Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico Announces Master Development Program and Maximum Tariffs for Its Mexican Airports for the 2025-2029 Period
Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico (NYSE: PAC) has concluded the review process for its Master Development Program and Maximum Tariffs for Mexican airports from 2025-2029. The Federal Civil Aviation Agency approved maximum tariffs per workload unit for each airport, based on traffic projections, operating costs, and capital investments. The tariffs will be adjusted by an annual efficiency factor of 0.8% and updated per the National Producer Price Index.
The company also announced committed investments for each airport, totaling 43,184,959 thousand pesos over the five-year period. These investments will be updated per the National Producer Price Index, construction sector, upon execution. GAP operates 12 airports in Mexico's Pacific region and has stakes in two Jamaican airports.
Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico (NYSE: PAC) ha concluso il processo di revisione per il suo Programma di Sviluppo Master e Tariffe Massime per gli aeroporti messicani dal 2025 al 2029. L'Agenzia Federale dell'Aviazione Civile ha approvato le tariffe massime per unità di carico per ogni aeroporto, basandosi su proiezioni del traffico, costi operativi e investimenti di capitale. Le tariffe saranno adeguate da un fattore di efficienza annuale dello 0,8% e aggiornate in base all'Indice Nazionale dei Prezzi alla Produzione.
Sono stati inoltre annunciati investimenti impegnati per ciascun aeroporto, per un totale di 43.184.959 mila pesos nel periodo di cinque anni. Questi investimenti saranno aggiornati in base all'Indice Nazionale dei Prezzi alla Produzione, settore costruzioni, al momento dell'esecuzione. GAP gestisce 12 aeroporti nella regione del Pacifico messicano e detiene partecipazioni in due aeroporti giamaicani.
Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico (NYSE: PAC) ha concluido el proceso de revisión de su Programa Maestro de Desarrollo y Tarifas Máximas para los aeropuertos mexicanos de 2025 a 2029. La Agencia Federal de Aviación Civil aprobó las tarifas máximas por unidad de carga para cada aeropuerto, basándose en proyecciones de tráfico, costos operativos e inversiones de capital. Las tarifas se ajustarán mediante un factor de eficiencia anual del 0.8% y se actualizarán según el Índice Nacional de Precios al Productor.
La empresa también anunció inversiones comprometidas para cada aeropuerto, que totalizan 43,184,959 mil pesos durante el período de cinco años. Estas inversiones se actualizarán de acuerdo con el Índice Nacional de Precios al Productor, sector de la construcción, al momento de su ejecución. GAP opera 12 aeropuertos en la región del Pacífico de México y tiene participación en dos aeropuertos en Jamaica.
그룹 아에로푸에르토리오 델 파시피코 (NYSE: PAC)는 2025-2029년 멕시코 공항을 위한 마스터 개발 프로그램 및 최대 요금에 대한 검토 과정을 마무리했습니다. 연방 민간 항공청은 교통 예측, 운영 비용 및 자본 투자에 기초하여 각 공항에 대한 작업 단위당 최대 요금을 승인했습니다. 요금은 연간 0.8%의 효율성 계수에 따라 조정되며 국가 생산자 물가 지수에 따라 업데이트됩니다.
회사는 또한 각 공항에 대해 총 43,184,959 천페소에 달하는 확정 투자를 발표했습니다. 이 투자는 실행 시 건설 부문에 따라 국가 생산자 물가 지수에 의해 업데이트됩니다. GAP는 멕시코 태평양 지역에 12개의 공항을 운영하고 있으며 자메이카의 두 개 공항에도 지분을 보유하고 있습니다.
Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico (NYSE: PAC) a conclu le processus de révision de son Programme de Développement Master et de ses Tarifs Maximaux pour les aéroports mexicains de 2025 à 2029. L'Agence Fédérale de l'Aviation Civile a approuvé les tarifs maximaux par unité de travail pour chaque aéroport, basés sur les projections de trafic, les coûts d'exploitation et les investissements de capital. Les tarifs seront ajustés par un facteur d'efficacité annuel de 0,8 % et mis à jour selon l'Indice National des Prix à la Production.
L'entreprise a également annoncé des investissements engagés pour chaque aéroport, totalisant 43.184.959 mille pesos sur la période de cinq ans. Ces investissements seront mis à jour selon l'Indice National des Prix à la Production, secteur de la construction, lors de leur exécution. GAP exploite 12 aéroports dans la région du Pacifique du Mexique et détient des participations dans deux aéroports jamaïcains.
Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico (NYSE: PAC) hat den Überprüfungsprozess seines Master Development Programms und der Maximaltarife für mexikanische Flughäfen von 2025 bis 2029 abgeschlossen. Die Bundeszivilluftfahrtbehörde genehmigte die maximalen Tarife pro Arbeitseinheit für jeden Flughafen, basierend auf Verkehrsvorhersagen, Betriebskosten und Investitionen. Die Tarife werden jährlich um einen Effizienzfaktor von 0,8% angepasst und gemäß dem nationalen Produzentenpreisindex aktualisiert.
Das Unternehmen kündigte auch verpflichtete Investitionen für jeden Flughafen an, die in den fünf Jahren insgesamt 43.184.959 Tausend Pesos betragen. Diese Investitionen werden zum Zeitpunkt der Ausführung gemäß dem nationalen Produzentenpreisindex, Bausektor, aktualisiert. GAP betreibt 12 Flughäfen in Mexikos Pazifikregion und hat Beteiligungen an zwei jamaikanischen Flughäfen.
- Approval of Master Development Program and Maximum Tariffs for 2025-2029 period
- Committed investments of 43.18 billion pesos for airport development over five years
- Annual efficiency factor of 0.8% applied to tariffs, potentially improving operational efficiency
- Gradual decrease in maximum tariffs per workload unit for most airports from 2025 to 2029
The announcement of GAP's Master Development Program (MDP) and Maximum Tariffs for 2025-2029 is a significant development for investors. The approved tariffs show a slight annual decrease across all airports, ranging from
The substantial investment commitments, totaling
The MDP reveals a strategic focus on key markets. Guadalajara airport, receiving the largest investment of
The front-loaded investment strategy, with higher spending in earlier years, suggests a proactive approach to capacity expansion. This could give GAP a competitive edge in capturing market share as air travel demand rebounds post-pandemic. However, investors should monitor execution risks and potential cost overruns in these large-scale projects.
GUADALAJARA, Mexico, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico, S.A.B. de C.V., (NYSE: PAC; BMV: GAP) (“the Company” or “GAP”) that it has concluded the ordinary review process for the Master Development Program (“MDP”) and Maximum Tariffs for its airports in Mexico, approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (Secretaría de Infraestructura, Comunicaciones y Transportes “SICT”), through the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (Agencia Federal de Aviación Civil “AFAC”) for the 2025-2029 period.
The maximum tariffs per workload unit for each airport were determined by the AFAC, based on projections for traffic, operating costs, and capital investments included in the Master Development Program, as well as the Reference Values and discount rate, following the parameters established in Annex 7 of the Concession Agreements, that contain the Rules for Tariff Regulation in force since October 19, 2023.
The applicable maximum tariffs per workload unit for each airport were the following:
Airport | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 |
Guadalajara | 349.44 | 346.65 | 343.87 | 341.12 | 338.39 |
Tijuana | 266.45 | 264.31 | 262.20 | 260.10 | 258.02 |
Los Cabos | 524.20 | 520.01 | 515.85 | 511.72 | 507.63 |
Puerto Vallarta | 522.06 | 517.88 | 513.74 | 509.63 | 505.55 |
Guanajuato | 349.61 | 346.82 | 344.04 | 341.29 | 338.56 |
Mexicali | 252.45 | 250.43 | 248.43 | 246.44 | 244.47 |
La Paz | 287.13 | 284.83 | 282.55 | 280.29 | 278.05 |
Morelia | 412.49 | 409.19 | 405.92 | 402.67 | 399.45 |
Hermosillo | 261.29 | 259.20 | 257.13 | 255.07 | 253.03 |
Aguascalientes | 270.36 | 268.20 | 266.05 | 263.93 | 261.81 |
Los Mochis | 296.10 | 293.73 | 291.38 | 289.05 | 286.74 |
Manzanillo | 357.18 | 354.32 | 351.49 | 348.67 | 345.88 |
Figures are expressed in pesos as of December 31, 2023.
The tariffs were adjusted by an annual efficiency factor of
Committed investments, in accordance with the Master Development Programs approved by the authorities, are expressed in thousands of pesos with acquisition power as of December 31, 2022. As such, these will be updated per the National Producer Price Index (NPPI), construction sector, upon execution:
Airport | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | TOTAL |
Guadalajara | 7,601,906 | 4,211,520 | 4,052,576 | 1,152,143 | 1,866,324 | 18,884,469 |
Tijuana | 1,319,298 | 1,513,110 | 1,737,794 | 1,869,573 | 1,530,802 | 7,970,578 |
Los Cabos | 392,758 | 641,898 | 1,385,112 | 1,503,495 | 1,690,881 | 5,614,145 |
Puerto Vallarta | 361,826 | 125,201 | 464,056 | 724,774 | 1,241,881 | 2,917,739 |
Guanajuato | 614,078 | 263,857 | 444,215 | 353,710 | 683,852 | 2,359,711 |
Mexicali | 236,434 | 264,840 | 213,180 | 263,753 | 339,901 | 1,318,108 |
La Paz | 34,599 | 48,885 | 117,597 | 178,867 | 483,348 | 863,296 |
Morelia | 36,598 | 84,913 | 130,706 | 181,495 | 418,526 | 852,239 |
Hermosillo | 87,518 | 21,217 | 102,148 | 252,670 | 388,066 | 851,620 |
Aguascalientes | 43,264 | 39,150 | 76,915 | 156,982 | 360,532 | 676,843 |
Los Mochis | 188,421 | 53,522 | 42,235 | 108,879 | 94,014 | 487,072 |
Manzanillo | 29,970 | 92,704 | 21,559 | 105,752 | 139,155 | 389,139 |
TOTAL | 10,946,670 | 7,360,817 | 8,788,093 | 6,852,096 | 9,237,283 | 43,184,959 |
Figures are expressed in thousands of pesos as of December 31, 2022.
Company Description
Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico, S.A.B. de C.V. (GAP) operates 12 airports throughout Mexico’s Pacific region, including the major cities of Guadalajara and Tijuana, the four tourist destinations of Puerto Vallarta, Los Cabos, La Paz and Manzanillo, and six other mid-sized cities: Hermosillo, Guanajuato, Morelia, Aguascalientes, Mexicali, and Los Mochis. In February 2006, GAP’s shares were listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “PAC” and on the Mexican Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “GAP”. In April 2015, GAP acquired
This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts and are based on management’s current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance, and financial results. The words “anticipates”, “believes”, “estimates”, “expects”, “plans” and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations, and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity, or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends, or results will occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. |
In accordance with Section 806 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Article 42 of the “Ley del Mercado de Valores”, GAP has implemented a “whistleblower” program, which allows complainants to anonymously and confidentially report suspected activities that involve criminal conduct or violations. The telephone number in Mexico, facilitated by a third party responsible for collecting these complaints, is 800 04 ETICA (38422) or WhatsApp +52 55 6538 5504. The website is or by email at GAP’s Audit Committee will be notified of all complaints for immediate investigation.
Alejandra Soto, Investor Relations and Social Responsibility Officer | |
Gisela Murillo, Investor Relations | 33 3880 1100 ext. 20294 |

What are the maximum tariffs for Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico's (PAC) Mexican airports from 2025 to 2029?
How much is Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico (PAC) investing in its Mexican airports from 2025 to 2029?
How will the maximum tariffs for Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico (PAC) be adjusted over time?