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Kickfin, the leading tip management software, has announced a new integration with PAR POS. This integration allows PAR POS customers to auto-calculate tip pools or shares and send payouts directly to employees' bank accounts, eliminating the need for cash or pay cards. Kickfin's software simplifies tip management, enhances accuracy, and ensures compliance.

The integration with PAR POS, a cloud-based platform for the enterprise foodservice industry, enables users to create complex tip policies based on various factors like roles, shifts, and sales categories. Tips can be distributed instantly, 24/7, with robust payment tracking and easy-to-access reports for streamlined accounting.

Oliver Ostertag, General Manager of Operator Cloud, emphasized that this integration empowers PAR POS users with industry-leading tip distribution software, improving efficiency and allowing teams to focus on guest experiences. Brian Hassan, co-CEO of Kickfin, highlighted the time-saving benefits of automating tip management processes.

Kickfin, il principale software per la gestione delle mance, ha annunciato una nuova integrazione con PAR POS. Questa integrazione consente ai clienti di PAR POS di calcolare automaticamente i pool o le quote delle mance e inviare i pagamenti direttamente ai conti bancari dei dipendenti, eliminando la necessità di contante o carte prepagate. Il software di Kickfin semplifica la gestione delle mance, migliora l'accuratezza e garantisce la conformità.

L'integrazione con PAR POS, una piattaforma basata su cloud per l'industria della ristorazione aziendale, consente agli utenti di creare politiche di mancia complesse basate su vari fattori come ruoli, turni e categorie di vendita. Le mance possono essere distribuite istantaneamente, 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, con un robusto tracciamento dei pagamenti e report facilmente accessibili per una contabilità semplificata.

Oliver Ostertag, direttore generale di Operator Cloud, ha sottolineato che questa integrazione dà potere agli utenti di PAR POS con un software di distribuzione delle mance leader nel settore, migliorando l'efficienza e consentendo ai team di concentrarsi sulle esperienze degli ospiti. Brian Hassan, co-amministratore delegato di Kickfin, ha evidenziato i vantaggi in termini di risparmio di tempo nell'automazione dei processi di gestione delle mance.

Kickfin, el software líder en gestión de propinas, ha anunciado una nueva integración con PAR POS. Esta integración permite a los clientes de PAR POS calcular automáticamente los grupos o participaciones de propinas y enviar los pagos directamente a las cuentas bancarias de los empleados, eliminando la necesidad de efectivo o tarjetas de pago. El software de Kickfin simplifica la gestión de propinas, mejora la precisión y garantiza el cumplimiento.

La integración con PAR POS, una plataforma basada en la nube para la industria de servicios de alimentos empresarial, permite a los usuarios crear políticas de propinas complejas basadas en diversos factores como roles, turnos y categorías de ventas. Las propinas se pueden distribuir al instante, las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana, con un seguimiento de pagos sólido y informes de fácil acceso para una contabilidad simplificada.

Oliver Ostertag, gerente general de Operator Cloud, destacó que esta integración empodera a los usuarios de PAR POS con un software de distribución de propinas líder en la industria, mejorando la eficiencia y permitiendo a los equipos concentrarse en las experiencias de los huéspedes. Brian Hassan, co-CEO de Kickfin, resaltó los beneficios de ahorro de tiempo al automatizar los procesos de gestión de propinas.

Kickfin, 선도적인 팁 관리 소프트웨어,가 PAR POS와의 새로운 통합을 발표했습니다. 이 통합을 통해 PAR POS 고객들은 팁 풀이나 배분을 자동으로 계산하고 직원들의 은행 계좌로 직접 지급을 전송할 수 있게 되어 현금이나 급여 카드를 사용할 필요가 없어졌습니다. Kickfin의 소프트웨어는 팁 관리의 간소화, 정확성 향상 그리고 규정 준수를 보장합니다.

클라우드 기반의 기업 급식 산업을 위한 플랫폼인 PAR POS와의 통합은 사용자가 역할, 근무 조, 판매 카테고리와 같은 다양한 요소를 바탕으로 복잡한 팁 정책을 생성할 수 있게 합니다. 팁은 언제든지, 24시간 7일 내내 즉시 분배될 수 있으며, 강력한 지급 추적 및 쉽게 접근 가능한 보고서를 통해 회계 처리가 간소화됩니다.

Operator Cloud의 총괄 관리자 올리버 오스터택(Oliver Ostertag)은 이번 통합이 PAR POS 사용자들에게 업계 최고의 팁 분배 소프트웨어를 제공하여 효율성을 향상시키고 팀이 고객 경험에 집중할 수 있도록 한다고 강조했습니다. Kickfin의 공동 CEO인 브라이언 하산(Brian Hassan)은 팁 관리 프로세스의 자동화가 시간을 절약할 수 있는 이점을 강조했습니다.

Kickfin, le logiciel leader en gestion des pourboires, a annoncé une nouvelle intégration avec PAR POS. Cette intégration permet aux clients de PAR POS de calculer automatiquement les pools ou parts de pourboires et d'envoyer des paiements directement sur les comptes bancaires des employés, éliminant ainsi le besoin d'argent liquide ou de cartes de paiement. Le logiciel de Kickfin simplifie la gestion des pourboires, améliore l'exactitude et assure la conformité.

L'intégration avec PAR POS, une plateforme basée sur le cloud pour l'industrie de la restauration d'entreprise, permet aux utilisateurs de créer des politiques de pourboires complexes en se basant sur divers facteurs tels que les rôles, les quarts de travail et les catégories de ventes. Les pourboires peuvent être distribués instantanément, 24h/24 et 7j/7, avec un suivi des paiements robuste et des rapports faciles d'accès pour une comptabilité simplifiée.

Oliver Ostertag, directeur général d'Operator Cloud, a souligné que cette intégration donne aux utilisateurs de PAR POS un logiciel de distribution des pourboires de premier plan, améliorant l'efficacité et permettant aux équipes de se concentrer sur l'expérience des clients. Brian Hassan, co-directeur général de Kickfin, a mis en avant les avantages de gain de temps liés à l'automatisation des processus de gestion des pourboires.

Kickfin, die führende Software für das Management von Trinkgeldern, hat eine neue Integration mit PAR POS bekannt gegeben. Diese Integration ermöglicht es den PAR POS-Kunden, Trinkgeldpools oder -anteile automatisch zu berechnen und Zahlungen direkt auf die Bankkonten der Mitarbeiter zu überweisen, wodurch der Bedarf an Bargeld oder Prepaid-Karten entfällt. Die Software von Kickfin vereinfacht die Verwaltung von Trinkgeldern, verbessert die Genauigkeit und gewährleistet die Einhaltung der Vorschriften.

Die Integration mit PAR POS, einer cloud-basierten Plattform für die Unternehmensgastronomie, ermöglicht es Benutzern, komplexe Trinkgeldrichtlinien basierend auf verschiedenen Faktoren wie Rollen, Schichten und Verkaufs Kategorien zu erstellen. Trinkgelder können sofort, 24/7 verteilt werden, mit robustem Zahlungs-Tracking und leicht zugänglichen Berichten für eine vereinfachte Buchhaltung.

Oliver Ostertag, Geschäftsführer von Operator Cloud, betonte, dass diese Integration den PAR POS-Nutzern eine branchenführende Software zur Verteilung von Trinkgeldern bereitstellt, die die Effizienz verbessert und es den Teams ermöglicht, sich auf die Gästeerfahrungen zu konzentrieren. Brian Hassan, Co-CEO von Kickfin, hob die zeitersparenden Vorteile der Automatisierung von Trinkgeldverwaltungsprozessen hervor.

  • Integration with PAR POS expands Kickfin's market reach
  • Automated tip calculation and distribution improves efficiency
  • Direct bank payouts eliminate need for cash handling
  • Enhanced tracking and reporting capabilities for better compliance
  • None.


The integration between Kickfin and PAR POS is a positive development for PAR Technology (NYSE: PAR), but its immediate financial impact may be While this partnership enhances PAR's product offering, potentially making it more attractive to customers, it's unlikely to significantly boost revenue in the short term. The integration addresses operational efficiency for restaurants, which could lead to increased customer satisfaction and retention for PAR POS. Long-term, this could translate to steady growth and market share gains in the competitive POS space. However, investors should note that the financial benefits may take time to materialize and will depend on adoption rates among PAR's existing and new customers. The market cap of $2.03 billion suggests PAR is a mid-sized player in the industry and such partnerships are important for maintaining competitiveness against larger rivals.

This integration represents a strategic move in the restaurant technology ecosystem. By partnering with Kickfin, PAR is addressing a critical pain point for restaurants: tip management. The automation of tip calculations and distributions can significantly reduce labor costs and errors, potentially saving hours of managerial time per week. The emphasis on customization and compliance is particularly noteworthy, as it addresses the complex regulatory environment surrounding tip distribution. From a technical standpoint, the integration leverages PAR's cloud-based architecture, showcasing the platform's flexibility and scalability. This aligns with the industry trend towards more interconnected, modular POS systems. For PAR, this integration could serve as a differentiator in the crowded POS market, potentially attracting new customers who prioritize efficient tip management solutions.

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Kickfin, the leading tip management software, today announced the launch of its integration with PAR POS. This new integration will allow PAR POS customers to auto-calculate tip pools or shares and send payouts directly to their employees' bank of choice — no cash or pay cards required.

Kickfin is how busy restaurants manage tips. Easy to use and endlessly customizable, Kickfin eliminates tedious tip calculations and removes cash from the payout process, so managers can move faster, track everything, and ensure accuracy and compliance.

PAR POS offers cutting-edge point-of-sale solutions tailored for the enterprise foodservice industry. Its cloud-based platform enhances guest experiences, drives efficiency, and scales effortlessly.

"PAR POS is purpose-built for seamless integrations, empowering our customers to create the perfect tech stack for their unique needs," said Oliver Ostertag, General Manager of Operator Cloud. "This integration with Kickfin equips PAR POS users with industry-leading tip distribution software, streamlining operations, boosting efficiency, and allowing teams to focus on delivering exceptional guest experiences without disrupting their workflow."

Kickfin's PAR POS integration makes it easy to build highly complex tip policies and calculate tips based on roles, shifts, hours worked, points, sales categories and more. PAR POS customers can distribute tips directly to their staff's bank of choice; funds arrive in a matter of seconds — 24/7, 365.

Kickfin's category-leading capabilities include robust payment tracking, so managers can maintain an electronic "paper trail" for every tip-out, as well as the calculations used to determine the tip amounts. Reports can easily be pulled by pay period for simple, streamlined accounting.

"When it comes to tip management, manual methods are not only slower; they're unsustainable," said Brian Hassan, the co-CEO of Kickfin. "Operators know that every minute counts, so when you have the opportunity to automate a process that can take up to 45 minutes after every shift, it's a no-brainer — and that's exactly what this integration can do for restaurant teams."

About Kickfin 

Ranked the #1 tip distribution software, Kickfin gives restaurant pros the power to tip out their whole team in 60 seconds. Thousands of restaurants use Kickfin to automate complex tip calculations and send real-time payouts directly to their employees' bank of choice, no cash (or math!) required. Save time, track everything — and make tip payouts the best part of everyone's day. For more information about Kickfin, visit


PAR POS, part of the product portfolio of PAR Technology Corporation (NYSE: PAR), offers cutting-edge point-of-sale solutions tailored for the restaurant industry. Our cloud-based platform enhances guest experiences, drives efficiency, and scales effortlessly. With seamless integration capabilities and an open API, PAR POS empowers restaurants to build their ideal tech stack. More than 100,000 restaurants in more than 110 countries use PAR's restaurant point-of-sale, digital ordering, loyalty and back-office software solutions as well as industry-leading hardware and drive-thru offerings. To learn more, visit or connect with us on LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram

CONTACT: Keely Hungate, 

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SOURCE Kickfin


What does the Kickfin and PAR POS integration offer to restaurants?

The integration allows PAR POS customers to auto-calculate tip pools or shares and send payouts directly to employees' bank accounts, eliminating manual processes and cash handling.

How does Kickfin's integration with PAR POS (PAR) benefit restaurant operations?

It streamlines tip management, improves efficiency, ensures accuracy and compliance, and allows teams to focus more on delivering exceptional guest experiences.

What features does Kickfin's tip management software offer through the PAR POS integration?

The software offers complex tip policy creation, instant 24/7 tip distribution, robust payment tracking, and easy-to-access reports for streamlined accounting.

How quickly are tips distributed to employees using Kickfin's integration with PAR POS?

Tips are distributed directly to staff's bank of choice and arrive in a matter of seconds, available 24/7, 365 days a year.

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