. Un Annuncio di Servizio Pubblico per la Giornata Mondiale della Salute Mentale sui canali globali di Paramount.

3. Collaborazione con ChangeX per lanciare il Fondo Comunitario per la Giornata Mondiale della Salute Mentale, supportando 80 progetti in 10 paesi.

4. Collaborazione con la Born This Way Foundation per promuovere il Certificato Be There, un corso online gratuito sulla salute mentale.

5. Partnership con Throughline per promuovere la loro piattaforma Find A Helpline.

6. MTV EMAs Creators House a Manchester, con una giornata dedicata alla salute mentale.

7. Un tavolo rotondo di Storytelling sulla Salute Mentale che si terrà a New York il 26 settembre 2024.

Paramount está expandiendo su campaña 'La Salud Mental es Salud' a nivel internacional, lanzando varias iniciativas para apoyar el bienestar mental en todo el mundo. La campaña, que comenzó en mayo de 2024, incluye:

1. 'De Yo a Ti': Una serie de videos cortos con artistas locales compartiendo experiencias personales sobre salud mental.

2. Un Anuncio de Servicio Público para el Día Mundial de la Salud Mental en los canales globales de Paramount.

3. Colaboración con ChangeX para lanzar el Fondo Comunitario del Día Mundial de la Salud Mental, apoyando 80 proyectos en 10 países.

4. Colaboración con la Born This Way Foundation para promover el Certificado Be There, un curso gratuito en línea sobre salud mental.

5. Asociación con Throughline para promover su plataforma Find A Helpline.

6. MTV EMAs Creators House en Manchester, con un día dedicado a la salud mental.

7. Una discusión en forma de Mesa Redonda de Narración sobre Salud Mental que se llevará a cabo en Nueva York el 26 de septiembre de 2024.

파라마운트는 '정신 건강은 건강이다' 캠페인을 국제적으로 확장하고 있으며, 전 세계 정신 웰빙을 지원하기 위한 여러 이니셔티브를 시작하고 있습니다. 2024년 5월에 시작된 이 캠페인은 다음과 같습니다:

1. '너에게서 나에게': 로컬 아티스트들이 개인적인 정신 건강 경험을 공유하는 짧은 형태의 비디오 시리즈.

2. 파라마운트의 글로벌 채널에서 방영되는 세계 정신 건강의 날 공공 서비스 광고.

3. ChangeX와 협력하여 10개국에서 80개 프로젝트를 지원하는 세계 정신 건강의 날 커뮤니티 기금 출범.

4. Born This Way Foundation와 협력하여 무료 온라인 정신 건강 과정인 Be There Certificate를 홍보.

5. Throughline과의 파트너십을 통해 Find A Helpline 플랫폼을 홍보.

6. 맨체스터에서 열리는 MTV EMAs Creators House, 정신 건강에 헌신하는 하루.

7. 2024년 9월 26일 뉴욕에서 개최되는 정신 건강 이야기 나누기 원탁 토론.

Paramount étend sa campagne 'La Santé Mentale est une Santé' à l'international, lançant plusieurs initiatives pour soutenir le bien-être mental dans le monde entier. La campagne, qui a débuté en mai 2024, comprend :

1. 'De Moi à Toi' : Une série de courtes vidéos mettant en avant des artistes locaux partageant leurs expériences personnelles en matière de santé mentale.

2. Une Annonce de Service Public pour la Journée Mondiale de la Santé Mentale diffusée sur les chaînes mondiales de Paramount.

3. Partenariat avec ChangeX pour lancer le Fonds Communautaire de la Journée Mondiale de la Santé Mentale, soutenant 80 projets dans 10 pays.

4. Collaboration avec la Born This Way Foundation pour promouvoir le Certificat Be There, un cours de santé mentale en ligne gratuit.

5. Partenariat avec Throughline pour promouvoir leur plateforme Find A Helpline.

6. MTV EMAs Creators House à Manchester, consacrant une journée à la santé mentale.

7. Une discussion sous forme de table ronde sur la narration liée à la santé mentale, qui se tiendra à New York le 26 septembre 2024.

Paramount erweitert seine 'Psychische Gesundheit ist Gesundheit' Kampagne international und startet mehrere Initiativen zur Unterstützung des seelischen Wohlbefindens weltweit. Die Kampagne, die im Mai 2024 begann, umfasst:

1. 'Von Mir Zu Dir': Eine Kurzvideo-Serie mit lokalen Künstlern, die persönliche Erfahrungen mit psychischer Gesundheit teilen.

2. Eine Öffentliche Bekanntmachung zum Welttag der Psychischen Gesundheit über die globalen Kanäle von Paramount.

3. Partnerschaft mit ChangeX, um den Gemeinschaftsfonds zum Welttag der Psychischen Gesundheit ins Leben zu rufen, der 80 Projekte in 10 Ländern unterstützt.

4. Zusammenarbeit mit der Born This Way Foundation, um das Be There-Zertifikat zu fördern, einen kostenlosen Online-Kurs zur psychischen Gesundheit.

5. Partnerschaft mit Throughline, um ihre Find A Helpline-Plattform zu bewerben.

6. MTV EMAs Creators House in Manchester, das einen Tag widmet, um auf die psychische Gesundheit aufmerksam zu machen.

7. Eine Diskussionstabelle zur Erzählerkunde über psychische Gesundheit, die am 26. September 2024 in New York stattfindet.

  • None.
  • None.

Campaign Includes Launches of a Number of Initiatives including "From Me To You" Digital Series, Partnership With BORN THIS WAY and THROUGHLINE, 2024 MTV EMA's Creators House's Mental Health Program, and more.

80 projects funded so far across 10 countries as part of the partnership with ChangeX.

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / October 16, 2024 / Mental health is health - and it's time we treat it that way. This principle lies at the heart of World Mental Health Day (October 10), and Paramount is fully embracing it to raise global awareness of mental health issues and mobilize support efforts. Today, Paramount announces the international expansion of its ‘Mental Health is Health' campaign, dedicated to providing essential resources to support mental well-being worldwide.

As part of its longstanding commitment to mental health, Paramount is introducing a series of initiatives designed to help individuals care for their mental well-being, which began rolling out in May 2024. Leveraging Mental Health Action Day as a catalyst, the initiatives aim to provide valuable resources that raise awareness about often overlooked mental health issues, offer tools to support oneself and loved ones, and celebrate those who are actively making a difference in the field of mental health.

These initiatives Include:

  • From Me To You, a short form video series featuring local music artists, celebrities and influencers sharing their personal experiences and mental health journeys to raise awareness, challenge stigma and inspire action for international MTV audiences. The series was produced in France, Brazil, South Africa, UK to amplify the Mental Health is Health initiative using local voices, and to direct audiences to the website for support and services wherever they are. The series will start rolling out on 10th October across local MTV Social Media Channels. Local artists featured in the series include:
    Poppy Ajudha, Thom Rylance from The Lottery Winners and Henry Moodie from the UK;
    Dana and Jessy from Germany, both from Germany Shore;
    Music Producer Yo Soy Matt from Mexico;
    Influencer Leandrinha Du Art from Brazil;
    A bunch of artists from South Africa, including radio deejay and presenter "Fresh by Caddy", speaker and content creator Lerai Rakoditsoe, Award Winning Musician Dee Koala, Award Winning Hip Hop artist Gigi Lamayne, recording artist Thando Nje and award-winning dance choreographer and TV personality Hope Ramafalo.

  • World Mental Health Day Public Service Announcement: A cross-brand Public Service Announcement rolled out across Paramount's global channels and platforms, centering World Mental Health Day as a moment to encourage audiences to take action on their mental health, addressing audiences to to find support and services. The PSA is available across international markets on Pluto TV, Comedy Central, MTV, BET International, Network10 in Australia and My5 in the UK, and in the US across MTV Entertainment brands, including MTV Instagram, X and Facebook social accounts, as well as Comedy Central and CMT social handles.

  • Partnership with Change X to launch the World Mental Health Day Community Fund, a multi-region mental health and well-being focused community fund supporting communities to start or expand projects that positively impact mental health and well-being in the UK, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Mexico, Argentina, Germany, Netherlands, France and Chile. 80 projects have been funded so far across 10 countries.

  • Partnership with Born This Way Foundation to promote the Be There Certificate. This free, online mental health course, developed by in partnership with Born This Way Foundation, is available in English, French, and Spanish. It educates individuals on how to recognize signs of mental health struggles, understand their role in providing support, and connect those in need with appropriate help.

  • Partnership with Throughline to promote Throughline's Find A Helpline platform and widget, empowering audiences to find vetted mental health services and resources worldwide.

  • MTV EMAs Creators House. Part of Paramount's Content for Change event series, this company-wide social impact-led initiative will take place across the 7th, 8th and 9th November with a packed slate of programming and networking opportunities aimed at Manchester's creative community. The Creators House in Manchester will feature a full day dedicated to Mental Health, including panel discussions, activations and networking moments.

  • Mental Health Storytelling Roundtable: On September 26, 2024, Paramount Global and Prospira Global hosted a roundtable discussion in New York to catalyze global partnerships between the international media and mental health sector from to discuss the role of the media and storytelling for good mental health globally.

About Paramount
Paramount Global (NASDAQ:PARA, PARAA) is a leading global media, streaming and entertainment company that creates premium content and experiences for audiences worldwide. Driven by iconic consumer brands, Paramount's portfolio includes CBS, Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon, MTV, Comedy Central, BET, Paramount+ and Pluto TV. Paramount holds one of the industry's most extensive libraries of TV and film titles. In addition to offering innovative streaming services and digital video products, the company provides powerful capabilities in production, distribution, and advertising solutions.

For more information about Paramount, please visit and follow @ParamountCo on social platforms.

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SOURCE: Paramount

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What is Paramount's 'Mental Health is Health' campaign?

Paramount's 'Mental Health is Health' campaign is an international initiative launched to raise global awareness of mental health issues and provide essential resources to support mental well-being worldwide.

When did Paramount (PARA) start rolling out its mental health initiatives?

Paramount (PARA) began rolling out its mental health initiatives in May 2024, using Mental Health Action Day as a catalyst.

What is the 'From Me To You' series in Paramount's mental health campaign?

'From Me To You' is a short-form video series featuring local music artists, celebrities, and influencers sharing their personal mental health journeys to raise awareness and challenge stigma for international MTV audiences.

How many projects has Paramount funded through its partnership with ChangeX?

Paramount has funded 80 projects across 10 countries through its partnership with ChangeX to launch the World Mental Health Day Community Fund.

What is the MTV EMAs Creators House event in Paramount's mental health campaign?

The MTV EMAs Creators House is a part of Paramount's Content for Change event series, taking place from November 7-9 in Manchester. It includes a full day dedicated to mental health, featuring panel discussions, activations, and networking opportunities.

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