Ovintiv Names Terri King to Board of Directors
Ovintiv Inc. (NYSE: OVV) has appointed Terri G. King as an independent member of its board of directors, effective January 31, 2025. King, 63, recently retired from ConocoPhillips where she served as Chief Commercial Officer and Vice President. Her extensive career at ConocoPhillips included roles as President of Lower 48, President of Europe & North Africa, President of United Kingdom, and General Manager of Global Production.
King holds a Bachelor of Science in engineering science from Trinity University and an MBA from the University of Houston. She is also a licensed Professional Engineer. This appointment represents Ovintiv's third new independent director in three years, demonstrating the company's ongoing board refreshment process.
Ovintiv Inc. (NYSE: OVV) ha nominato Terri G. King come membro indipendente del proprio consiglio di amministrazione, a partire dal 31 gennaio 2025. King, 63 anni, è recentemente andata in pensione da ConocoPhillips, dove ha ricoperto il ruolo di Chief Commercial Officer e Vice Presidente. La sua vasta carriera in ConocoPhillips ha incluso ruoli come Presidente della Lower 48, Presidente per Europa e Nord Africa, Presidente del Regno Unito e Direttore Generale della Produzione Globale.
King possiede una Laurea in ingegneria scientifica presso la Trinity University e un MBA presso l'Università di Houston. È anche un ingegnere professionista autorizzato. Questa nomina rappresenta il terzo nuovo direttore indipendente per Ovintiv in tre anni, dimostrando il continuo processo di rinnovamento del consiglio dell'azienda.
Ovintiv Inc. (NYSE: OVV) ha nombrado a Terri G. King como miembro independiente de su junta directiva, a partir del 31 de enero de 2025. King, de 63 años, se retiró recientemente de ConocoPhillips, donde se desempeñó como Directora Comercial y Vicepresidenta. Su extensa carrera en ConocoPhillips incluyó roles como Presidenta de Lower 48, Presidenta de Europa y África del Norte, Presidenta del Reino Unido y Gerente General de Producción Global.
King tiene una Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Ingeniería de la Trinity University y un MBA de la Universidad de Houston. También es ingeniera profesional con licencia. Este nombramiento representa el tercer nuevo director independiente para Ovintiv en tres años, demostrando el continuo proceso de renovación de la junta de la empresa.
Ovintiv Inc. (NYSE: OVV)는 Terri G. King을 독립 이사로 임명했으며, 이 임명은 2025년 1월 31일부터 유효합니다. 63세인 King은 최근 ConocoPhillips에서 최고 상업 책임자 및 부사장으로 은퇴했습니다. 그녀는 ConocoPhillips에서 Lower 48의 사장, 유럽 및 북아프리카의 사장, 영국의 사장, 글로벌 생산의 총괄 관리자로서 다양한 경력을 쌓았습니다.
King은 Trinity University에서 엔지니어링 과학 학사 학위를 받고, 휴스턴 대학교에서 MBA를 받았습니다. 또한, 그녀는 면허가 있는 전문 엔지니어입니다. 이번 임명은 Ovintiv의 3년 만에 세 번째 새로운 독립 이사를 맞이하는 것이며, 이는 회사의 지속적인 이사회 갱신 과정을 나타냅니다.
Ovintiv Inc. (NYSE: OVV) a nommé Terri G. King en tant que membre indépendant de son conseil d'administration, à compter du 31 janvier 2025. King, âgée de 63 ans, a récemment pris sa retraite de ConocoPhillips, où elle a occupé le poste de Directrice Commerciale et de Vice-Présidente. Sa carrière extensive chez ConocoPhillips a inclus des rôles tels que Présidente de Lower 48, Présidente de l'Europe et de l'Afrique du Nord, Présidente du Royaume-Uni et Directrice Générale de la Production Mondiale.
King détient un Bachelor of Science en sciences de l'ingénierie de la Trinity University et un MBA de l'Université de Houston. Elle est également ingénieure professionnelle agréée. Cette nomination représente le troisième nouveau directeur indépendant pour Ovintiv en trois ans, démontrant le processus continu de renouvellement du conseil d'administration de l'entreprise.
Ovintiv Inc. (NYSE: OVV) hat Terri G. King zum unabhängigen Mitglied des Vorstands ernannt, mit Wirkung zum 31. Januar 2025. King, 63 Jahre alt, hat kürzlich bei ConocoPhillips als Chief Commercial Officer und Vizepräsidentin ihren Rücktritt erklärt. Ihre umfangreiche Karriere bei ConocoPhillips umfasste Positionen als Präsidentin für Lower 48, Präsidentin für Europa und Nordafrika, Präsidentin des Vereinigten Königreichs sowie als General Manager für globale Produktion.
King hält einen Bachelor of Science in Ingenieurwissenschaften von der Trinity University sowie einen MBA von der University of Houston. Sie ist ebenfalls eine lizenzierten professionelle Ingenieurin. Diese Ernennung stellt den dritten neuen unabhängigen Direktor für Ovintiv innerhalb von drei Jahren dar und zeigt den fortwährenden Erneuerungsprozess des Vorstands des Unternehmens.
- Addition of experienced energy industry executive with over 30 years of global leadership experience
- Continuation of active board refreshment process with third new independent director in three years
- Strengthening of corporate governance through diverse industry expertise
- None.
King, 63, retired from ConocoPhillips Company (ConocoPhillips) in 2023 as Chief Commercial Officer and Vice President. During her lengthy career with ConocoPhillips, she held various roles including President, Lower 48; President,
King received her Bachelor of Science degree in engineering science from Trinity University and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of
"We are most pleased to welcome Terri to our board of directors," said Ovintiv Chairman, Peter Dea. "She brings with her a wealth of energy industry and leadership experience that spans three-plus decades around the globe. Terri's insights will be invaluable to our Board as we continue our work to provide sound corporate governance, trusted advice and meaningful stakeholder engagement."
Ovintiv maintains an ongoing Board refreshment process. King's appointment marks the Company's third new independent director in as many years.
Further information on Ovintiv Inc. is available on the Company's website, www.ovintiv.com, or by contacting:
Investor contact: (888) 525-0304 | Media contact: (403) 645-2252 |
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SOURCE Ovintiv Inc.
When will Terri King join Ovintiv's (OVV) board of directors?
What was Terri King's most recent position before joining OVV's board?
How many new independent directors has OVV appointed in recent years?
What is Terri King's educational background and professional qualification?