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Pandora has launched a new jewelry collection inspired by artist Keith Haring, featuring 12 pieces that showcase his iconic works such as the barking dog and angel baby. The collection, available from September 29 to November 29, 2022, aims to make art accessible while enhancing brand awareness. Chief Product Officer Stephen Fairchild emphasizes that this collaboration aligns with Pandora's mission. The Keith Haring x Pandora marketing campaign captures the vibrant spirit of 1980s New York.
Pandora has launched its Diamonds by Pandora collection in the U.S. and Canada, featuring lab-created diamonds set in 100% recycled silver and gold. This collection, priced between $300 and $1950, aims to make diamond jewelry accessible while promoting sustainability. The 33-piece collection includes diamonds with a clarity of VS+ and ranges from 0.15 to 1.0 carat. The campaign celebrates women's milestones and features notable figures like Ashley Graham and Rosario Dawson. Pandora aims to use only recycled materials in its jewelry by 2025.
Pandora has launched a new collection of lab-created diamond jewellery in the U.S. and Canada, marking a milestone in the diamond market. The brand has transitioned away from mined diamonds, aiming to provide more affordable options while reducing CO2 emissions. The new collection, named Pandora Brilliance, features 33 pieces crafted from 100% recycled silver and gold, with sustainable diamonds that have a significantly lower carbon footprint. Prices start at US$300, and the collection will be available from August 25, 2022.
Pandora has partnered with IBM to enhance its omnichannel e-commerce capabilities using IBM Sterling Order Management. The collaboration has allowed Pandora to double its online sales in 2020 and improve inventory visibility, addressing the growing demand for digital shopping experiences. With a focus on supply chain resilience and integrating digital technologies, the company aims to enhance customer experiences across various channels. The transition also involved establishing a Digital Hub in Copenhagen to further support their digital initiatives.
Pandora Jewelry, in a Mother's Day initiative, explores modern motherhood through personal stories and a survey involving 1,000 U.S. mothers. Key findings show 42% of mothers believe love is the core of motherhood, while 77% define it as unconditional. The campaign features testimonials from supermodel Helena Christensen, stylist Pernille Teisbaek, and singer Iris Gold, emphasizing themes of love, acceptance, and emotional maturity. The survey highlights the evolving definition of motherhood, showcasing empowerment and pride among mothers.
Pandora has unveiled insights from a global survey revealing the positive effects of 2020 on relationships. Conducted across 11 countries with 11,000 respondents, the study found that 70% believe relationships are more important now, with 52% citing joy from connections during turbulent times. Notably, 64% report increased communication with loved ones, while 61% are giving more gifts. Shared values emerged as crucial in relationships, with 74% ranking them above physical attributes. Pandora encourages sharing personal love stories through its #VoicesofPandora initiative for Valentine's Day.
Pandora has launched a new Star Wars™-inspired jewelry collection on October 1, 2020. This 12-piece collection includes 10 charms, a bracelet, and a limited-edition collector's charm, made from 71% recycled metals. Creative Directors Francesco Terzo and A. Filippo Ficarelli highlight the intricate design and craftsmanship involved in transforming iconic Star Wars symbols into jewelry. The collection is available in-store and online, allowing fans to express their fandom through customizable pieces.
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