Paltalk Holdings, Inc. Awarded $65.7 Million Jury Verdict Against Cisco Systems Inc.

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Paltalk (NASDAQ: PALT) has been awarded a $65.7 million jury verdict against Cisco Systems Inc. for patent infringement. The verdict, delivered by a jury in the District Court for the Western District of Texas, relates to U.S. Patent No. 6,683,858. Paltalk filed the lawsuit on July 23, 2021, alleging that certain Cisco products infringed on this patent.

The award is subject to post-trial proceedings, potential appeals by Cisco, and final judgment by the Court. Paltalk estimates it will receive no more than one-third of the gross proceeds after deducting significant litigation-related expenses, including legal fees. Susman Godfrey LLP and Cherry Johnson Siegmund James served as legal counsel for Paltalk in this case.

Paltalk (NASDAQ: PALT) ha ricevuto un contro Cisco Systems Inc. per violazione di brevetto. Il verdetto, emesso da una giuria nel Tribunale Distrettuale per il Distretto Occidentale del Texas, si riferisce al Brevetto Statunitense No. 6,683,858. Paltalk ha presentato la causa il 23 luglio 2021, sostenendo che alcuni prodotti Cisco violassero questo brevetto.

Il risarcimento è soggetto a procedimenti post-processo, a potenziali appelli da parte di Cisco e a una sentenza finale da parte del Tribunale. Paltalk stima di ricevere non più di un terzo dei proventi lordi dopo aver dedotto significative spese legate al contenzioso, comprese le spese legali. Susman Godfrey LLP e Cherry Johnson Siegmund James hanno fungito da consulenti legali per Paltalk in questo caso.

Paltalk (NASDAQ: PALT) ha sido otorgado un veredicto del jurado de 65.7 millones de dólares contra Cisco Systems Inc. por infracción de patente. El veredicto, emitido por un jurado en el Tribunal del Distrito del Oeste de Texas, se refiere a la Patente de EE. UU. No. 6,683,858. Paltalk presentó la demanda el 23 de julio de 2021, alegando que ciertos productos de Cisco infringían esta patente.

La indemnización está sujeta a procedimientos posteriores al juicio, posibles apelaciones por parte de Cisco y el fallo final del Tribunal. Paltalk estima que recibirá no más de un tercio de los ingresos brutos después de deducir gastos significativos relacionados con la litigación, incluidos los honorarios legales. Susman Godfrey LLP y Cherry Johnson Siegmund James actuaron como asesores legales de Paltalk en este caso.

Paltalk (NASDAQ: PALT)는 특허 침해에 대해 Cisco Systems Inc.를 상대로 을 받았습니다. 텍사스 서부 지방법원에서 배심원에 의해 전달된 판결은 미국 특허 제6,683,858호와 관련이 있습니다. Paltalk는 2021년 7월 23일에 소송을 제기하였으며, 특정 Cisco 제품이 이 특허를 침해했다고 주장하였습니다.

배상금은 재판 후 절차, Cisco의 잠재적 항소, 그리고 법원의 최종 판결에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. Paltalk는 총 수익의 3분의 1 이하를 받을 것으로 추정하고 있으며, 이 금액은 법률 비용을 포함한 상당한 소송 관련 비용을 공제한 후의 금액입니다. Susman Godfrey LLP와 Cherry Johnson Siegmund James가 Paltalk의 법률 자문 역할을 맡았습니다.

Paltalk (NASDAQ: PALT) a obtenu un verdict de jury de 65,7 millions de dollars contre Cisco Systems Inc. pour violation de brevet. Le verdict, rendu par un jury dans le tribunal de district du district ouest du Texas, concerne le brevet américain n° 6.683.858. Paltalk a déposé la plainte le 23 juillet 2021, alléguant que certains produits de Cisco violaient ce brevet.

La somme attribuée est soumise à des procédures post-jugement, à des appels potentiels de la part de Cisco, et au jugement final du tribunal. Paltalk estime qu'il recevra pas plus d'un tiers des recettes brutes après avoir déduit des frais de litige considérables, y compris les honoraires d'avocat. Susman Godfrey LLP et Cherry Johnson Siegmund James ont assuré la représentation légale de Paltalk dans cette affaire.

Paltalk (NASDAQ: PALT) hat ein Jury-Urteil in Höhe von 65,7 Millionen Dollar gegen Cisco Systems Inc. wegen Patentverletzung erhalten. Das Urteil wurde von einer Jury im Bezirksgericht für den westlichen Bezirk von Texas gefällt und bezieht sich auf das US-Patent Nr. 6.683.858. Paltalk reichte die Klage am 23. Juli 2021 ein und behauptete, dass bestimmte Produkte von Cisco gegen dieses Patent verstoßen.

Die Auszeichnung unterliegt nachträglichen Verfahren, möglichen Einsprüchen von Cisco und dem endgültigen Urteil des Gerichts. Paltalk schätzt, dass es nicht mehr als ein Drittel der Bruttoeinnahmen nach Abzug erheblicher prozessbezogener Ausgaben, einschließlich Anwaltskosten, erhalten wird. Susman Godfrey LLP und Cherry Johnson Siegmund James fungierten in diesem Fall als Rechtsberater für Paltalk.

  • Jury awarded Paltalk $65.7 million in patent infringement case against Cisco
  • Potential significant financial gain for Paltalk, estimating to receive up to one-third of the gross proceeds
  • Award is subject to post-trial proceedings and potential appeals by Cisco
  • Significant litigation-related expenses will reduce the net proceeds for Paltalk

This verdict marks a significant legal victory for Paltalk in the realm of patent infringement. The $65.7 million award is substantial, potentially setting a precedent for future tech patent cases. However, it's important to note that this isn't the end of the road. Post-trial proceedings and potential appeals by Cisco could significantly impact the final outcome. The fact that Paltalk estimates receiving only about 33% of the gross proceeds highlights the hefty costs associated with such litigation. This case underscores the importance and value of intellectual property in the tech sector, serving as a reminder for companies to vigorously protect their patents.

While the $65.7 million verdict appears substantial, investors should temper their expectations. Paltalk's disclosure that they expect to receive no more than one-third of the gross proceeds is telling. After accounting for legal fees and other litigation-related expenses, the net gain may be significantly lower. Moreover, the uncertainty surrounding post-trial proceedings and potential appeals adds a layer of risk. That said, even a fraction of this award could be meaningful for a smaller company like Paltalk. Investors should monitor how the company plans to utilize any windfall, whether for R&D, debt reduction, or shareholder returns. This verdict could also potentially enhance Paltalk's bargaining power in future licensing negotiations.

This verdict highlights the ongoing battle over intellectual property in the tech industry. The patent in question, U.S. Patent No. 6,683,858, likely relates to important communication technology. For Paltalk, a company focused on multimedia social applications, successfully defending this patent against a tech giant like Cisco validates their innovation and could strengthen their market position. However, the tech landscape is rapidly evolving and the long-term value of this patent remains uncertain. It's worth noting that such legal victories can sometimes lead to cross-licensing agreements or strategic partnerships, potentially opening new doors for Paltalk in the competitive communications software market.

JERICHO, NY, Aug. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Paltalk, Inc. (“Paltalk,” the “Company,” “we,” “our” or “us”) (Nasdaq: PALT), a communications software innovator that powers multimedia social applications, today announced that a jury in the District Court for the Western District of Texas (the “Court”) has awarded the Company $65.7 million in a verdict against Cisco Systems, Inc. (“Cisco”) for infringing U.S. Patent No. 6,683,858.

As previously disclosed, on July 23, 2021, Paltalk Holdings, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, filed a patent infringement lawsuit (the “Lawsuit”) against Cisco in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, pursuant to which the Company alleged that certain of Cisco’s products infringed U.S. Patent No. 6,683,858, and that the Company was entitled to damages.

On August 29, 2024, the jury awarded the Company $65.7 million (the “Award”) in a jury verdict in connection with the Lawsuit, which remains subject to post-trial proceedings (including any potential appellate proceedings by Cisco) and the entry of a final judgment by the Court. The exact amount of the Award proceeds to be received by the Company will be determined based on a number of factors and will reflect the deduction of significant litigation-related expenses, including legal fees. Consequently, the Company estimates that it would receive no more than one third of the gross proceeds in connection with the Award, subject to post-trial proceedings (including any potential appellate proceedings by Cisco) and the entry of a final judgment by the Court. Susman Godfrey LLP and Waco-based Cherry Johnson Siegmund James served as legal counsel to Paltalk in connection with the Lawsuit.


Paltalk, Inc. is a communications software innovator that powers multimedia social applications. Our product portfolio includes Paltalk and Camfrog, which together host a large collection of video-based communities. Our other products include ManyCam, Tinychat and Vumber. The Company has an over 20-year history of technology innovation and holds 8 patents. For more information, please visit:

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This press release contains “forward-looking statements.” Such statements may be preceded by the words “intends,” “may,” “will,” “plans,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “projects,” “predicts,” “estimates,” “aims,” “believes,” “hopes,” “potential,” or similar words. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release may include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the anticipated net proceeds to be received by the Company in connection with the Lawsuit. Such statements are subject to a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, including but not limited to the timing of and final outcome of the Lawsuit, including any potential appeals, the ultimate payment of litigation-related expenses in connection with the Lawsuit and the risk factors set forth in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. Investors and security holders are urged to read these documents free of charge on the SEC’s website at

All forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement or statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement was made, except to the extent required by applicable securities laws.

Investor Contacts:


What is the amount of the jury verdict awarded to Paltalk (PALT) in the patent infringement case against Cisco?

The jury awarded Paltalk (PALT) $65.7 million in the patent infringement case against Cisco Systems Inc.

When did Paltalk (PALT) file the patent infringement lawsuit against Cisco?

Paltalk Holdings, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Paltalk (PALT), filed the patent infringement lawsuit against Cisco on July 23, 2021.

Which patent was involved in Paltalk's (PALT) lawsuit against Cisco?

The lawsuit involved U.S. Patent No. 6,683,858, which Paltalk (PALT) alleged was infringed by certain Cisco products.

How much of the $65.7 million award does Paltalk (PALT) expect to receive?

Paltalk (PALT) estimates it will receive no more than one-third of the gross proceeds from the $65.7 million award, after deducting litigation-related expenses and legal fees.

Paltalk, Inc.


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Software - Application
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United States of America