Splitero Announces $350M Capital Commitment from Blue Owl Managed Funds
Splitero has secured a significant capital commitment of up to $350 million from Blue Owl Capital managed funds for Home Equity Investments. The fintech company also announced its expansion into Tennessee and Virginia, broadening its home equity solutions reach.
The strategic investment will enable Splitero to help more homeowners access their home equity during a period of rising consumer debt and living costs. According to ICE Mortgage Monitor, U.S. homeowners currently hold $11.5 trillion of accessible home equity. Splitero's business model provides homeowners with immediate cash in exchange for a share of their home's future value, without requiring monthly payments or adding new debt.
Splitero ha ottenuto un importante impegno di capitale fino a 350 milioni di dollari da parte dei fondi gestiti da Blue Owl Capital per Investimenti in Patrimonio Casa. L'azienda fintech ha anche annunciato la sua espansione in Tennessee e Virginia, ampliando la portata delle sue soluzioni di patrimonio immobiliare.
L'investimento strategico consentirà a Splitero di aiutare un numero maggiore di proprietari di case ad accedere al proprio patrimonio immobiliare in un periodo di crescente indebitamento dei consumatori e alti costi della vita. Secondo ICE Mortgage Monitor, i proprietari di case negli Stati Uniti detengono attualmente 11,5 trilioni di dollari di patrimonio immobiliare accessibile. Il modello di business di Splitero offre ai proprietari di casa liquidità immediata in cambio di una quota del valore futuro della propria casa, senza richiedere pagamenti mensili o aggiungere nuovo debito.
Splitero ha asegurado un compromiso de capital significativo de hasta 350 millones de dólares de fondos gestionados por Blue Owl Capital para Inversiones en Patrimonio de Vivienda. La empresa fintech también anunció su expansión a Tennessee y Virginia, ampliando su alcance de soluciones de patrimonio de vivienda.
La inversión estratégica permitirá a Splitero ayudar a más propietarios a acceder a su patrimonio durante un periodo de creciente deuda del consumidor y costos de vida. Según el ICE Mortgage Monitor, los propietarios de viviendas en EE. UU. actualmente tienen 11.5 billones de dólares de patrimonio accesible. El modelo de negocio de Splitero proporciona a los propietarios de viviendas efectivo inmediato a cambio de una parte del valor futuro de su casa, sin requerir pagos mensuales ni añadir nueva deuda.
Splitero는 주택 자산 투자를 위한 Blue Owl Capital이 관리하는 자금으로 최대 3억 5천만 달러의 상당한 자본 약속을 확보했습니다. 이 핀테크 회사는 테네시와 버지니아로의 확장도 발표하여 주택 자산 솔루션의 범위를 넓혔습니다.
이 전략적 투자는 Splitero가 증가하는 소비자 부채와 생활비가 상승하는 시기에 더 많은 주택 소유자가 자산에 접근할 수 있도록 도와줄 것입니다. ICE 모기지 모니터에 따르면, 미국 주택 소유자는 현재 11.5조 달러의 접근 가능한 주택 자산을 보유하고 있습니다. Splitero의 사업 모델은 주택 소유자에게 향후 집의 가치의 일부를 대가로 즉시 현금을 제공하며, 월별 지불을 요구하거나 새로운 부채를 추가하지 않습니다.
Splitero a sécurisé un engagement de capital important pouvant atteindre 350 millions de dollars de la part des fonds gérés par Blue Owl Capital pour les Investissements en Équité Domestique. La société fintech a également annoncé son expansion dans le Tennessee et la Virginie, élargissant ainsi la portée de ses solutions d'équité immobilière.
Cet investissement stratégique permettra à Splitero d'aider un plus grand nombre de propriétaires à accéder à leur équité domiciliaire en période de hausse des dettes des consommateurs et des coûts de la vie. Selon l'ICE Mortgage Monitor, les propriétaires de maisons aux États-Unis détiennent actuellement 11,5 billions de dollars d'équité domiciliaire accessible. Le modèle commercial de Splitero offre aux propriétaires de maison des liquidités immédiates en échange d'une partie de la valeur future de leur maison, sans nécessiter de paiements mensuels ni ajouter de nouvelles dettes.
Splitero hat sich ein bedeutendes Kapitalengagement von bis zu 350 Millionen Dollar von den verwalteten Fonds von Blue Owl Capital für Immobilieninvestitionen gesichert. Das Fintech-Unternehmen gab auch seine Expansion nach Tennessee und Virginia bekannt, wodurch der Zugang zu seinen Immobilienlösungen erweitert wird.
Diese strategische Investition wird es Splitero ermöglichen, mehr Hausbesitzern den Zugang zu ihrem Immobilienvermögen zu erleichtern, in einer Zeit steigender Verbraucherschulden und Lebenshaltungskosten. Laut dem ICE Mortgage Monitor verfügen US-Hausbesitzer derzeit über 11,5 Billionen Dollar an verfügbarer Immobilienvermögen. Das Geschäftsmodell von Splitero bietet Hausbesitzern sofortige Liquidität im Austausch für einen Anteil am zukünftigen Wert ihres Hauses, ohne monatliche Zahlungen zu verlangen oder neue Schulden aufzubauen.
- Secured $350 million capital commitment from Blue Owl Capital funds
- Geographic expansion into two new states (Tennessee and Virginia)
- Access to substantial market opportunity ($11.5 trillion in accessible home equity)
- None.
The timing is particularly strategic given current market conditions - high consumer debt levels and elevated living costs are driving demand for alternative financing solutions. By avoiding traditional debt structures and instead taking equity positions, this investment model offers lower risk exposure compared to conventional lending. For Blue Owl shareholders, this represents a calculated expansion into consumer finance that could drive fee-based revenue growth.
The expansion into Tennessee and Virginia, coupled with the significant capital injection, positions Splitero to capture growing market demand for alternative home equity solutions. With interest rates remaining elevated, traditional refinancing has become less attractive, creating an opportunity for innovative financial products like HEIs. The timing aligns with homeowners' increasing need to access equity without taking on additional monthly payments.
Current market conditions support this business model - high home values have created substantial equity, while rising consumer debt and living costs drive demand for liquidity solutions. This investment indicates Blue Owl's confidence in both the business model and market opportunity, particularly as traditional lending faces headwinds in the current rate environment.
Home Equity Investment Originator to Provide More Homeowners Access to Equity and Announces Expansion into
In addition, Splitero announced today that it expanded its home equity solutions to
"We are excited to collaborate with Blue Owl as we further drive our mission to provide homeowners the support they need," said Splitero Founder and CEO Michael Gifford. "This investment allows us to ensure that more homeowners can access their home equity to secure their financial future."
"Blue Owl is pleased to provide a capital commitment from its funds that will further enable Splitero to expand homeowners' access to capital," said Ivan Zinn, Head of Alternative Credit at Blue Owl. "We look forward to seeing Splitero's continued success and helping support them in this next phase of growth."
This strategic investment allows Splitero to help more homeowners access equity from their homes as consumer debt reaches all-time highs and the cost of living continues to climb.
According to data from ICE Mortgage Monitor,
About Splitero
Splitero is a financial technology company that provides homeowners better options to access their home equity. Founded by real estate veterans, Splitero provides a lump sum of cash in exchange for a share of the home's future value. Splitero can help homeowners in
About Blue Owl
Blue Owl (NYSE: OWL) is a leading asset manager that is redefining alternatives.
Together with over 1,050 experienced professionals, Blue Owl brings the vision and discipline to create the exceptional. To learn more, visit www.blueowl.com.
Media Contacts
Jennifer Avrhami, Publicist
Pitch Public Relations
Nick Theccanat
Principal, Corporate Communications & Government Affairs
+1 212-970-6868
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SOURCE Splitero