Owlet Launches Global Campaign Highlighting Life-Changing Stories from Parents

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Owlet, Inc. (NYSE: OWLT) has launched a global campaign called 'Only Owlet' to highlight the impact of stress and lack of sleep on parents' lives. The campaign features new research and real-life stories showcasing how Owlet's smart infant monitoring technology helps alleviate parental anxieties.

Key findings from the research include:

  • Exhaustion is the top emotion felt by parents during their baby's first year
  • Parents check on their baby up to 8 times each night
  • Nearly 75% of parents say infant monitoring technology reduces stress and anxiety
  • 96% of Owlet parents report more peace of mind
  • 94% of Owlet parents report better quality sleep

The campaign shares stories from parents who have benefited from Owlet's technology, including early detection of health issues and reduced anxiety. Owlet's CEO, Kurt Workman, emphasizes the company's mission to empower caregivers with critical information about their babies' health.

Owlet, Inc. (NYSE: OWLT) ha lanciato una campagna globale chiamata 'Only Owlet' per evidenziare l'impatto dello stress e della mancanza di sonno sulla vita dei genitori. La campagna include nuove ricerche e storie reali che mostrano come la tecnologia di monitoraggio intelligente per i neonati di Owlet aiuti ad alleviare le ansie genitoriali.

I risultati chiave della ricerca includono:

  • La stanchezza è l'emozione principale provata dai genitori durante il primo anno del bambino
  • I genitori controllano il proprio bambino fino a 8 volte ogni notte
  • Quasi il 75% dei genitori afferma che la tecnologia di monitoraggio infantile riduce stress e ansia
  • Il 96% dei genitori Owlet riferisce di avere maggiore tranquillità
  • Il 94% dei genitori Owlet riporta un sonno di migliore qualità

La campagna condivide storie di genitori che hanno beneficiato della tecnologia Owlet, compresa la rilevazione precoce di problemi di salute e la riduzione dell'ansia. Il CEO di Owlet, Kurt Workman, sottolinea la missione dell'azienda di fornire ai caregiver informazioni cruciali sulla salute dei loro bambini.

Owlet, Inc. (NYSE: OWLT) ha lanzado una campaña global llamada 'Only Owlet' para resaltar el impacto del estrés y la falta de sueño en la vida de los padres. La campaña presenta nuevas investigaciones e historias reales que muestran cómo la tecnología de monitoreo inteligente para bebés de Owlet ayuda a aliviar las ansiedades parentales.

Los hallazgos clave de la investigación incluyen:

  • El agotamiento es la emoción principal que sienten los padres durante el primer año de su bebé
  • Los padres revisan a su bebé hasta 8 veces cada noche
  • Casi el 75% de los padres dicen que la tecnología de monitoreo infantil reduce el estrés y la ansiedad
  • El 96% de los padres de Owlet reportan mayor tranquilidad
  • El 94% de los padres de Owlet reportan una mejor calidad de sueño

La campaña comparte historias de padres que se han beneficiado de la tecnología de Owlet, incluyendo la detección temprana de problemas de salud y la reducción de la ansiedad. El CEO de Owlet, Kurt Workman, enfatiza la misión de la empresa de empoderar a los cuidadores con información crítica sobre la salud de sus bebés.

Owlet, Inc. (NYSE: OWLT)는 'Only Owlet'라는 글로벌 캠페인을 시작하여 부모의 삶에 대한 스트레스와 수면 부족의 영향을 강조합니다. 이 캠페인은 Owlet의 스마트 유아 모니터링 기술이 부모의 불안을 어떻게 덜어주는지를 보여주는 새로운 연구와 실제 이야기들을 포함하고 있습니다.

연구의 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 부모들이 아기의 첫 해 동안 가장 많이 느끼는 감정은 피로입니다
  • 부모는 매일 밤 아기를 최대 8번 확인합니다
  • 거의 75%의 부모가 유아 모니터링 기술이 스트레스와 불안을 줄여준다고 말합니다
  • Owlet 부모의 96%가 더 많은 마음의 평화를 보고합니다
  • Owlet 부모의 94%가 더 나은 수면 품질을 보고합니다

이 캠페인은 Owlet의 기술로 혜택을 본 부모들의 이야기를 나누며, 조기 건강 문제 발견과 불안 감소를 포함합니다. Owlet의 CEO인 Kurt Workman은 아기 건강에 대한 중요한 정보를 제공하여 보호자를 Empower하는 회사의 사명을 강조합니다.

Owlet, Inc. (NYSE: OWLT) a lancé une campagne mondiale appelée 'Only Owlet' pour mettre en lumière l'impact du stress et du manque de sommeil sur la vie des parents. La campagne présente de nouvelles recherches et des histoires réelles montrant comment la technologie de surveillance intelligente pour bébés d'Owlet aide à réduire les angoisses parentales.

Les principaux résultats de la recherche incluent :

  • La fatigue est l'émotion principale ressentie par les parents pendant la première année de leur bébé
  • Les parents vérifient leur bébé jusqu'à 8 fois chaque nuit
  • Près de 75% des parents affirment que la technologie de surveillance infantile réduit le stress et l'anxiété
  • 96% des parents Owlet rapportent une plus grande tranquillité d'esprit
  • 94% des parents Owlet rapportent une meilleure qualité de sommeil

La campagne partage des histoires de parents qui ont bénéficié de la technologie d'Owlet, y compris la détection précoce de problèmes de santé et la réduction de l'anxiété. Le PDG d'Owlet, Kurt Workman, souligne la mission de l'entreprise d'aider les aidants avec des informations critiques sur la santé de leurs bébés.

Owlet, Inc. (NYSE: OWLT) hat eine globale Kampagne namens 'Only Owlet' gestartet, um die Auswirkungen von Stress und Schlafmangel auf das Leben von Eltern hervorzuheben. Die Kampagne umfasst neue Forschungsarbeiten und echte Geschichten, die zeigen, wie die intelligente Überwachungstechnologie von Owlet dazu beiträgt, elterliche Ängste abzubauen.

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Forschung sind:

  • Erschöpfung ist das Hauptgefühl, das Eltern im ersten Jahr ihres Babys empfinden
  • Eltern überprüfen ihr Baby bis zu 8 Mal jede Nacht
  • Fast 75% der Eltern geben an, dass die Überwachungstechnologie für Kleinkinder Stress und Angst reduziert
  • 96% der Owlet-Eltern berichten von mehr Seelenfrieden
  • 94% der Owlet-Eltern berichten von einer besseren Schlafqualität

Die Kampagne teilt Geschichten von Eltern, die von der Technologie von Owlet profitiert haben, einschließlich der frühzeitigen Erkennung von Gesundheitsproblemen und der Reduzierung von Ängsten. Der CEO von Owlet, Kurt Workman, betont die Mission des Unternehmens, Pflegeeltern mit wichtigen Informationen über die Gesundheit ihrer Babys zu unterstützen.

  • Owlet's infant monitoring technology reduces stress and anxiety for 75% of parents surveyed
  • 96% of Owlet parents report increased peace of mind
  • 94% of Owlet parents report improved sleep quality
  • Owlet has received two FDA clearances and global medical certifications
  • The company's technology provides real-time, actionable alarms for potentially critical events
  • None.

‘Only Owlet’ shows the impact stress & lack of sleep are having on the lives of parents globally and shares powerful stories from those who have found a solution

LEHI, Utah--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Owlet, Inc. (NYSE: OWLT) (the “Company” or “Owlet”), the pioneer of smart infant monitoring, launched Only Owlet, a global campaign that brings together new research and real-life stories to spotlight the common anxieties parents all experience, and how Owlet helps empower families around the world by helping them through the most difficult of challenges.

Parents Around the World Are Exhausted And Anxious

Owlet is sharing new data completed in conjunction with accredited research firm Censuswide, revealing the extent of the stress and worry that comes with being a new parent, and what parents need to alleviate these anxieties. The data shows that the top emotion felt by parents during the first year of their baby’s life is exhaustion – and rightfully so as parents are getting up to check on their baby up to eight times each night. Parents are anxious about their baby getting sick or passing away from sudden unexpected infant death syndrome/sudden infant death syndrome (SUIDS/SIDS), and caregivers around the globe are struggling with sleep deprivation, anxiety, and finding time for themselves.

Owlet Parents Have More Peace Of Mind

Almost 3 out of 4 of parents surveyed say that infant monitoring technology has helped them feel less stressed and anxious. Owlet is the answer for millions of parents across the globe. For more than a decade, Owlet has been at the forefront of technology development that empowers parents when it comes to their baby’s health. As the first company in the baby monitoring industry to have global medical certifications, including two FDA-clearances, Owlet provides caregivers with their baby’s live health vitals and sends real-time, actionable alarms allowing parents to rest easier while their baby sleeps or intervene in potentially critical events. In fact, 96% of Owlet parents surveyed have reported more peace of mind and 94% have reported better quality of sleep1.

“Owlet’s mission is to empower caregivers with critical information, so that they can take quick action on their babies’ health, or just feel confident their baby is safe while they sleep,” said Kurt Workman, Owlet Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder. “It’s clear from the data that parents around the world are in desperate need of sleep and peace of mind. Our Owlet parent stories demonstrate that health monitoring technology is impactful and very necessary.”

Real Stories, Real Impact

Kali is the mother of a 5-month-old, and an Owlet parent, who brought her baby home after a five day stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) due to fluid in his lungs. “During this two month period, my anxiety was through the roof. Constantly checking his chest, manually counting his respirations and pulse. I decided to get my hands on the Dream Sock. The very first night we used it I noticed the weight of my stress felt so much lighter.” Another parent, Brian, shared his story about how Owlet helped him know when to seek care for his baby. “We thought she just had a cold, but our Dream Sock notified us of her low oxygen, prompting us to take her to the hospital. We were informed that [she] had RSV [respiratory syncytial virus] and was admitted immediately. Without that knowledge, who knows how long we would have waited to bring her in.”

Whether it was receiving an alarm that prompted them to take immediate action, helping parents identify early signs of illness, or simply providing the peace of mind that helped them get back to sleep, hundreds of parents around the world have shared how Owlet has made a critical difference in their lives.

“The Only Owlet campaign is aimed at sharing stories like Kali and Brian’s with other parents, so that they can feel empowerment and community in their shared experiences,” said Liz Teran, Chief Marketing Officer at Owlet. “We invite all parents to share their stories with us. But most importantly, our goal is to give parents confidence in their baby’s safety and a solution for their worries, so that they can focus on enjoying the earliest and most challenging days of parenthood.”

To see how Owlet has been there for other families, or to share your own story, visit

Survey Methodology & Additional References

The total sample size was 3,012 parents (16+) with children aged 1 and under across Germany, the U.K. and the U.S. The research was conducted from 06.13.2024 – 06.18.2024. Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society which is based on the ESOMAR principles. Regional data for the U.S., U.K and German markets can be made available. Please contact for more information.

1. Reducing Caregiver Stress From At-Home Infant Monitoring: Results from a survey of Owlet Sock user experiences. Lehi, Utah: Owlet Baby Care, Inc.

About Owlet, Inc.

Owlet’s digital health infant monitoring platform is transforming the journey of parenting. Owlet, Inc. (NYSE:OWLT), a small-cap healthcare growth equity, offers FDA-authorized medical and consumer pediatric wearables and an integrated HD visual and audio camera that provide real-time data and insights to parents who safeguard health, optimize wellness, and ensure peaceful sleep, for their children.

Since 2012, over 2 million parents worldwide have used Owlet’s platform contributing to one of the largest collections of consumer infant health and sleep data. The Company continues to develop software and digital data solutions to bridge the current healthcare gap between hospital and home and bring new insights to parents and caregivers globally. Owlet believes that every child deserves to live a long, happy, and healthy life. To learn more, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We intend such forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward-looking statements contained in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements contained in this press release that do not relate to matters of historical fact should be considered forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements regarding the Company’s potential global reach and its devices’ expected efficacy. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as “estimate,” “may,” “believes,” “plans,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “goal,” “potential,” “upcoming,” “outlook,” “guidance,” “can,” the negation thereof, or similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements are based on the Company’s expectations at the time such statements are made, speak only as of the dates they are made and are susceptible to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors. The Company’s actual results, performance or achievements may differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by our forward-looking statements. Many important factors could affect the Company’s future results and cause those results to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the Company’s forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to, (i) the regulatory pathway for Owlet’s products, including submissions to, actions taken by and decisions and responses from regulators, such as the FDA and similar regulators outside of the United States, as well as Owlet’s ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval or certification for our products and other regulatory requirements and legal proceedings; (ii) Owlet’s competition and the Company’s ability to profitably grow and manage growth; (iii) the Company’s ability to enhance future operating and financial results or obtain additional financing to continue as a going concern; (iv) Owlet’s ability to obtain additional financing in the future, as well as risks associated with the Company’s current loan and debt agreements, including compliance with debt covenants, restrictions on the Company’s access to capital, the impact of the Company’s overall debt levels and the Company’s ability to generate sufficient future cash flows to meet Owlet’s debt service obligations and operate Owlet’s business; (v) the ability of Owlet to implement strategic initiatives, reduce costs, grow revenues, develop and launch new products, innovate and enhance existing products, meet customer demands and adapt to changes in consumer preferences and retail trends; (vi) Owlet’s ability to acquire, defend and protect its intellectual property and satisfy regulatory requirements, including but not limited to requirements concerning privacy and data protection, breaches and loss, as well as other risks associated with Owlet’s digital platforms and technologies; (vii) Owlet’s ability to maintain relationships with customers, manufacturers and suppliers and retain Owlet’s management and key employees; (viii) Owlet’s ability to upgrade and maintain its information technology systems; (ix) changes in applicable laws or regulations; (x) the impact of and disruption to Owlet’s business, financial condition, operations, supply chain and logistics due to economic and other conditions beyond the Company’s control, such as health epidemics or pandemics, macro-economic uncertainties, social unrest, hostilities, natural disasters or other catastrophic events; (xi) the possibility that Owlet may be adversely affected by other economic, business, regulatory, competitive or other factors, such as changes in discretionary consumer spending and consumer preferences; and (xii) other risks and uncertainties set forth in the Company’s other releases, public statements and filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including those identified in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, as updated in the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2024 and as any such factors may be updated from time to time in the Company’s other filings with the SEC. All such forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or any person acting on the Company’s behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements contained or referred to above. Moreover, the Company operates in an evolving environment. Except as required by law, the Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements after the date of this press release, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, although Owlet may do so from time to time.


Source: Owlet, Inc.


What is the 'Only Owlet' campaign launched by Owlet (OWLT)?

The 'Only Owlet' campaign is a global initiative by Owlet (OWLT) that showcases new research and real-life stories highlighting parental anxieties and how Owlet's smart infant monitoring technology helps alleviate these concerns.

How many times do parents check on their baby during the night, according to Owlet's research?

According to Owlet's research, parents check on their baby up to eight times each night during the first year of their baby's life.

What percentage of Owlet parents reported better quality sleep?

94% of Owlet parents surveyed reported better quality sleep when using Owlet's infant monitoring technology.

How many FDA clearances has Owlet (OWLT) received for its infant monitoring technology?

Owlet (OWLT) has received two FDA clearances for its infant monitoring technology, in addition to other global medical certifications.

What is the main emotion felt by parents during their baby's first year, according to Owlet's research?

According to Owlet's research, the top emotion felt by parents during the first year of their baby's life is exhaustion.

Owlet, Inc.


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