Novogene to Power Cancer, Rare Disease, and Environmental Research with PacBio Sequencing

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PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) announced that Novogene is using its Revio long-read sequencing system to expand capabilities at its new lab in Munich, Germany. The Revio system's increased accuracy and throughput are designed to enable Novogene's customers to scale genomic research across rare diseases, cancer, microbes, and agriculture cost-effectively.

Novogene anticipates high demand for Revio from customers in rare disease and cancer research, as well as in microbial and agrigenomics fields. The system's ability to uncover complex repetitive regions, structural variants, and novel isoforms makes it valuable for advanced genomic studies. Novogene plans to integrate more automation into Revio's workflows to increase efficiency and accessibility for a wider range of customers.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) ha annunciato che Novogene sta utilizzando il suo sistema di sequenziamento a lungo read Revio per ampliare le capacità nel suo nuovo laboratorio a Monaco, in Germania. L'aumento della precisione e della capacità del sistema Revio è progettato per consentire ai clienti di Novogene di scalare la ricerca genomica su malattie rare, cancro, microbi e agricoltura in modo economico.

Novogene prevede una domanda elevata per Revio da parte dei clienti nella ricerca su malattie rare e cancro, così come nei campi microbici e di agrigenomica. La capacità del sistema di scoprire aree ripetitive complesse, varianti strutturali e nuovi isoformi lo rende prezioso per studi genomici avanzati. Novogene prevede di integrare maggiore automazione nei flussi di lavoro di Revio per aumentare l'efficienza e l'accessibilità a una gamma più ampia di clienti.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) anunció que Novogene está utilizando su sistema de secuenciación de lectura larga Revio para ampliar las capacidades en su nuevo laboratorio en Múnich, Alemania. El aumento de la precisión y capacidad del sistema Revio está diseñado para permitir a los clientes de Novogene escalar la investigación genómica en enfermedades raras, cáncer, microbios y agricultura de manera rentable.

Novogene anticipa alta demanda de Revio por parte de los clientes en investigación sobre enfermedades raras y cáncer, así como en los campos de microbiología y agrigenómica. La capacidad del sistema para descubrir regiones repetitivas complejas, variantes estructurales y nuevos isoformas lo hace valioso para estudios genómicos avanzados. Novogene planea integrar más automatización en los flujos de trabajo de Revio para aumentar la eficiencia y accesibilidad a una gama más amplia de clientes.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB)는 Novogene이 독일 뮌헨에 있는 새로운 연구소에서 Revio 장기 읽기 시퀀싱 시스템을 사용하여 능력을 확장하고 있다고 발표했습니다. Revio 시스템의 향상된 정확도와 처리량은 Novogene의 고객이 희귀 질병, 암, 미생물 및 농업에 걸친 유전체 연구를 비용 효율적으로 확장할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.

Novogene는 희귀 질병 및 암 연구, 그 뿐만 아니라 미생물학 및 농업 유전체학 분야에서 Revio에 대한 높은 수요를 예상하고 있습니다. 복잡한 반복 영역, 구조적 변이 및 새로운 아이소폼을 밝혀낼 수 있는 이 시스템은 고급 유전체 연구에 매우 유용합니다. Novogene는 Revio의 작업 흐름에 더 많은 자동화를 통합하여 더 많은 고객에게 효율성과 접근성을 높일 계획입니다.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) a annoncé que Novogene utilise son système de séquençage à long rayon Revio pour élargir ses capacités dans son nouveau laboratoire à Munich, en Allemagne. L'augmentation de la précision et du débit du système Revio est conçue pour permettre aux clients de Novogene d'évoluer dans la recherche génomique sur les maladies rares, le cancer, les microbes et l'agriculture de manière rentable.

Novogene anticipe une forte demande pour Revio de la part des clients dans la recherche sur les maladies rares et le cancer, ainsi que dans les domaines de la microbiologie et de l'agri-génomique. La capacité du système à découvrir des régions répétitives complexes, des variantes structurelles et de nouveaux isoformes en fait un outil précieux pour des études génomiques avancées. Novogene prévoit d'intégrer davantage d'automatisation dans les flux de travail de Revio pour augmenter l'efficacité et l'accessibilité pour un plus large éventail de clients.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) gab bekannt, dass Novogene sein Revio-Langsequenzierungssystem nutzt, um die Möglichkeiten in seinem neuen Labor in München, Deutschland, zu erweitern. Die erhöhte Genauigkeit und Durchsatz des Revio-Systems sind darauf ausgelegt, es Novogene-Kunden zu ermöglichen, genomische Forschung in seltenen Krankheiten, Krebs, Mikroben und Landwirtschaft kosteneffizient zu skalieren.

Novogene erwartet eine hohe Nachfrage nach Revio von Kunden in der Forschung zu seltenen Krankheiten und Krebs sowie in den Bereichen mikrobielle und Agrar-Genomik. Die Fähigkeit des Systems, komplexe wiederholte Regionen, strukturelle Varianten und neue Isoformen aufzudecken, macht es für fortgeschrittene genomische Studien wertvoll. Novogene plant, mehr Automatisierung in die Arbeitsabläufe von Revio zu integrieren, um die Effizienz und Zugänglichkeit für eine breitere Kundenbasis zu erhöhen.

  • Expansion of Novogene's capabilities with PacBio's Revio system
  • Potential increase in demand for PacBio's technology in various research fields
  • Revio's ability to uncover complex genomic regions missed by other methods
  • Plans for further automation to increase efficiency and accessibility of PacBio's technology
  • None.

The collaboration between PacBio and Novogene is a strategic move that strengthens PacBio's market position in Europe. The Munich lab, equipped with the Revio long-read sequencing system, enhances Novogene’s capabilities in handling complex and in-depth genomic research. This development is likely to increase PacBio's market penetration, particularly in the rare disease and cancer research sectors, where high accuracy and depth of data are critical. The efficiency and scalability introduced by the Revio system can position Novogene to attract more research institutions and commercial organizations, thereby boosting demand for PacBio's technologies.

From an investment standpoint, this partnership is poised to drive revenue growth for PacBio by expanding its customer base and application areas. It demonstrates PacBio's commitment to advancing genomic research and responding to market needs, which could increase investor confidence and lead to a positive impact on stock performance.

The integration of PacBio's Revio long-read sequencing system into Novogene's Munich lab has significant implications for medical research, particularly in rare disease and cancer studies. The high-fidelity and detailed data provided by the Revio system can uncover complex genetic variations that are often missed by conventional short-read sequencing methods. This capability is important for identifying novel genetic markers and understanding disease mechanisms at a deeper level, potentially leading to breakthroughs in diagnosis and treatment.

For researchers, this means increased access to high-quality genomic data, which can expedite the discovery of new therapeutic targets and the development of personalized medicine. This also aligns with the growing trend towards precision medicine, where treatments are tailored based on individual genetic profiles. The long-term impact could be profound, leading to more effective treatments and improved patient outcomes, thereby highlighting the importance of this technological advancement in the medical research field.

The deployment of PacBio’s Revio sequencing system in Novogene's Munich lab is a technical milestone that underscores the advancements in genomic sequencing technology. The Revio system's ability to deliver highly accurate long reads addresses critical limitations in current sequencing methods, such as difficulty in resolving complex genomic regions and structural variants. This not only enhances the depth and quality of genomic data but also makes it more cost-effective and accessible.

Technologically, this partnership represents a significant leap forward in genomic research capabilities, potentially influencing the development of new bioinformatics tools and data analysis techniques. By integrating more automation into the Revio's workflows, Novogene can streamline the sequencing process, reduce turnaround times and scale up its service offerings. This technological edge could lead to increased adoption of PacBio's sequencing solutions across various research and commercial applications, driving further innovation in the field.

Highly accurate long-read sequencing data will be used at Novogene’s new lab in Munich, supporting customers across a network of leading research institutions

MENLO PARK, Calif., July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB), a leading developer of high-quality, highly accurate sequencing solutions, today announced that Novogene is using its Revio long-read sequencing system to expand the capabilities of its new lab in Munich, Germany, serving customers across the European scientific community. Novogene is a leading provider of genomic services and bioinformatics expertise, working with a wide range of leading research institutions, clinical and commercial organizations. The increased accuracy and throughput offered by the Revio are designed to enable Novogene’s customers to scale in-depth genomic research across rare diseases, cancer, microbes, and agriculture in a cost-effective way.

“Bringing Revio to our German lab creates new opportunities for our customers to advance their groundbreaking research. We expect particularly high demand for the Revio from customers in the rare disease and cancer spaces, due to the sequencer’s ability to uncover complex repetitive regions, structural variants, and novel isoforms that are typically missed by short-read and exome methods,” comments Tingting Zhou, Vice President of Novogene. “The high fidelity of the Revio, combined with PacBio’s various kits and data analysis capabilities, make it an ideal solution to provide our customers with long-read data in an economical way. We plan to integrate even more automation into the Revio’s workflows to further increase efficiency and make long-reads accessible to a wider range of our customers.”

The new lab at the Innovation and Start-Up Center for Biotechnology (IZB) in Munich serves as a strategic hub for Novogene’s European operations and builds on its global network of labs across the UK, US, Singapore, Japan and China. The addition of the Revio will complement Novogene’s existing sequencing portfolio, giving customers answers where other technologies have been unable to, due to depth or accuracy limitations. As well as rare disease and cancer research, Novogene anticipates high demand for the Revio from customers in the microbial and agrigenomics space, by enabling the de novo assembly of full genomes of rarely studied species and the identification of species.

“Novogene’s services and expertise have been supporting pioneering research for more than a decade. Revio’s high accuracy means PacBio is well placed to be supporting Novogene’s customers, particularly those who are exploring more complex biological use cases. We are pleased to be enabling Novogene’s mission of advancing genomics and improving life,” comments Neil Ward, Vice President and General Manager EMEA, PacBio. “Working with a company like Novogene that has such a broad customer base is exciting for PacBio, as we’ll get to see the Revio being used for new cutting-edge applications. Whether that’s advancing human health or the health of our planet.”

For more information about how PacBio is revolutionizing the field of genomics and to explore the capabilities of the Revio HiFi sequencing system, please visit our website at

Contacts (PacBio)
Todd Friedman


About PacBio
PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) is a premier life science technology company that designs, develops, and manufactures advanced sequencing solutions to help scientists and clinical researchers resolve genetically complex problems. Our products and technologies stem from two highly differentiated core technologies focused on accuracy, quality and completeness which include our HiFi long-read sequencing and our SBB® short-read sequencing technologies. Our products address solutions across a broad set of research applications including human germline sequencing, plant and animal sciences, infectious disease and microbiology, oncology, and other emerging applications. For more information, please visit and follow @PacBio.

PacBio products are provided for Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

About Novogene

Novogene is a leading provider of genomic services and solutions with cutting edge Next Generation Sequencing and bioinformatics expertise. With one of the leading sequencing capacities in the world, Novogene utilises scientific excellence, a commitment to customer service and unsurpassed data quality to help our clients realise their research goals in the rapidly evolving world of genomics. With almost 2,000 employees, multiple locations around the world, 66 NGS related patents, and over 22,000 publications in top tier journals such as Nature and Science, the company has become a world-leader in NGS services and a trusted genomics partner. Our services are supported by the latest platforms from Illumina, PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technology.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including statements relating to the uses, coverage, advantages, quality or performance of, or benefits or expected benefits of using, PacBio products or technologies, including in connection with Novogene’s anticipate use of Revio; and other future events. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because they are subject to assumptions, risks, and uncertainties and could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from currently anticipated results, including, challenges inherent in sequencing a large number of genomes, and the difficulty of generating discoveries across various areas of research; potential product performance and quality issues; third-party claims alleging infringement of patents and proprietary rights or seeking to invalidate PacBio's patents or proprietary rights; and other risks associated with international operations. Additional factors that could materially affect actual results can be found in PacBio's most recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including PacBio's most recent reports on Forms 8-K, 10-K, and 10-Q, and include those listed under the caption "Risk Factors." These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and speak only as of the date hereof; except as required by law, PacBio disclaims any obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances in the future, even if new information becomes available.


What is the purpose of Novogene using PacBio's Revio sequencing system?

Novogene is using PacBio's Revio long-read sequencing system to expand the capabilities of its new lab in Munich, Germany, enabling customers to scale genomic research across rare diseases, cancer, microbes, and agriculture cost-effectively.

How does the Revio system benefit research in rare diseases and cancer?

The Revio system benefits rare disease and cancer research by uncovering complex repetitive regions, structural variants, and novel isoforms that are typically missed by short-read and exome methods, providing more comprehensive genomic data.

What are Novogene's plans for integrating the Revio system into their workflows?

Novogene plans to integrate more automation into the Revio's workflows to further increase efficiency and make long-read sequencing accessible to a wider range of their customers.

In which fields does Novogene anticipate high demand for PacBio's Revio system?

Novogene anticipates high demand for the Revio system from customers in rare disease and cancer research, as well as in the microbial and agrigenomics fields.

Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.


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