PacBio, A*STAR, and Macrogen Unveil State-of-the-Art Lab to Accelerate Genomics Innovation in Singapore

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PacBio, A*STAR, and Macrogen have opened a state-of-the-art joint laboratory at A*STAR Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) in Singapore. This facility will provide local researchers access to cutting-edge long-read sequencing technology, marking a significant milestone for HiFi long-read sequencing applications in precision medicine, population genomics, and health and disease biology in Southeast Asia.

The lab will house two PacBio Revio systems, known for their scalability, high throughput, and ease of use. These systems feature PacBio's proprietary HiFi sequencing technology, offering highly accurate long reads ideal for complex genomic studies and real-time methylation detection. Macrogen will provide streamlined sequencing service support, positioning the lab as a hub for genomics innovation in Singapore.

This collaboration aims to strengthen Singapore's position as a global leader in genomics research, supporting the National Precision Medicine (NPM) long-read sequencing needs and serving as a vital resource for researchers in fields such as population genetics, cancer research, and rare disease studies.

PacBio, A*STAR e Macrogen hanno aperto un laboratorio congiunto all'avanguardia presso l'Istituto Genomico A*STAR di Singapore (GIS) a Singapore. Questa struttura offrirà ai ricercatori locali l'accesso a tecnologie di sequenziamento a lungo raggio all'avanguardia, segnando un traguardo significativo per le applicazioni del sequenziamento HiFi a lungo raggio nella medicina di precisione, nella genomica delle popolazioni e nella biologia della salute e delle malattie nel sud-est asiatico.

Il laboratorio ospiterà due sistemi PacBio Revio, noti per la loro scalabilità, alta capacità produttiva e facilità d'uso. Questi sistemi presentano la tecnologia di sequenziamento HiFi proprietaria di PacBio, offrendo letture a lungo raggio altamente accurate, ideali per studi genomici complessi e per la rilevazione in tempo reale della metilazione. Macrogen fornirà supporto ai servizi di sequenziamento semplificati, posizionando il laboratorio come un hub per l'innovazione genomica a Singapore.

Questa collaborazione mira a rafforzare la posizione di Singapore come leader globale nella ricerca genomica, supportando le necessità di sequenziamento a lungo raggio della National Precision Medicine (NPM) e fungendo da risorsa vitale per i ricercatori in campi quali la genetica delle popolazioni, la ricerca sul cancro e gli studi sulle malattie rare.

PacBio, A*STAR y Macrogen han inaugurado un laboratorio conjunto de última generación en el Instituto Genómico A*STAR de Singapur (GIS) en Singapur. Esta instalación proporcionará a los investigadores locales acceso a tecnología de secuenciación de lectura larga de vanguardia, marcando un hito significativo para las aplicaciones de secuenciación HiFi de lectura larga en medicina de precisión, genómica poblacional y biología de la salud y enfermedades en el sudeste asiático.

El laboratorio albergará dos sistemas PacBio Revio, conocidos por su escalabilidad, alta capacidad de rendimiento y facilidad de uso. Estos sistemas presentan la tecnología de secuenciación HiFi patentada de PacBio, que ofrece lecturas largas altamente precisas, ideales para estudios genómicos complejos y detección de metilación en tiempo real. Macrogen proporcionará un soporte de servicio de secuenciación optimizado, posicionando el laboratorio como un centro de innovación genómica en Singapur.

Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo fortalecer la posición de Singapur como líder mundial en investigación genómica, apoyando las necesidades de secuenciación de lectura larga de la National Precision Medicine (NPM) y sirviendo como un recurso vital para investigadores en campos como la genética poblacional, la investigación del cáncer y los estudios sobre enfermedades raras.

PacBio, A*STAR, 및 Macrogen은 싱가포르의 A*STAR 유전체 연구소(GIS) 내에 최첨단 공동 실험실을 개설했습니다. 이 시설은 현지 연구자들에게 최신의 긴 염기서열 기술에 대한 접근을 제공하여, 동남아시아의 정밀 의학, 집단 유전체학, 건강 및 질병 생물학에서 HiFi 긴 염기서열 응용의 중요한 이정표를 만들어낼 것입니다.

이 실험실에는 확장성, 높은 처리량 및 사용 용이성으로 유명한 두 개의 PacBio Revio 시스템이 설치됩니다. 이 시스템들은 복잡한 유전체 연구와 실시간 메틸화 탐지에 적합한 매우 정확한 긴 염기서를 제공하는 PacBio의 독점 HiFi 염기서열 기술을 특징으로 합니다. Macrogen은 원활한 염기서열 서비스 지원을 제공하여 이 실험실을 싱가포르의 유전체 혁신 허브로 위치시킬 것입니다.

이번 협력은 싱가포르가 유전체 연구의 세계적인 리더로서의 위치를 강화하고, 국가 정밀 의학(NPM)의 긴 염기서열 필요를 지원하며, 집단 유전학, 암 연구 및 희귀 질환 연구와 같은 분야의 연구자들에게 중요한 자원이 되는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

PacBio, A*STAR et Macrogen ont ouvert un laboratoire conjoint à la pointe de la technologie à l'Institut de Génome A*STAR de Singapour (GIS) à Singapour. Cette installation offrira aux chercheurs locaux un accès à des technologies de séquençage de longue lecture de pointe, marquant une étape significative pour les applications de séquençage HiFi à longue lecture dans la médecine de précision, la génomique des populations et la biologie de la santé et des maladies en Asie du Sud-Est.

Le laboratoire accueillera deux systèmes PacBio Revio, connus pour leur évolutivité, leur haut débit et leur facilité d'utilisation. Ces systèmes intègrent la technologie de séquençage HiFi propriétaire de PacBio, offrant des lectures longues très précises, idéales pour les études génomiques complexes et la détection de la méthylation en temps réel. Macrogen fournira un soutien aux services de séquençage simplifiés, positionnant le laboratoire comme un pôle d'innovation génomique à Singapour.

Cette collaboration vise à renforcer la position de Singapour en tant que leader mondial dans la recherche génomique, soutenant les besoins de séquençage à longue lecture de la National Precision Medicine (NPM) et servant de ressource vitale pour les chercheurs dans des domaines tels que la génétique des populations, la recherche sur le cancer et les études sur les maladies rares.

PacBio, A*STAR und Macrogen haben ein modernes gemeinsames Labor am A*STAR Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) in Singapur eröffnet. Diese Einrichtung wird lokalen Forschern Zugang zu hochmoderner Langsequenzierungstechnologie bieten und stellt einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für HiFi-Langsequenzierungsanwendungen in der Präzisionsmedizin, der Populationsgenomik sowie in der Gesundheits- und Krankheitsbiologie in Südostasien dar.

Das Labor wird zwei PacBio Revio Systeme beherbergen, die für ihre Skalierbarkeit, hohe Durchsatzrate und Benutzerfreundlichkeit bekannt sind. Diese Systeme nutzen die proprietäre HiFi-Sequenzierungstechnologie von PacBio und bieten hochpräzise lange Reads, die sich ideal für komplexe genomische Studien und die Echtzeit-Detektion von Methylierung eignen. Macrogen wird Unterstützung bei den Sequenzierungsdiensten bieten und das Labor als Zentrum für genomische Innovationen in Singapur positionieren.

Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, Singapurs Position als globaler Führer in der genomischen Forschung zu stärken, die Bedürfnisse der National Precision Medicine (NPM) im Bereich der Langsequenzierung zu unterstützen und eine wichtige Ressource für Forscher in Bereichen wie Populationsgenetik, Krebsforschung und Studien zu seltenen Krankheiten zu sein.

  • Establishment of a state-of-the-art joint laboratory with A*STAR and Macrogen in Singapore
  • Installation of two PacBio Revio systems, expanding access to advanced long-read sequencing technology
  • Potential to strengthen Singapore's position as a global leader in genomics research
  • Support for National Precision Medicine (NPM) long-read sequencing needs
  • None.


The establishment of this joint laboratory in Singapore represents a significant advancement in genomics research capabilities for Southeast Asia. The installation of two PacBio Revio systems, featuring HiFi long-read sequencing technology, will provide local researchers with access to cutting-edge tools for complex genomic studies.

This collaboration between PacBio, A*STAR and Macrogen has several key implications:

  • Enhanced precision medicine and population genomics research capabilities in the region
  • Potential for accelerated discoveries in disease biology and rare genetic disorders
  • Strengthened position of Singapore as a global leader in genomics research
  • Improved access to high-quality long-read sequencing for the local scientific community

While this development is promising for the field of genomics, its immediate impact on PacBio's financials may be The long-term benefits could include increased adoption of PacBio's technology in the region and potential for future collaborations and sales. Investors should monitor how this initiative translates into revenue growth and market share expansion for PacBio in Southeast Asia.

The new lab will leverage PacBio’s HiFi sequencing technology to broaden access to highly accurate long-read sequencing and multi-omics solutions in Southeast Asia

SINGAPORE, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB), a leading developer of high-quality, highly accurate sequencing solutions, in collaboration with the Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR), and Macrogen, today announced the opening of a state-of-the-art joint laboratory at A*STAR Genome Institute of Singapore (A*STAR GIS) in Singapore. This new facility, located on Level 5 of the Genome building at Biopolis, will provide the local research community access to cutting-edge long-read sequencing technology.

This initiative marks a significant milestone for the expanding application of HiFi long-read sequencing in precision medicine, population genomics, and health and disease biology in Southeast Asia. Two PacBio Revio systems will be installed at the lab. Through streamlined sequencing service support through Macrogen, the next-generation sequencing ecosystem at A*STAR GIS will position the joint lab as a hub for genomics innovation in Singapore. The collaboration represents a significant step forward in offering tools to broaden research capabilities with high-quality long-read sequencing and unlocking new methodologies to expand project capabilities.

Dr. Tam Wai Leong, Deputy Executive, A*STAR GIS, remarked, "This collaboration is timely and pivotal as the prevalence of long-read sequencing grows. Its application is revolutionising precision medicine and population genomics, offering deeper insights into disease biology. We are excited to partner with PacBio and Macrogen to strengthen Singapore's position as a global leader in genomics research."

PacBio Revio systems, known for their scalability, high throughput, and ease of use, are equipped with PacBio’s proprietary HiFi sequencing technology, providing highly accurate long reads. These systems are ideal for complex genomic studies and offer real-time methylation detection, facilitating in-depth multi-omics research. The onboard DeepConsensus base calling and methylation calling further enhance analysis efficiency.

Jason Kang, General Manager and Vice President of PacBio APAC, added, "At PacBio, we are committed to empowering scientific breakthroughs through our advanced sequencing technologies. The establishment of this joint lab, in collaboration with GIS and Macrogen, allows us to bring the power of HiFi sequencing closer to researchers in Singapore to support their innovative projects in precision medicine and genomics." Collaborating with DKSH in Southeast Asia as its authorized channel partner, PacBio ensures that researchers in the region have streamlined access to the sequencing solutions and the necessary support to maximize their impact.

In addition to supporting the National Precision Medicine (NPM) long-read sequencing needs, the new joint lab will serve as a vital resource for Singapore’s research community. Researchers will have access to Revio's capabilities, advancing projects in fields such as population genetics, cancer research, and rare disease studies.

Dr. Chong Hyon-yong, CEO of Macrogen Singapore, stated, "Macrogen is proud to be part of this collaboration with GIS and PacBio. By providing sequencing service support, we are contributing to a stronger genomics ecosystem in Singapore. The cutting-edge Revio systems will enable our scientists to push the boundaries of genomics research and accelerate discoveries that improve healthcare outcomes."

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Contacts (PacBio)

Todd Friedman


Contacts (Macrogen)


About PacBio
PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) is a premier life science technology company that designs, develops, and manufactures advanced sequencing solutions to help scientists and clinical researchers resolve genetically complex problems. Our products and technologies stem from two highly differentiated core technologies focused on accuracy, quality and completeness which include our HiFi long-read sequencing and our SBB® short-read sequencing technologies. Our products address solutions across a broad set of research applications including human germline sequencing, plant and animal sciences, infectious disease and microbiology, oncology, and other emerging applications. For more information, please visit and follow @PacBio.

PacBio products are provided for Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

About the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) is Singapore's lead public sector R&D agency. Through open innovation, we collaborate with our partners in both the public and private sectors to benefit the economy and society. As a Science and Technology Organisation, A*STAR bridges the gap between academia and industry. Our research creates economic growth and jobs for Singapore, and enhances lives by improving societal outcomes in healthcare, urban living, and sustainability. A*STAR plays a key role in nurturing scientific talent and leaders for the wider research community and industry. A*STAR’s R&D activities span biomedical sciences to physical sciences and engineering, with research entities primarily located in Biopolis and Fusionopolis. For ongoing news, visit

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About Macrogen
Macrogen provides genomics services for research use, as well as clinical diagnostics worldwide, with laboratories in six countries and more than 18,000 customers in 153 countries. Their research services include Next Generation Sequencing, Capillary Electrophoresis Sequencing, Microarrays, Transgenic mice, and Oligonucleotide synthesis. Clinical services include hereditary cancer testing, somatic cancer panels, carrier testing, NIPT screening, clinical WGS, and clinical WES.

The laboratories in Singapore, USA, and Korea have received College of American Pathologists (CAP) accreditation. Macrogen’s main laboratory in Korea also holds certifications from the Korean Institute of Genetic Testing Evaluation and the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for NGS Clinical Laboratory.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including statements relating to the uses, coverage, advantages, quality or performance of, or benefits or expected benefits of using, PacBio products or technologies, such as the anticipated increased access to PacBio’s technology in Southeast Asia; bringing sequencing closer to researchers in Singapore to support their projects in precision medicine and genomics; and other future events. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because they are subject to assumptions, risks, and uncertainties and could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from currently anticipated results, including, challenges inherent in sequencing a large number of genomes, and the difficulty of generating discoveries across various areas of research; potential product performance and quality issues; third-party claims alleging infringement of patents and proprietary rights or seeking to invalidate PacBio's patents or proprietary rights; and other risks associated with international operations. Additional factors that could materially affect actual results can be found in PacBio's most recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including PacBio's most recent reports on Forms 8-K, 10-K, and 10-Q, and include those listed under the caption "Risk Factors." These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and speak only as of the date hereof; except as required by law, PacBio disclaims any obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances in the future, even if new information becomes available.


What is the purpose of the new joint laboratory opened by PacBio, A*STAR, and Macrogen in Singapore?

The new joint laboratory aims to provide local researchers access to cutting-edge long-read sequencing technology, accelerating genomics innovation in precision medicine, population genomics, and health and disease biology in Southeast Asia.

What sequencing technology will be available at the new joint laboratory in Singapore?

The laboratory will house two PacBio Revio systems, which feature PacBio's proprietary HiFi sequencing technology, offering highly accurate long reads for complex genomic studies and real-time methylation detection.

How will the new joint laboratory benefit Singapore's research community?

The laboratory will serve as a vital resource for Singapore's research community, supporting projects in fields such as population genetics, cancer research, and rare disease studies, as well as the National Precision Medicine (NPM) long-read sequencing needs.

What role will Macrogen play in the new joint laboratory with PacBio (PACB) and A*STAR?

Macrogen will provide streamlined sequencing service support, contributing to a stronger genomics ecosystem in Singapore and helping to position the joint lab as a hub for genomics innovation.

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