Revio to Power Research in Male Infertility and Rare Disease at Münster University Hospital

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PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) has announced a collaboration with the University Hospital of Münster to advance male infertility and rare disease research using long-read whole genome sequencing. The university will deploy PacBio's Revio HiFi sequencing system to obtain highly accurate genomic data, particularly for studying the Y chromosome's role in male infertility. This initiative is part of Germany's GenomeDE Modellvorhaben project and will contribute to the International Male Infertility Genomics Consortium.

The University of Münster aims to sequence 500 patients with male infertility over the next year and conduct trio sequencing of rare disease families. The research will support Germany's efforts to integrate genomic medicine into standard patient care and advance understanding of rare diseases, developmental delay, and cancer.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) ha annunciato una collaborazione con l'Ospedale Universitario di Münster per avanzare nella ricerca sull'infertilità maschile e sulle malattie rare utilizzando il sequenziamento genomico a lungo raggio. L'università utilizzerà il sistema di sequenziamento Revio HiFi di PacBio per ottenere dati genomici altamente accurati, in particolare per studiare il ruolo del cromosoma Y nell'infertilità maschile. Questa iniziativa fa parte del progetto GenomeDE Modellvorhaben in Germania e contribuirà al Consorzio Internazionale di Genomica sull'Infertilità Maschile.

L'Università di Münster mira a sequenziare 500 pazienti con infertilità maschile nel prossimo anno e a condurre il sequenziamento di famiglie con malattie rare. La ricerca supporterà gli sforzi della Germania per integrare la medicina genomica nella cura standard dei pazienti e per avanzare nella comprensione delle malattie rare, del ritardo nello sviluppo e del cancro.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) ha anunciado una colaboración con el Hospital Universitario de Münster para avanzar en la investigación sobre la infertilidad masculina y las enfermedades raras utilizando secuenciación de genoma completo de lectura larga. La universidad empleará el sistema de secuenciación Revio HiFi de PacBio para obtener datos genómicos altamente precisos, especialmente para estudiar el papel del cromosoma Y en la infertilidad masculina. Esta iniciativa es parte del proyecto GenomeDE Modellvorhaben en Alemania y contribuirá al Consorcio Internacional de Genómica de Infertilidad Masculina.

La Universidad de Münster tiene como objetivo secuenciar 500 pacientes con infertilidad masculina durante el próximo año y realizar secuenciación de tríos en familias con enfermedades raras. La investigación apoyará los esfuerzos de Alemania para integrar la medicina genómica en la atención estándar al paciente y avanzar en la comprensión de enfermedades raras, retraso en el desarrollo y cáncer.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB)가 뮌스터 대학 병원과 협력하여 남성 불임 및 희귀 질병 연구를 장기 읽기 전체 유전체 서열 분석을 사용하여 진행한다고 발표했습니다. 이 대학은 PacBio의 Revio HiFi 서열 분석 시스템을 활용하여 남성 불임에서 Y 염색체의 역할을 연구하기 위해 고도로 정확한 유전체 데이터를 얻을 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 독일의 GenomeDE Modellvorhaben 프로젝트의 일환이며 국제 남성 불임 유전체 컨소시엄에 기여할 것입니다.

뮌스터 대학은 다음 해에 남성 불임 환자 500명의 서열을 분석하고 희귀 질병 가족의 삼중 서열 분석을 수행하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 연구는 독일의 유전체 의학을 표준 환자 치료에 통합하려는 노력과 희귀 질병, 발달 지연 및 암에 대한 이해를 증진하는 데 기여할 것입니다.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) a annoncé une collaboration avec l'Hôpital Universitaire de Münster pour faire progresser la recherche sur l'infertilité masculine et les maladies rares grâce au séquençage du génome entier par lecture longue. L'université utilisera le système de séquençage Revio HiFi de PacBio pour obtenir des données génomiques très précises, en particulier pour étudier le rôle du chromosome Y dans l'infertilité masculine. Cette initiative fait partie du projet GenomeDE Modellvorhaben en Allemagne et contribuera au Consortium International de Génomique de l'Infertilité Masculine.

L'Université de Münster vise à séquencer 500 patients souffrant d'infertilité masculine au cours de l'année prochaine et à réaliser des séquençages de trios dans des familles atteintes de maladies rares. La recherche soutiendra les efforts de l'Allemagne pour intégrer la médecine génomique dans les soins standards aux patients et améliorer la compréhension des maladies rares, des retards de développement et du cancer.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) hat eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Universitätsklinikum Münster angekündigt, um die Forschung zu männlicher Unfruchtbarkeit und seltenen Krankheiten durch langfristiges Ganzgenom-Sequencing voranzutreiben. Die Universität wird das Revio HiFi-Sequenzierungssystem von PacBio einsetzen, um hochgenaue genomische Daten zu erhalten, insbesondere um die Rolle des Y-Chromosoms bei männlicher Unfruchtbarkeit zu untersuchen. Diese Initiative ist Teil des Projekt GenomeDE Modellvorhaben in Deutschland und wird zum Internationalen Konsortium für männliche Unfruchtbarkeit in der Genomforschung beitragen.

Die Universität Münster plant, im nächsten Jahr 500 Patienten mit männlicher Unfruchtbarkeit zu sequenzieren und Trio-Sequenzierungen bei Familien mit seltenen Krankheiten durchzuführen. Die Forschung wird die Bemühungen Deutschlands unterstützen, die genomische Medizin in die Standardversorgung der Patienten zu integrieren und das Verständnis seltener Krankheiten, Entwicklungsverzögerungen und Krebs zu fördern.

  • Collaboration with University Hospital of Münster expands PacBio's presence in the European market
  • Revio system to be used in Germany's national genome initiative, potentially increasing demand
  • Research contributions to International Male Infertility Genomics Consortium may lead to broader adoption of PacBio technology
  • University of Münster plans to sequence 500 patients with male infertility over the next year, indicating significant usage of PacBio's technology
  • None.

This collaboration between PacBio and Münster University Hospital marks a significant advancement in male infertility and rare disease research. The deployment of the Revio HiFi sequencing system will provide unprecedented insights into complex genetic issues, particularly those associated with the Y chromosome. This is important because:

  • Male infertility has been understudied due to the complexity of the Y chromosome
  • The project aims to sequence 500 patients with male infertility over the next year
  • It will contribute to Germany's GenomeDE project, advancing research in rare diseases and cancer

The impact on healthcare could be substantial, especially for aging European populations facing declining birth rates. However, it's important to note that while this research is promising, it may take time before it translates into clinical applications.

PacBio's Revio HiFi sequencing system represents a leap forward in genomic technology. Its key advantages include:

  • High accuracy in long-read sequencing, important for complex genetic regions
  • Ability to navigate repetitive regions and structural variants in the Y chromosome
  • Capability to perform trio sequencing for rare disease families

This technology could potentially revolutionize our understanding of male infertility and rare diseases. However, the real test will be in the system's performance and the quality of data it produces over time. While promising, it's important to monitor how effectively this technology translates into actionable insights for medical professionals and patients.

This collaboration positions PacBio strategically in the European genomics market:

  • First deployment of long-read whole genome sequencing in a German translational research and diagnostic setting
  • Contribution to Germany's national genome initiative
  • Potential for international impact through the International Male Infertility Genomics Consortium

For investors, this represents significant market expansion potential for PacBio in Europe. However, it's important to consider that the genomics market is highly competitive and rapidly evolving. While this partnership is promising, long-term success will depend on the tangible results produced and PacBio's ability to maintain its technological edge in the face of emerging competitors.

Highly Accurate Long-Read Sequencing Data from Revio will Support Germany’s National Genome Initiative and Provide Data to the International Male Infertility Consortium

MENLO PARK, Calif., Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB), a leading developer of high-quality, highly accurate sequencing solutions, today announced a collaboration with the University Hospital of Münster, to use long-read whole genome sequencing to significantly advance male infertility and rare disease research. By deploying PacBio’s Revio HiFi sequencing system, researchers at Münster will obtain highly accurate genomic data essential for addressing complex genetic issues associated with male infertility, including the Y chromosome.

The announcement follows the opening of the University’s Center of Medical Genetics, which will foster Münster’s role in various fields of genetics including familial breast and ovarian cancer and reproductive genetics. Münster’s Medical Center is the first in Germany to use long-read whole genome sequencing in a translational research and diagnostic setting and owns the first Revio funded by the German healthcare system. The data generated by the Revio will contribute to Germany’s GenomeDE Modellvorhaben project to integrate genomic medicine into standard patient care. The results of this study will also extend beyond Germany, supporting research at the International Male Infertility Genomics Consortium, which has connections with 8 other countries.

“The Revio system will be pivotal in furthering the University of Münster as a leader in medical genetics. Its ability to navigate complex genetic landscapes, particularly in studying the Y chromosome’s role in male infertility, will provide critical insights that were previously unattainable,” said Professor Tüttelmann, Director of The Center of Medical Genetics, University of Münster. “The male Y chromosome has until recently been a mystery due to its repetitive regions and challenging structural variants. The exceptional accuracy and depth of Revio will allow us to begin unravelling the causes of male infertility. Such insight is invaluable for aging European populations, where fewer children are being born and more pressure is being put on health systems.”

The University of Münster will use the Revio to achieve its goal of whole genome sequencing 500 patients with male infertility over the next year. Professor Tüttelmann will also oversee the trio sequencing of rare disease families, where both parents and the affected child are sequenced on the Revio to determine whether disease is carried on the maternal or paternal haplotype. The findings of Münster Clinic’s research will contribute to Germany’s GenomeDE project, which seeks to advance research into the genetic underpinnings of rare diseases, including developmental delay, and cancer.

“Our HiFi technology will unlock deeper genomics insights for Professor Tüttelmann’s research into male infertility and we look forward to seeing how the data will advance this understudied area. Supporting Münster’s new Center of Medical Genetics is an important step in PacBio’s continued growth in Europe, and we’re pleased to support the university in achieving its vision of becoming experts in familial cancer and rare disease,” said Neil Ward, General Manager and Vice President EMEA, PacBio. “These are fields of growing importance for Germany and European healthcare systems, and Münster’s research holds great promise for providing answers for patients internationally. Playing a critical role in such influential projects is key to achieving PacBio’s mission to enable the promise of genomics to better human health.”

For more information about how PacBio is revolutionizing the field of genomics and to explore the capabilities of the Revio HiFi sequencing system, please visit our website at

About PacBio
PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) is a premier life science technology company that designs, develops, and manufactures advanced sequencing solutions to help scientists and clinical researchers resolve genetically complex problems. Our products and technologies stem from two highly differentiated core technologies focused on accuracy, quality and completeness which include our HiFi long-read sequencing and our SBB® short-read sequencing technologies. Our products address solutions across a broad set of research applications including human germline sequencing, plant and animal sciences, infectious disease and microbiology, oncology, and other emerging applications. For more information, please visit and follow @PacBio.

PacBio products are provided for Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including statements relating to the uses, coverage, advantages, quality or performance of, or benefits or expected benefits of using, PacBio products or technologies, including in connection with the University of Münster’s anticipated use of Revio, its goal of sequencing 500 male infertility patients, and the use of HiFi technology to unlock deeper genomics insights into male infertility and rare diseases; and other future events. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because they are subject to assumptions, risks, and uncertainties and could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from currently anticipated results, including, challenges inherent in sequencing a large number of genomes; potential product performance and quality issues; third-party claims alleging infringement of patents and proprietary rights or seeking to invalidate PacBio's patents or proprietary rights; and other risks associated with international operations. Additional factors that could materially affect actual results can be found in PacBio's most recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including PacBio's most recent reports on Forms 8-K, 10-K, and 10-Q, and include those listed under the caption "Risk Factors." These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and speak only as of the date hereof; except as required by law, PacBio disclaims any obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances in the future, even if new information becomes available.


Todd Friedman



What is the purpose of PacBio's collaboration with the University Hospital of Münster?

The collaboration aims to advance male infertility and rare disease research using PacBio's Revio HiFi sequencing system for long-read whole genome sequencing.

How many patients with male infertility does the University of Münster plan to sequence using PACB's Revio system?

The University of Münster plans to sequence 500 patients with male infertility over the next year using PacBio's Revio HiFi sequencing system.

What is the significance of studying the Y chromosome in male infertility research using PACB's technology?

PacBio's Revio system provides highly accurate genomic data essential for addressing complex genetic issues associated with male infertility, particularly in studying the Y chromosome's role, which has been challenging to analyze due to its repetitive regions and structural variants.

How does the University of Münster's research using PACB's Revio system contribute to Germany's national initiatives?

The research contributes to Germany's GenomeDE Modellvorhaben project, which aims to integrate genomic medicine into standard patient care and advance research into the genetic underpinnings of rare diseases, developmental delay, and cancer.

Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.


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