Ozop Energy Solutions, Inc. Completes Restructuring of Ozop Engineering and Design, Expands Service Offerings with New Business Model and Support Programs

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Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC) has completed a restructuring of its subsidiary, Ozop Engineering and Design, expanding services and refining its revenue generation approach. Key points include:

  • Expanded services beyond lighting controls commissioning to include pre-site visits and project specification work
  • New business model allowing rep agencies to sell Ozop's commissioning services
  • Retooled Ozop Secure program with tiered service structure (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
  • Strategic partnership with Moxie Lighting for commissioning services

These changes aim to create new revenue streams, provide value to partners and clients, and position Ozop for growth in the energy solutions market.

Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC) ha completato una ristrutturazione della sua filiale, Ozop Engineering and Design, ampliando i servizi e affinando il proprio approccio alla generazione di entrate. I punti chiave includono:

  • Servizi ampliati oltre la commissione dei controlli dell'illuminazione per includere visite pre-cantiere e lavori di specificazione dei progetti
  • Nuovo modello di business che consente alle agenzie di rappresentanza di vendere i servizi di commissioning di Ozop
  • Ristrutturazione del programma Ozop Secure con una struttura di servizi a livelli (Platino, Oro, Argento, Bronzo)
  • Partnership strategica con Moxie Lighting per i servizi di commissioning

Questi cambiamenti mirano a creare nuove fonti di reddito, fornire valore ai partner e ai clienti e posizionare Ozop per una crescita nel mercato delle soluzioni energetiche.

Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC) ha completado una reestructuración de su filial, Ozop Engineering and Design, ampliando los servicios y refinando su enfoque en la generación de ingresos. Los puntos clave incluyen:

  • Servicios ampliados más allá de la puesta en marcha de controles de iluminación para incluir visitas pre-obra y trabajo de especificación de proyectos
  • Nuevo modelo de negocio que permite a las agencias de representación vender los servicios de puesta en marcha de Ozop
  • Reestructuración del programa Ozop Secure con una estructura de servicios escalonada (Platino, Oro, Plata, Bronce)
  • Asociación estratégica con Moxie Lighting para servicios de puesta en marcha

Estos cambios tienen como objetivo crear nuevas fuentes de ingresos, proporcionar valor a los socios y clientes, y posicionar a Ozop para el crecimiento en el mercado de soluciones energéticas.

오조프 에너지 솔루션즈(OZSC)는 자회사인 오조프 엔지니어링 및 디자인의 구조 조정을 완료하고 서비스를 확장하며 수익 창출 접근 방식을 개선했습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 조명 제어 시운전 외에도 사전 현장 방문 및 프로젝트 사양 작업으로 서비스 확장
  • 오조프의 시운전 서비스를 판매할 수 있도록 하는 새로운 비즈니스 모델
  • 계층 서비스 구조(플래티넘, 골드, 실버, 브론즈)로 재편된 오조프 보안 프로그램
  • 시운전 서비스에 대한 목시 조명과의 전략적 파트너십

이러한 변화는 새로운 수익원을 창출하고 파트너 및 고객에게 가치를 제공하며 에너지 솔루션 시장에서 성장할 수 있도록 오조프를 포지셔닝하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC) a achevé une restructuration de sa filiale, Ozop Engineering and Design, élargissant ses services et affinant son approche de génération de revenus. Les points clés incluent :

  • Services élargis au-delà de la mise en service des contrôles d'éclairage pour inclure des visites préalables au site et des travaux de spécification de projet
  • Nouveau modèle commercial permettant aux agences de représentation de vendre les services de mise en service d'Ozop
  • Programme Ozop Secure retravaillé avec une structure de services par niveaux (Platine, Or, Argent, Bronze)
  • Partenariat stratégique avec Moxie Lighting pour les services de mise en service

Ces changements visent à créer de nouvelles sources de revenus, à apporter de la valeur aux partenaires et aux clients, et à positionner Ozop pour une croissance sur le marché des solutions énergétiques.

Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC) hat eine Umstrukturierung seiner Tochtergesellschaft, Ozop Engineering and Design, abgeschlossen, die Dienstleistungen erweitert und seinen Ansatz zur Einnahmengenerierung verfeinert hat. Die wichtigsten Punkte sind:

  • Erweiterte Dienstleistungen über die Inbetriebnahme von Lichtsteuerungen hinaus, um Vor-Ort-Besuche und Projektbeschreibungstätigkeiten einzubeziehen
  • Neues Geschäftsmodell, das Vertretungsagenturen erlaubt, Ozops Inbetriebnahmeservices zu verkaufen
  • Überarbeitetes Ozop Secure-Programm mit gestaffelter Service-Struktur (Platin, Gold, Silber, Bronze)
  • Strategische Partnerschaft mit Moxie Lighting für Inbetriebnahmeservices

Diese Änderungen zielen darauf ab, neue Einnahmequellen zu schaffen, Partnerschaften und Kunden einen Mehrwert zu bieten und Ozop für Wachstum im Markt für Energielösungen zu positionieren.

  • Expansion of service offerings beyond lighting controls commissioning
  • New business model allowing rep agencies to sell Ozop's services, potentially increasing sales channels
  • Retooled Ozop Secure program with tiered service structure, offering more flexible options for clients
  • Strategic partnership with Moxie Lighting , opening new market opportunities
  • None.

Warwick, NY, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ozop Energy Solutions, Inc. (OZSC) is pleased to announce the completion of a restructuring of its subsidiary, Ozop Engineering and Design. This restructuring not only expands the company’s service offerings but also refines its approach to revenue generation by integrating enhanced support programs and rep agency partnerships.

Expanded Services and Pre-Site Support

Ozop Engineering and Design has broadened its services beyond lighting controls commissioning to include pre-site visits, project specification work, and other essential project support services. These additional offerings ensure that clients can receive full-service solutions, from project planning to execution, helping streamline their efforts and optimize the performance of their systems.

New Business Model: Rep Agencies as Sales Partners

To capitalize on these expanded offerings, Ozop has restructured its business model to allow rep agencies to sell Ozop’s commissioning services. This model opens the door for partners like Moxie Lighting LLC to sell Ozop’s services and secure a commission, creating a symbiotic relationship that drives growth for both Ozop and its reps.

This shift not only provides a new revenue stream for Ozop but also allows rep agencies to remonetize older clients by offering them access to new service programs like Ozop Secure, providing continued support and added value to their existing customer base.

Retooling and Enhancing Ozop Secure

As part of this restructuring, Ozop has also retooled its Ozop Secure program to better serve its clients. By working closely with partners and gathering critical feedback, the company has refined the program to ensure it delivers the highest levels of ongoing maintenance and support.

Ozop Secure now offers a tiered service structure, giving clients the flexibility to choose the right level of support for their needs. These packages—Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze—include a range of services such as quarterly scheduled maintenance, remote diagnostics, and unlimited technical hotline support.

  • Platinum: Comprehensive support with 24-hour response times, advanced remote diagnostics, and full system programming support.
  • Gold: Mid-tier support including quarterly equipment inspections and rapid response services.
  • Silver: Basic coverage, ideal for facilities without in-house engineers or those requiring flexible scheduling.
  • Bronze: Hotline support for facilities that need occasional assistance with system operations.

Through this retooling, Ozop Secure now enables rep agencies to offer their clients valuable ongoing support, extending the lifecycle of existing systems while providing them with new monetization opportunities.

Strategic Partnership with Moxie Lighting LLC

Ozop has also signed a key agreement with Moxie Lighting LLC to provide commissioning services. As part of this partnership, Ozop recently completed training for a number of control lines offered by Moxie, ensuring the company can fully support Moxie’s projects and provide top-tier commissioning services to their clients. This is the first of a number of similar contracts with additional controls companies.

Brian Conway, CEO of Ozop Energy Solutions, stated:

“Our recent restructuring is all about tightening our services and creating real value for our partners and clients. By working closely with our rep agencies, we’ve created new opportunities for them to generate revenue while delivering critical services to their clients. The retooled Ozop Secure program is a prime example of this, offering a full range of support options designed with their feedback in mind.”

About Ozop Energy Solutions.

Ozop Energy Solutions (Ozop Energy Solutions ( is the flagship company that oversees a wide variety of products in various stages of development in the renewable energy sector. Our strategy focuses on capturing a significant share of the rapidly growing renewable energy market as a provider of assets and infrastructure needed to store energy.

About Automated Room Controls, Inc.

Also known as ARC, Inc. its mission is to deliver cutting-edge technology that simplifies complex control needs, ensuring seamless integration and exceptional performance. We aim to lead the industry by continuously innovating and providing solutions that meet the evolving demands of our customers. Our vision is to make control systems smarter, more efficient, and more accessible to everyone.

About Ozop Energy Systems, Inc.

Ozop Energy Systems is a manufacturer and distributor of Renewable Energy products in the Energy Storage, Solar, Microgrids, and EV charging Station space. We offer a broad portfolio of Renewable Energy products at competitive prices with a commitment to customer satisfaction from selection, to ordering, shipping, and delivery.

About Ozop Engineering and Design

Ozop Engineering and Design engineers’ energy efficient, easy to install and use, digital lighting controls solutions for commercial buildings, campuses, and sports complexes throughout North America. Products include relays panels, controllers, occupancy/vacancy sensors, daylight sensors and wall switch stations. Ozop has a dedicated design team that produces system drawings and a technical support group for product questions and onsite system commissioning. Our mission is to be recognized for our deep understanding of power management systems and ability to provide the right solution for each facility.

About Ozop Capital Partners

Ozop Capital Partners, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, and wholly owns EV Insurance Company, Inc. (“EVIC”). EVIC, DBA Ozop Plus is licensed as a captive insurer that reinsures.

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“This press release contains or may contain, among other things, certain forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties. Such statements may include, without limitation, statements with respect to the company’s plans, objectives, projections, expectations and intentions and other statements identified by words such as “projects,” “may,” “will,” “could,” “would,” “should,” “believes,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “estimates,” “intends,” “plans,” “potential” or similar expressions. These statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of the company’s management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties, including those detailed in the company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results may differ significantly from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that are subject to change based on various factors (many of which are beyond the company’s control). The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.”

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What new services has Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC) added after its restructuring?

After restructuring, Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC) has expanded its services to include pre-site visits, project specification work, and other essential project support services, in addition to its existing lighting controls commissioning.

How has Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC) changed its business model in 2024?

Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC) has restructured its business model to allow rep agencies to sell Ozop's commissioning services, creating new revenue streams and enabling partners like Moxie Lighting to earn commissions on sales.

What are the tiers of the retooled Ozop Secure program offered by OZSC?

The retooled Ozop Secure program now offers four tiers of service: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Each tier provides different levels of support, ranging from comprehensive 24-hour response times to basic hotline assistance.

Who has Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC) partnered with for commissioning services in 2024?

Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC) has signed a key agreement with Moxie Lighting to provide commissioning services. This partnership includes Ozop completing training for various control lines offered by Moxie.



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